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About this blog

Half of the fun I get out of warhammer is turning cheap stuff into more expensive stuff as well as making my own stuff look unique. This blog will chronicle the sets i purchase and what i turn those sets into.

Entries in this blog

Chaos warriors part 1

3 little chaos warriors sitting in a box A nice cheap way to get involved with the hobby, also not as open to conversions as other boxes but we still have options Swapping heads is always quite easy and by using a plume from another unit you can add eldritch fire and make a Wightking with tomb blade Looks pretty good imo I used one of the other ones to make an inquisitor I have one more to go and I'm not sure what I'll turn him into but I'll think if somet



Chaos Cultists part 2

I screwed up a little bit, got ditracted and then decided to make an inquisitorial warband out of most of my remaining cultists so more conversions will have to wait until I next get a box. However before I did that, I did use one cultist to make a grave guard for a death warband which with some more armour parts could be used as a wight king with black axe Also with a different head this guy could be a sigmarite priest and here's the warband all hanging out I'



Chaos cultists, part 1

The chaos cultists have shown up in more blanchitsu articles than almost any other model (lord of plagues being the most common one, the amount of times that guy has shown up is almost comical). So let us see what AOS heroes can be made from within the exceptionally cheap box. Well the most obvious hero I could think of was the necromancer, with a few skulls, a wildwood ranger head and some other bits, one can make a passable necromancer. We still have 4 models to go in



Back to storm of sigmar

I've changed my mind of the blood warriors from storm of sigmar, they make good blightkings with some green stuff for a belly, and a helmet and weapon swap. Also here is our wight king converted from the other blood warrior.



Step 2 : Plague Marines

you see plague marines? i see a multitude of options... buy multitude i mean 3 with 3 easy to build plague marines and some bits and too much time with a damn pocket knife and pair of clippers one can create a Lord of blights A lord of Plagues And a putrid blightking Or just 3 putrid blightkings, with more skill and some green stuff these options could be even better. Cost of the official models  Lord of Blights $40 aud Lord of Plagues $22 a



Step One: Storm of Sigmar

The storm of sigmar box is a good value little box and pretty decent gateway drug into age of sigmar, unfortunately all the models within are of the "easy to build" variety and i thought had limited options for conversion, That was until i started tearing them to Pieces and cutting all their limbs and heads off. So what parts do i have out of the box 2 retributors 3 Liberators 3 Blood Warriors 5 Blood Reavers What can we make out of these? Firstly the stor



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