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Quite new to AoS - played fantasy since I was a nipper


My musings on my journey through AoS, battle reports, painting and more 

Entries in this blog

First game with the new books

So i regularly play against a Khorne player and have sometimes struggled to put together killer combos as good as his triple priest nonsense!  This time I hoped things would be different, taking the Legion of Night allegiance and running the following; Manfred Arkhan 3x10 Skeletons 2x2 Archai 5 Blood nights  Terrorgheist. We were playing that funky scenario where I was trapped in the middle between two ambushing forces.  I chose to ambush myself with the Archai



Here we gho(st)

I have a picture in my head of men in blue polo shirts roaming the streets of Stockport looking for urchins left by the gradual decline of the north, offering them a pasty to come into the warehouse and pack boxes ready for tonight posting.  In fairness nothing of the sort is likely to happen as Element Games provide excellent service and rounding children off the street is the socials job.   But I do think that demand for this book will be immense.  In a matter of hours 1000's of volumes w



The times, they are a'changin!

So, I an every other death player, cannot wait for this new goodness.  I feel that since gradually slipping into the hobby just over a year ago death have been one of the poor relations in AoS.  Having played WFB for years I had hoped that now GW would be a little more consistent in their releases - we all knew a Bret or WE player who would look at the new releases then slope off to their 2003 book for example.   But now, with malign portents on the way, and FINALLY a aelve book on the hori



Unexpected win

So, the list above was taken to Athena Games Doubles pairs with Ollie Fox's Tzeench (double Loc, Prince, Horrors x 2 ) and only went and won! Game one - Major victory A hillarious match up.  On the other side of the table stood Nagash and Archaon - famous bosom palls!  Playing battle for the pass saw the dynamic duo rush down the middle towards the big four pointer to run headlong into a barrage of Tzeench magic.  Archaon has clearly left his shield at home though as by the time he rea



Athena Doubles

So this weekend Ollie and I are taking on the world, well, Norwich in the Athena Doubles.  A mash up of Tzeench and Death sounds fun and we have high hopes for having fun with the lists - if not taking the top prize.     My 1000 point list is as follows; Ghoul King on Terrorgheist 10 Skeletons - full command (blast from the past) 10 Skeletons  - full command 2 Archai 2 Archai   Thinking is low bravery armies will stare at the big fella and fixate on h



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