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Musings and Army Planning - Dragon Ogors and Monsters Oh My

Kevin K


My current 2000 pt army was built for v2 to be semi-competitive while still using Dragon Ogors and monsters where possible.  Nessessities of keeping them competitive meant that I couldn't have too many of what I really loved.  I always played with 6 Dragon Ogors (sometime as one unit, sometimes two), a Shaggoth, and an Ghorgon.  The rest was mostly Bestigors, ungor raiders, and some support because that was what was actually good.  I did fairly well with that army, especially considering how bad everyone claimed BoC were, and everything in the army had a job and did that job.

The world seems completely different in v3 (note: I've only played one small game so I could be completely wrong but I've done a lot of thinking about this too).  Bestigors seem really bad right now.  Dragon Ogors look better because of the cost and new healing/damaging Battle Trait.  Bullgors look like the real strength right now - though I only have a single unit of 3.  In any case, the world seems rough for Beasts of Chaos - even attempting to be only semi-competitive.

I've been thinking about where to take the next 500 pts in the escalation/slow grow league I'm currently in.  As was pointed out in a recent comment, I've gotten a bit off track of my original army and why I got into Beasts of Chaos to begin with which chasing the "semi-competitive" list.  So I think I've decided to embrace life at the bottom and lean into what I really like - Dragon Ogors and Monsters.  We will be starting with 1000 pt list at the beginning of August.  Building on my previous 500 pts, I'll be adding a Cygor (yeah, he's terrible but he looks awsome so what the heck), 3 Dragon Ogors, and a Shaggoth (reusing my current one - not new).  I'll also add the Chimera to the list, rather than waiting to summon.  I'll just summon chariots and Bestigors instead.

This list may never win a game, but we'll see.  Beast have some great shenanigans and cheap monsters seem like they could be good, so who knows.  Now to figure out what weapons to put on the Dragon Ogors



Edited by Kevin K

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The mentality 'build what looks good' really makes sense when there is no meta units to be paranoid about finishing first.

A Chaos monster army sounds like a fantastic idea, very old-school fluff. Looks great on the shelf and gives you lots of options for a traditional list when the rules get fixed.

I'm all about elite cav. and really dig the dragon ogor kit, though sucks they never got totally fleshed out with a proper Shaggoth update. you've got yours so all good!


As the Dragon ogor kit doesn't have much variety aside from weapon options you should at least have a few kits of each loadout, or take the opportunity to make swappable arms. (or use smallish dab of superglue at the arm connections to make it swappable later)
I'd imagine with the war-glaves 2" reach, a unit of 6 could manage coherency with all models fighting (interlocked W formation) so adding to the warglave unit would be cool.

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On 8/19/2021 at 10:27 AM, CrimsonKing said:

As the Dragon ogor kit doesn't have much variety aside from weapon options you should at least have a few kits of each loadout, or take the opportunity to make swappable arms. (or use smallish dab of superglue at the arm connections to make it swappable later)
I'd imagine with the war-glaves 2" reach, a unit of 6 could manage coherency with all models fighting (interlocked W formation) so adding to the warglave unit would be cool.

I think I've come to the same conclusion and will build glaives (only one I don't have).  I did super glue the arms of my current ones so I could potentially change them out later if they ever become a real choice and even super glued the weapon heads on the shafts to switch between glaives and heavy weapons.

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