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Claim the City Ep 9 is out


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 Listening now, for the first time.  Really liking it (other than use of "meta" and short form terms like "AOE" or "SCE" but hey ... ?)



Just wanted to add, now that I've listened to 6 episodes.

It's very much a credit to the quality of the content that I've stuck with it despite some verbal quirks that normally are automatic turn offs for me.  I'm suuuuper fussy about words in general and broadcasters use of them in particular, so when I hear "like" used several times in a sentence, it grates on me and usually gets me to stop listening to the radio, tv, or podcast I'm trying to enjoy.

It's a pet peeve of mine, not really a criticism of the speaker (unless their actual job is professional talker, in which case ... find a new job).

Like I said,  though,  the content here is so compelling that I keep going.

Well done, peeps.

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