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Everything posted by AthlorianStoners

  1. Kharadron VS Tzeentch box set would be cool, if they're both dropping in February. Recreate the cover of Iron Dragons and release a plastic chaos dragon.
  2. That’s a good point, they’d now have a behemoth, 2 units of chaos beasts and all the warcry sets.
  3. If they use that Formoroid design further I’d love it, awesome model
  4. I wouldn’t be so sure, we know they’re at least getting the Tyrant and replacements for the Hunter and Saber kits via Beastgrave. That could indicate the rumors of all the Finecast being replaced or cut are true. All they’d need then is a Butcher kit and the king speculated/rumored/extremely desire Yhetee-Gorger dual kit.
  5. I wonder if we might see a combined Greenskinz book in the future, fusing Greenskinz, Gitmob Gitz and Grotbag Scuttlers into a future release? Treat it like Moonclan where you update some of the existing models and fill out the slimmer factions.
  6. I mean that’s not really accurate, there’s many new original characters, some of them have multiple books crafted after them.
  7. Was Gorkamorka once trapped in a mountain of Amber? That sound similar to Beastgraves mo.
  8. This and the Ogurs will be instant buy for me. Cannot wait!!!
  9. I can really see these being combined with Wanderers to make a dope faction.
  10. Something I’d love to see is the Forgeworld models given more relevant keywords. Magma dragon to fyreslayers, merwyrm to Idoneth and so in.
  11. At some point every group will have some degree of dissatisfaction. As we’ve progressed those groups have become smaller as more armies have got 2.0 times, but you really can’t satisfy everyone. Over the last two weeks alone, I’ve seen CoS, Orruk and STD fans all complain about no releases and cuts. I’ve seen Gloomspite fans complaining about rules and Idoneth fans complaining about versatility, Seraphon players complaining about being forgotten and half a dozen about how much they hate Stormcast. There were people complaining about how much they hate the Bonereapers and they’re not even out yet. People complaining about no releases, then complaining about the releases. I think that just goes to show nothings going to be perfect, and GW definitely aren’t and will never be. It doesn’t do anyone any good to constantly focus on the negative. Someone earlier in this thread mentioned they have external things going on putting them in a bad space. I’m sure that hobbying could and should be an escape from that. Try focus on the positives and what you can gain, as no ones going to be completely satisfied. Instead of looking at how things aren’t, look at what they are and enjoy that. CoS will be here soon and it will have many many options for exciting new builds and armies. Yes it’s taken a bit of time, but it will come and what’s waiting really done? To those players who received cuts to their armies, it’s unfortunate and could have been handled a number of ways. It was handled how it was and players will just have to accept that. Those factions that were cut have been at risk, at least in my opinion, for a long time. The best thing to do is to decide how you want to move forward so you can ENJOY this hobby as much as possible. Will you try and run your units as counts as? There are many many options available if you go down that route. You can run an exclusive Legends army if you were so inclined. Starting a new army is also there as an option. You can keep your old models as keepsakes, as they are more than just their game value. Or you could trade/sell them, though I think you should always be careful with that option. At the end of the day, people should focus on enjoying this hobby and letting it make them happy. Don’t caught in negativity over a game, it’s not meant for that.
  12. This is honestly getting crazy, people need to calm down with this. The books will be here in a few weeks. I get it’s frustrating when you want something, but it’s really not that bad. You’ve waited years for this book, surely a few more weeks isn’t going to kill anyone.
  13. OMG IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR SO LONG!!! So so so excited about the BCR unit.
  14. Not the poster in question but I also love the over the top style. As someone who’s geeky background comes from superhero comics and movies, I love the mortal realms. The idea of a grander mythology is something that’s always appealed to me, with ancient myth and gods being one of my favorite sources of literature. The Iliad has superhero style heroics yet is still one of the greatest stories ever told. The same goes for Giligamesh and Enkidu. These characters that are greater than possible in more grounded stories are also then given room to grow as a character into their greatness. The juxtaposition created when you have these characters of immense power, who are sacrificing everything for the greater good, yet still doubt themselves is a great way of displaying humanity and story. Superman comes to mind, as he is regularly considered the most human superhero, despite his godlike power. Another thing I love is the awe factor created when you see characters interact with these greater beings. You get a real sense of grandeur and heroism when a character like Gardus is being written, someone who is both immensely powerful and moral, but also tiny and insignificant in the conflict. This is all further enhanced when they have regular people to bounce of and highlight their greatness, so a balance is the best case scenario imo. My favorite scenes in AoS are when regular humans react to the great things that these super humans achieve, whether it’s Gardus singlehandedly demolishing a chaos lord or Arkhan dueling a whole army by himself. Everything has merits, and I think it would be better for everyone if they were open minded to all options. The beauty of AoS in its current form is that you could play out your own entire kingdom the size of WHFB and have it isolated from some of the greater events going on.
  15. I’d love to see Death and Destruction brought up to 8+ factions each. There’s so much room for expansion and I believe the game can support anywhere up to 40 factions. It’s not likely but one can dream. Idea for fire expansion and release oof those two GA’s. Death Nighthaunt Flesh Eater Courts Ossiarch Bonereapers Soulblight Fleshshapers (zombies) Courts of Death Vampirates Destruction Orruk Warclans Gloomspite Gitz Ogur Mawtribes Grotbag Scuttlers Oni
  16. I think of it in a tiered format, so something along the lines of: Cosmic Deity, abstract powerful beings who are for all intents and purposes unkillable: Chaos Gods, Dracothian(?) Gods, extremely powerful beings who are attuned to a realms magic. Extremely difficult to beat if you aren’t one of them: Sigmar, Nagash, Alarielle, Gorkamorka, Archaon, Grungni, Grimnir, Tyrion, Teclis, Malerion Lesser Gods, vestiges or hidden remnants of past religions or faith. Powerful, but do not have the ability to directly overpower the true gods: Khaine, Kurnoth, Mathlann, Hashut, Morghur etc Avatars, embodiments or representatives of the the higher powers, who channel their energy and are more powerful than normally possible: Morathi, Gordrakk, Gotrek, Celestant Prime, Arkhan, Neferata, Mannfred, Lady Olynder, Top Greater Daemons, Eidolon Godbeasts, self explanatory here, great beasts who channel immense power. Some could be on the true Gods level, but on average fall to those above.
  17. 100%, but I meant more that since this is a new model, if they didn’t use those design cues it could probably indicate BCR weren’t being fused.
  18. Damn I didn’t realize, but that model incorporates BCR stuff in it so much.
  19. Does anyone have a list of that leak about the warbands? I don’t remember gitz being in there.
  20. I don’t think it would require much work, as as far as I’m aware there has been no representation in AoS for Chaos Werewolves. Keep the old FW models as skinwolves, since they’re a solo forgeworld unit they don’t really have much of an impact anyway. Have the new faction be the werewolf focus, as since in AOS werewolves aren’t really associated with chaos anyway it’s not a huge jump.
  21. They wouldn’t necessarily have to be werewolves in the traditional sense, but anthropomorphized wolf men, created from the raw energies of Ghur.
  22. I think Werewolves would be an awesome addition to Destruction. They’re very underrepresented in AoS and have huge room for expansion and branching out.
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