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Meeting Morgusson, the Ironwarden



I decided to assemble this pack of Ironbreakers as Irondrakes because I loved the idea of having a dwarven gunline belching fire and torpedos at anything that  got dug in against my Liberators for too long.

I assembled the Ironwarden model first, and named him Morgusson. I started thinking about his backstory and motivation, and naturally grudges were going to be a big part of it. Reading the Core Book's lore on Sigmar clamping down on infighting in Azyr among the factions made me wonder: how would you handle a grudge against one of his chosen heroes? Stormcast were all mortal once and they had flaws, and they made mistakes. I thought about how a Duardin would have to navigate that tricky situation, in which someone who had been put in his grudge book became one of Sigmar's golden boys. It gave me a hook to see how these characters would work in a game and to create a story about them.

For now here's Morgusson, assembled with his Grudgehammer Torpedo.

In an upcoming entry I'll bring up the Lord-Celestant himself and some backstory on who he was and who he is now.



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