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Lord of the Obsidian throne (AOS death story)


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Me being bored and waiting for a death release I stared at my death army and decided to write a story for them. Don't know if people here frequent dakka I wrote a story for my 40k emperor's children army(first time ever writing a story as well). A mate told me I should start writing considering how much I like reading and making up stories. 

So yeah apologies for the grammar and all that. >_< Plus I think we don't have a fan fiction section.

Chapter 1

He rubbed his hands he hated this place yet since the Realm gate wars ended and the cities are started being established. The various free guilds are in demand. Some are contracted and funded by the church of sigmar or even by powerful noble houses who wish to reclaim old lands. His freeguild the Claws of Sigmar is one of the many city funded free guilds. They came from Hammerhal Aqsha, it was so strange leaving and then introducing himself to the outpost workers the general demanded that every member make themselves known to them. He said his name out loud "Edric Castelov of the spearmen unit..." As the words parted his lips his hands began stinging again. 

Edric looked at his hands in frustration his dark skin does not seem effected by the sign of frostbite. He rubbed his hands again in annoyance he looked them over he could still feel the frostbite setting in or it felt like it or perhaps it's just because of the foul realm. He turned to his shield and spear resting on a nearby rock, he cursed it's hard to maintain watch as people got to work setting up the outpost. He should be standing tall and firm as is demanded by the Claws of Sigmar. 

Sighing heavily he reached for his spear and shield. He stood in the correct position, since he does not want to be spotted by Sergeant Baldwin. Even if they are friends he would get an earful if he is not alert. Standing in place for a few more minutes he looked at his hand gripping the spear his hand is shaking. The need to rub them together is coming back the thought died as his Sergeant stood next to him. He had fair skin and no hair, what made him stand out is his brown moustache. It had grey streaks. 

He wondered why he never took a promotion when offered by the General. He looked forward he did not want to be caught staring at Baldwin. Baldwin looked out into the distance, Edric tried to see what he was looking at all he saw is the hard land and mountains in the distance. The only significant thing about the area is the floating rock pieces of the mountains that surrounded the summit in a circle. Some mountains were even shaped like an hourglass even so they have been here for a few days so it's not exactly a surprise anymore. 

Baldwin finally spoke "These lands are cursed." Edric thought on what Baldwin just said it's clear to everyone here that it is cursed. They don't even whisper the name of the one who rules the realm due to fear of drawing his gaze. he looked at his sergeant at the edge of his vision he could see by his body language he is upset, Edric licked his lips "Is something wrong Sergeant?" Baldwin then looked at him "Yes there is something wrong. General Leonard is running about on "scouting" runs with our best in a cursed and hostile land." 

Edric tried not to frown he did not like talking about their General he looked around to the other free guild members, their free guild is predominately made up of Azyerites they can easily whisper things back to him. His ancestry is linked to Ashqy something that members within the free guild let him know all the time. Even Baldwin is from ayzr but unlike everyone else he does not treat him any differently. He is the reason why he did not fall into crime like many people have done in the free cities. 

His Mother is proud with the fact he is part of the freeguild since his father died he pursued any means to put food on the table. The money he earns helps support his Mother and his siblings back home. He knew it might be a mistake but if Baldwin is talking out loud like this it's clear he is here for discussion "Is there something wrong with our general going on scouting runs?" Baldwin glowered "If he is actually doing scouting runs! He is just seeking out the foul dead to slay for glory!" Edric could not help but smile slightly hearing Baldwin talk, the only reason why he could talk in such a fashion is because he served Leonard's father. He advised him and when he finally passed many wished for him to be General but he turned it down and it went to his son Leonard. Even when they offered him a place within the Greatswords he refused. 

He then began thinking on their mission, Edric went over again why they are here in his head. Many officials are worried about the lord of this realm and his forces Edric is not exactly interested in the talk about the gods and betrayals but it's been said that when the forces of shyish were needed they betrayed sigmar and his chosen. The Stormcast Eternals. He has only seen them from a distance but he wondered what it would be like to serve with them. Since some free guilds are established to be auxiliaries to them. 

Still many cities are sending free guilds to establish small outposts near realm gates. In order to prepare in the likelihood that shyish rises against the forces of order. Edric clearly knows fighting the great enemy and the forces of death at the same time would be... troublesome. 
Their outpost is in the process of being built the infrastructure is largely there but they had quite a way to go. Baldwin spat to the ground breaking his concentration "I am going to give him an earful when he gets back!" Baldwin turned to walk away but stopped he turned around "Edric!" Edric turned to face him "Yes Sergeant?" Baldwin walked towards him and handed him a pair of gloves "Wear these. You look bloody embarrassing rubbing your hands together like that." 

He could not help but smile as he took the gloves, Baldwin always looked out for him he gave a small salute "Thank you Sergeant." Baldwin nodded "Right. I better not see you rubbing your hands again be alert we could be attacked at any time." Edric nodded "Yes sir." Baldwin walked away, Edric turned and returned to watch. 

Standing on watch for a few more minutes he saw a group of soldiers marching towards the outpost in the distance. They held the flag of their free guild. At the front were Demigryph knights and the one leading them is General Leonard. Leonard's demigryph is larger in stature compared to the others and wore a gold and blue barding the colours of hammerhal along with the heraldry of his noble house from ayzr and the sigil of the claws of sigmar. Leonard himself wore gold armour along with with a enclosed helmet stylised as a griffin head. His long blue cape bore the claws of sigmar iconography. 

Edric would move to get Baldwin but he knew if he moved he would be reprimanded. So he held his place. General Leonard and the group he took on the scouting run started to pass him by Leonard stopped and looked at him. He gestured with his hand "You. The one who does not hold ayzr within his blood and has not been born under the light of sigmar. Report." Edric tried not to sigh in annoyance he referred to everyone who is not from ayzr in a similar way. 

He readied himself and gave Leonard the best salute he could muster "Nothing has occurred so far sir. The construction is steadily heading towards completion." Leonard barely acknowledged him as he said "I see. I will speak with Baldwin perhaps he has something more useful to say." Edric watched Leonard continue into the outpost along with the soldiers. They did not even spare him a glance either and those that did he could see clear disdain on their faces. 

Edric turned to look out into the distance. For some reason he felt far colder than before the cold even pierced the gloves he wore. He wondered if it is a omen of sorts? 

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Chapter 2

Edric sat on a bench eating his lunch. He found it unsatisfying, constantly it felt like someone or something is watching him. The cold did not go away either it just got worse he wondered if he is the only one feeling like this. Baldwin soon came walking over annoyed he sat down next to him as he took a rough bite out of a piece of jerky. Baldwin chewed loudly Edric sighed "What's the matter?" Baldwin finished chewing and swallowed "He is ignoring my advice."  

Taking a sip of water from his leather water pouch he wiped his mouth and handed it to Baldwin who also took a sip Edric said "I am sure he has his reasons Sergeant." Baldwin handed his water pouch back, Edric strapped it to his belt Baldwin wiped his lips "He is being a glory hog. I know he is annoyed getting such a task. While other free guilds are fighting with the chosen of sigmar or charting new lands while we are here building a small outpost in shyish." 

He began thinking on Baldwin's words it seemed like a small task plus the fact they are near a realm gate. Edric looked around before airing his thoughts "I understand your point Baldwin. I get the feeling just being in this place that there is a lurking threat in the background. I mean I can't wait for the day that we defeat the great enemy but I can't shake the feeling that a new enemy is waiting, preparing for something." Baldwin nodded at his response "See. I wish Leonard had your head." 

Edric gave a large frown hearing that "Sergeant, Do you think it's a good idea talking out loud about the general in such a fashion?" Baldwin scoffed "I will say what I damn well please! His own father listened to me for a reason the boy is only nineteen winters you have 2 years over him but I don't want to look at either of your parents in the eye saying that you are dead." He thought on Leonard's parents he heard how his father died fighting against the bloodbound and according to rumours is mother was adamant that he sought out a wife quickly. Still what Baldwin said made him think of his family back at Hammerhal. For people like him It was hard living considering most jobs were taken up by ayzrites and even if you did get one you would get looked down upon for being of reclaimed lineage. 

After thinking of how hard it was to live back home he found himself rubbing his hands again the gloves are not working, Baldwin looked at him frowning "Are you that cold? I mean the gloves are helping everyone else." he tried to give Baldwin the biggest smile he could even if his hands hurt "It's likely that I am just more sensitive to the cold that's all." Baldwin slapped his back and laughed slightly "Well you are of Asqhy lineage! it took time for many native ayzerites to adjust to the heat of Asqhy. " 

As Baldwin said this, Edric began to feel even more cold he clenched his hands together tightly until a spearman ran by them in a hurry he stopped upon seeing Baldwin. He saluted clearly out of breath, Baldwin rose "What is it soldier?" The spearman nodded "Sir! Come to the edge of the outpost quickly! General Leonard is summoning everyone! An enemy is approaching the outpost!" 

Edric quickly sat up and stuffed the last bits of his meal into his mouth and grabbed his spear and shield. Baldwin nodded to him "It seems Leonard might get the excitement and glory he craves" Edric could not help but feel down at the prospect of a battle he had a bad feeling that he could not shake off. 

He stood in formation with his unit, Baldwin stood with them in the centre his spear and shield resting on a rock. He looked through a telescope and swore, Edric wondered what he saw. he turned his head to the back slightly he could see Leonard at the back along with the Demigryph knights. There were also two groups of Greatswords and they were placed at the the right and left flanks of the spear men. Finally they had a unit of crossbow men who were readying their weapons they stood next to the demigryph knights.  Edric watched Baldwin looking through the telescope for a few more minutes he kept swearing. 

He lowered the telescope in silence and walked over to General Leonard, Edric could see they were having a discussion, they spoke in hushed tones. Baldwin looked like he is about to pop a blood vessel. Edric looked forward trying to focus on the enemy coming towards them he could see shapes marching towards them in the distance. The only thing that stood out to him were the red armoured knights on horses. 

Baldwin finally returned, He looked livid Edric asked "What's the matter?" Baldwin spat to the ground Baldwin spoke in almost a whisper to him "Better start praying to sigmar Edric. It seems our general signed our death warrants." hearing such a warning from Baldwin he gulped. They waited for a few more minutes the enemy is approaching them slowly, General Leonard shouted "Crossbowmen! Loose!" The crossbowmen pointed their crossbows at an angle and began firing. Edric looked into the distance as the crossbowmen fired their bolts the enemy increased in speed. 

Edric could finally see them as they approached, the shambling dead the deadwalkers with a host of skeleton warriors. Finally looking at the red knights their armour is baroque and they rode huge dark steeds. They rapidly approached as the crossbow bolts crashed into the skeletons and zombies. General Leonard shouted "Spears ready!" Baldwin nodded "This is it Edric! By sigmar's knickers we will get through this!" Edric nodded "Aye Sergeant!" Soon as Baldwin exclaimed these words he heard thunder and soon the crackling of lightning lined the dark clouds. General Leonard  called out "See! Sigmar is looking favourably upon us!" 

