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Scourge of the Seafangs: Davariel's Pirate Crew


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“Pirates? What d’ye be askin’ about pirates for, lad? If them navy lads hear ye saying such things they’ll be haulin’ you off to meet the rope, don’t ye know?

“Hm? Not frightened? Fine. I can tell ye about pirates. Sail the seas of Ghur as long as I have and ye’ll learn plenty of things them high and mighty Azyrites don’t tell you. Lean in close, boy. I don’t want to be overheard by one o’ them damned Witch Hunters.

“Ain’t just Chaos that infests the Seafangs. Don’t know how them pirates did it, but they survived the long dark before his great golden gloriousness deigned to show hisself. No, no, you’re gettin’ the wrong idea, boy. They ain’t fallen to Chaos. Just the opposite. Them scoundrels’ll fight anyone who crosses their bows; merchants, daemons, Stormcast, it don’t matter to them. They live how they want – no law, no rule, no gods, none of it. Nothin’ matters to ‘em, save what they can take with a pistol and keep with a cutlass.

“Oh, plenty have tried to stop ‘em. But them pirate lads is like quicksilver in your hands, see? Anyone gets close they cut and run, off to another hideaway. Must be hundreds of islands in the Seafangs, and not even the dark gods could hold ‘em all. Thing is, Sigmar likes his ships big with lots of cannon, but them pirates is smart – they use fast little things, ships ye’ll never catch, ships that’ll be on yer before ye can blink. Why in blazes do ye think Sigmar’s Navy has so many ships patrollin’ the trade routes?

“Careful, lad. I see that glint in yer eye. Might sound better than living ‘ere under the eyes of the Witch Hunters, but it’s a hard life, and make no mistake… them pirates is cruel. Vicious. Sail out into the realm o’ beasts and ye’d do well to always keep one eye on the horizon…”

 - overheard in a tavern by the Excelsis docks

I posted this over in the AoS28 thread, but for the sake of keeping things all in one place I figured I'd give my pirates a thread of their own B|

I actually first built a Mordheim pirate warband about six years ago - built and painted in about a week, they had no mould lines removed, thick, flat paintjobs and were pretty much just stock Empire Militia. So naturally I wanted to go back and redo them in a way that not only looked better but also actually looked like pirates!

My greenstuff skills aren't amazing but I'm happy with how they're shaping up. Here's the ship's second mate on the left and a slightly overweight crewman on the right:


More ambitious than the rest of the crew was the Captain - I had an image of a "gentleman pirate" in my head that required a fair bit of green stuff work to achieve. Lots of pics of this guy since the angles of the model make him fairly difficult to photograph:





That's about all for now. There are another four crewmen in the early stages of painting but beyond that I'm going to need to buy some flagellants for more suitably ragged bodies and some pistoliers for more, well, pistols xD

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I had no idea that there was a limit to the amount of 'likes' one could dish out in a day, however I'm very happy to have discovered this while reading your post and looking at the fantastic conversions. Even if It'd just been for the line "before his great golden gloriousness deigned to show hisself" i would've been happy. 

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5 hours ago, Durant said:

Your green stuff skills are a thing I would love to have :D

nice minis, one advice next time prime them b4 you post, they will look like custom 3d made ;)

You can always just use a filter too, but I like appreciating where the conversions/sculpting comes in myself :)

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Cheers guys, thanks for all the kind words!

@Tzaangor Management Always glad to hear someone enjoys my humble attempts at adding a bit of background :) The story so far has been very Stormcast centric and pro-Sigmar - I'm more interested in exploring other perspectives toward the god-king. Inspired a bit by the discrimination towards the reclaimed in the City of Secrets novel I want to question who doesn't want or like Sigmar's particular brand of salvation... and if I can do so whilst making a pirate crew that's just an added bonus :D

@Durant @Dez I've always liked seeing what's been converted and sculpted too, but given that these models are a mish-mash of bare plastic, greenstuff and old paint I can see how they'd be a little hard on the eyes (not helped by my mediocre photography).

I guess the obvious solution is for me to get cracking and post painted pics instead xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Double Misfire Thanks! Glad you liked them :)

Unfortunately... no painting progress has been made.

Fortunately... I bought a bunch of Empire kits with an eye to converting more pirates!

First of these were flagellants and pistoliers, to give me more pistols and ragged bodies And since I estimated I'd only use half the flagellant bodies in building pirates I'd have 5 left over - the exact number needed for a Mordheim Witch Hunter warband (witch hunters are like pirate hunters, right? xD) This was the perfect excuse to buy a box of the gorgeous new gryph-hounds to use as warhounds, along with an archer box to make the actual witch hunters. And since I only needed four witch hunters, leaving me with plenty of bodies left over, I also added a box of handgunners - giving me enough men to make another human warband as well as supplying more blackpowder weapons for the pirates and crossbows for the witch hunters...

Because why work on one warband when you can work on three, right? 9_9

The first new addition to the crew so far is a pirate with a two-handed weapon. Really happy with the sense of motion in this guy:


Another crewman with cutlass and pistol:


I also started on a cabin boy. He's missing a boat hook (which is what I want to equip him with) - the only plastic one I'm aware of is in the river troll kit, and while I usually don't mind buying a box just for a few bits, my utter disinterest in all things destruction has stopped me this time... I'll probably end up trying to scratchbuild one instead.


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