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Little blog about the people fighting for the free city of Nordheim. Focused mainly on painting and some nice images. And some battle reports coming soon.

Entries in this blog

Free People Tournament Recap 1

I played my second tournament at the beginning of march and commanded my Nordheimers to great success.  Scored 3th place and won the overall rating including wins, painting, conversion and sportsmanship.  They call it "Leonardo Award". Here`s my tourney list: We played 3 different scenarios with fixed realms, realmfeatures and realmspells. They were set by the TO`s and really well picked, in my opinion. We even used the hidden agendas from GW. 3 in each game and you wer



Army on parade!

So this is my free people army for now. Recently I made some pictures of the whole army. I`m really curious about what will happen the year of 2019.  



More Crossbows!

Because a unit of 30 crossbowmen just isn`t enough I painted another 30 directly after the first ones. Seems I got some resilience for repetitive work This standardbearer isn`t as fancy as the other one. Time was running short before my first tournament. But I managed to photgraph some steps of the painting process and build a little gif from it. I hope you folks like it.   I just like painting those guys. The blue/yellow colors make me happy Here is the gif:



The Crossbows

Oh man this was alotta work. Painting 30 crossbowmen was a mentally demanding task. But I needed them for my first tournament. So there was the motivation you propably know. In the end I had enough time to play around with the standardbearer and could push myself alot further with painting freehands. I`m very proud of the standardbearer. I think this freehand turned out really well The painting is a copy of the Vasa. A swedish warships witch sank on it`s first journey Here`s the ref



The second Griffon

I have to say that I really enjoyed painting this one. The fear and uncertainty of painting such a big miniature was gone because I already painted on of these. So I tried some new technics and painted my first real free hand on this one. I also finally desided to give Nordheim a strong relationship to the sea and naval stuff. So ships were suitable. Especially a whole fleet I think this is still a fantastic kit. In the end this is grim looking Karl Franz with Garl Maraz in his hand!



The Excelsior Warpriest

This one is kinda a cool story. I always wanted to have one, because of the warscroll. He has the ability to heal an unit with keyword Order and he has his little Gryphound fellow. Unfotunatly you cannot buy this one from the GW webside. He`s a special model in some boxed set. I don`t know why, but I was able to buy this in the GW store in the next major city. I think this was really lucky and I`m happy to have him. I don`t spend much time on painting him because I wanted him to be finished fo



The Luminark of Hysh

I have a kind of love/hate relationship with this miniature. Both, from a painting and a gaming perspective. It took me ages to paint this one fully and I have to admit that I wanted to quit several times during the process. There is just sooo much detail in this miniature that it would be crazy to paint everything to full extend. So I made mine to good tabletop standard, I guess. The best moment was when I finished it and was able to move to something else. At the end I`m happy with th



The Lord Ordinator

This one is a kinda tragic story. I bought him to accompany my artillery. Obviously. In Malign Portents he had a command ability which let him pick an artillery piece which could fire twice this round! WhoopWhoop! With AoS 2.0 there came the possibiliy to spend more than one command point each round. So the idea was to make a really cannon heavy list with around 1600 points to get 8 command points for the remaining 400 points. With these command points you could have made your 4 cannons shoot tw



The Empire Great Cannon

This one was also bought in a our local shop. Afterwards i realized how lucky I was because this gorgeous model is no longer officially sold  In my opinion this is the most beautiful artillery piece on the whole GW range. It`s just a cannon how a cannon should be. I`m searching ebay for an unbuild one ever since. I need a second for symetric purposes Here are some pictures I really like how the crew turned out. You can see in the faces what kind of guys they are. The seasoned gu



The General on Griffon

This one is just a gorgous model.🤩 I had so much fun with this one. The base alone was a place of tiny rocky happiness This griffon took me 3 weeks to paint it completely. I spend alot of thoughts for the styling of his back. Which animal should it represent? And what was paintable? I made 3 versions. Something unreal, a leopard and a cheetah fur. In the end I took the leopard andI think it was the right choice. In my eyes it just looks amazing. Unfortunatly the painting took quit a long



