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About this blog

Haunting omens rob mortals of sleep across the realms. From proclamation of high priests to hags’ confused babblings at nervous young mothers and their suckling babes, all recognize that something dark is afoot and seek to make sense of the growing sense of terror clawing at their minds. The dead no longer find eternal rest.

In Ghyran, a clan of duardin priests commune with their ancestors through the preservation of their goddess’ holy mountains and the untamed wilderness spread across them. For ages beyond counting, the spirits of their dead have passed on to feast in unassailable halls where they can come and go as they please. The honored amongst them are reborn as great beastial guardians, overwhelming would be conquerors as living embodiments of the ancestors’ collective strength.

However, this journey of devotion can no longer be traveled. Immortal deities vie for every soul in the realms. Each orchestrates a war with the others in which they justify the slaughter of their subjects and enemies alike as a means to preserving their independence and way of life. In reality, it is simply a desperate fight to not be drained of their own immortality by the great necromancer, for all souls are owed to Nagaash in death, and he now comes to collect on this debt.


This storyline will follow the Malign Portents narrative. It is of my own creation, and as such does not ties closely with any existing AOS faction. Rather, it is meant to begin to introduce alternative duardin of the realms in a way that links to current happenings, namely MP, in the established AOS narrative and can later tie to my own main narrative and setting in Chamon, The Barazi-Wyr. Feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading.

Entries in this blog

Burning Totems

The living tattoos that traversed his weathered skin surged in unison with his own limbs as they sent the last wooden totem clattering to the top of the heap. Voorg noticed the light dusting of snow that had begun settling in his beard; a storm perhaps? That would be refreshing, he thought, and helpful in obscuring the sight of his fire. It would be best that the others not carry the sight of their ancestors burning with them in their minds’ eyes. His brief moment of calm was torn away



Sister of the Trees

The Tree-Saver She watched anxiously as the tree lords strode away, their crunching steps always somehow softer than she’d imagined. They had a grace about them that was at odds with their jarring, hardwood armor. Eliriya suspected that there was more to the sylvaneth than simply sentience in tree-form. She had seen the revenant farmers nurturing young hunters and slow-growing lordlings, and she wondered what other spirits coursed through the children of the forest.  As the last o



One Last Quest

Brothers in Exile: Nori spat dust from his mouth, cursing his brother for choosing this inn as their night lodgings. “Nobbin ye right git! You ‘aven’t the coin for ale t’wash the taste a’bones from me mouth!” Sweating with exertion despite the midnight cold, Nobbin didn’t appear bothered with his twin’s complaining now, nor had he ever. The younger by nearly two whole candle-marks, Nori had known that any position Nobbin was entitled would not have been similarly awaiting him. From a young



Burden Long-Borne

A Burden Long-Borne Haggrax ached from the joints of his toes to the bond between his skull and neck. His precious burden had cooled his shoulders when he first hoisted the boulder across his leathered back, but lately it had become… a challenge. The elder rememberer of the Undissons had traversed alpine trails across Skaddi’s own range for well over four centuries and had padded his way from the tree-kin nurseries that grew mighty Sylvaneth guardians to the towering Ironwood kingdoms to th



Herald of the Blizzard Queen

Skaddi's Own Haakon hadn't consumed any Blue-shroom Brew since he finished the last keg a week ago. And his newest batch, though potent as he expected it to be, was just beginning to ferment. Haakon grinned as would a child who knew he had gotten away with a particularly risky prank, thinking of his banned homebrew warming him from the inside out. It would be a welcome relief from the icy winds that swirled around him as he drove his sled through the night. His uncle’s jaw was as stone



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