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2K Lists w/out TK or Mourngul


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Wanted your opinions on these lists for somewhat competitive but fun and interactive.

First list is centered around 3 hammer units, minimum battleline, and the spirits as a tarpit.

List 1: Spirit Anvil

Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
- General
- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice
- Trait: Red Fury
- Artefact: Tomb Blade
Mannfred Mortarch Of Night (460)

2 x Morghast Archai (240)
6 x Spirit Hosts (240)
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Zombies (60)

5 x Hexwraiths (160)

Mortis Engine (180)

Total: 1940/2000

60 points for summoning a unit of dire wolves/zombies.

Alternatively, 60 points pays for the otherwise unpointed "Spirits of Felblood" battalion, which lets the spirit hosts "ride" the mortis engine and land within near it. Making them into a fast, red ignoring, mortal wound causing tarpit.


Hammer units are VLoZD, Mannfred - Mortarch of night, and Morghast Archai. Mortis Engine and the spirits can also take and deal a couple damage every turn.


Hammer and Anvil strategy. Tarpit enemies w/battleline and spirits. Hexwraiths and Mortis Engine are fast and fly to objectives w/spirit hosts.


Zombie Dragon + Mannfred can threaten hordes or elite enemies with their high number of attacks + magic + dragon breath ranged attack. Archai are slow-ish, but can stand behind battleline and reach over enemies when our skelly/zombies get charged. (Plus i really like the models). Rend -2 is best spent on high Save targets. Mortis Engine can fly in and heal the 2 heroes once per game.


List 2: Angry Skeletons

Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
- General
- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice
- Trait: Ruler of the Night
- Artefact: Cursed Book
Mannfred Mortarch Of Night (460)
Necromancer (120)

2 x Morghast Archai (240)
40 x Skeleton Warriors (320)
- Ancient Blades & Shields
10 x Zombies (60)
10 x Zombies (60)

5 x Hexwraiths (160)

Total: 1860/2000

140 for summoning.


ROTN Command Trait for more survivable skeletons.

Enemy has to deal with same 3 hammer units, but VLoZD is less threanening w/out Red Fury. If Skeleton blob ever makes it to an enemy, Necromancer's Danse Macabre spell should make them wipe out almost any unit. Overall slower, but more flexibility with summoning.


Thoughts on these 2 lists wit matched play scenarios in mind?

Both lists lack ranged attacks and mortal wounds, but hey we're playing death.

(Didn't include Mourngoul because I think his points will be nerfed and I don't own him.)

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