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Lord Castellant

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  1. kind of overlap with the +1 to hit from BW allegience, so meh
  2. we have a similar list, but with Rogue Idol (+1 cast on purple sun) and arcane tome on Weirnob shaman with hand of gork and touched by waaaagh. Alpha strike with most of the army at -3/4 rend. Cry against nighthaunt.
  3. same comment as smash also i think i would just go for 3 x 10 morboys
  4. Nighthaunt is probably the worst matchup for Ironjawz by quite a margin. This is not true for other Warclan army. Bonesplitterz have very good tools against them (Wurgog and saturation of rend 0 attack). not quite sure about Kruleboyz but they have shooting / mortal wound output, and some trick with their coup.
  5. yes but they will blow trough Brutes as well, and squad of 5 ardboyz as well. So taking 1-2 squad of 10 that count as 30 models might be worthy (almost same price as brutes). Not sure about squad of 15
  6. i think the new GV reach ability might make squad of 10 and 15 a bit better now
  7. So i've played a first test game with the new rule. Some really weird spot for IJ units. - Gore gruntas are pretty much the same. You can slam them in Bounty hunter to oblitarate ennemies GV units. - Ardboys: probably still ok as screen, but there survival chance drop drastically against bounty hunter. At least you can put them in the 3 models bataillion, so the become decent to contest objectives. Pack of 15 can also be considered du to reach bonus. - Brutes are in a really tough spot. It's already a high cost unit per life and you face the threat of taking double damage. Also they already had access to a 2'' reach weapon anyway. So this seem to leave 2 options: Either you go for Krusha(s) + Gruntas bloodtooth agressive list and ignore GV units (with maybe gruntas in bounty hunter). I didn't honestly get the feel that using GV units was mandatory (some battleplan even give bonus point when a GV die) or you gamble and use Brutes and Ardboys and hope bounty hunter is not too played. I guess the shadespire band can see a bit more play as screen too to deny GV kills.
  8. i've the impression that the Brutes ability might become better too (direct counter to Expert Conqueror)
  9. @bonzai thanks for sharing, I was thinking about Incarnate yesterday but i had trouble demystifying all of the rules. I think any monster bring something to bonesplitter (good rend / move / potential fly), but if you must keep his master alive the fact that our heros are super fragile is kinda bad aha
  10. @Jabbuk i like it overall, would probably drop 1 warchanter and 5 ardboys for 1 more hammer if I were playing this (3 more gruntas maybe?)
  11. the screen range is also pretty much similar in end when you spread the ardboys. I don't see any reason to use hobgrot at the moment
  12. Kragnos Warmaster ability explicitely specify he can be include, which supersede BT rule. Gorddrack no. An email from GW is not official FAQ. Also, at the top of the article: EDIT: after talking to Declan and others at Woehammer, they disagree that he can be included and believe this still needs clarification with the FAQ team at GW due to the below images from the Battletome. So I would not count on that (even if i would love it too )
  13. Hum i'm dubious. Warmaster on Kragnos and Gordrack isn't the same wording... Gorddrak read: WARMASTER: If this unit is included in an Orruk Warclans army, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be the army’s general. Unless it's changed in the official FAQ later I don't think tournament are gonna allow that.
  14. I've the same interpretation, but didn't have my playgroup agreement last week
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