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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Training Ground of the Gods

Cuchulag surveyed the field.  "My previous shaman failed to hold for even the hour required for me to arrive.  You've done better Grimtoe.  Now get me that Chimera".  Grimtoe the shaman had found the next target, another nexus of magic.  Cuchulag was searching Ghur for these nexus to corrupt for chaos and bring him power.  This time, it brought them the legendary training ground of the gods which had been lost, said to only revel itself to the great heros. Across the battlefield, he saw arr

Kevin K

Kevin K in Battle Report

Maeve Shadowblade - the antagonist

The memories flash back like they are still happening, often at the most inopportune moments.  Sigmar's forging techniques have become faster and the humanity of previous lives remain more vivid.  Maeve can still see in her mind the first time she saw Thostos Bladestorm and his "Angels of Zi'Mar", our sky god, come to her village on the Roaring Plans of the realm of beasts.  She thought they were saved, they all did.  Their mission was elsewhere. That experienced changed her though, Zi'Mar,

Kevin K

Kevin K in Narrative

Game changer

Just a quick one as I spent last night cleaning and corking the army. Had contemplated subassembly when making them but have tried it in the past and, unless it's a special model, I really can't be bothered.  What I did discover though is vallejo plastic putty. I mean, this stuff is revolutionary. I've had it sitting around in preparation of this project but never got round to using it. It's unreal. Previously I'd used green stuff for gap filling but it can be a right royal palaver. Liquid


lare2 in For Sigmar!

Now that's a Shaggoth!

Since the escalation league I'm playing in uses Anvil of Apotheosis characters (building from a single 20 pt to eventually having a 40 pt and a 30 point) I thought this would be a good opportunity to make a real Shaggoth.  I've been eyeing the Drakon model from Creature Caster (above) since it was released a couple years ago but the normal Shaggoth rules seem too small for it. I built an Anvil of Apotheosis character (35 points) to represent him.   I need to slightly violate the rules becau

Kevin K

Kevin K in Musings

Initial 500 pts completed

Completed two Bestigor units and that completes the first 500 pts for the escalation league (plus AoA character and a Chimera to summon).  Just in time for the last 500 point game tomorrow.  The beast lord on chariot (Cuchulag) I got a couple years ago on ebay with a few other chariots, already painted well and in a style close enough to my own.  I touched him up a bit and finished the base. I always struggle to decide how far to go.  Mostly I'm just trying to get them done.  At some point

Kevin K

Kevin K in Models

Celestial Vindicators

I wanted to do this blog just to reflect on the creation of my new army. I'm aiming for ca.2k (as it stands currently) of Celestial Vindicators. I was hoping to start this project when the new SCE tome came out but due to delays... who knows when that would be. I'm good to go now though so thought I'd just push ahead. No doubt the points will be all skewed by the time the book finally does come out but, hey ho, what you gonna do? The list I'm aiming to build is a mix of of new and old. For


lare2 in For Sigmar!

More Skullcrushers in progress.

So bailed on my old timeframe. (will return to the chaos knights along with final basing here) I havent had much time in the last week or so and wanted to get back in with some building. Love this set and really fun to start a fresh kit this time. Ive swapped an arm on previous model so he has a lower height profile for storage, hence the arm-off. Middle is also horn-blower, the horn is simply hanging from the side. Right most model will be banner and trying to get it mounted on his back. I w


CrimsonKing in Khorne

Game #11 Soulblight vs Sons of Behemat

AoS 3.0 Game #11 August 17th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Sons of Behemat Battleplan: Tectonic Interference(1500) Soulblight Gravelords Army List Deployment Top of Round 1: Soulblight I had a one drop deployment list for this small 1500 point game and I decided to go first. On my turn I just moved onto all the objectives and chose Aggressive Expansion as my battle tactic. I had zombies and skeletons on the left flank


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game #10 Soulblight vs. Seraphon

AoS 3.0 Game #10 August 15th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Seraphon (Thunderlizards) Battleplan: Tooth and Nail (2000pts) Soulblight Gravelords Army List Deployment It looks like we made a mistake in deployment, we should be 9" away from each other's territory, so we're both a bit closer than we should be to each other, though I don't think it made much of an impact on the game since we both deployed with this misunderstan


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Vindenspite: WiP Crimson Guard and the Frostqueen

So whilst for Vindenspite we have the wonderful crimson watch, the deadly gunslinging sisterhood of elite shooters their numbers just aren't enough to fill out the entire armed forces for Vindenspites attack and defence, and the Chosen and Silent Ones are far fewer in number still, as such the bulk of the Vindennian armies are filled by those of the Crimson Guard, all the brave, daring or downright crazy soldiers who train in different roles to create a well rounded force, though most of Vindens


