This weeks output 17/09/16
So here's what I've painted over the last week, first up is my white dwarf slaughterpriest conversion using blightking parts and a little green stuff.
Second is the first of two models that I'm not sure what they'll work as warscroll wise, so if you have ideas comment below. They're made from minotaurs with giant heads.
Next are a unit of plaguebearers, I painted them last week but got the basing done this week. I just wanted to show how a basic unit of mine looks. The scheme takes no time to paint. In fact I painted these guys between getting home from work one night and going to bed which was less than 2 hours. They're spray primed, then sprayed green or yellow. From they're I was them with nuln oil, then coelia greenshade, while the wash is still wet I dab areas with feugan orange. Then I drybrush the models with ushabti bone to highlight. Then I move on to the weapons, they're based with runefang steel, they get one coat of tamiya clear blue, and one of tamiya clear green and finally an all over of nurgle's rot. Then I pick out the eyes with yellow (I can't remember it's name) and wash them with feugan orange. Then I pick out all the scabs, guts and mouths with tamiya clear red and do the odd pustule or wound with clear blue or clear green. Then they get a spray with a clear gloss varnish... done!
Two spawn I've had for a while, but finally got painted.
Finally a blast from the past, or rather a unit I got together before starting this blog: three beasts of nurgle. They're swamp trolls or fellwater troggoths (I think?) with spare plaguedrone heads.
Thanks for stopping by!
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