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A Warcry AI (First Draft)

A few days ago, famed AoS Youtuber 2+ Tough had a livestream in which he built an AI for Warcry, based primarily using the AI from the Solo Warhammer: Troggoth Slayers article. Having dabbled with the idea of an AI for AoS before myself (because I love the game, but I have been a lonely player for forever), I thought this might be a fun exercise to go through as well. I will be starting from scratch, so our end results should look totally different. Rule Zero All actions that the playe



Taking Inventory; Hobby "Disaster"

I'm not exactly the greatest/fastest painter, elite tournament gamer/game breaking list-builder, or even have the biggest or largest hobby collection. I tend to minimize buying big models and almost never buy repeat models of the same unit. Hell, as of late, I've made it a habit of only buying Two-Player Boxes, then never proceeding to build them. There's still a sizable collection of models that haven't been built yet, including some that I bought as far back as the start of my collecting proje



Falling Behind, Catching Back Up

I fell behind and stopped posting for at least a week, probably longer. Basically, work finally got back into the swing of things after the Christmas and New Years Holidays, and my last week just saddled me with things to do (coming home late, having to grab something to-go for dinner, instead of doing home cooking and eating at 8, so we could get fed in a timely manner), and my hobby took a backseat to life. I'm now "over par" when it comes to the 400 painted models portion of my challenge



First Full Week

It has been a little over one week since I started the blog and 2020 hobby quest. So let's see what else I did. Painting the Brimstone Horrors knocked off 10 of 10 models for the first 9 days, so I'm not stressing about the painting goals. There will be bigger obstacles to come, I'm 100% sure of it (two ominous laughs). What you haven't seen that I have built/painted: 1.  The aforementioned Rats from Carrion Empire that I built in the last post. 2. I completed the generic Cha



Weekend Rats

Saturday was a big preorder day for followers of the thinking man’s Chaos God. So I ponied up the money and got: Aether War Limited Edition Disciples Book (It better be good) Endless Spells Warscroll Cards (And for Slaves Too, since the store had them) Tzeentch Dice (At the time of ordering, I thought there was going to be a need for them to track Blue and Brimstone Horror Points, but I think having three colors from one set will still not be a bad trade off). And t



Burning Horrors, Next Steps

In order to maintain pace for 400 painted models, I'll have to paint one model per day, plus an additional every 10 days. As everyone knows (Or if you are new to Age of Sigmar or wargaming as a hobby, welcome, but you may not know) that opening with a new box to clip out, remove mold lines and connections to the sprue, glue, prime, paint, and then base a single model from the box is a bit of a waste of time. So in all likelihood through doing this, I won't be finishing one model every day,



New Year, Wut's This?

My New Year Resolutions This Year: 1. Finish Building all of the unopened models in my closet.  2. Paint 400+ Models this year. 3. Significantly limit my spending this year to: a. Big boxes that save money vs buying individual boxes (a la Aether War), of armies that I do not have a large collection of (I actually have a ton of Tzeentch, but it's my army for the foreseeable future). b. Only buy things that would bring up armies to 1000, 1500, or 2000 points and I haven't



I Hobbied Every Day for 2018

At the beginning of 2018, I made a New Year's Resolution to do something related to Wargaming each and every day. Yesterday (the 31st of December, 2018), I crossed the finish line of my marathon. This is a fraction (About 1/3) of what I have to show for it: Since I know that a few of you have made this same pledge this year that I had made a year ago, here are my personal insights about the resolution: 1. The idea came about from two summers ago, when I finished my first Warm



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