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About this blog

My playgroup has recently started playing games using the Hinterlands rules set. I will be posting pictures of of my warband (including wip pictures) and pictures of my battles. I will also be probably be posting pictures of my opponents models, as they are also part of the story. I am not the best painter or modeler, but i try.

More importantly this is also where I will be posting the story of my warband. I wrote a Backstory, but each "chapter" of the story past the background will be written to represent the things that have happened in the games. I will also try to post pictures of the games that go with each story (as long as i don't get too wrapped up to remember to take pictures.

Hopefully anybody that comes across this will enjoy it.   Please feel free to comment.

A Thank you to my amazing girlfriend Rose, who helps me edit my posts, and keeps me from sounding repetitive of stupid. 

Shoutout to Bottle, Who created hinterlands.


Entries in this blog

Some of the Warbands we will be Seeing.

The Following Pictures are current pictures of the warbands you will see in my stories. Most are currently WIPs and the pictures will be updated as they are painted. The "Lost Souls of Sigmar," the protaganists of our story are the creations of myself, Mrmattywoodz. The Ironjawz known as "The Dicks of Gork (or possibly Mork)" were painted by my brother Chopstick15. The beautifully painted Fyreslayers "The Berserker-gang of Ersatz Eightfold, the Runefather of karak long lost," are owned and paint



The Quest to Leave Ulgu (Chapter 1, Game 1)

The Quest to Leave Ulgu   The five warriors wandered aimlessly. Finding a Realmgate through the mist and shadows of Ulgu was no easy task. Although the Stormcast Eternals are magically imbued with a fraction of Sigmar’s power, the strength of these five lost souls was declining by the day.   Tibalt, one of the three Liberators that had joined Valirius, was anxious about being lost in the realm of Shadows, and he secretly hoped that this anxiety was well hidden from his broth




here is a WIP of my Counts as executioner. She is Known as "The Devil of Ulgu." and will be showing up later in the story (she shows up in chapter 3, which is the third game of the story. the game was played but i havent written anything out yet).



The Story Begins (Prologue)

Prologue   As Valirius Stronghammer fell, blighted-sword skewered through his chest, he had no fear. The blue lightning crackling from his brother’s weapons arcing across the Realm of Shadows was a grim reminder of his purpose; to be reborn a third time, a Weapon of the God King. As his eyes closed, his final act of this life would be to lash out with his mighty hammer, reducing the beast that had slain him to nothing more than a pile of ash. “For Sigmar!” Valirius bellowed, as his hea



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