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1000 points of stormcast cheddar


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Had a fun game last night taking apart a chaos army with an experiment from the new book:


Lord celestant

Lord celestant

10 liberators

5 judicatory

10 retributors


The plus 2 bubble certainly packs a punch, makes a double turn quite brutal. What I liked the most was the utility from the liberators, i have like 30 liberators painted, might be a fun way to run them all at once.


Only the faithful product all these mortal wounds





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I'm assuming the ability to let someone else use their command ability, so they both pump out +1. The danger is they're pretty squishy, and once they're gone you're left with two slow blocks. Will be fun against the unprepared, but I don't think you'll ever get the +2.

Nice spot, though - I hadn't really thought about that combo. Might be even better in bigger games where there are more threats for target saturation?

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