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Just a place for me to show off my speed painted Nurgle Army. I aim to add at least 1 unit to it a week, sometimes many more!

Entries in this blog

Plastic Skin Wolves: This Weeks Output 24/09/16

Only one unit done this week, I've been slowed down by having to put together a board for armies on parade. So here are my skin wolves made from crypt horrors with fenrisian wolf heads. This is the first time I've worked on matting areas down with lahmian medium after the model gets my usual gloss spray to get a matt/gloss contrast. Here I've focused on the fur. And here's my blast from the past. A unit of ogre conversions, using the spare heads from some other crypt horrors/flaye



This weeks output 17/09/16

So here's what I've painted over the last week, first up is my white dwarf slaughterpriest conversion using blightking parts and a little green stuff. Second is the first of two models that I'm not sure what they'll work as warscroll wise, so if you have ideas comment below. They're made from minotaurs with giant heads. Next are a unit of plaguebearers, I painted them last week but got the basing done this week. I just wanted to show how a basic unit of mine looks. The scheme



The Great Unclean One/ Daemon Prince

For my first post I'd like to show off my Great Unclean One/ Daemon Prince (whichever I need at the time) for the army. The conversion took by far the longest, the paint job only being a couple of hours.



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