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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

The Herd Expands!

I started this Blog a couple years ago when I first started building a BoC army.  I'm doing another slow grow league and using it to finally paint the rest of the army and learn how to play in the v3 rules.  I'll post progress and battle reports here as I go. This time.around, I have most of the models built but not painted so that will be the focus.  We are also using Anvil of Apotheosis.  My character is Cuchulag, a Beastlord on chariot, inspired by the Irish Celt legend, Cuchulain H

Kevin K

Kevin K in Introduction

CoS Project - Vindenspite - The Crimson Watch and the Silent Ones

The Crimson Watch Amongst the various soldiers of fortune and swashbuckling warriors in Vindenspite there is one regiment that stands above all others in both renown and skill, the Crimson Watch. The Crimson Watch is a sisterhood whose origins date back to the founding of Vindenspite, a single squad of Aelves who were the loyal retinue of the Frostqueen herself. This sisterhood train using rifles that magically enhance their shot with flame and frost, working to unleash their volleys with d


Lightbox in Vindenspite

Battle Report 3.0: Skaven vs. Ironjawz - "Vice" Battleplan

Hey ya'll. I've got a fun one for ya. Lets get started. First off we have the armies: First off is my friend's Orruk Warclans with a few units of Gloomspite friends. This was my opponent's 1st(?) game with 3.0 and was using their books for point values. So no hard feelings being at a 100 pt disadvantage here. Straight-forward list, the Savage Cabbage is gonna be unleashed and rush the board. This is why I love Destruction. Now for the Skaven. Things I wanted to try out with th

CoS Project - Vindenspite: The Chosen

Within the city of Vindenspite there are occasions when those who are chosen by the Glimmergate emerge victorious, having made it through to the Frostflame glade and been forever changed by their experience. These individuals emerge back into the city wielding a mastery over either fire or ice alongside a powerful elemental beast that has formed an inseparable bond with them. These warriors are magically sworn to an oath of silence, never being able to speak and risk giving away the secrets of t


Lightbox in Vindenspite

Chaos Knights rebasing

Getting started on the Knights, real life stuff has put a hold on em but getting them along. Ive taken some shots of the basing steps. I much prefer proper large Bottle cork opposed to the flaky sheet cork often seen in dollar stores. The bases are designed around the specific horse they work with, numbered on the bottoms.   I use carpenters glue with a long needle tube tip to get it under and around skulls and rocks. After extracting from the sandbox and shaking,


CrimsonKing in Chaos Knights

CoS Project - Vindenspite - Initial Lorecrafting

Vindenspite Magical gateway city of ageless swashbucklers This wonderful city name and tagline was gained from Army Name Generator - Cities of Sigmar — Realm of Plastic and once I saw it I knew it would be an amazing fit for working off lore for my next project, the project that started off simply as 'Aelves with guns'. I have put together some initial lore ideas on this city which will be cleaned up and expanded upon in later entries as I continue on this project. Vindenspit


Lightbox in Vindenspite

Doggies and hangers-on

Stage 2 of the project is completing the fleshhounds (old conversions and new set), Kharnak, and basing my Insensate Rage Thirster's base. Here is the progress shots of the soon to be decently completed doggos: In case I bother to run a slaughterpriest (likely) or a Bloodsecrator (unlikely) had these for a good while: In the back (Thirster) ive been finalizing his base along with the dogs: My planning for the project is in stages: Stage 1 : 6 skullcrushers


CrimsonKing in Khorne

Intro, and First 6 Skullcrushers+characters

Hi there. Let me start by saying I've always been a fan of Khorne, way back to WHFB 5 when I first got into fantasy. I also have an extensive 40k collection, mostly Khornate Chaos CSM, Daemons etc.   Figured AoS will be easier to get into post COVID compared to 40K 9th, and already a huge fan of Warcry. I had some skullcrushers waiting around for this eventuality, and got some more for the project. Here is some of the skullcrusher progress, starting with some second-hand recently


CrimsonKing in Khorne

Mini Army Shot

So the horde is gathering nicely, and I thought I'd post a mini-army shot of the models I've finished so far. I'm now over halfway towards having a completed 1000 pt Vyrkos dynasty force to start playing some games with. This is the list I'm working towards as my first milestone: - Radukar the Beast - Belladamma Volga - 2 units of 10 dire wolves (+1 extra unit summoned by Radukar's command ability) - 5 Blood Knights This comes to 980 pts total. Of this, I now have 2


Zlatan in Painting

Mother has arrived!

What self-respecting force of bloodsucking wolfkin is complete without a wizened old dame riding a spurned ex-lover to lead them? I generally hate painting fur (Nagash knows why I chose a wolfy faction for my army), so last knight I sat down with the intention of forcing myself to get the wolves on this model started. 7-8 hours later I found that I'd basically finished the model. It's such a good sculpt full of nice hidden details and I literally couldn't put my brush down. Like Radikar, I


Zlatan in Painting

Blood Knights Tester Model

I've finished the first tester model for my blood knights scheme. I went for a similar overall scheme to the studio army but with purple barding. I'm still not 100% sold on it so I'd be really grateful to hear some feedback before I commit and paint the other 4. I may go for a very dark red/brown colour for the barding instead.  


