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The trials of Mork as experienced by The Red Gobbo.

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Warhammer Achievements 18 Preparation

Not much preparation was possible this year due to weddings and life, but a brief introduction to The Red Gobbo for Warhammer Achievements 2018 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. He'd done it, the Pylons were his. The Harbringer was Triumphant. Mork was looking upon him this day and was smiling.



WA5 (2017) - The Report! (part 1)

The Red Gobbo approached a round building, knowing that danger, death and possible glory awaited. Fortunately the Sky Kraken could break the walls, and free the evil within allowing the Red Gobbo the glory which was surely his... In the distance he could see an alter, a large shrine to the glory of Godhood, and knew that he had to reach this to achieve his destiny. But much lay in the way, and he could not gain the shrine on his own. His followers would have be with him and for that they mu



The RealmBeast

The Red Gobbo rode atop the Sky Kraken as they searched the Realm for the fabled Realmbeast. The Red Gobbo was certain that with a few tricks he could capture the beast as long as he and his army were not ambushed, captured or killed by the others searching for the same thing. In the distance he saw a swirl of sand and smelt the stench of Death and knew he had found his target. Signalling to hit scouts to advance he rushed to the RealmBeast only to find other were approaching. Ghouls, Deat



The Road from RAW

The Red Gobbo had captured his Leviathan in the face of the Aelfs of the Darkling Covens and their triple headed Leviathan beast. The child-Kraken was a small beast, unable to use his air sacks to rise above the ground and the bravery of the Red Gobbo's Wolf Riding scouts ensured his capture. The Red Gobbo instictively knew what to do with the Kraken, to teach it to float and then fly, and soon it was souring through the woods of the Realm of Life and attacking many large cows, and small creatur



Road to RAW17 - The army of the Red Gobbo

'Having escaped the evil Kharadon, following his capture, the Red Gobbo went , in search of his warband - the Redfists of Destruction...' Having spent much of the last 2 months painting for RAW17 and WA5 (Warhammer Achievements), it is time I decided on the army for RAW17 (next weekend), finish basing the models, and ensuring everything has at least some red on a fist! Skirmish Warband (35 Reknown) 1 Nasty Skulker 2 Wolf Riders 3 Orruks with Spears 6 Grots wi



Road to RAW17

This weekend I have a short break away from painting and preparing for RAW17 and WA5 as I am in Cambridge for a small 1 day warmaster tournament. But before then, I have to add a bit of meat to my Hunter and Leviathan background. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Red Gobbo looked out at the sky before him, as his ship accelerated towards the Kharadon Overlord city of Ba



Orruks, Giants, Ogors & Leviathan

Sorry for the delay in posting. I'd like to blame my progress, but unfortunately it was caused by real life interferring with my painting. Not good given the large task I have left myself with. However I did have a week in which I finished 20 Orruks, and this weekend I have managed to (mostly) finish: 3 Ogors 2 Gargants Leviathan / Blood Token Monster 10 Savage Orruks By 'nearly' I unfortunately ran out of brown (XV88) paint, so the weapon shafts and bases are not



Some Photos

Some Photos: An Ardboy in my army's colour scheme, complete with red fists, but with my 'old style' basing Goblin Warboss, who will command my forces in the 1,600 point games... not sure about his survivability though Some of the To-Do pile in no particular order. Gigantic Spider, 3 Ogors, and 10 Wolf Riders - Declan



The Beginning

I've recently signed up for the RAW17 and Warhammer Achievements 17 events. Both are hobby events, with a strong Narrative and so I'd like to take the opportunity to redo my bases, and paint (a lot) of new models. I hope to succeed but with real life to contend with as well failure may happen. Fortunately, I have 2,500 points already painted and an appropriate Hunter & Monster for RAW17. Unfortunately, they are not the ones I want to do. So without further ado, the plan is: Rebase:



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