I love miniatures games. I have collected and played them on and off for over 30 years now and the I believe the first one I bought was the original Adeptus Titanicus (the one with the polystyrene buildings) so Games Workshop has always had a special place in my heart. I've played a few GW games over the years, most notably Blood Bowl but also including among others Warhammer 40K, Lord of the Rings, Adeptus Titanicus, Epic 40K, Battlefleet Gothic, Space Crusade, and Space Hulk.
Here is my dirty little secret:
I have never played Warhammer.
Arguably the miniatures game that started it all off, I have never actually played the original fantasy battle game. Just before Covid-19 hit, I dropped by my local Warhammer store and had a demo game and I was quite impressed at how smooth and simple the current incarnation (Age of Sigmar) plays. So armed with some birthday money I went back to the store and bought the current basic starter set (Storm Strike) with a few paints, and set off on this journey.
My goal: I would like a game that fits on my kitchen table (quite small 3' by 4') using just 2 or 3 units and handful of heroes on each side, that can be challenging between two experienced opponents but is simple enough that I can play it with my 8-year-old. A game that presents a range of tactical and narrative options but that can be finished within 1 - 2 hours. I want to see if Age of Sigmar fits the bill and doesn't use up too much of my precious time and money, and I'd like to blog about my experiences in the hope that you dear reader might gain some useful insight, or at the very least be mildly entertained.
Here we go.
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