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A place for me to tell the story of my path to glory war band- the Sylvaneth of the Witch Hazel Grove.702000716_Herald(2).jpg.7a1146ecafaa2ffbbc7bb05ea1c25fe8.jpg

Entries in this blog

The Sylvaneth of the Witch Hazel

It begins with a single sapling, pushing through the earth as the days shorten and the nights grow darker. Perhaps growing in a town square, sometimes hidden in an overgrown garden. Most frequently, it will take root somewhere in the wilderness of the realms, unseen and unnoticed. The sapling is not much to look at save for one detail- even in heat of the sun its leaves are frozen solid.  Those who have heard the legend will act quickly. A mage or priest may dig the sapling up, set a fire w


Azamar in Path to Glory

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