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Skaven lists before questions infrequently asked are kind of answered

Ineffectual Clawlord


With quite possibly some major points changes looming around the corner, I wanted to paint a picture of what Skaven units are used in tournaments currently (i.e. since the last major change in the summer). Therefore, I checked events on tabletop.to with more than 15 participants and noted which units were used. I did find 74 different lists, however I wasn't interested in who did well or what the top lists were. Rather my interest was what people felt comfortable bringing to a tournament. The following list shows if a unit was included, not how often.

It is of course not exhaustive and I'm quite certain that I made mistakes here and there, but nonetheless I feel confident that this provides pretty good picture.

Unit                        absolute          percentage

Clanrats                 63                   85.1

Engineers             52                  70.3

Plague Monks      51                  68.9

Screaming Bell     49                  66.2

Stormfiends          28                 37.8

WL Vortex            28                

Jezzails                 27                 36.5

Grey Seer             19                  25.7

Arch-Warlock     19

Plague Furnace   17                 23

Warpseer             16                 21.6

Vermintide          13                 17.6

Acolytes               12                16.2

Thanquol             10                13.5

Deceiver               10

Corruptor             10

Ratling Guns        9                  12.2

WL Cannon          9

Doomwheel         7                  9.5

Plague Priest        7

Warbringer            5                6.8

Clawlord               4                 5.4

Stormvermin        4

Warpfire              3                  4.1

Warpgnaw VL     3

Skreetch               3

Deathmaster, HP Abomination  2

Censer Bearers, Flayers, Clawlord on Brood Horror, Master Moulder, Giant Rats, Gutter-, Nightrunners      1


Including Forgeworld models and endless spells, Skaven have currently access to 44 unique units. 23 of these are used in more than 5% of tournament lists. 13 are used more than 15% of the time. 63 of the lists were mixed Skaven, 7 Pestilens, 3 Skryre and 1 Eshin. Skryre heroes forming such an easy and effective power-pair with most shooting units is the reason you see them essentially in every list.

When you look at the placings, it feels noteworthy that the same lists (with minimal variations e.g. picking different endless spells for the same points) can go 4-1 or 1-4. None of the major archetypes are consistently superior, rather they depend on the commander, match-ups, scenarios etc.

With a few exceptions, e.g. Doom Flayers, most units that aren't chosen aren't even bad, just sub-optimal - maybe not even that. The gap is in most cases far smaller than people assume and can often be fixed with a small push (-10% cost) and a small pull (+10% for the popular option). Others, like Hellpit 2d6 movement, would require a warscroll change to make them truly desirable.

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Thank you! Personally I'm a bit disappointed by the number of units not taken. 😉

The winter FAQ didn't really incentivize picking the forgotten half of our roster, although depending on how much Monks are nerfed it might just do that.


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