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Hey guys, Aiden here again after my long hiatus learning how Microsoft Excel works and when it is or is not appropriate to assault office workers with a list write-up. Next weekend myself and the majority of Wellington’s die hard AOS scene will be competing in Notorious Hammer, a tournament set up by the members of the widely popular Notorious AOS Podcast (https://notoriousaos.podbean.com/). It’s also one of the last tournaments of the year that offer points contributing towards the 2018 National Rankings, which in turn decide who gets invited to the Masters Tournament in December. And let’s just say this Plague Priest right here needs a good result if he wants to be slinging filth with the big boys in a few months.

After having poor results with the Mixed Chaos Skaven list I threw together for Call to Arms, I’ve decided to stick with what I already know and am confident with in my standard Clan Pestilens list. It’ll also be the first tournament in a while where I won’t spend the week beforehand aggressively painting Clanrats, so win-win.

With the lists out for the tournament it also gives me a chance to compare and contrast what I’ve put forward and see which of my list building tactics paid off and where I should have spent more focus. There are a grand total of 7 Stormcast armies, which I’m sure (Evocators) isn’t related to the release (Evocators) of some crazy new undercosted (Evocators) unit that is absolutely broken and unfair (EVOCATORRRRS). On top of that there’s a good friend of mine and his iconic 4 Zombie Dragon list and an absolute Mad-lad running a magic themed Bonesplitterz army. Also a boatload of Ironjawz players and a solitary Skaven player besides myself running the Skryre Clan, which is a shame because he seemed nice.

But with the exposition complete, here’s a peek at what I’ll be running.

Allegiance: Pestilens
Mortal Realm: Ulgu

Verminlord Corruptor (220)
- Trait: Master of Rot and Ruin
- Artefact: Sword of Judgement
Plague Furnace (180)
Artefact: Liber Bubonicus
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)

5 x Plague Censer Bearers (60)
5 x Plague Censer Bearers (60)
30 x Plague Monks (210)
Foetid Blades
30 x Plague Monks (210)
Foetid Blades
30 x Plague Monks (210)
Foetid Blades
40 x Clanrats (200)
Rusty Spear
40 x Clanrats (200)
Rusty Spear

Plaguesmog Congregation (140)

Endless Spells
Chronomantic Cogs (60)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 219

With the Stormcast Meta in full swing, I no longer need to run minimum sized Plague Monk units to dodge getting immolated by the lethal spell of a roaming Gaunt Summoner. Great Plague spam is once again the name of my game, because Wither is potentially my favourite ability in the whole game I’ve made sure every single character in my army can use it, and with a grand total of 6 prayers per turn it’s incredibly likely I’ll be getting the Neverplague on turn 1.

As the Clanrats don’t benefit from the Strength in Numbers buff they’ll either be forming a highly disposable screen against Ironjawz and Sacrosanct or sitting behind the army holding objectives and refusing to leave them while the Plague Monks do all the actual work.

Sword of Judgement Corruptor can more or less do whatever he wants. If the enemy knows anything about what he does to any hero or behemoth he encounters they’ll build a wall smack between him and their Lord Arcanum / Alarielle / Glottkin to prevent him from running in and basically tearing it in half. Those that don’t know what he does will lose said characters by the end of turn 2 after they try to “smash the rat” with their big guy.

The Plague Priests and the Furnace will roll around slapping anything within eyeshot of a Plague Monk to make sure they rip and tear them to pieces. When this isn’t the case, the enemy is going to have a LOT of Pestilential Breath raining down on their clustered units as they try to form a shield wall against the swarm.

The Censer Bearers will shunt the Furnace up, the battalion providing their survivability against shooting, so they can advance in the centre. The Furnace can more or less serve as the ideal hammer and threat magnet while shooting Rabid Fever and Wither down on the soon-to-be victims of the monks accompanying it.

Here’s hoping all goes according to plan and I can secure myself an invite to the Masters Tournament, or I won’t be able to do another write-up.


Recommended Comments

On 10/1/2018 at 10:12 PM, Spooksmcgee said:

Good luck brosuf


On 10/2/2018 at 4:37 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

Good luck.

Yes-yes kill-slay posterthings

kill-slay for Skreech,

take-steal City burrows,

Gloooooooooory to Pestilence.

Man-things will drown in a deluge of filth

Burn the stormkeeps

rat-war now

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1 hour ago, AIdenNicol444 said:


Man-things will drown in a deluge of filth

Burn the stormkeeps

rat-war now

Chance the name to “age of the horned one”.

Yes-yes our time has come.

Manthings, chaosthings, Aelvethings, beardthings, Lizardthings and all not mentioned fool things, shall Die-die soon.


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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