GAPI - Introduction
What misfortune made you check this blog? Well, now you're here, let me explain what the blog and project is about. GAPI stands for Genetic Algorithm for Pile-Ins. Genetic Algorithms are a form of machine learning (or artificial intellgence). They are particularly suited to find solution where a more intuitive solution to a problem is required.
Pile-ins are a key element to Age of Sigmar, where a lot of variables meet. The formation of a unit, the clever use of a piece of terrain, the combat range of melee weapons and potential bonuses to pile-in moves all come together at this point, and they can influence the combat performance of a unit greatly. But because of the fluid nature of pile-ins it is difficult to calculate exactly how good or how bad a situation is exploited by a player. Then, there is also the opponent's ability to counter the plan.
If we can not exactly calculate the effectiveness of formations, combat range and terrain, then there seem to be two alternatives:
- Testing ideas against an opponent.
- Empirical research.
The former requires a high availability of opponents. The latter requires a vast amount of data. This is where a program that executes steps of the game for us can play a valuable role. Whether GAPI will eventually become that program remains to be seen, but that is the mission.
GAPI will be designed to automate pile-ins, for any situation we throw at it. We start with a proof of concept, and aim to gradually improve the A.I.'s:
- Effectivness: its ability to tackle different situations
- Efficiency: the speed to find a strong pile-in strategy
- Accuracy: how closely it follows physical and gaming restrictions
A tool will be published where GAPI can be displayed and seen in action.
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