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1000 pts. Hounds Stormcast! New Army, AOS 2.0


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Hi all,

With AOS 2.0 gleeming through at the horizon, i was looking to start a fun new army.

As well as thematical, i want it to be semi competitive. The main theme will be the Castellant who has a supernice collection of gryph hounds for all the incredible things he has done!


1000 Points: AOS 2.0


Lord-  Celestant 120

Lord-Castallant 100

5 Judicators, Bows and Shockbolt. 160

5 Judicators, Bows and Shockbolt. 160

6 Gryph Hounds 140

6 Gryph Hounds 140

3 Vangaurd Raptors, longstrike Bows. 180

1000 Total.


I am quite unfamiliar with Stormcast, but i just wanted to take as many hounds as possible without being totally unplayable.

As is, it seems to have a good amount of synergy between shooting, fast paced units and gryph buffs.


Tips are very appreciated!

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 So I don't think gryphs are good units, and the change to make them 6 hurts them as much as helps them imo... but I really like the idea. Longstrikes aren't great here (overpriced and fragile imo, especially with two squads of Juds already) so I would cut them. Also swapping a Jud unit for Libs gives you 240 points total to play with, which could be used on some much-needed firepower in Fulminators. However if you want to stay completely with the gryph theme:

Allegiance: SCE

Lord-Castellant (100)

5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammer & Shield
- 1x Grandhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammer & Shield
- 1x Grandhammers

6 x Gryph-Hound (140)
6 x Gryph-Hound (140)
6 x Vanguard-Palladors (400)

Total: 980 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 92


That's 92 wounds compared to 73 that you posted, but it loses a good amount of ranged threat (just javelin Palladors really). Very thematic, with scores of Gryphs bounding about and a good big block of Palladors (best target for the lantern buff), but I'm not sure if it will hit hard enough - also only 1 hero. Cutting the Palladors back to 3 could allow for a Lord Relictor and an extra 100 points for a ballista. 

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