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The Cranky Dwarf

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Retributor (4/10)



  1. Hey, for those a bit more versed in AOS lore than I, do you know if any minor duardin gods made the jump to AOS? Such as Morgrim or Thungi? If so where are they mentioned?
  2. Possibly a stupid question, but in Barak ziflins hero phase move, can endrinriggers hitch on the vessel? The rule just says they can't move again in that (hero) phase, so if they can I assume they can move in the first round movement phase. Am I missing something ?
  3. I would say I just buy a lot more used models and convert characters than I would if they were a bit more affordable. My new purchases are limited to get started collections and the occasional lower costed box. Heck it's been years and I still can't convince myself that an ogor butcher model is worth 40 bucks. While I understand that we are paying for quality the rising prices kinda kill any impulse purchasing for me at least.
  4. I've replaced my admirals head as well as a few arkanauts with a variety of dwarf heads. The thing to watch out for is the beards. The weapons and chests sometimes interfere. I've had OK luck with fyreslayer heads on arkanauts. I think it would be no dice on the thunderers due to the closed arm positions.
  5. Hey I'm unclear on something. I thought the save characteristic was a reflection of a combination of armor and dexterity in avoiding a blow. If the arkanauts are indeed as the lore portrays them the best troops the kharadron academys have to offer it makes sense that a mix of their training and armor would equal a 4 up. a retributor for example may have great armor but he is not dodging anything under all that weight. also in a more practical sense these models are the best "anvil" non elite unit the army has access to. In a mechanical sense with the speed of most army's meaning combat is joined at round 2 if not 1 we need a more dependable anvil which a 4 up would help deliver.
  6. I hope Brokk Gruggson does something this time. Lore wise and on the table. They went through all the effort to make a named character and then kinda just dropped him. Has he even show up in black library at all?
  7. So the update to base sizes dropped. Oddly enough I don't see the butcher on the chart unless I'm blind
  8. What is people's read on chaos chosen? To me they seem like marginally better warriors. Am I missing something?
  9. I'm interested in what people think about flosh w/ brand of svard and clatterhorn. Is it worth foregoing the ethereal amulet for the extra punch?
  10. Quick question lads, since you cant mark darkoath heros, they dont have the aura correct? meaning the aura would be why you'd take the hero of chaos. or am i reading that wrong?
  11. Hey can someone give me a quick clarification. Is the mark of chaos khorne mark different from the khorne keyword that bloodbound have? Aka will my bloodsecrators work on my chaos warriors?
  12. I've played skirmish a few times. I've usually found it too unbalanced to be much fun. Ex. I had a 3 player skirmish battle and my grim wrath by himself killed both enemy warbands. Also the limited model use in the v1 kinda killed it soon after it came out in my local scene because many of our players couldn't use their favorite models. War cry Imo could totally replace skirmish with some expansions of usable models.
  13. Played a game vs maw tribes spellcasting tribe yesterday. My take-aways. Lead belchers shooting is pretty lame. But they are pretty OK in combat. My opponent had 8 of them standing in range shooting at a unit with a 4up for 3 turns and did effectively nothing. The 4 who charged into my longbeards and lord Celestant on Dracoth killed the longbeards and kept the Dracoth busy for a few turns. The tyrant is kinda swingy. his tyrant got into a block of crossbow men and wiped out like 6 in one shot but spent the rest of the game (2 turns) dualing with a free guild general on foot. Gluttons are fantastic. No more to say. Iron guts hit like a truck. If you take more than msu be careful of your charge lanes. My opponent attempted to screen with gluttons and by the time the iron guts made it to combat they lost quite a few guys to low rend shooting. Slaughter masters are great as are butchers. Their spells went off decently well and did quite a bit. My opponent ignored the 6mw +1 att spell which would have torn my support hero's apart. He also took the butchers band. Which apart from bringing the usual battalion things, did very little. Overall the stars of the show were the gluttons which almost wiped out my big unit of sequitors with very few buffs. And the spellcasters. I can't recall his list exactly but I think it was Tyrant , sword of judgment Butcher, splattercleaver Slaughter master ,drop of the red stuff Slaughter master 12 glutton 4 lead Belcher 12 iron guts And 8 leadbelchers.
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