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Best force using the minis i've got? [1K]


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I'm hoping you guys can help me. I've got a selection of minis from way back when that i'd like to press into service. 
Hoping someone might help me construct a 1k force with them?  AoS is pretty new to me, so still trying to suss out what works well. 

At my disposal are;

  • 30 Marauders
  • 20 Warriors
  • 10 Chosen
  • 5 Knights
  • 3 Dragon Ogres
  • 3 Chaos Chariots (Not Gorebeast)
  • 1 Shaggoth
  • Lord on Demonic Mount
  • Belakor/Daemon Prince
  • Slew of heroes and sorcerers

For 1k, I had thought the following.

  • Godsworn Champions of Ruin Warscroll
  • Daemon Prince
  • Sorcerer Lord
  • 10 Warriors
  • 5 Chosen
  • 3 Dragon Ogres
  • 10 Marauders
  • 1 Chariot

Thoughts? Cheers!

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That force looks like a nice varied force to use. In the most hardcore competitive play, I don't think it will work well. How do you want to play? More friendly and casual or more competitive?

Personally, I would put down the Chosen and use that points to get more Marauders. But if you like them, use the Chosen. With the proper sinergies they are good, but they aren't as reliable as more cannon fodder to the blood god! :D 

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I would modify @Galas's suggestion by recommending you should pick between the Dragon Ogres or Chosen. Both are pretty mean, but having bodies on the field will help your staying power. 

I'd say keep the Ogres as they can move fairly well, and add either Warriors or Marauders or both. 

Use Inspiring Presence on those Ogres to make up for their low bravery and keep hitting them with lightning whenever you can. 

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