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  1. Seems like these are the possible ways to stack Blood Rites in the new Battletome, did I miss anything? HAG NAR (ALLEGIENCE ABILITY) +1 Blood Rites throughout the ENTIRE GAME TRUE BELIEVER (COMMAND TRAIT - HERO ONLY) +1 Blood Rites throughout the ENTIRE GAME for that HERO SCAREMENT OF BLOOD (PRAYER) +1 Blood Rites until your NEXT HERO PHASE, this could mean 3 Turns if your opponent double turn you WITCH BREW (ABILITY) +1 Blood Rites until the END OF YOUR TURN MELUSAI KIN (ABILITY) +1 Blood Rites at the start of the COMBAT PHASE until the END OF THAT PHASE
  2. Honestly, you should be able to play comfortably with Morathi + 10/15 Blood Stalkers (maybe even dominate) against the faction in your group. Hedonites are pretty fragile, you can easily shoot them to bits. StD and Khorne are very close combat oriented. With proper screening and positioning you can shoot them off. If your opponent brings Archaon, just use Morathi to tarpit him. Some of the new SCE units are not yet out so I am not too sure how we fare against them.
  3. Really depends on the meta. The new Kruleboyz and SCE battletomes have toolkits at their disposable to hard counter shooting armies Kruleboyz 12" visibility - LRL still can shoot them D3 units cannot be seen when in cover, this is a hard counter Forcing enemy units into reserves - remove screens to hit shooting units Counter shooting - they also have pretty decent MW shooting output SCE Dragon riders have hero phase move + charge to close gap and bypass unleash hell New decent shooting units to thin down fragile enemy shooting units IMO, GW will not nerf this combo but probably give other factions the toolkit to deal with shooting meta.
  4. How did this list perform? I'm interested in starting a Squig army and thinking of a non-horde - monster/elite fast moving army that is still somewhat able to put up a decent fight. This list looks pretty solid with well thought out strategy!
  5. Had a couple of games using DoK with different Temples against the following armies - SoB, Soulblight, LRL, Slannesh, Skaven & STD. Playing a few more games in the coming weekends against several other factions. Here are my findings; Smaller board makes it really easy for us to dive into close combat on T1 Smaller board gives Blood Stalkers have amazing threat projection Smaller board makes our wholly within abilities easier to proc New Unleash Hell can really hurt our bikini warriors, make sure to use Morathi or chaff to charge first New All Out Attack further amplifies our damage potential for insane damage output New All Out Defense is helpful but isn't as potent as armies with natural 3+ saves New limit on net +1 save modifier makes Melusai more durable than Witches The Shadow Queen is a Monster, combo her to Titanic Dual + Finest Hour other Monsters to death You can cast Metamorphosis to transform your Heros into a Monster If The Shadow Queen is weaken, use the Ghur Feral Roar to make her top tier again Try to get the Inspired Triumph (+1 wound roll), you can combo All Out Attack + Inspired for a super reliable hard hitting hammer Try to position your priests near Mystic (+1 prayer roll) terrain effect Morathi-Khaine is also a General, in case your actual General dies you still get the 1 CP every turn Pray hard Morathi-Khaine don't roll double 1s snake eyes on her first spell Morathi-Khaine's Worship Through Bloodshed ability happens during the Hero Phase, opponent cannot use All Out Defense and neither can you use All Out Attack Heart of Fury is pretty sweet - if your opponent faction has no Priests, they have absolutely no way of countering it! Once summoned, it only goes away on roll of 6s (probably pending FAQ) Pillars of Belief is probably the easiest Grand Strategy if you are bringing a Cauldron - since it usually is the last to enter any fights All our Heros count as 2 models - Shadow Queen is a Monster and count as 5 when contesting objectives Zainthar Kai extra Artefect allows you to forgo the Warlord or Command Entourage battalion Khelt Nar fall back can no longer run - cannot synergize with Melusai Ironscale 2D6 run anymore So far, my favorite combo is using The Shadow Queen and 10 Blood Sisters for an alpha strike. Give the Blood Sisters Mindrazor, Catechism of Murder, 2D6 run + charge, activate all out attack and inspired. Charge in with The Shadow Queen first and then the Blood Sister for 41 attacks 2+ (exploding 6s)/2+/-2/2 dmg.
  6. Great idea, they are cheaper than warlocks as well with better saves!
  7. You don't need to use a Prayer slot to summon the Heart of Fury. It is explicitly written in our battletome FAQ designer's note that the Invocation of Khaine is not a Prayer. They might override it in AOS 3 battletome FAQ though.
