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About this blog

Blog dedicated to my AoS 3.0 Blades of Khorne Mounted Army. Will include 12 Skullcrushers, 10 fleshhounds, 10 Chaos Knights.

Some elements are from previous WHFB forces, and will be undergoing re-basing and painting.

Entries in this blog

Doggies and hangers-on

Stage 2 of the project is completing the fleshhounds (old conversions and new set), Kharnak, and basing my Insensate Rage Thirster's base. Here is the progress shots of the soon to be decently completed doggos: In case I bother to run a slaughterpriest (likely) or a Bloodsecrator (unlikely) had these for a good while: In the back (Thirster) ive been finalizing his base along with the dogs: My planning for the project is in stages: Stage 1 : 6 skullcrushers


CrimsonKing in Khorne

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