For some reason Edric did not feel exactly confident with what is happening still he readied himself just a few more seconds until impact. As the dead got close the smell crashed into his nose, the decay and rot. He tried to breath through his mouth, Baldwin smiled his moustache pointing upwards with the motion "They bloody by reek! By sigmar's rear end! Right men! Hold!" 

First the zombies crashed into the line, a zombie speared itself on Edric's spear he pushed another back with his shield. He shouted "For sigmar!" He kicked the zombie off his spear and stabbed another. He could see from the edge of his vision the greatsword's flanking the zombies that hit the right and left flank. Baldwin shouted "Don't use up too much energy killing the zombies! Limit you movements! Conserve energy! These horror's are just here to tire us out!" Edric tried to look through the horde of zombies through the gaps he could see the skeletons have slowed their advance, while the enemy knights are advancing shields raised. The more zombies they killed the crackling of lighting got worse. Edric followed Baldwin's advice he tried to avoid using up energy. As the battle went on he smiled things are going well they are whittling down the zombies. Soon one of the red knights who seemed like the leader began weaving what looked like a spell. Purple energy surged in his hands, Edric soon felt cold again he heard Leonard shouting he took a quick look behind him to see skeletons rising up from the ground surrounding the demigryph knights. 

The horde of skeleton warriors wielded crude spears and broken shields. They began assaulting Leonard, many of the horde summoned were expressively aiming for him. Some splintered off to attack the crossbowmen. Edric cursed "Baldwin what do we do!" Baldwin shouted "We can't help him now! Skeletons incoming!" As the last vestiges of the zombies were cut down skeleton warriors with swords and shields swarmed in. he noted that the skeletons fought a lot harder and better compared to the zombies. 

Thunder boomed in the background, Edric's heart began to beat rapidly as he was caught in combat with a warrior swiping away at him. He blocked the blows with his shield Edric then heard galloping, peeking from the side of his shield he watched as the red knights crashed through the skeletons straight into their lines. 

The impact of their charge sent people flying. Edric could see one red knight coming straight towards him, Baldwin called out but all he could hear is galloping of hooves and the sound of lighting and thunder. The red knight crashed into him he sent him flying he crashed into the ground and banged his head. Even though he is wearing a helmet everything is going dark, he is scared frightened. He felt cold so terribly cold. Edric could not help but close his eyes. 

As Edric opened his eyes again he could see Baldwin standing over him panting heavily, Blood dripping from his head he shouted "Everyone fall back! Damn it!" He looked behind him and smiled "Still alive? Just lie there for a moment! Have to kill this bloodsucker!" Edric tried to reach forward, Baldwin charged at a dismounted red knight he looked like the one who weaved the spell. He could see Baldwin is giving it his all, yet the red knight is too powerful every thrust from Baldwin's spear he knocked back it seemed like the knight is playing with Baldwin. The red knight kicked Baldwin in the chest he flew to the ground Edric could hear the breaking of bones. As he saw this he reached out to Baldwin he tried to call out but his head hurt too much. 

His vision is going dark again, still he had to do something he can't let Baldwin die. The sky still crackled with lightning. Edric prayed he hoped sigmar might deliver them that he might save them.  In that moment a lightning bolt pierced down and struck Baldwin. A blue flash blinded Edric for a moment he tried to cover his eyes. As the light died he looked to Baldwin's last location he is gone. He vanished. Edric began to panic the cold creeping back over him.

The sound of thunder vanished, the storm clouds slowly subsided. Edric's head began to hurt again his vision going dark the red knight stood over him and finally Edric closed his eyes again. 

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So considering malign portents was announced along with the legions of nagash battle tome I am going to work on my story some more! As I said before aplogies for grammar and spelling. :< 

Chapter 3

He found himself sitting at the dinner table, he looked around he saw their beds, the poor walling of his home and finally at the table he saw his mother. Her black hair bore strands of grey and she has started to develop wrinkles on her dark skin. Edric looked around the table again he saw his siblings his little brother and sister. They were both twins, His brother’s name is Aldwin and his sister name is Adela.

As always both were arguing, Aldwin was covered in mud due to playing outside, his short black hair covered in dirt and his sister Adela was pretty much the same. She always tried so hard to keep up with Aldwin and even himself both have only seen 8 winters but they were eager to join the free guild like him.

Watching his family, seeing them again Edric’s eyes began to water “is this a dream?” His mother smiled “of course not! You just came back…” he titled his head to the side slightly “came back from what?” Aldwin shouted “you were telling us how you beat up some undead!”, Adela echoed his words “yeah! Tell us! I hear you beat three at once!”

Edric mouthed slowly “undead? I..” he suddenly remembered the battle, the lightning and Baldwin vanishing “where is Baldwin! He vanished!” His mother rose from her seat “calm yourself Edric! Baldwin said he was popping out for a moment! We are delaying dinner till he arrives remember?”

He looked to the table, since Baldwin recruited him he tended to have dinner at his place. His mother was more than happy to let him in considering he helped him avoid a life of crime or even worse. Edric narrowed his eyes “I have to go after him!” His mother shook her head “what has gotten into you? Calm down!” Edric clenched his eyes shut “I can’t! I just can’t!” he ran to the door of his home as he opened the door a great light shot out consuming him and after a moment he felt cold and wet.

His eyes shot open his clothes were wet and one of the red knights stood over him with a bucket, their voice seemed soft with a mix of age in the back of it “up you get cattle.” Edric blinked he staggered to his feet he tried to move his hands but they were bound. He looked around almost everyone that survived the battle were in a similar position. Edric examined his surroundings they were surrounded by undead and were on the outskirts of the outpost that was now in flames. He looked to his fellow free guild members next, their hands  were also bound, what he also spotted is that everyone's cuffs were connected to a long chain.

Edric looked to the red knight, their armour bore bat motifs, in the slits of the helmet he could see pale skin and yellow eyes. He bit his lip “what is going on?” The knight laughed “well you are now cattle. You shall be taken to Helopolis and you shall be drained and used at our leisure.” Upon hearing those words one of the free guild members on the line tried to run dragging two people to the ground, the weight of the two people prevented him getting far.

The knight sighed as threw aside the bucket he was holding, the knight walked over to the free guild member. The runner tripped to the ground due to how frantic he was at trying to get away he screamed “no! I don’t want to be food to vampires! By sigmar help me!” The red knight looked down to the ground, he lifted the visor of his helmet and picked up the man from the ground effortlessly.. He chuckled “perhaps I can have one..” To Edric’s horror the red knight, no vampire's pale lips parted he bore his fangs he was about to sink his fangs into the free guild member until a red knight on a horse came forward “Aten enough, the lady wants as many cattle alive as possible.”

Edric breathed a sigh of relief as the vampire known as Atem dropped his fellow free guild member, Aten tutted “Jarrick, she won’t miss one.” Jarrick hopped off his horse and walked towards Aten, he lifted his visor. Edric spotted a chiselled pale face, and a small tuff of black hair creasing his brow. He also realised that he was the one who summoned the skeletons looking at his armour more carefully it is far more embellished compared to the rest of the red knights. He also bore a fur cape.

Jarrick’s yellow eyes turned red he spoke firmly “Aten, I am your Kastellan, do as I say.” Aten inclined his head “very well.” Aten sighed, he then looked down to the runner “can I have him if he runs again then?” Jarrick eyes returned to the colour yellow as he turned away “if he runs again yes.” Aten grinned “wonderful!  Perhaps we should get moving before more people come to harry us?” Jarrick mounted his horse “yes, our brothers and sisters must of awoken everyone on the line by now. Let’s get the cattle moving.” Jarrick raised his hand the undead flicked to attention as they surrounded the line he looked over to them “if you are slow you will be food for us, if you cause trouble you be killed and added to the ranks of the dead! If you fall down? You become food. The lady also prefers strong cattle, they taste better.”

Edric’s heart was pounding at the vampire's words he looked down the line thinking of Baldwin. He then remembered the flash of lightning and Baldwin vanishing, he felt a small sense of relief. In the book of lightning it says that sigmar spirits away heroes to places unknown. He wondered if Baldwin is going to return with forces to save them. Edric held his hands together and muttered a small prayer to sigmar “I just have to endure, in sigmar’s name I will endure..” he soon felt a yank on the chain as everyone started to walk. The vampiric knights patrolled the line while the undead surrounded them, as the dead closed in a zombie staggered towards to him. What horrified him even more is that they wore the claw of sigmar uniform. Blood stained the blue of their uniform and their mouth is now slack.

Edric tried to hold his breath slightly to avoid breathing in the smell of rot, decay and blood. He trudged forward while everyone began to cast their heads down, he tried to look forward. Baldwin vanished for a reason and just maybe he might come back he has to hold onto that hope. Baldwin was always there when he needed him.

After a several hours of marching some have started to collapse on the line they were un-linked from the chain and swiftly picked up by the vampires and drained of blood, Jarrick would then move to the corpse to raise them from the dead to be added to their undead escort. Edric tried not to look, to look would cause him to falter. He had to keep marching no matter what happened. A man behind him began weeping “by sigmar what did we do to deserve this!?” Edric grit his teeth “don’t weep! Focus! Keeping walking!” The man behind him continued to cry “how can you keep going? I just want to stop..” Edric furrowed his brow “the storm during the battle, Baldwin vanished. I saw him struck by lightning he was taken away for a reason. So sigmar must be watching us.” The man gave a sad chuckle “maybe you were delirious..”

He scowled in return “I know what I saw! Sigmar would not leave us! Keep up! If you stop now the vampires will win!” Edric looked back he watched the man nodding slowly “I will try… by that way what is your name?” he inclined his head towards him “Edric.” he could see he is another free guild member, but he did not recognise him he assumed he was in a different unit.

The man gave a sad smile “name is Lambart.” Edric smiled back Lambart’s fair skin was covered in dirt and grime and his short blonde hair was a mess. He looked about the same age as him. “alright Lambart we have to keep going, sigmar is watching.” Lambart nodded “right sigmar is watching.” Hearing Lambert's confidence returning he continued to walk as the minutes passed to hours more of their free guild fell to the floor as each member died everyone on the line redoubled their efforts to avoid joining in their fate.

Lambart began panting “I am so tired!” Edric breathing is starting become unsteady as he said “Don’t think! Just walk!” Lambart cried out “I can’t!” Edric looked back “you can!” he watched Lambart stagger with each step his hands were shaking “s-so E-Edric, you have family?” Edric nodded “I do, my mother and my siblings are back home at Hammerhal Aqsha.” Lambert also tried to take small breathes as he said  “I have my mother and father waiting back home in ayzr.”

For some reason he smiled at his words they all have family “so we have to survive so we can get back home.” said Edric. Lambart shook his head  tears rolled down his cheeks “I can’t go home...” Edric raised his eyebrow “what?” Lambart sniffed “ I am noble born. My father served in the claws of sigmar greatswords until retirement. I hated fighting. I did not want to be a soldier..but..” Edric for some reason wanted to hear everything he listened carefully. “but what?”

