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About this blog

Having gotten back in to the hobby last year this blog will be an account of my exploits in the mortal realms.


Entries in this blog

Alpha strike

So it has been 2 weeks since my first post which is roughly the rate at which I want to be posting so I am counting that as my first success! In terms of developments and progress I feel it has been pretty successful. I've managed to build quite a few miniatures and even started to get them painted. A couple of (poor) pics are attached showing what I have managed to get done, also been playing around with prisma as the plan will be to have warscrolls with my unit images on to take to tourna



New year, new army

2016 saw me start back with the hobby. I played a staggering 9 games of AoS, (5 of which were at the Facehammer tournament) using an army made up of some re-based stuff I still had lying around and some units a friend kindly let me use. Whilst I didn't exactly play an abundance of games or manage to achieve some grand hobby milestone I thoroughly enjoyed my AoS experience and can definitely say that I have caught the bug. Towards the end of the year I started to think about what army I wanted to



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