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  1. Hi guys, long lurker here but pretty new in AoS in general. My first real army was Ironjawz, but after quite some games and 2 tournaments, i see that actually, a full IJ isn't really effective in tournament (an expensive and quite useless shaman, no ranged, and melee sucks in general). So after some readings and as i like greenskins, i decided to build a full Bonesplitterz army for some reasons. First, no one plays them in Paris (oh yeah, i lie, a guy is playing them, but he doesn't do well) so they can create some surprises. Second and third, i love greenskins, so naked screaming orcs do have something, y'know And finally, i really enjoyed their fluff. Great waaghs roaming, looking for great beasts to free GorkaMorka's spirit (sorry for maniacs, i have to sum up a bit) After some brainstorming, i ended with this list in 2000 points. Allegiance: BonesplitterzHeroesManiak Weirdnob (100)Savage Big Boss (100) Ki'Zune- General- Granite Choppas - Artefact: Dokk Juice Wardokk (80)- Artefact: Big Wurrgog Mask Wardokk (80)- Artefact: Big Wurrgog Mask Wurrgog Prophet (140) Fo'XizBattleline10 x Savage Orruks (100)10 x Savage Orruks (100)10 x Savage Orruks (100)Units2 x Savage Big Stabbas (100)2 x Savage Big Stabbas (100)40 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (400)20 x Savage Orruk Morboys (240)10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (120)BattalionsBonegrinz Warclan (40)Kunnin' Rukk (60)Teef Rukk (40)Kop Rukk (100)Total: 2000/2000 So you can see some holes in artefacts and general traits, that's because i have the french book, and i am lazy enough to not search the english names right now Basically, 5 spells per turn, a kunnin'Rukk, 200+ HP on the table, one place on deployment. On the paper, it sounds good, we'll see where this is going. I started to buy, i have for now 2 shamans, and 40 guys glued. 60 more to buy and the last heroes. And i have to paint it all (and test it for sure) BEFORE the end of August, as we have a big tournament here in Paris. And i really believe in it. Or maybe i may paint it all before testing it, so i'll have to stuck myself to play it Stay tuned for next entry, test of color scheme, and a bit of a fluff (because fluff does matter) !
  2. Salut ! Pour les nouveaux qui souhaitent jouer/découvrir le jeu, nous sommes une grosse communauté de joueurs au magasin GW de Paris 6, et à la Waaagh Taverne. Viendez boire une bière autour une table ! À bientôt
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