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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Dooooooom snek!

Alright, back to the evil snek girls! I took a break from my girls to work on Cities of Sigmar (dark elves, of course), then some Yu Jing goodness for Infinity, but the release of the new endless spells for DoK, and a new army book has me excited about working on these again.   I felt the previous DoK book had one very powerful list option, which felt a bit OP to me. I game with a small group of friends that has limited gaming time, meaning we’re fairy casual and don’t have the time


Ravenborn in Dooooom snek?

Tzaangor Enlightened

After what seems like an aeon I have finally finished my Tzaangor Enlightened and Shaman.  It didn’t really take more effort than the guys on foot I just felt unmotivated to get them done and had lots of mistakes to clean up.  I got a good haul from Christmas with some more chaos warriors and a lord of change which should be really fun to paint.  I also started the changling so hopefully that doesn’t take 3 months to finish up.



My Ulgu Slaves so far

In this mad mad year I started my long awaited project: Slaves to Darkness. Chaos warriors are the reason why i joined the world of warhammer and wargaming, so it's a great pleasure for me to share this pictures. Some kit is still missing, but is my shame pile (the unpainted models)



Ultimate Bragging Rights Unlocked

The first set of Ultimate Bragging Rights (beating your opponent with your own list and then turning around and under the same conditions beating them with theirs) came about in arguably the most predictable way.  The player who had built the Khorne list actually had even more experience playing Mawtribes so when the tables flipped, even though the opponent’s  list they were playing wasn’t the Triple Frostlord build they’re known for running they still had plenty of familiarity with how the fact


So, I have finally finished the stardrake, taken since 8th january and its been done along side the beastclaw raiders, some terrain and more dark angels for my 40k army. Im pretty happy with how its finished, except for the purple armour plates, not sure if im happy as I think they look a bit dust from the drybrusing. I will see how I feel in a few days, I may end up redoing them. Its all had a coat of Vallejo matt varnish and the metals and armour plates have been ard coated to match the rest o



So Close, Yet So Far Away

No Ultimate Bragging rights were achieved in the first week of flipped tables in Zoom League for a replay of Shifting Objectives @ 2K with players now using their opponent’s lists. Until late in the game it looked like Bonesplitterz were going to pull out their first win.  Somebody apparently told Pebbles, or Rogue Idol, that Forgeworld had decided to cancel him and he didn’t take it well as he moved into the middle where it preceded to put a beating down in the early rounds; wiping out a u

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Strategy: Nighthaunt vs. Kharadron Overlords

In this series, I’ll be highlighting how to play Nighthaunt effectively against different armies. I’ll only be doing armies I have faced multiple times. The first I’ll start with is Kharadron Overlords, an army I know particularly well as I’ve also started playing them.    Quick Matchup Thoughts While many armies and players dislike the gameplay against KO, I find that Nighthaunt versus KO matches are a lot of fun for both players and make for a pretty equal matchup, though I’d ho



At the Turn: Having Gone 3-0 am I Destined for 0-3?

With a win against Mawtribes my Fyreslayers managed to go 3-0.  Yet, once again, how I won gives me hope that I will manage to pull off “Ultimate Bragging Rights” at least once as we flip the table and start playing our opponents’ list. To make for a more interesting tactical choice with the center objective in Focal Points we’d made sure the objective could be contested on two levels. As can be seen in the picture above those on ground level would be in the 6” zone of control but

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

A Better Nighthaunt: Battleline (Part 2)

One of the strengths for Nighthaunt is that the army features a really strong group of battleline units. Chainrasps are a great, cheap horde unit. Grimghast Reapers make for a good elite, anti-horde unit. Spirit Hosts are resilient and can surprise an opponent with mortal wounds. Hexwraiths are really fast, and have some play in either battalion that they're featured in (Death Riders and Dolorous Guard).  Still, I would make changes to each unit. If you read my previous post, that won't be



A Better Nighthaunt: Overview (Part 1)

