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Within the Relm of Ghur, the land of untamed savagery there is area known as the Shrouded Fens. A vast land of Fens, forested swamps, peaty bogs, grassy Marshes. This whole area is nearly continuously covered in driving rains, dense fogs and Gales. But deep in these wild lands stories are told about relics of the world that was, cities of gold and forgotten knowledge.  Since the start of the Age of Chaos, servants of the dark powers have been clashing with the Orruks, of the Ironjawzs for control of the Fens. 

With the end of the relmgate wars, other forces have started to look to the Shrouded Fens as a resource to exploit. A band of noble Aelfs have recent been seen sailing the wide rivers of the marsh in slender and resplendent ships.  Duardin Fyreslayers led by the King Ulric "The Burning Axe" have set out on a quest to recover a source of ur-gold from deep within the marsh.  The ever venturous Kharadrons have been seen scouting the marshes. Sent to drive out the forces of chaos from the realm two great storm hosts and the Seraphon have been sent to cleanse the realm. But old grudges and divided purposes will drive these factions to battle themselves. Finaly even the legions of the dead have been dispatched under the leadership of Henrik Von Carstien. 


Welcome to my Blog detailing my experiences with running an escalation league for my local gaming club.

About Me:

At the start I will quickly introduce myself. I have been a wargamer since I was a teenage getting into Warhammer 40k around 1997. And Warhammer fantasy battles shortly after I played until around 2005. 5 years later I had immigrated to the USA, and was happily married, looking for something to do with my spare time I returned to the hobby.  The focus has been again primarily on 40K, as it’s the main game played in my local area, but I have allways had a passion for Warhammer Fantasy and shortly before the end times I started playing, and have been playing AOS  on and off since its release.

My Local group that Iam apart of has been most 40k all the time. But since the release of GH2016 I have been trying to build interest in Age of Sigma, and then last month asked my local cub if they wanted to try an escalation league.  I got around 14 people who said they were interested so I spent last month planning out the league.

This blog is for me to share my experiences, both with the running of the league. But also with my own activity’s within it.  


About the League:

As a Narrative driven gamer, I wanted the league to be more than just a table of fixtures and results. I wanted some story, so taking inspiration from the old Warhammer fantasy dark shadows campaign I created a setting for the wars. (The fluff introduction to this post).  I loved the dark shadows campaign, and with little bits of story that I plan to write I think that it will work as a setting for the league.

Objectively the league isn’t about working out who is the best AOS player in the club. The Aim is to “The objective of this event is to encourage the members of club to get some games of Age of Sigmar against each other, and meet and get to know one another”

Setting this league up has been an experience, and I thought it worth talking as much about that side of things as my own personal involvement with the league. I haven’t decided how I am going to divide up these posts. But my next post will be on how I organized the parings for the league.  


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