Lightbox in Vindenspite

Musings and Army Planning - Dragon Ogors and Monsters Oh My

My current 2000 pt army was built for v2 to be semi-competitive while still using Dragon Ogors and monsters where possible.  Nessessities of keeping them competitive meant that I couldn't have too many of what I really loved.  I always played with 6 Dragon Ogors (sometime as one unit, sometimes two), a Shaggoth, and an Ghorgon.  The rest was mostly Bestigors, ungor raiders, and some support because that was what was actually good.  I did fairly well with that army, especially considering how bad

Kevin K

Kevin K in Musings

Game #12 Soulblight vs Ogor Mawtribes

AoS 3.0 Game #12 August 17th, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Ogor Mawtribes Battleplan: Savage Gains (2000pts) Soulblight Gravelords Army List I got to play a new opponent today who was rocking another Ogor Mawtribes list, which seems to be a particularly popular faction here in Korea (in fact, it seems like the Korean players favor big monster lists/armies in general). We rolled Savage Gains as the battleplan for the game and I chose


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Game 6: Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs Ogor Mawtribes (Bloodgullet)

AoS 3.0 Game #6 July 31st, 2021 @ Old Dice Wargaming Club Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos) vs. Ogor Mawtribes (Blood Gullet) Battleplan: Tectonic Interference (2000pts) Soulblight Gravelords Army List Deployment Top of Round 1: Soulblight Gravelords The ogor army outdropped me and decided to give me the first turn. My first turn was fairly un-eventful as I pretty much just cast my spells and moved slightly forwards, just enough to get onto the objectives.


Kaizennus in Battle Reports

Battle Report: Swirling Objectives

Vigug, the Brey-Shaman led the vanguard of the Breyherd out to meet Cuchulag.  His knowing eye revealed to him that this would be the place they would need to capture and hold to collect the primordial forces.  He set up the herdstone for he know the dreaded knights of Sigmar would be here soon.  He'd heard rumors that Sigmar, in his vain attempt to thwart the natural laws of chaos has created yet more upgrades to his mindless undead servants.  Then they arrived, sure enough.  A small detachment

Kevin K

Kevin K in Battle Report

The Herd Expands!

I started this Blog a couple years ago when I first started building a BoC army.  I'm doing another slow grow league and using it to finally paint the rest of the army and learn how to play in the v3 rules.  I'll post progress and battle reports here as I go. This time.around, I have most of the models built but not painted so that will be the focus.  We are also using Anvil of Apotheosis.  My character is Cuchulag, a Beastlord on chariot, inspired by the Irish Celt legend, Cuchulain H

Kevin K

Kevin K in Introduction

CoS Project - Vindenspite - The Crimson Watch and the Silent Ones

The Crimson Watch Amongst the various soldiers of fortune and swashbuckling warriors in Vindenspite there is one regiment that stands above all others in both renown and skill, the Crimson Watch. The Crimson Watch is a sisterhood whose origins date back to the founding of Vindenspite, a single squad of Aelves who were the loyal retinue of the Frostqueen herself. This sisterhood train using rifles that magically enhance their shot with flame and frost, working to unleash their volleys with d


Lightbox in Vindenspite

Battle Report 3.0: Skaven vs. Ironjawz - "Vice" Battleplan

Hey ya'll. I've got a fun one for ya. Lets get started. First off we have the armies: First off is my friend's Orruk Warclans with a few units of Gloomspite friends. This was my opponent's 1st(?) game with 3.0 and was using their books for point values. So no hard feelings being at a 100 pt disadvantage here. Straight-forward list, the Savage Cabbage is gonna be unleashed and rush the board. This is why I love Destruction. Now for the Skaven. Things I wanted to try out with th

CoS Project - Vindenspite: The Chosen

Within the city of Vindenspite there are occasions when those who are chosen by the Glimmergate emerge victorious, having made it through to the Frostflame glade and been forever changed by their experience. These individuals emerge back into the city wielding a mastery over either fire or ice alongside a powerful elemental beast that has formed an inseparable bond with them. These warriors are magically sworn to an oath of silence, never being able to speak and risk giving away the secrets of t


Lightbox in Vindenspite

Chaos Knights rebasing

Getting started on the Knights, real life stuff has put a hold on em but getting them along. Ive taken some shots of the basing steps. I much prefer proper large Bottle cork opposed to the flaky sheet cork often seen in dollar stores. The bases are designed around the specific horse they work with, numbered on the bottoms.   I use carpenters glue with a long needle tube tip to get it under and around skulls and rocks. After extracting from the sandbox and shaking,


CrimsonKing in Chaos Knights

CoS Project - Vindenspite - Initial Lorecrafting

Vindenspite Magical gateway city of ageless swashbucklers This wonderful city name and tagline was gained from Army Name Generator - Cities of Sigmar — Realm of Plastic and once I saw it I knew it would be an amazing fit for working off lore for my next project, the project that started off simply as 'Aelves with guns'. I have put together some initial lore ideas on this city which will be cleaned up and expanded upon in later entries as I continue on this project. Vindenspit


Lightbox in Vindenspite

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