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A hobby blog. I'm not really very good at painting. Or the Internet. I'm sorry. 

Entries in this blog

Ironjawz wip - Megaboss on Maw Krusha

First unit completed for my Ironjawz army. Doing the big centrepiece first is, I assume, a bit backwards but I had a real burst of desire to paint it & it was just too fun not to keep going once I got the ball rolling! I basically just followed the excellent video tutorial on Warhammer TV for the krusha itself, so it's gonna look like everyone elses I'm afraid. Still the best thing I've ever painted and I'm really pumped to grind out the rest of the army now! As you can see the Ironjawz



Battle Report: Border War

Another FEC report because work on my Ironjawz is currently a crawl. Have finished converting the 10 Ardboyz but highlighting the spines on the Maw Krusha is an absolute pain! I apologise for the unfinished Crypt Flayers, I'd very quickly slapped some paint on them for this game as I'd never used them before so they were bottom of my to-do list. Border War Originally we wanted to play a more narrative scenario and maybe try out a time of war, however once we'd gotten around to actually



Ironjawz wip - Ardboys and that

I've never been particularly enamoured with Orcs/Orks/Orruks in any setting, but obviously the Ironjawz release was too gorgeous to resist - still my favourite models to come out for AoS. So they're the obvious choice for my post Flesh-eaters army! Whilst the Brutes 'n bosses are incredible, once I got a start collecting box and assembled the Ardboys it was pretty obvious that the old black orc kit is showing its age, especially when you put them next to a unit of Brutes. So I stole the ide



Battle Report: Consumed

I guess starting a hobby blog with a battle report is a bit back to front, but in truth I've mostly finished with my first army (Flesh-eaters), haven't made much progress on anything else and the weather's been too miserable to get good army shots in. So: Consumed I played this battleplan with my Flesh-Eater Court against my friend Tom's beautiful Stormcast on his kitchen table. We've played a few games before, with Generals Handbook scenarios, to get a better feel for our armies. Play



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