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This one is kinda a cool story. I always wanted to have one, because of the warscroll. He has the ability to heal an unit with keyword Order and he has his little Gryphound fellow. Unfotunatly you cannot buy this one from the GW webside. He`s a special model in some boxed set.
I don`t know why, but I was able to buy this in the GW store in the next major city. I think this was really lucky and I`m happy to have him. I don`t spend much time on painting him because I wanted him to be finished for a game. So everything went in a hurry. In the end there are a lot of little flaws. But no one will notice it on the table ;)


I really like the free Gryphound which comes with this priest. You have a lot of possibilities with this one in a game.

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