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  1. Do you have any suggestion about possible lists/where to find some template lists? Just to se what would be the possible expences. P.s. what are the must-have for evocations?
  2. Hi guys! I'm runnibg around in this forum bothering people with questions while i figure out (or try to) which army i want to play. Do you have any suggestions about tzeentch? I love the models but i heard the struggle i bit now. My main problem is that i don't have that big of a budget to spend, is tzeentch expensive? All those possible evocation leave me a bit dubious. Thanks guys!
  3. Thanks! I'll read the article and dig through the discussion!
  4. Hello guys! I was thinking about taking up AoS again, and maybe with Legions of Nagash (being Death the only faction i haven't even tried to play in the past). What are the most played lists? Some of the guys in my group spoke about 3 "popular lists themes": -nagash+arkhan -arkhan+dragon -neferata+dragons Any insights about the army? I'm going for a competitive(-ish) approach. Thanks!
  5. Hi everyone!i was think of maybe start playing Idoneth, but i heard most of the lists are eel squads spamming, is it true? Are namarti that bad? And the sharks? I was thinking about buing the christmas army box but so many players from where i play said it's no worth it. Do you have suggestion for a noob? Thanks!
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