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  1. We hired this for the WitH event pictured above and would highly recommend others to do the same. Sourcing Matts and Terrain for events is a big job for event organisers and Ben’s terrain really took a weight off my minds. We knew it looked good and was practical for gaming purposes and would have no hesitation in hiring it again. When I attend events I don’t really want to be carrying a large army and terrain around after each game and this is a perfect solution and even if it means adding the cost directly to the ticket price I’d always be willing to pay for events to do so. Hence why we made the decision we did for War in the Heartlands. 5 ⭐️
  2. Don’t plan on moving once you get in position, use characters to double lap units (you can spread out the unit, just make sure they’re fully within 12” etc). It means yoy end up playing slightly more risky with characters but you do get more out of them.
  3. Runefather, 2 Magmasmiters, 2 Battlesmiths, Runesmiter. 30 Pick/Shield Vulkites, 20 Twin Axe Vulkites, 10 Broadaxe Hearthguard, 10 Poleaxe Hearthguard, 3x5 Auric Hearthguard, Forge Breathren Formation.
  4. 1) Would like to see rules and maybe specific scenario's for smaller size games, playing 700pt games was fantastic and would like to see this level rolled out more. 2) Match Play Army Construction - Give each faction a list of "allies" it can group with, allow players to take one of the ally specific battleline units as a battleline unit in their army providing they also take a hero along for the ride. For example, Skaven currently have to play with one of the clans or take 3 Clanrat Units. Would be good to be allowed to take one unit of Plague Monks if I took a Plague Priest, or a Unit of Giant Rats if I took a packmaster for example. 3) I'd personally change the spell casting rule of one to be successfully cast once rather than attempted once. 4) Rules for a more fleshed out Map Campaign. 5) 4th way to play, T&T to make a return, complete with a Deck of Cards. 6) Minor Points rebalacing using actual tournament feedback - points all based online. Can be tweaked very easilly by GW at any point, maybe even once every 3 months in case anything slips though the net of a system which seems pretty robust at the moment bar a couple of examples (Ruk etc). Think that covers it from my PoV
  5. Not Sure - It's body looks like an Old Model but it's head is totally different from the Old Stock Version
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