Lambart clenched his eyes shut “my father called me useless, weak and a disgrace to the family name. He forced me into the claws of sigmar, he used his connections to get me a place in the greatswords. He told me I am not welcome home until I am a guild champion.” Edric shook his head “what of your mother?” Lambart cast his watery eyes downward “she wants another son…”

He watched Lambert look up tears still in his eyes as he said “what of you Edric?” Edric looked forward “my father died to plague, I searched for a job any job to support my family but I did not have much luck with it.” Lambart raised his eyebrow “why?” Edric smiled “because I am reclaimed, I am of ashqy. My family did not move there we always lived there.” he sighed as he continued speaking “people did not want me and if I did get something they tried to get me fired. So I finally decided to move to pickpocketing and that’s when I met Baldwin. He gave me a place here, he gave me honest work and treated me as a person.”

Lambart looked away meekly “you know the others in my unit told me you were trash, I never understood the hate for reclaimed. When growing up my mother and father did not even want me associating with certain people. They sa-” Edric interjected “reclaimed are tainted right?” Lambart nodded slowly “yes.” Edric grinned “well, I am used to it. Don’t feel bad Lambart.” Lambart smiled weakly. Edric smiled back he then looked forward he needed to focus. He steadied his breathing yet his feet felt numb they ached. Edric just focused on moving his legs until he heard a thud behind him.

He looked behind him in horror, Lambart fell to the floor Edric tried to move to Lambart he cried out “Lambart! Get up! You have to get up!” Jarrick rode over “hmm, it seems this cattle is too weak.” Jarrick hoped his off horse and undid Lambart’s bindings. Edric shouted “Leave him alone! Curse you! I curse you monster!”

Jarrick ignored him, he raised his visor and sank his fangs into Lambart’s neck, Edric felt himself being pulled forward he almost tripped. He watched as the vampire drained Lambart he gasped before falling limp. Jerrick rose and wiped his mouth, he opened his gauntlet purple mist surged out and surrounded Lambart’s corpse.

Edric watched in horror as Lambart’s body jerked up and joined the host of undead surrounding them. Jarrick casually walked back to his horse and hopped back unto the saddle and rode forward like nothing occurred. Edric ground his teeth in anger “I swear.. I will kill him.” he then began walking forward in silence. He focused on the knights he did not let them out of his sight. He had to reach the end for Lambart’s sake.

He felt tired as they continued to trudge forward Edric could see they were coming upon civilisation. They passed through a small hamlet many cried out for the people there to aid them but he knew better they did not look to sigmar. The people pointed calling them the followers of the great betrayer. They laughed and even threw rotten food at them.

He spotted one women and her child, Her skin was somewhat pale along with that of her child. The child threw a rotten tomato at him. It smacked into Edric’s head the tomato splattered across his face. He tried to shake his head to remove as much of the tomato as possible from his head. The smell of rotten tomato filled Edric’s nose as people shouted at them. Edric wondered how anyone could allow such a thing. They should know what manner of creatures are holding them captive he wracked his brain on the subject until he came to a more terrifying thought that these people willingly allow themselves to be fed upon by vampires.

Edric shook his head “focus. Focus on walking.” He continued to walk, his legs felt wobbly his vision began to blur he began running out of breath “I can’t fall!” Edric moved his foot forward, as he took his next step his vision began to darken. He felt himself falling “Baldwin, Mother, Adela and Aldwin I am sorry....”

He collapsed his vision was dark he had to get up he saw the hooves a horse moving towards him. Edric closed his eyes for a moment he needed to rest, he can’t move. Suddenly he began to feel cold again. The same unnatural chill that burned his hands came upon him then a voice pierced his mind “get up, you must walk. I demand it!.

Edric mouthed “I can’t…” The voice came back more firmly “you must walk.” he slowly opened his eyes for some reason he had to do as he bade “I must walk, I have to get up.” The voice encouraged further “good..., good...  keep walking for it is my will...” the voice echoing in his mind he slowly staggered up his legs still felt wobbly he forced himself upwards panting heavily. Edric tried to grip his hands together the cold was too much but the cold made him aware, alert even. He saw a shadow over him, it was the vampire Aten he lifted his visor frowning “oh well. Seems you get to live.”

Edric narrowed his eyes “I will get through this vampire…” Aten smirked “it doesn't matter what you do. You are food either way cattle.” Aten's icy words only caused him to up his pace he would not fall again he will survive. Even if he told himself this more of the free guild toppled to the ground. for some reason he found himself paying no mind he had to focus on walking. He had to get to the end.As they walked in the distance he saw a foreboding city, great purple crystals circled the city with spirits dancing around them. As they walked closer to the city Edric saw Black spiked spires that almost reached the skies. The walls of the city had leering bat statues, their eyes glowed with purple light. Edric still felt cold he then wondered what sort of horror will greet him within the city.

But as they reached the gates, Jarrick turned to the line “well done cattle! It seems you have survived the trek! I hope you taste better compared to the ones that died!” Instead of fear to Edric’s shock many of the free guild members gave a sigh of relief, yet he knew better this journey was most likely the easy part. Things are most likely going to be far worse within the city.

Jarrick gestured upwards with his blade, the gate slowly opened a gust of wind blew out which caused

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Chapter 4

The vampiric knights marched them through the city, Edric looked to his surroundings up close the towering crystals that floated in the air chilled him to the bone he could even hear the spirits wailing at the back of his mind. Trudging through the streets he picked up on the finely dressed people walking by some were obviously human and others were of pale complexion.

He wondered how people could live with such creatures, to willingly subject yourself to them. To seek favour with the dead. As they walked into a plaza a grand statue greeted Edric it sat at the bottom at a huge line of stairs leading to the upper city. he looked at the statue more carefully it is a large skull bearing vampiric fangs the head of the skull also bore a long stone crown. Jewels and bones lines the stone crown as a river of blood poured out of it’s mouth. As Edric stared Jarrick pointed upwards to the stairs “you cattle should count yourself lucky if you ascend those steps. The vampires of the city and the deathmages do know how to make you last to produce the blood needed to fuel the fountain.”

His hear began beating rapidly hearing Jarrick’s words he stared at the blood and then at the top of the steps, he could not imagine what horrific rituals they used to produce so much blood. He muttered a prayer to sigmar that he would never have to go up those steps. The knights along with the undead turned the line to a side street. They marched them through the streets Edric watched nobles along with their children pointing calling them worshippers of the great betrayer. It confused him to no end hearing such words, considering what he has seen of the vampires, how they act and how little they thought of people’s lives.

Eventually they were brought to a large gate made of gold, the gate bore various depictions of death and vampire bats. The gates were manned by several vampiric guards, the guards wore similar armour to those who captured them. Jarrick hopped off his horse and muttered a few words. Edric tried to pick out their words but they spoke in such hushed tones he could not hear anything.

Jarrick walked away from the guard after talking for a few minutes, the guard gestured at the gate and shouted “open the gate! More cattle for the slave houses!” Edric looked forward as the gates began to slowly open, as the gates grated on the ground the screech hurt his ears. The knights walked them through the gates entering this section of the city it was like an entirely different world. The houses were run down, people huddled in street corners and many upon seeing the vampiric knights darted for the shadows.

Edric mouthed “by sigmar what is this place..?” Aten came to him smirking “it’s your new home cattle. Do enjoy your stay here..” he looked around the thought of Baldwin coming to save them was starting to crumble as he was walked further into the run down district. As they reached an open area, the knights hopped off their horses and began un-linking people from the chain. Aten and Jarrick watched in silence, one by one they removed their bonds, as a knight removed Edric’s bonds he flexed his hands finally being free his legs wobbled. He thought of running but since they stopped he could not move. His legs refused to move.

Many of the free guild upon realisation that they have been released all of them began crumpling to the ground in exhaustion breathing and panting and thanking sigmar that they made the journey. Edric looked around for a moment trying to gauge who survived what shocked him is when he saw general Leonard. He was at the front of the chain. What surprised him more than anything is that he survived the march. General Leonard was still linked to the chain he held a scowl on his face. He is also not wearing his helmet his brown hair and fair skin is covered in dirt. He looked up to Jarrick “tell me leech you think us animals? If you release me from these bonds I will kill you! By sigmar I swear it!” Jarrick stared at Leonard for a moment until he finally chuckled “you look like a noble. Tell me what did you do to fight with this rabble?”

Leonard hissed “how dare you!? Many people of this army are proud sons of ayzr! Born under the light of sigmar himself!” Edric stared at Leonard for the first time since he joined the claws of sigmar he is impressed with his general. He held his ground and stood tall despite the march. Jarrick nodded “right we are taking you to meet the lady.” Leonard raised his eyebrow “what? You are taking me to your leader? Why?”

Aten rode over “seriously? What mak-” Jarrick raised his finger “be silent Aten, even now he is acting like a general. We can use that.” Aten hissed in contempt “fine, but our lady will most likely make him a meal!” Aten rode back to his original spot as Jarrick hopped off his horse he un-linked Leonard from the chain and hooked his bonds to a leather strap attached to the saddle of his horse.

Jarrick nodded “after you meet our lady,  you will forget your home, you will hate sigmar and his light.” Leonard spat at the ground “like I will vampire. When I see your lady I will throw any offers back in her face.” Jarrick grinned “we will see general.” Jarrick turned away and hopped back onto his horse. The knights rode away leaving the remaining members of the free guild, Leonard had to jog since Jarrick attached his bonds to his horse. Leonard looked back for a moment and when Edric saw his face he saw a flicker of fear. After a few seconds of the knights riding away the undead went to attention and followed the knights out of the run-down district.

Edric watched the dead march away, when they finally vanished into the distance as they vanished he finally fell to the ground. His feet were numb, he could not feel them. He looked around he saw the people who lived here were now staring at them. One at a time they came forward with bowls and bandages. he would be or guard but he felt too tired to do anything.  

As the people approached a older man wearing a black robe walked towards Edric, in his hands were bandages and a bowl. He inclined his head his voice is gruff with age “do you have a name?” The man knelt down as he moved his hands to his boots Edric moved back slightly “how can I trust you?” The man looked at him, he could see his face was somewhat ashen along with a coppery skin tone. His black hair had grey threads lining it.

The man smiled “you may call me Abasi.” Edric narrowed his eyes “you did not answer my question.” He looked around he could see his fellow free guild members are readily accepting the help the people are providing. Abasi sighed “I am just seeking to help you my friend. Many people here know of your hardship. I imagine if they had the choice they would wish to leave like you.”

Edric shook his head his face grim “this could be a trick..” Abasi smiled in return to his words “at least you are cautious that will aid you in living here but for now allow us to do this courtesy.” he relented and relaxed somewhat he wanted to remain cautious but who is he to deny such help in such a situation? He could see Abasi has sensed him relaxing he then went to work removing his boots upon seeing his feet Abasi shook his head “back in the old days they would at least allow you to rest…” Abasi began dipping the bandages into the bowl, Edric frowned “how bad is it?” Abasi looked up “the skin from your foot peeled off the bandages soaked with the medicine should take care of it, along with a few days worth of rest. I am surprised you made the march.”

