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Stormbros Assemble!


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Hello! New member here. Long time player of warhammer fantasy now AoS. After some time playing other miniature games while the End Times dust settled I finally committed myself to begin a new army in AoS (I know, I dragged my feet a little bit). My hobby group is fast approaching our next grow league and since I am a fairly slow painter I wanted to get a head start!

Here are my first 5 liberators. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions! I always try to push myself with every new army I paint and do feel this is my best work to date, so be gentle.

I would also like to shout out this forum, while this is my first post I have been lurking on here for quite some time. Great community, huge inspiration (some of the painters and sculptors on here are incredible!) just a wonderful place to get in touch with the hobby.

Thanks for looking.





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Thanks guys!

So the bases are painted this way @Sehanine:

Primed Black

Lava - Base Evil Sunz Scarlet, then thinned layer Troll Slayer Orange, then even thinner layer Flash Gitz Yellow

Dirt - Base Mournfang Brown, wash of Agrax Earthshade, dry brushed Zandri Dust, dry brushed lighter with Ushabti Bone

Sandstone - Base Zandri Dust, wash of Agrax Earthshade, dry brushed Balor Brown, dry bushed lighter Zamesi Desert

Gold - Base Rhinox Hide, layer Mournfang Brown, layer Balor Brown, layer Zamesi Desert, Edge highlight Zamesi Desert mixed with White Scar (approx 1:3), glaze with Lamenter Yellow

Skulls - Base Ushabti Bone, wash of Agrax Earthshade, layer Ushabti Bone, highlight Screaming Skull

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