  8. I don't know if this is legal but technically the blade coven has the <Melusai> keyword and is considered a Melusai unit?
  9. Played tested the AOS 3 rules and discovered an unexpected "dark horse" for DoK The Doomfire Warlocks actually make great blockers with the new coherency rule... from end to end, they can form a 15" blockade 🙈 How is this possible? Doomfire Warlocks come in minimum unit size of 5. This means they only need to be within 1" of one (1) model in the unit to remain coherent and can be arranged in a single file. By positioning their 60mm oval bases at the widest point, you can form a rather long blockage. Comparison Table Additional Factors to consider They have 5+ natural save, this is important in AOS 3.0 when you can only net +1 to save roll after factoring in rend They are Wizards, able to cast Mystic Shield, Arcane Bolt or D6 MW with a +1 to casting roll at full strength... and can unbind They enjoy our allegiance 6+ ward save... cough Hag Narr 5+ ward save if near general
  10. I actually like the concept of coherency but instead of forcing unit coherency, GW can incentivize unit coherency like LRL Shining Company. At least it emulates the concept of formation fighting. If you stay in formation and get charged, you enjoy +1 save. If you charge in formation, you get +1 damage.
  11. This new table size (44x60) has been confirmed during the Dominion Unboxing video with the new AOS 3.0 rule book. I don't play 40k but several of my gaming group members who also play 40k on the new size since the new edition gave some general feedback about the smaller board size. Overall pointage increase across ALL units - this is to counteract the effect of a smaller board to prevent overcrowding More close combat oriented as units get into glorious melee more quickly - traditional long range shooting armies becomes unplayable Huge base sizes have a harder time positioning - terrain and meatshields can easily crowd out hot combat zones Less opportunity to outflank/deepstrike - smaller board makes it easier for players to protect their rear and flanks For those playing both gaming systems, what are your experience with 40k on the smaller board that you think will probably be emulated in AOS?
  12. 1. Expensive to Collect Before the new Battletome, the only competitive way to play them is to field hordes of Witch Aelves which are really pricey. They don't have a decent Start Collecting and even if you got the Batttleforce, you still need to supplement with boxes of troops which are expensive. The situation has improved recently with Melusai being viable and I do see more players starting DoK locally. 2. Difficult to Paint Their models have a rather varied distribution of fabric, metal, skin and hair. You can't just spam contrast on them like Nighthaunts or rely on 2 colour scheme like Storrmcast Eternals. I have seen many aspiring DoK players who spent a fortune buying a complete army only to completely sell it off upon realizing how difficult they are to paint. 3. Meta Reputation They are one of the rare armies to remain at S Tier for a long time and it's hard to make friends when you murder them into oblivion. You see them in tournaments but in more casual setting people tend to play more palatable armies. 4. Diva Powerhouse DoK is lead by a shrewd power hungry demi-goddess (now full goddess) supported by tons of murder queens navigating a man's world. This concept does not resonate well with the predominately straight alpha male Warhammer player base (cough... 40K Emperor and all-male Primarch cast). It does have it niche audience of power gamers, pro painters, girls, LGBTQ and kinks though. 😆
  13. Played a small local tournament for a 1000pts Vanguard using the new temple Khelt Nar as I wanted to test how Morathi perform with retreat and charge. I placed first with 3 wins. You may see the final scoring and all the players list here https://tabletop.to/gallant-games-aos-28-feb-vanguard-pb HERO Morathi-Khaine (210) - Mindrazor The Shadow Queen (390) Bloodwrack Shrine (160) (General) - Gaisa's Falx, The Circling Flock, Steed of Shadow BATTLELINE 10 Witch Aelves (100) 5 Blood Stalkers (140) KEY TAKEAWAYS The Shadow Queen with retreat and charge makes her really shine. You can have Morathi-Khaine make her fight during the hero phase, retreat and charge another target. She can also disengage from really low value targets that attempts to lock her down and go hunt more valuable targets. It's a little wasted but The Shadow Queen will not be able to use her +2/+2/-3/D6 damage shooting ability after retreating The free Khinerai also makes a world of difference in competitive setting helping you secure objectives and score VP Mindrazor is hard to cast, but it synergizes well with KN considering you get +1 damage after you fall back and charge
  14. Khelt Nar Command Ability Unmodified hit rolls of 1 against the selected Khelt Nar unit will cause 1 MW to the attacking unit. This is the old temple nest battalion ability!!! 😍
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