Abasi picked up the bandages and began dipping them on his feet, Edric hissed in pain he grit his teeth as the concoction was put on his feet it was like his feet was being pricked by a thousand needles. Abasi chuckled “you are taking it well. I know grown men who scream when this is put on.” he clenched his eyes shut waiting for the pricking sensation to end. he then felt fresh bandages being wrapped on his feet, Edric opened his eyes he looked at Abasi “Edric.” Abasi glimpsed up at him and gave a soft smile. He then looked back to his feet that were now wrapped up “are you a doctor Abasi?” said Edric, Abasi held out his hand, Edric grasped it as Abasi helped him up and grinned “in a manner of speaking.”

He grunted as Abasi helped him to walk, Edric simply hobbled along as he asked “where are you taking me?” Abasi gestured to one of the roads “to my place. You don’t have a place to stay yes?” Edric frowned heavily he still wanted to know why he is helping him for no reason “why are you helping me?” he watched Abasi sigh in sadness “in this place to survive we must help each other. No one will come to save you and you lot were lucky that we were there. There are many in the district who would try to kick you while you are down in order to survive.”

Abasi then smiled “the group that helped you are a part of my little fraternity to aid those who are taken by the masters.” he scowled hearing that word calling leeches master, “how can you call them master!? They are leeches! Vampires!” Abasi nodded “they are also the chosen of Nagash.” Edric shook his head “I wonder what sort of god he is if he created such a curse.” Abasi chuckled “in this city being granted the soulblight is viewed as a blessing.” Edric raised his eyebrow “soulblight?” Abasi eyes strangely lit up which unnerved him for some reason “yes, it’s the name of the vampiric blessing or curse in your case.” Edric nodded in understanding “so considering the name I assume it’s more of a curse upon the soul than the body right?” Abasi eyes lit up even more “my you are a smart lad aren’t you?” he could see Abasi is knowledgeable this might be his chance to get information, he then asked “so who is the lady that the vampires keep referring to?” Abasi grinned “good question, The lady is the one who rules this city, Lady Masika. Her bloodline is spread throughout the whole city and many of the nobles seek her favour in order to get it. Another interesting fact is that she is the daughter or sister depending on who you are ask to the Queen of mysteries.”

Edric titled his head “Queen of mysteries? Who is that?” Abasi shook his head “better to not say her name out loud. They say she has eyes and everywhere, both living and dead.” Edric gave a small laugh “then the name fits.” Abasi bobbed his head “indeed it does.” Edric looked forward he could now see they entered a small housing block, many of the houses were wooden and shoddy compared to the intricate stonework in the main city. Looking upwards he can still see the floating crystals hovering in the air and the same sounds of the wailing souls echoed in the back of his mind.

While staring at them Edric said “what’s the deal with the floating crystals?” Abasi looked upwards with him “no one knows. Legend has it that the old ruler of this city housed thousands of spirits within those crystals. He used them to attack those who would dare harm the lands given to him by nagash.”

He held his gaze at the crystals in clear surprise “when you mean lands? You mean this city and the surrounding hamlets?” Abasi chuckled “no, he owned the 4 great cities, we are in the centre from the north, east, west and south of this city a great city is standing. The cities and surrounding lands now belong to different lords. Right now the lady is trying to unite them as the word goes.” Edric lowered his eyes from the crystals he then nodded slowly in understanding “I see. This land is far more larger than it first appears...” They then hobbled for a few more minutes until they stood in front of a door. Abasi pointed “right this is my place, it’s not much but at least I have a spare bed for you to lie in. Abasi reached into his pocket and picked out a key he went to work on the lock and with a click the door opened. Abasi helped Edric in upon entering his house all it bore is a single room with two beds. Wooden shelves also line the walls they bore strange concoctions, books and tins of bandages.

Abasi walked Edric over to one of the beds. He looked around “did someone else used to live here?” Abasi gave a sad smile “yes, I had a wife she passed away to stygxx a few years ago. Don’t worry the bed is yours.” Edric gave a small smile back he did not press further considering the hospitality Abasi has showed him.

Abasi bought over a stool and sat down before him “so tell me Edric where are you from?” Edric nodded “from ashqy, hammerhal aqsha.” Abasi stroked his chin “I see, so how is living there?” Edric scratch the back of his head “well… it’s great if you are noble. I joined the free guild to support my family.” As he mentioned his family his heart sank at the fact he may never see them again. He shook his head, Abasi tapped his knee “sorry I asked.” Edric smiled “it’s okay. Who knows someone might come.” Abasi nodded “perhaps.” Abasi removed his hand and folded his arms “for now let me give you some pointers try not to leave this general area, the deeper you got into the slave district the worse it gets.” Edric raised his eyebrow “what do you mean the worse it gets?” Abasi frowned “they say covens of deathmages practice their trade in secret parts of the districts. The lady who rules the city sometimes seeks them out and takes them away.” Edric gulped “to where?” Abasi shrugged “most likely to employ them in her army but the problem is those who wander at night go missing.”

He drew in this information but then he wondered what exactly does Abasi do here it's clear he has medical supplies yet he was not clear with his answer when it came to his profession. “so Abasi what do you do?” Abasi smiled “well… I am a doctor of sorts and generally the people who live here are my assistants or doctors themselves. We tend to those who are bought here.” Edric frowned “I guess the lady wants healthy cattle right?” Abasi gave a heavy sigh “indeed my friend. Hence why they still give us some meagre supplies to treat people.”

Abasi pointed “you will be my assistant from now on. I am getting old and I can’t do everything myself anymore.” Edric was not exactly sure how to feel being forced to be an assistant for a person he just met but considering he has a roof over his head and Abasi seems nice enough he had no choice. “Very well, I accept.”

He watched Abasi give a small grin “smart choice, now considering you had a long journey get some rest. I am going to check on your fellows.” Edric bobbed his head “okay Abasi.” He then got up from the stool and walked to the door before leaving he pointed to the shelf “there is a spare key in the drawer for you to use.” Abasi opened the door and walked out. Edric heard him rustle at the lock with his key before he heard his footsteps fading away.

Edric lay on the bed thinking he tried to wiggle his toes but they were far too sore. he sighed “rest, right.” Edric then shut his eyes trying to drift to sleep.

He jogged he tried to keep up with the horse, he swore at the fact that the leeches had no need to go this fast “damn vampires, I swear in sigmar’s name…” he looked around the macabre stone houses that bore shining purple jewels. He wondered how anyone can live here but knowing that majority in this city worships the lord of the death it does not surprise him. He could also see that the undead that surrounded them before were splintering off going in different directions to places unknown.

Leonard soon found himself dragged back to the plaza they stopped for a moment and he realised that all the dead were gone. He looked up to the knights he could see they were looking up towards the steps. Their horses trotted in that direction, Leonard’s heart twisted with each step he remembered Jarrick’s words that they should count themselves lucky if they ascend those steps. As Leonard went up the steps with the horses what greeted him were far more elaborate houses built from what looked to be obsidian, each great house had a fountain with a mini blood waterfall pouring out of a similar fanged statue at the centre of the fountain.

As they passed each house, a palace was seen in the distance spirits encircled the black spiked spires. Jarrick raised his visor and looked down to him “I caught you looking at the blood fountains. Don’t worry your life won’t be used for that…” Leonard put on a brave face “if you seek to put fear in my heart vampire, know that it’s not going to work. Those who follow sigmar face any danger placed in front of them!” Jarrick smirked “you will forget sigmar soon enough.”

Jarrick trotted with his knights towards the palace as they got closer Leonard spotted that almost everyone who lived on this level were pale. Covering their faces with fancy hats, veils or fans and a great amount of them were predominately women. Upon reaching the palace men came forward to take the vampiric knights horses. He examined them they were groomed well and alive to boot but he clearly saw scars on their necks. Leonard wanted to spit in disgust.  As Jarrick stepped off the horse he undid his bindings, Leonard thought of running until he remembered that vampire knights are now surrounding him hands on weapons. Jarrick nodded at the men as they took away their steeds. He was then escorted into the palace upon entering the smell of blood hit his nose.

Leonard gagged “by sigmar, this place..” Jarrick chuckled “it’s a fine smell is it not?” Leonard grimaced “it’s not vampire!” Jarrick shrugged at his words, walking the halls he saw paintings of a pale female with long white hair. Her features were aquiline with blood red lips. Considering how many portraits this woman had of herself Leonard guessed she is very vain.

He looked forward they were now before two double doors at the corners he could see bats nesting and feeding on vermin. Jarrick turned “be on your best behaviour general. I am quite sure you don’t want to join the meal.” Jarrick pushed the doors open, what greeted Leonard were pale nobles wearing fine dresses and white wigs sitting at long tables feeding on humans who were chained down to the table. Across their bodies were bite marks and the sounds that bounced in the hall were vampires talking like nothing is going on and underlying with the talking vampires were the sounds of the chained humans weeping and wincing in pain. As Leonard was walked into the hall the smell of blood and decay assaulted Leonard’s nose he could feel bile in his throat.

At the back of the hall on a large black macabre throne sat a pale woman she wore a crimson dress and is holding a goblet of red liquid. To Leonard looking at her features she looked exactly like the paintings. His heart raged he knew what she is but looking at her in the flesh she was almost the picture of beauty. Jarrick walked up to the throne and bowed “My lady.” At once all the knights followed suit and bowed, the person they referred to as Lady Inclined her head “Jarrick, why have you bought this piece of meat to my hall? Can’t you see I am entertaining guests?” Jarrick rose “apologies Lady Masika, this is the general from the army we sent out to intercept.” Leonard stared at the vampire he etched the leech’s name into his mind.

He watched Masika raise her eyebrow he blinked and suddenly she was standing next to him. He tried hard not to shake in fear as she stood close, if he looked at her yellow eyes he saw a predator not a person. She walked around him eyeing him up and down “I see, tell me meat what is your name?” Leonard gulped and put on the bravest face he could “I am Leonard of House Balduf, I was born under the light of sigmar and was raised to lead one of his many armies in his name.” Masika tutted “you do well not to mention that name here meat. I will forgive you just this once.” Leonard’s mouth felt dry he went over almost every prayer he knew from the book of lightning in his mind. Hoping that something or someone will come to save him.

She then ran her hand down his shoulder and finally moved upwards to his face, he seized up at feeling her cold hand on his cheek. He clenched his eyes shut “what do you want?” Masika spoke softly “you are quite handsome, you are noble born and a general. Hmm what should I do?”He felt her hand move away from his cheek he opened his eyes, she was now in front of him sipping from her goblet, she licked her lips showing her fangs. “Aten!” Called Masika, Aten walked over “yes my lady?” Masika handed him her goblet “hold this for me.” Aten bowed and took her goblet from her.

