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  1. I play chaos almost exclusively (for now) ... And I for one am thrilled with the new Daemon prince ... Stunning model in perfect keeping with how I want my slaves to darkeness to vibe ... He's old skool chaos and I love it
  2. Well, I'm glad o didn't stay up for that rollercoaster of nothingness .... I wish they'd stop hyping things so much ... Makes them look a tad silly .... And they're already grown men playing with toy soldiers... Quite the acheivememt 😂
  3. I have t on good authority that lumineth are in fact getting a new army book in June, july and august
  4. Greedy? ... More like needy ... I had a girlfriend like that once ... First 6 months of the year she was fine, but then, all of a sudden after I dumped her she started being all "hey have you forgotten about me?' and "I still love you don't ignore me" or "I've slashed your tyres you b*****d" ... Then the hiding in the bushes outside my house ... The constant calls!! .... Never ending text messages! ... It all got too much and I just had to tell her ... NO KYLIE MINOUGUE! ... STOP!!
  5. Brown please .... Also it's sauce We should probs get back to rumours ... Straying into dangerous territory here
  6. Ha! ... Thanks, I just feel very strongly that we should be helping each other here, not using it as a platform to flex our geek superiority for dopamine ... But Gaz was right, I could have handled it better
  7. My apologies Gaz ... Moving on 🙂
  8. This hole just gets deeper ... Fun 😜
  9. Yup, you still come over like tool ... Perhaps it's just you
  10. Dude! ... Do yourself a favour and read your posts back to yourself... You sound like complete tool here
  11. I appreciate your reply. And you make very valid points... I would firstly suggest that whilst you may not have seen any "evidence" that staff are underpaid, neither have you seen any that they are not. Additionally, we do as you point out have plenty of claims (for varying motivations) for the former, and none for the latter. Secondly, I feel you have somewhat missed my point, but that's fine 😉
  12. Ive come to realise over the last few years that all games workshop games are a hot mess! ... A heady mixture of thematic rules written by under paid employees who care deeply about the lore and hobby, and competitive rules written by underpaid staff who just want cool rules. GW is making a fortune, if they want to continue to do so they must, in my opinion, begin to pay the men and women behind their success not just fairly, but well. And then they must insist on internal and external balancing across all factions being a part of the actual process, and not just an after thought. Just my opinions ... I never have, and never will work for GW.
  13. Yeah in my head The varangusrd are pretty much operating on their own... The warriors will be using curse, doing 5 attacks each with a 3+ ignoring rend -1/2 and the 6++
  14. Thanks screech! ... I think I'd almost prefer to finish last than play the same op list everyone else plays these days if I'm honest
  15. I'm just going to assume this is the greatest list ever, since no one seems to have any ideas on how to improve / make it viable thanks though I know you all thought deeply on the subject for me 😉
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