The Knight Azyros

This Knight Azyros is obviously not a man of the city of Nordheim. But he`s a very good addition to a free guild army. His rerolling 1s on hit aura is just fantastinc for these big shooting units. So I just bought one in holidays and painted him in a week after coming home. There are many different colorshemes out there for those stormcast guys but I think the original one is just the best. Golden armor just kicks ass I messed around with the wings alot. All was looking ugly. I just wasn`t a



The Greatswords

The week after the outriders of the former blog entry I painted this unit of 10 men with their mighty zweihanders. I`m really happy with them and it was a pleasure to paint. I really like the armor which is kinda bigger than the one of the normal guards. But there is still enough cloth to give them the blue/yellow look and fit them into the whole Nordheim army. The different heads with more beards look pretty well too. It`s the first time I`m happy with the eyes I painted. As you see



The Outriders

Painiting theses outriders at the beginng of may was somehow hard for me. I started with the horses and wasn`t very happy with how they turned out. Afterwards it was hard to muster the motivation to finsih them. On the other hand it was the first time that I experimented with not so obvious color/shade combinations. The grey horse, for example, is Stormvermin Fur with a shade of Seraphim Sepia. Doesn`t look that good for a horse. But I will use it for kinda moosy stones in the future Paint



The Ambermage

Right after the artillery I went with a single character and some tiny conversions. Basically just putting two dogs on a larger base to accompany this beauty. The female mage is Autumn Bronzeleaf from Reaper Miniatures. The doggies are from some companion pack. Also from Reaper Miniatures. For me this model had a lot of first timers to offer. First female character, First non GW and first metal miniature. I like how she looks now. The eyes could have had more contrast and the clo




I really like artillery. It`s just facinating to have this big boom. Thats why I directly bought 2 Helfire Rocket Batteries and painted them at once. This was before I really understood pointcosts and the principles of alliances and allegiances. Atm its 180 points for one of these bad boys. So two of them only barely fit into a free peoples army I had a lot of fun painting those. in the picture you may see that i magnetized them. One big magnet (5mm) at the end of the gun and a sma



The Freeguild General

This one was bought with the first bunch of minis at the end of february. I started him not much after but at the end it took about one month to finish him. This was the first mini I painted in steps with other stuff in between. In the end I`m happy how he turned out. I think he`s a worthy geneal to make the free guilds to Hold the line! But i have to admit that the model itself is not the most beautiful for me. There are more human models which will suit better as a general. Her



The Gunmaster

I bought this one in our small local store. I literally bought every human mini in this store. So this gunmaster was one of my more early Miniatures. But I managed to paint this guy in the course of one weekend. Had the idea for the basing at work and was immediatly hyped. Started building/painting right after coming home. It`s the first mini I started to put much effort into the head. I really like the thought of him, sitting for a while behind this pile of rocks. Checking wind con



Freeguild Guards

My second unit to paint were the 20 guards with sword and shield i had already assembled. On the 12th of march they looked like this: Obviously i removed the shields before painting. Subassembly is a thing now. Ten days later i had 20 of them nearly finished: For this 10 man units with champion, muscian and standardbearer i went with red clothbands. The other 10 got kinda purple ones.  It took a my a while to bolster the ranks of each of the 2 units to 20 men. But her



The first Handgunners

The first unit to be finished were the 10 handgunners i bought the first day.  I looked around in the old warhammer fantasy lore for a good colorsheme a long time. An decision wasn`t easy to made but at the end I took to the blue and yellow of Nordland and never regreted since. I really like the colorful look which most armys kinda lack in my opinion. I also decided to color those clothstrips they have attached in varoius manners to symbolize the regiment they belong to. Greenish tones for missl



The Beginning

It was the 23th of february in 2018 when a colleague of mine started a get-to-know-warhammer-event in our company. Thanks Pete! 😀 I was hobbying some years before with a tiny force of some chaos warriors in 8th edition, but never got them to the table. So i was eager to play my first game. Due to Age of Sigmar the rules where easy to understand und we all had a really nice evening. During the whole event i told everbody that i don`t have the time to hobby again. The next evening i sad at my



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