Masika gave a devilish smile “I can see why you want this one to join the family Jarrick, so headstrong. So sure of of his upbringing.” Leonard took a step back in fear “n-no! I don’t want to join you! Never!” the vampire shook her head “don’t worry, it will only hurt for a moment.” Like lighting she moved forward and grabbed him, he tried to the struggle “By sigmar no!” Masika opened her mouth and sank her fangs into his neck.

Leonard felt all his strength draining away he fell slack as his eyes rolled back.

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Chapter 5

The ones who hear my voice, the voice of Nagash, be blessed as my words enter your minds those who are soon to die you will be a part of something greater. You shall join the great war to tear down all that is not of my image, your eyes will be my eyes, your mouth shall speak my words and your feet shall move by my will. When you raise your blade to kill, you kill for me. When you scream in victory your voice will ring of my hatred to my foes and when you finally rest? You will rise anew to do my work. All are one in Nagash.

Edric’s eyes flicked open he panted, he rose from the bed and wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, “that was a dream right?” he looked around Abasi’s home everything is in place, nothing seems out of the ordinary. He pinched his cheek, he winced “I felt that, so I must be awake..” 

He lay back down on the bed he tried hard not to close his eyes again. He was not sure to call it a dream all he saw was darkness, the cold the same cold he felt while on watch and when marching enveloped him in the dream. He then heard a sinister voice, the voice of Edric mouthed slowly “Nagash…” he felt a dark chill creep into his body as the name of the lord of the dead passed his lips. He began to wrap himself in the sheets of the bed trying to keep the cold out. He clenched his eyes shut “It’s just a dream, a god won’t talk to someone like me? Plus I am alive? Yes I am alive….” Edric began whispering small prayers of Sigmar to himself. The cold after some time praying slowly vanished. He soon relaxed, even if the cold left his body he did not want to go back to sleep just in case. 

Edric tried to wiggle his toes they still felt slightly numb but the pain he felt on the sole of his feet has subsided somewhat. He wondered how his fellow free guild are handling themselves after the march to Helopolis. Opening his eyes slowly he turned on the bed facing the ceiling of the house, he wondered what happened to General Leonard after being taken away from the slave district. He disliked him but considering what he has seen of the vampires no one should be abandoned to such monsters. 

He then thought of those from Ayzr, how they treated him, his family and reclaimed but when talking with Lambart, Edric realised that perhaps not all of them are the same. He made the sign of the hammer across his chest and prayed for Leonard’s safety “Sigmar, please keep General Leonard safe from the creatures of death. Please guide and protect him.” Edric nodded upon finishing.

Upon finishing his prayer he yawned he did not want to sleep but he at least tried to relax in the bed. 

Abasi moved through the housing area knocking on each door, questioning each person who is a part of their gathering. He asked of the free guild soldiers, their injuries, mental state and finally if they displayed any of the signs. he sighed as he walked to the next door “perhaps it’s too soon? Or the one we seek is not part of this group?” Abasi walked the door and knocked, he heard the door unlocking the door creaked open slightly, and eye peered through. 

Upon seeing him the door fully opened, Abasi looked at his associate she looked about the same age, long brown hair, fair skin worn with age. Abasi inclined his head “Della, how is your… patient?” he held on the word patient for a slight moment. Della smiled “Please come in.” he walked into the house he could see a free guild soldier sleeping. Abasi stared at them there is clear exhaustion lining their features and their feet has been bandaged just like his own charge. 

Della folded her arms “he wonders if they will ever return home.” Abasi shook his head slowly “this is their home now. No one will come to save them.” Della frowned in return “indeed, I know what you are here for Abasi. Do not worry we can speak of it I gave the soldier some medicine to help him sleep.” Abasi smiled, Della thought ahead. He placed his hands behind his back “have the signs appeared on your charge?” As Della heard his words she cast her eyes down slightly, tears started to build in her eyes “No Abasi. Tell me how long have we been waiting? He took our children to safety and in return he wants us to do this. Sometimes I-” Abasi walked over and grasped Della’s shoulders interrupting her “I know the stories, he is not trustworthy. A betrayer but what choice did we have? The queen of mysteries ensured all of the old line were expunged or enslaved. Her vampire children across the lands enforce this. When my wife was taken by the vampires I warred with the decision to hand over my daughter to him. My daughter of only six winters.” Abasi sighed “the pact has been signed Della we have been at this for years. We just have to do our part until he or she appears. You know the consequences of backing out of such a pact?” 

He slowly removed his hands from Della’s shoulders he can understand her concerns, how long they waited and the years spent separated from their children. In the end it will be worth it. He has to believe that. Della nodded slowly “I get it. But its hard I gave my boy to him. His father was taken away to be bled to death to fuel their fountains.” she clenched her hands “If the one we seek appears Abasi. I hope he brings a reckoning to these vampires.” Abasi gave a sad smile “I hope that is the case as well for now we wait. We can’t get it wrong again.” Della gently rubbed her eyes slightly “yes, we can’t get it wrong again. We have to think of our children.” 

Abasi bought his eyes to the sleeping free guild soldier “monitor him for now, if anything changes let me know.” Della curt nod “yes I will. By the way how is yours?” Abasi stroked his chin “he seems a fairly normal young man. Other than I am surprised he made the journey with the state of his feet.” Della raised her eyebrow “all of them had bad blisters, along with some skin tearing.” hearing this he continued to stroke his chin “I know, but almost the whole sole of my charge's foot has fallen off. I had to use a little extra to fix it. As I said under normal circumstances you would not be able to make such a journey.” 

Della grabbed his arm tightly she hissed while whispering “you used magic didn’t you!? Be careful Abasi!” Abasi, slowly pulled Della’s hand back “relax, it was a small amount I used on the medicine nothing drastic. The vampires serving Masika would not notice. I won’t be like the rest to bow before her if taken. I would rather die.” she narrowed her eyes at him he could see the clear worry in them “you of all people should know there are worse things than death.” 

Abasi clutched his chest Masika also can wield the power of magic and death so if he did get taken the things she would do to get him to submit “I know but I am prepared for that also.” Della sighed “I hope you are prepared. We gave too much to lose you now.” Abasi looked to the door “I should be getting back now.” Della gave a small smile “right I will see you later. I will let you know if anything changes.” 

Abasi smiled back as he left Della’s house, he looked back at his place thinking on Edric’s condition. “He has displayed no signs….” he could not help but frown he looked up at the floating crystals “if the old king was here.. I have never seen them used but the stories. They must be true!” he walked back home he picked out his key from his robe and went to work on the lock. He twisted his key and pushed his door open, he walked into house and locked the door behind him. 

He turned to see Edric sitting up “Edric, I said to rest.” Edric shook his head slowly “I can’t sleep.” Abasi raised his eyebrow, he picked up the stool and made his way over to the bed. He rested the stool in front of the bed and slowly sat down “may I ask why?” Edric scratched his head “er, it’s embarrassing...” Abasi smiled “I am a doctor, please let me know just in case.” Abasi watched Edric’s eyes shift slightly he looked down towards the bed “it’s just a bad dream to be honest.” 

Hearing this he stroked his chin, he had to keep calm it might not be a sign but he had to be sure “right it might be trauma from the march or the battle you had with the dead. Speaking of it might ease your mind.” He spotted that Edric is now looking at him gauging whether he trusts him enough to speak. Still what he saw in front of him is a young man down on his luck not the future of his people, doubt clanged his heart as Edric spoke “I was in darkness, it was cold so utterly cold. A sinister voice boomed in my mind that I am going to die. That I will fight and kill for him. That my every movement and thought will be his...” Edric’s voice trailed off he shook his head he rubbed his brow like he had a headache “that’s it Abasi.”  

Abasi slowly moved his hand away from his chin. His mouth felt dry, he wanted to smile or even shed a tear from what Edric is telling him. In all his years each time they have tried the ritual none has succeeded but this time he felt sure. He to make sure to speak firmly but not enough to get Edric to retreat back “right, I see. Edric in my long years I have seen soldiers come and go. Taken from battle to be thrown into the slave district but let me tell you. Whatever is weighing your heart speak it before it buries you.” 

Edric gulped slightly as he took a breath “a-alright. At the end the voice said..” Abasi watched Edric squint his eyes slightly “the voice said a-all are one in Nagash.” Abasi’s eyes went wide “that’s what the voice said? Truly?” Edric nodded “is something wrong Abasi? I mean why would a god speak to me? It’s just a dream right?” 

He tried hard not to lick his lips or give anything away “Edric, it could be just a dream but perhaps you might be here for a reason.” Edric raised his eyebrow “reason? What reason could that be? Why would such a fell god want to talk to me!? I-I..” Abasi bought his hands together he has to be careful with what he says “I don’t know. There are stories and accounts of the gods speaking to people through dreams. Perhaps there has been points in your life when he has been watching you.” 

Edric shook his head aggressively “well I don’t want it! You live here Abasi! Are the vampires who keep people here doing his will!? Was killing my comrades and forcing us to march a part of his will!?” Abasi cursed to himself he hoped this would not happen “Edric, the gods have good and bad parts. For example you know the legends of sigmar closing the gates of ayzr?” Edric grimaced slightly Abasi guessed it's a sore spot for most sigmarites Edric then spoke firmly in response “there are plenty stories about it, but the scriptures said he had to do it to save everyone.” Abasi smiled “well what if I told you that nagash kept fighting for everyone?” Edric moved his head back in surprise “I am not sure if I believe that.” Abasi nodded “oh yes he did, many of the intelligent dead even remember that battle against the forces of chaos. Even now they are still fighting to free this realm.” Edric clenched his hands “that’s just one thing and how sure are you that Nagash is fighting for the right reasons?” 

Abasi shrugged “I do not, but let me say this and I must apologize for doing this. You mentioned you are from Ashqy yes?” Edric nodded, Abasi coughed slightly “right, there are many people who come to the slave districts and mention in their old homes they were called reclaimed. From what I know that refers to the people who lived outside ayzr during the age of chaos and are now living in the cities that sigmar’s forces are founding.” Edric slowly inclined his head “yes.. That is the case.” Abasi folded his arms “now, you told me that Hammerhal Ashqa is a fine place to live if you are a noble. What are the nobles predominately made out of?” Edric frowned “Ayzerites.. They are mainly Ayzerites.” Abasi nodded when this information was confirmed “from what I hear they treat reclaimed poorly no? For what being born outside of ayzr?” Abasi watched Edric grab the sheets of his bed tightly “Now Edric, I assume you are a reclaimed but you had no control over that considering sigmar shut the gates of ayzr. From what I understand sigmar is a good and just god why is he allowing his people who live in his on home realm to mistreat others so?”

Edric sniffed slightly, a small tear went down his cheek “Dammit! I know that! But… But” Abasi tapped his leg “it wasn’t fair was it?” Edric gave a heavy sigh “no it wasn’t..” Edric wiped his eye. Abasi smiled “things are not always simple aren’t they?” Edric spoke meekly “it’s not, so tell me Abasi what’s good about Nagash?” Abasi grinned, he is glad the topic is going in this direction “you see Edric, he is a stern and wrathful god but he will always protect what is his when threatened. He has aspects that carry people peacefully to the underworld if they die before their time and he is always there. Those who are faithful and serve him can hear his words.” 

