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A blog for random battle reports from my small AOS group.

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Forbidden Power campaign battle 8 - Flesh-Eater Courts v Idoneth Deepkin

Archregent Pontiff Fodderbite and Akhelian King Valentournos had both discovered the location of the Relocation Orb and both new they must be the one to recover it and harness its arcane energy as they strove to march upon the Grand Stormvault. Neither commander knew of the others plans nor did they know that soon they would come face to face on the battlefield. The armies met with the Blisterskin Court making the first move. A Royal Terrorgheist worried the left flank, shrieking at the All



Forbidden Power Campaign battle 7 – Ogor Mawtribes v Stormcast Eternals

The Underguts Mawtribe passed through the Gate of Whispers, entering Stygxx on the behest of the Flesh-eater Courts. Charged with raiding the Stormvault discovered at the Hookfort, Slaughtermaster Bufolg Bloodbelch led his Ogors from the realmgate situated on the Coast of Loss and headed inland to see what treasures awaited them… Vandus Hammerhand himself, along with a retinue of the Hammers of Sigmar had received word of the incoming Gluttonous nomads and were guarding the Stormvault as the



Forbidden Power: Battle 5 - Bonesplitterz v FEC

Roused by the news of Gordrakk’s breaching of Thunderstone Reach and his recovery of the skull of Hammergord, the savage Orruks of Styggx ventured forth from the caverns of Grotskull Mines and joined the Big Waaagh. Led by a Wurrgog Prophet the small Bonespliiterz force stumbled upon a court of Flesh Eaters. With a vanguard of boarboyz leading the charge, the orruks advanced in to undead territory.   It ended badly for the boarboyz, out of position and cut off from the majority of the



Forbidden Power – Battle 4 Blades of Khorne vs. Flesh Eater Courts

After the Khorne Daemons had stolen the Hexwraith Pendant from their vault underneath Castle Drachmir, the Blisterskin Court were seeking revenge. Pontiff Fodderbite led his cohort to the Howling Plains, eventually engaging their quarry in the graveyards of Haggrath Plight. Slaughterpriest Karsus stood in the Arcanoscope of the Citadel and looked down on the advancing undead. He ushered a minion to send word to his Daemon Prince, Tarak Skorl would need to summon his Bloodletters if they were



Forbidden Power campaign- battle three 1.5k IDK v BoK

Forbidden Power -Battle Three The Aelves had heard that following his victory at Castle Drachmir, The Daemon Prince Tarak Skorl was now marching through the Howling plains. So riding the whirlway of Haedrann Kar, the Deepkin headed for the Tower of Amnis Tol, Valentornous and his Idoneth cohort arrived at the Stormcast outpost just in time to see the impending red tide…. SoulScryer Lakhimmon the Voidtouched, suggested they split their force and the mounted Akhelians remained with him i



Forbidden Power campaign - battle 2(meeting engagement) FEC v Blades of Khorne

On the shore of Dead Man’s Folly, in the region of Stygxx, stands Castle Drachmir. Once a bastion of light, this citadel has been claimed by flesh-eating ghouls. Few would dare to venture there but Khorne Daemon Prince, Tarak Skorl of the Ripped Tongue, fears not the undead and leads his slaughterhost through the Bitterblood Caverns to  the castles battlements. Hoping to breach the fortress and claim the magical artefacts rumoured to be within it’s ancient vault. Pontiff Fleckbury



Forbidden Power campaign - Battle 1: Sorcerous Streams

Naquas Barionic, Mistress of Shoals, had reached out to Sigmar and Morathi for aid in her battle to stem the cannabilistic tide of the Blisterskin Court that was currently rampaging towards the newly discovered Stormvault. Word had reached the Idoneth Tidecaster that powerful artefacts had been locked inside and the arrival of Stormcast and Khinerai reinforcements gave her belief that it would be the Ionrach enclave who recovered them. The Flesh Eaters started by securing their leaders as t



AGT Warhammer - Soul Wars narrative campaign

The Soul Wars started with a surprise attack by the Nighthaunt on a gathering of Order dignitaries who were meeting with the mysterious Idoneth Deepkin. Zeraphina Heldensdotter, Knight-Incantor of the Hammers of Sigmar and Bael-Grimnir, Runefather of the Vorstarg lodge were had been granted an audience with Valenturnous, Akhelian King of the Ionrach enclave with the intention of discussing the recent emergence of the sea elves and their part in the Necroquake. It was then that Lady Olynder,



Soul Siphon - IDK V Nighthaunt battle report

We decided to play the variant of the ritual battleplan that was played out a couple of times in White Dwarf this year, where the Aelves are stealing souls from one of Nagash’s Soul Siphon’s. Unfortunately I don’t have a game board like the one they used at Warhammer World so instead I used the ‘chained stones’ objective thing from the recent objectives set and placed it on top of a hill. The IDK started and the Leviadon headed for the centre of the board with the Soulscryer and 2 Tidecaste



8k Mega Battle

Three friends and I played a 2V2 8k mega battle which pitted Stormcast & Legions of Nagash against Khorne & BCR We played for 9 hours, managing to get in 3 battle rounds with Chaos/Destruction  winning 8-5 on victory points. Although we also worked out who had killed more and the Order/Death alliance won that one. It was great to get so much on to the table but one regret is not using the gathering of might rules for melee as it ended up with the 'cannon fodder' lasting too lon



Death Knell battle report

Battle report for the last battleplan in the AOS starter box, Death Knell. The Hammers of Sigmar have added a Stardrake to their ranks whilst the Goretide now incorporate a Daemons starter box. The battle began with the Stormcast moving towards the Goretide battleline, the chaos visibly trembled as the Stardrake leered at them from over the treetops. Despite the battleplan victory conditions requiring the death of the general for victory, Vandus’ Hammerhand led the line on his Dracoth



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