So while this blog is going to cover a lot of different things, I wanted to start by talking about what changes I would love to see for Nighthaunt. It's been discussed on the dedicated army forum on this site ad nauseum, but the army as it is does not do well at tournaments typically. This makes sense as the book is an older book, features weaker units, had some of their points dictated by how units played in a different army, and is a difficult army to play. So we all know the army needs change



The First Rule of Fyreslayers... Fyreslayers vs Bonesplitterz - Scorched Earth @ 2K

... as I understand it is keep your key units in their buff bubbles.  I broke that rule and turned the game into a slow attrition battle that I barely came out on top of. My opponent had more experience playing against Fyreslayers than I had playing with them.  With a double battalion they were going to have fewer drops than I would and thus would choose priority.  When they placed their big block of Arrowboyz on the front edge of their deployment zone my guess was they’d use their pre-R1 m

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Fear of the Activation Wars in Khorne v Mawtribes - Scorched Earth @ 2K

Most of us have probably succumbed to it at some point in our playing - that fear/obsession over one particular aspect of our opponent’s list that causes  us to make choices in our turn to address it that ultimately prove sub-optimal in many other areas of the match and ultimately self-defeating as at best we delay what we are worried about, not entirely derail. The last time these two players had gone head-to-head it had been Mawtribes v FEC with the double pile-ins of Feeding Frenzy playi

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Batrep or Scouting Report? Fyreslayers vs Khorne - Shifting Objectives @ 2K

Will have to wait to actually get the full flavor when the tables do flip but the mere knowledge that in a few weeks I’d be on the “other side of the table” piloting the Khorne list added a lot of flavor to my in game experience. Jumping to the conclusions: First, this was my first time playing Fyreslayers (opponents first time playing Khorne so even footing there) and I left the match feeling good overall about how I played but positive that there was still plenty of room for improve

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Bonesplitterz vs Mawtribes - Shifting Objectives @ 2K

Savage Orruk Big Boss Proxy: Look Behind You! Irongut: Not Falling for That One Again... This encounter ended how you’d expect it to but the overall game had lots of twists and turns. Had been hoping to get more votes into the poll before posting but oh well.  Don’t want to get too far behind on these reports. Starting with Bonesplitterz deployment and decision to go first.  While the Mawtribes frontline deployment is consistent with their desire to get out and into the thick o

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Easy-Peasy Flamin' Daemons - Painting for Chumps #2

Hey there Neckbeards! Welcome to Painting for Chumps #2! My Daemon Prince is a model I've had in my backlog for quite a while now, I had a really cool idea on how I wanted to paint him and didn't want to mess things up, so it took me a while to really get started and paint him up. For this episode of Painting for Chumps I'm going to go through the whole process of how I built and painted the model.  The Base:  Given that this guy is the centerpiece of my whole army, I really



Can You Pick the Winner Just from the Lists - An AoS Experiment

In our new tournament I am getting to run an experiment I have always wanted to try.  Four players are submitting 2K lists to play in a double round robin tournament.  In the first round robin each player will play their own list against each of their opponent's lists.  In the second round robin each player will play their opponent's list against their own.  To me ultimate bragging rights in AoS would come from being able to beat you with my own list and then turn around and beat you again playi

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

I have HOW many Bloodreavers yet to paint?!? - Hobby Update #1

Hey there Neckbeards!  So I've been muddling through a number of projects, first of which is my Khorne army, which means a LOT of Bloodreavers. I finished up three more, which means I now have... 41 left to paint... good Lord what am I doing with my life. On a happier note, I finally mostly finished my Daemon Prince, all I need to do is fill in the gaps with some milliput and paint those spots over which shouldn't take too long. Overall, I think he looks... ok? He's defi



“Yes, it’s Fantasy, But...”: A Few Not so Random Thoughts as the Lists Compile

Can’t wait to put out all the lists for our new tournament format to see if readers can identify the winner in advance and thus test the list vs player hypothesis. But as I wait thought I’d put out a few thoughts on the threads that I referenced in my last post.  As I’ve discussed in previous posts I came to Age of Sigmar from historical war games and a lot of these thoughts fall into the dynamic of “Yes it’s is fantasy but...” I’d be the first to admit that much of this in the end is

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

Beer & Pretzels Gamer

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