Edric titled his head to one side “you mean he speaks to you?” Abasi nodded “indeed, I even heard it once or twice in my lifetime. It’s more the fact that all the bow to him are part of something greater.” Edric nodded slowly “all are one in nagash..” 

he smiled hearing Edric say those words “exactly!” Edric gave a small smile in return “I think I get it.” Edric looked to his feet and then back up to him “you know, I think there was a time he was watching.” Abasi raised his eyebrow in surprise “really? When?” Edric rubbed his neck “when I first came to this realm I always felt cold, I mean at first everyone did but it bothered me the most for some reason. I thought it was just my time living in ashqy but on the march when I fell. The cold came back a voice told me-no compelled me to keep walking. I had to keep going, I couldn't stop.” Abasi blinked, his mind raced he knew just by talking to him he must be the one. He had to be. Abasi smiled “I see and now you are here just maybe for a reason.” Edric frowned “I am not exactly sure how to feel having a god’s eye on me for whatever reason Abasi.” Abasi shrugged “perhaps it’s nothing, they took a small interest and that might be it. Now tell me Edric do you feel a little better?” 

He looked down slightly for a moment and then back up “yes, yes I actually do feel a bit better. Thank you Abasi” said Edric, he gave a small smile. Abasi smiled back “glad I could help but get some rest. I will sort some things out before going to sleep myself.” Edric nodded, he then lay down on the bed and shut his eyes. 

Abasi stared for a moment he wondered if it would be odd to call Edric my lord, but the gods choose certain people for reasons unknown. 

His eyes shot open he heard a voice, a dark foreboding voice. He could not exactly remember the words but he felt compelled to hear them to understand them. Leonard blinked it was still dark he wondered if he is still dreaming. He felt cold, hungry even. Leonard moved his hands forward he touched a wall, he tried to move but felt confined in a small space. The hunger gnawed on him his mouth felt dry he needed to drink something. He needed to fill his belly, Leonard snarled “I am so hungry!” The hunger increased in intensity he began clawing at whatever was in front of him “Let me out! Let me out! Please!”   

Leonard raged his mind pulsed with pain, he needed something to cure this hunger but what he needed he was not sure he could put a word to it. He began punching the wall in front of him. Whatever box he is trapped in shook with each of his blows “I need to get out!” he roared, Leonard began to push the wall until the wall moved out wards, Leonard fell forwards and crashed on the ground. 

Leonard looked around rapidly a woman stood over him along with a knight, The woman firmly said “be still!” hearing that command he froze, he wanted to move to seek the thing he needs. The woman walked forward holding a goblet. The one who bit him the vampire Masika. 

Leonard shouted “you! Wh-” Masika hissed “be silent!” he clenched his mouth shut as another order entered his mind. He looked down the hunger warred within his gut. His mind felt like it was collapsing in on itself. Masika tutted “no manners, Leonard you will refer me as mistress, Lady or Lady Masika. Now can you say yes mistress?” Leonard felt his mouth moving he could not control it “Yes mistress…” Masika nodded “good. Now I assume you are hungry aren’t you?” 

He nodded slowly as he gripped his stomach, Masika smiled, she purred “you don’t know why you are hungry, you don’t understand what you need. Now open you mouth.” Leonard’s mouth quivered he opened his mouth, Maskia placed the goblet over his mouth and poured. Red liquid splashed into Leonard’s mouth the hunger was subsiding, the pain within his mind vanishing.

As the goblet emptied, Masika nodded, she held her smile “how does it taste?” Leonard tasted the liquid in his mouth it was good, pleasant even. Leonard wiped his mouth finally bringing his hand to his mouth he saw his hand is now pale. His nails were talons shrinking back slightly to normal form. Leonard looked at the red liquid that stained his hand he stammered “b-blood?” Maskia crossed her arms “indeed, it’s blood. Welcome to our little family Leonard.” His eyes darted around in shock he saw lines of coffins, it seemed he was in an underground hall. He looked to place he fell out from it is an open coffin. Leonard blinked “h-how? W-when?” Maskia walked over and stroked his head “you have ascended from your pitiful state. You were worth sharing our blessing with. You have the blood of the Queen of mysteries, the mortarch of blood flowing through your veins.” 

Leonard shook his head “t-this is w-wrong.” Maskia knelt down slightly “no it’s right my dear. Rise.” Masika stood upright. Leonard followed suit for some reason he looked to his hand again his nails were now back to normal. He then bought his eyes to the knight he is not wearing a helmet but he recognised him. He is the leader of the vampiric knights, he recalled his name is Jarrick. 

Rubbing his forehead in confusion he held his vision on Jarrick who smiled “the confusion will vanish in time. Take it slow… brother.” Leonard squinted his eyes “brother? What?” Jarrick nodded “we share the same blood. As the lady said you are apart of a new family.” Maskia held his hand “Yes, it’s as Jarrick says come with me. I shall explain.” Masika walked Leonard through the corridors, Jarrick followed behind them. 

She gestured to the rows of coffins “these coffins belonged to the ones I bestowed, the blood of the queen upon. You are one of these fortunate people. From diplomats, to kings, queens, warriors and the like. Each of you are a important piece in the Blood queen’s Arsenal to unite these great lands.” 

He raised eyebrow hearing such a thing “Unite? What do you mean?” Masika grinned “We are at the centre the city of Helopolis, to the north is the great city of Boliszar, To the south.. Well it’s more of a giant prison than a great city. Still it bare’s the title of such the name of that place is Dolthremar. To the west is the city of Garthex and to the east is the city of Morzzar. You with Jarrick and his blood knights are a weapon a tool to aid in this unification process. All these cities used to belong to the one who sits on the Obsidian throne and the Queen of blood has decided I should sit upon it.”

Leonard nodded slowly “I see… Lady Masika.” They walked for a few moments more approaching a set of steps as they walked up Masika said “all the cities favour different things, strength, faith, ruthlessness or wealth. The queen of mysteries does not want it to descend to open warfare but we can never be too careful. Hence why the blood knights exist.” Leonard for some reason could not help accept all this information and the part he will play in it it perplexed him slightly for some reason. As Masika held his hand he tried to think of home, for some reason it seemed like a foggy memory and no matter how hard he tried a picture of it would not come. He looked down to himself he just realised he was not wearing his gear, the heraldry of the free guild he lead and the claws of sigmar. 

He tried to think of sigmar but all he would get is a headache he creased his brow with his freehand. Maskia frowned  “try not to think of your past too much dear especially of the old god you used to follow all it will do is cause you pain.” Leonard nodded slowly “yes lady.” As they reached the top of the stairs they returned to familiar halls, that bore paintings of Masika. 

The smell was much more pleasant now which Leonard found interesting. Masika removed his hand from his “now, I have work to do. Jarrick will show you around the palace and then you will greet your new brothers and sisters.” Leonard inclined his head “yes mistress.” Masika smiled and walked away.

Jarrick grasped his shoulder which caused him to jump slightly, he came forward “so how you are finding it?” Leonard raised his eyebrow “finding what?” Jarrick smiled thinly “being a vampire, holding the blessing of the soulblight within your body.” Leonard licked his teeth in response he could feel the fangs within his mouth, he then flexed his hands “I… it’s not so bad I think.” Jarrick tapped his shoulder “good, it seems you will settle in easily. Now the tour.” They walked in the opposite direction of Masika as they walked Jarrick said “Tell me Leonard, do you know what sort of gifts you bare now?” Leonard rubbed his neck “I assume I am stronger and faster?” Jarrick laughed “that’s the basics! The bounty of this gift is far greater than that! The power compulsion, shapeshifting and even magic if you take time to study it.” Leonard watched Jarrick flex his hand slightly a small purple mist circled it, He grinned “Plus the greatest gift of all is immortality!” 

Leonard looked to his hands “immortality…” Leonard slowly smiled “living forever does not sound half bad actually.” Jarrick slapped his back “exactly! But there are rules..” Leonard looked up and raised his eyebrow “rules?” Jarricked nodded “when it comes to feeding. Control is paramount we will teach you that with time. Still the threat of overfeeding and underfeeding it has claimed many brother.” Leonard thought about drinking blood from a living person. Taking something that he has no right to.

Jarrick chuckled “don’t think on it too much, many in the cities freely offer themselves in hopes to gain our favour. Still you have to learn to take as well.” Leonard nodded “right. I understand.” His mind then drifted as they talked of blood, he recalled Masika mentioned they have the blood of the mortarch of blood flowing through their veins. Leonard looked to Jarrick “I recall lady Masika mentioning we carry the Queen of blood in our veins. Her very lifeblood. Have you ever met her Jarrick?” Jarrick’s looked at him with wide eyes, he then faced forward and looked to be reminiscing “Leonard, she looked absolutely radiant. So regal, so in in control of everything around her. If you live long Leonard you might meet her.”   

Hearing such words for some reason gripped him with a sense of excitement, walking for a few more minutes they stopped in front of a door. Jarrick knocked, Leonard furrowed his brow “what is this place?” Jarrick smiled “this is the palace smithy, the owner dislikes when people simply enter.” Jarrick moved his hand to the door and turned the doorknob. Walking into the room,  half of the room was blown away leaving an open sky overlooking the two giant crystals. Leonard looked around the room he saw the bellow, forge and the tools lining the table of the smithy. Leonard finally bought his eyes to an iron table with a piece of metal on it. He folded his arms “where is the blacksmith?” Jarrick grinned “he is here don’t worry.” 

Suddenly a large hammer floated from the tool desk and moved over to the iron table. The hammer was brought down on the piece of iron again and again. The sound ringing from the metal and hammer  distorted as it entered Leonard’s ears. The fires of the forge turned blue. It blazed like a raging inferno. 

At the table he now saw a large figure raising a ghostly hand that shimmered from blue to green as they brought down their hammer. His whole form was covered by a large black cloak save their feet. Looking at it the person’s feet it is bear and bore the same ghostly colour. Jarrick smiled “Yarvick, is the order ready yet?” The hammer froze Yarrick grunted, to Leonard the grunt echoed “it is being worked on, you know better to check up on me. If you are not here to release me don’t bother knocking on my door.” Yarvick brought down his hammer on the piece of metal. Jarrick chuckled “you are too useful to release. Stop mopping you are serving our lady and in turn the Queen of Blood. Be thankful.” Leonard watched has the blue fire from the forge rose and flicked aggressively. 

Yarvick turned and threw his hammer into the wall next to Jarrick. Jarrick did not move from his spot as the hammer was lodged next to where he is standing. The blacksmith turned he walked over head cast low. Leonard held his ground like Jarrick but what he knows right now as the large man, no ghost is approaching that if he was not bound he would kill them. He reached over with his ghostly arm and grabbed the hammer. He raised his head and turned in Leonard’s direction, Leonard instinctively clutched his hands as Yarvick looked at him under the cowl he saw a face of a gruff old man with a long beard but after a second of looking his face changed, Leonard saw a skull instead of a ghostly face a roaring fanged skull. That howled in anger and torment. 

