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Hello and welcome to the first entry in my Pestilens blog. Everyone who knows me knows I more or less exclusively play skaven armies, predominantly Pestilens and have played the Clan Pestilens since I started playing Age of Sigmar, right after the release of their battletome way back at the start of the game. I've played them in numerous tournaments, first at Wellington Warhost 2016, where i came a dazzling last place out of 16 or so contenders (got Best Sports however, being a good loser and all) and since then have earned a reputation as a back of the pack player who just doesn't know when to give up and start playing a top tier army.  Since the Generals Handbook 2017 I've seen a stark improvement, winning over half of my games at each tournament since (NICon, Inepticon and the NZ 2017 Masters) and after the kind words of some of the best in the NZ scene I've decided to keep at it with my beloved rats.

This blog will follow the repainting of my Skaven Pestilens (I started playing on them, they are less than impressive currently), all results from games I play, interesting happenings in the NZ scene and of course, a place for skaven players to hide from the roving gangs on Tzeentch players crushing our hordes and stealing our warpstone.

For the Horned Rat, and the Withered Word!

Aiden Nicol


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Interested to see your ideas and how the blog progresses Aiden.  Been great hearing how far you've come with Pestilens from the Wellington lads.  Shows the importance of knowing your army inside and out to maximise its effectiveness.  

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Thanks Dan, always cool to get feedback from one of the bigger names in our community.  Hopefully we can talk more about it when I win the 2018 Masters Tournament eh?

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