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AoS Reminders v2.7.3 - Shareable Army links, Tomb Kings, and Wound Allocation phase



AoS Reminders - v2.7.3

Share Army links, Tomb Kings, and Wound Allocation phase

  • You can now share armies with your friends and communities via an aosreminders.com URL!
  • Rules that are applied any time a unit takes a wound now occur in the "Wound Allocation" phase. @JohnSchramm
    • Previously, these types of rules were generally stored in "During Game"
    • I think this very nicely tidies up a lot of rules when your units are being attacked!
  • Added Tomb Kings @BenKidd
    • Battlescribe import is supported!


  • Added Share button and modal
  • "Allegiances" dropdown now has army-specific header @exonian
    • E.g. Sylvaneth will have "Glades", Cities of Sigmar will have "Cities", Slaanesh will have "Hosts"
  • Added a border to light-mode modals

Project Maintenance

  • Improved service worker updating - now you can just click to reload the application, rather than having to close all open tabs


  • Updated stripe
  • Added the ability to generate and save army links
  • Improved migrate utility - now migrates linked armies as well as saved armies


  • Added even more Battlescribe/Azyr/Warscroll Builder fixes and tests
  • Fixed a bug where hidden reminders were appearing in generated PDFs
  • Consolidated and cleaned up a ton of rules
    • When we merge rules in the PDF/Reminders, we make sure the name AND description of the rule match exactly, which means if there are tiny variances when there shouldn't be, we don't combine rules efficiently in the pdf printout
    • You should notice many more rules being properly merged now
  • Added a bunch of missing Skaven spells
  • Fixed some Stormcast rules with the wrong phases @exonian
  • Updated scenery with new Penumbral rules @JohnSchramm
  • Added Grymwatch @JohnSchramm
  • Added the Big Rukk battalion
  • Removed Beastclaw Raiders and Gutbusters
    • Any imports of these armies is now converted to Ogor Mawtribes


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