Then it vanished as he looked away and pulled out the hammer from the wall he spoke “a new one? I assume the order is for him?” Jarrick nodded “indeed.” Yarvick tutted “I wish to make arms and armour for the ones who will unite these lands. Not for Masika’s toys.” Jarrick’s face distorted into that of a beast to Leonard’s surprise as Jarrick said firmly “It’s Lady Masika, Yarvick.”  The wraith laughed “to me she is merely Masika, a leech who speaks but does not act. I make weapons and armour to make you bloodsuckers look pretty when you should be using it to unite Nagash’s lands. I will stop complaining until you finally do what is required.” Jarrick hissed “we wish to avoid open warfare! We are still fighting the minions of the dark gods!” 

Yarvick turned and made his way back to the table and began hammering again “what you lot are doing nothing has changed. Not once I have seen Masika use the crystals above.” Jarrick narrowed his eyes “she has no desire to use them.” Yarvick bellowed “you mean she can’t use them right!?” Leonard tilted his head “what do you mean she can’t use them?”  Yarvick turned his head back slightly “only the lord can use them, not once in the centuries of Miska being here have I seen her use them. I know because I made them. So what does that tell you? Masika cannot release me so I wait, her “requests” are more to kill the time...” Jarrick then shouted which startled Leonard “be silent Yarvick!” the blacksmith shrugged “you were the one coming here to try and mock me leech. Leave me to my work.” 

Jarrick tutted “come Leonard.” Leonard left the room with Jarrick, Leonard smiled slightly “he is.. An interesting fellow.” Jarrick shrugged “you mean a senile old ghost. At least he is good at what he does.” Leonard folded his arms “So jarrick who put him there in the first place?” Jarrick frowned, he then sighed “he was here when we moved into the castle. So we make use of his services. He is too useful to be release back to stygxx.” 

Leonard shook his head “I thought he said Lady Miska can’t release him?” Jarrick gripped Leonard’s shoulder “don’t think on that old ghosts words too much. Now let’s continue the tour.” Leonard walked with Jarrick down the hall after talking with Yarvick he could not help but feel he was speaking the truth. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 6

Edric cleaned the house, it’s been a few days and finally he can walk but slowly whatever medicine Abasi is using is aiding greatly in the healing process. At the moment Abasi is off pawning off his old armour. He oddly found it hard to part with it and the fact he is wearing robes. In the end he relented because Abasi convinced him that it could be used to get more supplies, if such supplies can be used to help his fellows so be it. He gave a heavy sigh as he held the broom and swept he thought on the discussion from a few days ago about about sigmar and Nagash. It’s clear to him Abasi looks to Nagash, Abasi and those of his group are nice enough and perhaps the people of this city are not indicative of the whole. 

Eventually he finished cleaning the house, he looked around one more time and nodded “that’s better.” Edric placed the broom the one side he wondered how long Abasi is going to be. He has been gone for a few hours. Edric slowly walked over to the shelf drawer and pulled it open he saw the key and picked it out. He closed the drawer and walked over to the door. He put the key in and turned the lock. Before opening the door he had to remember to remain in the general area, Edric pushed the door open and went outside. He turned and locked the door behind him. Looking up at the sky, the gloomy dark sky light only cracks out from certain spots in the clouds what Edric has found it’s rare when there is a clear day in Shyish. Most likely he guessed it is this way to placate the vampires. 

He walked to the middle of the housing area, he looked around to see many of his fellows at work fixing gaps in the old housing or aiding those who helped them. Edric is surprised with how many seem to be accepting of the new life here. He stretched as he walked about a part of him wanted to get some fresh air he did not want to be cooped up in the house forever. He froze when out of the side street rode knights, the vampiric knights that captured him, attached to their horses were chained humans several were silent, heads cast down. Others struggled at the chains a woman cried out “please save me! I don’t want this! I beg you!” 

The vampires were oblivious to her cries of anguish, Edric moved to step forward, to confront them until he felt someone holding his shoulder back. He turned his head to see it’s Abasi shaking his head “don’t it will get you killed or worse.” Edric ground his teeth “I can’t accept this!” Edric watched the knights vanish into the street with those they have taken. He turned to Abasi “those vampires are monsters! From what you told me how can Nagash support this!?” Abasi shook his head “the blood knights, take what they will it’s their divine mandate from him.” Edric finally heard the names of the vampires he pressed it into his mind “so they are blood knights?” Abasi nodded “indeed they are, you see Edric according to the stories a vampire can do as they will as I just said but when Nagash calls they must answer. For they are dead and Nagash is the master of the dead. Their prowess is matched by their cruelty.” 

He could not help but frown hearing Abasi's words they call themselves knights but they are nothing like them, “this is still no way to live.” Abasi gave a sad smile in return“I know but it has not always been this way. From what I hear back in the past when the old lord of this place ruled there was a tithe.” Edric raised his eyebrow “tithe? What do you mean?” Abasi stroked his chin his eyes seemed distant like he is searching for an old story “those who were still alive had to donate blood, the vampires also could not take people off the streets either. Doing such a thing was punished harshly by the old king.” Edric narrowed his eyes considering the state of the city now something had to have changed “so what happened to this king? I assume he was undead. I bet he was a vampire…” Abasi shrugged “no one knows if he was undead or not. No one knows how he died either.” 

Edric nodded “this old king sounds a lot more fairer compared to these lot. I still don’t like the idea of giving blood but at least people are not taken at will by the vampires.” Abasi smiled “indeed, I personally wished I could meet him.” Abasi clapped his hands together “now how about we go help fix the holes in the houses?” Edric smiled at Abasi “right.” He walked with Abasi to the first house, the people who lived there had tools and along with Abasi and his fellow free guild members they went to work. After several hours of working Edric looked up it was dark before but it’s almost getting to the point he can’t see his hand. Abasi wiped his brow “that’s enough for today.” while staring up at the sky Edric said “right, time to head home?” Abasi smiled “indeed.” 

As they walked back home and entered the house Edric stared at the bed and the days work finally caught up to him. Abasi yawned “well it’s time to go to bed.” Edric could not help but agree, he walked over and lay down on his bed. He covered himself with the sheets and tried to close his eyes. He slowly drifted to sleep. Abasi shifted, he could see Edric has fallen asleep. To make sure he waited several minutes and watched his breathing. Abasi nodded “right.” He slowly got out of bed and crept to the door he unlocked the door and stepped out. Abasi turned and locked the door behind him. He wiped his brow “I should go to that place and report.” he quickly pulled on his hood and walked the streets. Walking this far into the slave districts was dangerous especially at this time since other captives like to rob others of their belongings to survive. 

Living here all his life he knew the routes to take but just in case he wove a tiny spell to exude a small aura of wrongness the sense of creeping death. To ward off anyone who would think it's wise to approach him. Abasi walked the roads until he found himself at an old abandoned house. It was surrounded by a small garden of flowers. He never liked them staring at the flowers at the centre they exuded inky black like tears, the flowers also sigh as they moved in the wind. Looking at the house itself red eyed bats hanged from various parts of the house. As Abasi moved it was like the bats were following his movements. He guessed the one he is meeting must know he is here. 

Abasi opened the gate and walked towards the door. He grabbed the cold handle and turned the ******. He opened the door carefully and stepped inside, as he lowered his hood and looked around there was nothing here save wooden barrels and boxes. Abasi whispered “master? I am here. I am here to meet you.” Outside the bats screeched, he heard them flapping away. Abasi turned and suddenly a figure stood before him. Every time that happens his heart jumps. 

Abasi stared at his black ridged armour, his crimson cloak moving unnaturally and his countenance. It almost looked ghoulish but regal at the same time with he bore bumps that stood in a straight line on his forehead. This is the vampire he works for his master the mortarch of night, Mannfred Von Carstein. As always his master bore a rather aristocratic accent that seemed at odds with his appearance “Abasi… why have you called me?” Abasi gulped “master, I have found him.” Mannfred chuckled he casually shrugged and shook his head “so, what does this make it now? 26th? 28th?” His lord began pacing the room, Abasi rubbed his hands together “this one is different. I-” Mannfred rolled his yellow eyes “you said that how many times now?” Mannfred echoed his words in a mocking manner “This one is different! I have a good feeling about him!” he then frowned “tell me what is so different about this one?” Abasi watched his master stop pacing he folded his arms and tapped his feet. Abasi licked his lips “Nagash, the great necromancer spoke in his dreams.” 

Mannfred raised his eyebrow “oh? Oh really? Interesting. Tell me more.” in return he gave him a curt nod as he explained “my charge says since arriving here In shyish he has been gripped with an unnatural cold. No matter what he did it would not go away and the added fact he made the march with literally ruined feet. He also said he felt the same cold as a voice compelled him to walk onwards.” Abasi could see Mannfred is now stroking his chin his master is now calculating, assessing and weighing his words “Nagash indeed likes to be ominous considering how much he likes talking about himself why can he never be direct with things like this?” he sighed “at least this sounds remotely on the mark.” Abasi bobbed his head “I would not come here if I was not sure.” Mannfred smiled thinly “need I remind you?” Abasi closed his eyes as his master reminded him how many times they have done the ritual “yes it’s the 26th or 28th time...” sighing he opened his eyes he noted the length of time he has been working for Mannfred it’s been years. He came to him speaking of the glory days and the fact his family and those who aided him bore connections to the old king or even the nobles. In a sense they were political prisoners at first he was not sure whether to accept his offer but once he did he taught him things. Magic to help him survive. 

It’s been a long time since he has been at this and it’s only been two years since he handed over his daughter. Overall he has met with Mannfred enough times to know when he has a good feeling about something. Since they seem to be on the cusp of finding the one, a question still plagued Abasi “master, I need to ask why do you need to find a suitable person? I am sure you can easily take the city from Masika and work to uniting the lands.” Mannfred sighed “I can’t.” Abasi frowned in surprise “master why can’t you?” Mannfred smoothly shook his head “blame Nagash, I can’t involve myself there is a reason why Neferata is doing this through her minion. The one who will take the throne will be my agent, the added clause is that I also cannot gift him the soulblight.” Abasi nodded slowly in understanding “I see my lord, I do wonder if Neferata is working to unite the lands. Why did the great necromancer tell you to find a lord who can take the throne?” 

Mannfred rested his hand on the pommel of his blade he laughed slightly “it’s simple, she is too slow as always. Hence why Nagash turned to me and gave me the location of the actual throne. The old king communioned with nagash using it and through it will he be empowered. The only hint of who will take it is that they will be of the slave district per Nagash’s words. Since Neferata has her grubby fingers in every other section of the city no one there can be trusted.” Abasi bowed “I thank you for enlightening me master.” his master gave a slight sigh “enough posturing, I am only giving you these answers to lighten your fears. I will get the blade ready. Bring the person you found to the usual spot.” Abasi nodded, he wanted to ask one more thing but he was not sure what answer he is going to get. 