Zlatan in Painting

The Pack Gathers

The first battleline unit for my new force is now complete; a unit of 10 dire wolves. These little critters were a really quick paint, which is a relief as I have to do 30 of 'em for my 1000 pt starter force.   To keep things simple, I followed the suggested recipe from the battletome painting section, with a couple of tweaks: Fur: Chaos Black undercoat, drybrushed with Skavenblight dinge and Stormvermin fur. A final very light drybrush n the manes and tails with Celestra Gre


Zlatan in Painting

In the Face of Doom!

As we all know, Bonereapers are pretty much kicked in the jimmy with 3.0. That said, I won't be deterred. Many other toys have distracted me from them, but I just finished a few quick job models and wanted to share. I have no idea when, or if, I'll ever spend the time needed to make a truly nice looking model for this army, but at least I'm still churning. Here they are.


Sleboda in Models

Radukar Rises!

I haven't done much hobby for a while now but the new(ish) sculpts for the Soulblight Gravelords have stoked my bloodpaintlust and encouraged me to brush the cobwebs from my hobby cupboard and give them a go. I've decided to document my progress with my new army project, so here's the first entry of what I hope will be a regularly updated painting and gaming log. As with any of my army projects, I've started with the model that's provided the muse for the whole undertaking; in this case Rad


Zlatan in Painting

Sylvaneth Army Lore n stuff for 3e

A mood has struck me to make a second post today after fiddling around with my tree people.  So I made a battle line shot and decided to make a post where I can post some ideas for future updates to my project in the near future.   As a place holder I’ve taken a few photos of the army so far and a few up close for you folks to look over. Any comments or concerns are always welcome In the corporate tree people offices. I love a few of these models in particular the heroes that I have accum


Gorthor21 in Sylvaneth

Skeksis of Change

After what feels like an entire age of the realms I have finally finished my lord of change minus the basing.  I have run out of Raw Sienna so I’m going to have to wait on basing it for now.  I really had fun with the dry brushing on this guy and it surprisingly didn’t take as long as I would have thought.  Years ago I painted a frostheart Phoenix for a friend and I had flashbacks to that while I was doing the wings.  I tried to use as many different colors as I could and I like the balance I ac


Gorthor21 in Tzeentch

Preparing for narrative: Battleplan WIP's

So soon I will be running a narrative path to glory campaign with 3 friends. Our general will be made using Anvil of Apotheosis and we will each get 4 starting picks/rolls from our tables. The armies so far are looking to be: -Soulblight (Myself) -Lumineth -Ogors -Undecided (Choosing between FeC, Slaanesh & Soulblight) I rolled for my starting choices so I end up with: -20 Zombies -5 Grave Guard -1 Corpse Cart (Yep, rolled corpse cart instead of vargheists or blood knig


Lightbox in Narrative

Monsters of the Deep

Hi! I'm back! Today without much lore other than the lore contained within the warscrolls themselves. But today, I come to you to present the Hardtack Boarders and Rotting Cranians. Hardtack Boarders are zombie mates that use giant undead parrots smuggled from Ghyran to board other vessels and try to sink them as fast as they can. They are hard to hit and are able to pack a punch with the right leader choice (foreshadowing???). I will not lie, they were inspired by the boarding troops used by Va


pitzok in Lore and Rules

The Drowned Hordes Rise

As this is the first post I'd like to explain some of the lore of this faction. I'd like to mention that I tried to distance the Gravetide Corsairs from the Vampire Coast itself, as I want it to be a standalone faction with it's own backstory while retaining the vibe of a pirate-centric faction, although there are some rather obvious and outright stated references to Harkon and his crew. For the purposes of this faction I created an entirely new deep-dwelling race of shapeshifters original to th


pitzok in Lore and Rules

Battle Report: Nighthaunt vs. Tempest Eye

After a defeat against Nurgle, my final game of the event was against a Cities of Sigmar force. I felt pretty good going into this matchup, as I have played against Cities the most of any army. The battleplan was Total Conquest.  My opponent played a Tempest Eye list that was Dwarves (Duardin, sorry), with some interesting conversions using 40k models (that included Dwarves riding motorbikes as pistoliers). Here's his list as best as I remember: Runelord (general) / Warden King (on Oat


dmorley21 in Battle Report

Battle Report: Nighthaunt vs. Nurgle

After the absolute bloodbath and feeling of victory that came from winning against a Teclis Syar build, I was then faced with dealing with a Nurgle force, playing the Scorhed Earth battleplan.    To review, my Nighthaunt army consisted of:   Emerald Host Lady O (general / reaping scythe) / Reikenor / Dreadblade (PotFW) / Krulghast (Shadow’s Edge) 10 Hexwraiths / 5 Hexwraiths / 30 Reapers / 10 Chainrasp / 5 Harridans Black Coach Death Riders / Chronomantic


dmorley21 in Battle Report

Battle Report: Game One, One Day Event, May 1st 2021

Howdy everyone.  This past Saturday, May 1st, I got to play my first in person Warhammer in over a year at a small (8 person due to COVID) event at a board games bar in Grand Rapids, MI. I ended up 2-1 and finishing 4th out of 8 due to missing an objective. I beat LRL and Cities and lost to Nurgle. One note is that I played the Krulghast as only protecting against wounds, not against mortals. Another is this event was using the smaller boards that we've all heard are rumored for the new edi


dmorley21 in Battle Report

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