Mannfred spotted what he wanted to ask he smiled thinly “Oh I know what you want to ask.” Abasi cast his eyes down slightly “how are our children? Are they safe?” Mannfred chuckled “they are safe and being made use of your child what was her name?” Mannfred tapped his chin, Abasi mouthed her name slowly “Kaphiri..” Mannfred’s face lit up and clicked his fingers with the hand he tapped his chin with “that’s it! She is fine good friend. Do not worry do your part and the safety of the children shall be guaranteed as I promised you and those who work for me.” hearing this news he clenched his hands “yes master.”He thought about how many others who aided Mannfred all of them decided to hand their children over because the taste for blood that the vampires desired in this city started to disturb him. They looked for more younger and fresher victims. 

When Mannfred offered to take their children away from this place many accepted and he was one of those that did. Mannfred nodded “now Abasi turn away.” Abasi turned he heard the flapping and screeching of bats. Abasi faced where Mannfred was before and always he is now gone. Abasi scratched his head “I wonder how he does that…” 

Abasi lowered his hand he sighed heavily for some reason he felt far more weary than before even so he had to gather everyone and prepare to move Edric. 

Leonard, walked the halls of the palace he now wore his gleaming red plate, looking at it the armour was far more elaborate and intricate compared to his old gear. He also bore a new blade. He gave his new armour a slight tap with his pale hand he had to appreciate Yarvick’s craftsmanship. Even as he examined the craftsmanship he had to keep focused Jarrick wanted to meet him at the throne room for some reason. As Leonard walked the halls he passed by humans, his mouth would hang slightly each time they pass by. He could hear their heartbeat, the pulsing blood passing through their veins. These past few days Jarrick has been training him to control his thirst. He would leave him alone in a room with a human and he would not be allowed to feed unless the sands from the hourglass ran out. 

Those moments were horrific, to smell a human to be in such close proximity and not being able to feed. To say the least the first few times he ended up tearing the humans apart. At first he felt devastated but each time it got easier even so he was not sure exactly how to feel about such a fact. Eventually he got the hang of it and passed the time by simply counting within his mind. Pushing out all other thoughts save the numbers than ran through his mind, when the hourglass ran out he sank his fangs into the human. Leonard wanted to drink the human dry but Jarrick was of another mind it took Jarrick rushing into the room and prying him away from the human to make him stop. In the end Jarrick was impressed that he progressed so quickly. 

As Leonard passed a human servant he counted in his mind “one, two, three, four..” He counted until he was clear of the human. He breathed out a sigh of relief, he pressed on to the throne room, the place where Lady Miska changed him. Leonard slowly pushed the door open. He walked in to see Jarrick staring the throne and this time there were no humans chained to the tables and they were clean of blood. He briskly made his way to Jarrick he raised his eyebrow as he approached him “you wanted to see me?” Jarrick nodded “yes, to teach you what we are fighting for.” Leonard mouthed slowly “what we are fighting for…” Jarrick gestured to the throne “this is the obsidian throne, legend says the throne was blessed by Nagash. Those who sit upon are destined to unite this land.” Leonard slowly inclined his head he stared at the throne to sit upon something blessed by a God must be a heavy burden. “I see, Lady Masika carries a heavy burden.” Jarrick held his hands behind his back “indeed she does. You are her sword, we are her swords when words no longer work. Plus we end possible threats.” 

Leonard eyed the throne “I assume we were a threat?” Jarrick gave a thin smile “of course, an outpost being set up near a realm gate? We could not allow that considering at that time you were followers of the betrayer.” he scratched his head slightly hearing that name he wondered if he refereed to his old god “great betrayer? You mean?” Jarrick inclined his head “I do indeed mean him. He betrayed Nagash in the past and now we all suffer for it. My ancestors fought with Nagash against the Grand Marshal Of Chaos. My Family have history as serving as blood knights under the Queen of Blood. I hope to follow their example.” his brow furrowed his brow in confusion hearing such a thing considering they are dead their lines can't continue “you are a vampire now, how can you carry on your line?” Jarrick grinned “I have a sister that will do it. She will bare several children before she accepts the soulblight.”Leonard could not help but smile in approval Jarrick’s family has been fighting chaos for centuries. They even fought against the leader of the great of enemy. He looked to his hands, he now has an eternity to fight chaos. 

Leonard clenched his hands “I assume uniting these lands is a part of driving back the great enemy?” Jarrick nodded in approval “so you understand. We have a great burden, we must support our Lady in all things.” Leonard thought of the possible great battles he will now see, he is stronger faster and is in a far better position than he was when human. He is actually in a position to make a difference. Jarrick gestured to the throne “when our lady has all the lands the great necromancer will come and perhaps…” Leonard watched Jarrick trail off “perhaps what?” Jarrick gave a thin smile “have you heard of deathlords?” Leonard slowly shook his head in clear confusion “No I haven’t.” Jarrick continued “they are not mortarch’s but equal to them in a sense. According to the legends barely anyone has reached such a state but it could happen.” Leonard stared at the obsidian throne “I understand the gravity of what we are doing Jarrick.” Jarrick clasped his shoulder he held it tightly “I am glad you have joined us. At least you are not like Aten.” 

Hearing Aten's name his thoughts drifted to him, he was one of the vampires who marched them to Helopolis he has met him a few times since he has become a vampire but they have never exchanged words. Leonard placed his hand slightly to his chin “is there a problem with him?” Jarrick sighed “he was the youngest, but you have now taken that spot but from what I have seen of you in the past few days you act like you lived several centuries over him. It’s something I can appreciate.” Leonard smiled “I am glad I have your trust.” Jarrick removed his hand “don’t let me down.” Leonard nodded “I won’t trust me.” Leonard looked back to the throne, The Obsidian throne his purpose has now become crystal clear to him. 

Edric found himself running in the darkness, he felt so very cold a sinister laugh echoed in his ears. He kept running he tripped and fell to the ground. Looking up he saw it a face, no skull wearing a long strange crown, it looked similar to the statue he saw in the plaza. Staring at it Edric quivered in pure and utter terror. The skull spoke each syllable released a deathly chill “you are mine…..” 

He blinked and around his bed he saw hooded figures he tried to shoot up “who are you!?” The hood figures held him down. Edric tried to struggle he muffled “n-no!” One figure began chanting a dirge of words as the words spilled from their lips Edric’s eyes felt heavy his muscles felt weak. He slowly closed his eyes as his energy was drained away. Again he found himself in darkness again the voice boomed as he shivered “you will serve me in all things. You will become a part of the great work. You will labour for me, you will labour for Nagash.” his eyes snapped open again he found himself on the ground in a house an abandoned one filled with cobwebs and dusty tables at one end of the room he saw stairs going down. Edric tried to move his hands they were bound with chain. Around his neck is a manacle with a chain attached to it. Edric swore, these people must be the deathmages Abasi talked about, they must be Necromancers. 

The robed people parted and in front of him is a vampire, bat like ears, ghoulish appearance and they wore black ridged armour along with a crimson cape. Looking at his visage filled him with fear the vampire smiled mockingly as he walked to him he sniffed him “oh, very interesting. I think he might be the right one….” Edric spotted he held a sheathed blade in one hand, Edric gulped “what do you want!? If you think...!” The vampire sighed “be silent, if I needed blood there are easier places I can get it.” The vampire pulled at chain bringing him to his feet he pulled him close “you my friend are going to be a part of something greater.” The vampire looked towards steps leading downwards into the darkness. “So begins your journey to death.” 

The vampire yanked with with the chain pulling Edric, his feet hurt being forced to walk, but the vampire is effortlessly pulling him along. The robed people followed behind him. As they went down to Edric it looked like an underground tunnel network. The tunnel is well made the walls and floors are lined with black stone and torches glew with a sickly purple light that hanged from every wall. As the journey went on he tried not to stare at the vampire it filled him with terror to do so he kept his eyes cast low. Edric thought of possible avenues of escape he shook his head as he remembered that if he tried anything the mages behind him would snap to attention. Plus he doubted that he could escape from the vampire in front of him now. Compared to the others he has seen, this one is far more terrifying. 

As they walked their pace told him they were in a hurry, journeying like this Edric soon felt the hunger in his gut and the weariness from the lack of sleep. he had a feeling wherever this vampire is taking him he would have need for neither anymore. They stopped upon reaching an open area, what greeted Edric is a large black macabre throne. The throne bore skeletons and spirits twisting together and on the seat of the throne he saw dried blood. The vampire looked at him, the vampire smiled showing his fangs “how about we get started?” With one hand the vampire dragged Edric towards the throne with the chain. 

Edric tried to struggle “by sigmar no!” The vampire sighed heavily “do all you humans say that!? You whine and moan for him yet he doesn’t even lift a finger..” The vampire pulled him to the throne. He turned and yanked the chain bringing Edric forward, The vampire grabbed his robe and pushed him onto the seat. Edric tried to rise, but the vampire firmly said while staring into his eyes “sit still.” 

Suddenly he froze, he wanted to move but he couldn't, when he thinks of moving his body he does the opposite. 

The vampire bore his eyes into him, Edric felt the chill of terror creeping down his spine he watched as the vampire traced a talon through his palm and dripped a bit of his blood on his forehead. Edric wanted to wipe off the foul blood but his hands were bound he muttered any prayer to sigmar. if he could hear him. If he could see he begged him to help. Edric watched as the vampire unsheathed the blade from the scabbard and threw it to the side. He stared at his impending doom the blade seemed to be made with black metal. Strange open mouthed skulls line the middle of the blade in its entirety. The vampire stared at the blade as it suddenly blazed with a sickly green and blue flame like a raging inferno. The robed people gathered around the vampire and began chanting raising their hands into the air. Spirits began swirling in the room, Edric’s heart thundered every part of his body was now incredibly cold. He cried “please… please don’t do this!” the vampire drew the blade back despite his pleading as the vampire said “let this be the right one…” The vampire drove the blade into his heart. 

Edric jerked and screamed. 

Abasi chanted he watched as the blade was impaled into Edric, part of himself felt conflicted but this is necessary he has seen it so many times now, such conflict only last moments. Everyone has a purpose in Nagash’s grand designs. If the true lord is born on this throne then his people could be free. All the people in the slave district who bore any inch of lineage connected to the old king or nobles have a chance to walk Helopolis as free people. Families won’t be taken day by day to be devoured by the Queen of Blood’s vampiric children. It’s clear enough that they did not want to unite the lands to fend away the forces of chaos but glut on blood. 

He stared at Mannfred, people called him a betrayer and untrustworthy but according to the scriptures of Nagash he is his champion. When it comes to destroying his enemies Nagash sends him. They need a destroyer, a champion to unite their lands again not nobles and aristocrats who spend their time lounging, talking and drinking blood. Abasi with the others finished the chant. The spirits scattered and dissipated. Everyone watched for movement from the throne including him. He waited, minutes passed until eventually Mannfred wiped his hands down his face and sighed heavily “this is the 29th time!? By Nagash why can’t he just say who it is!?” Mannfred flexed his hands “right, we find another person.” 

Abasi tried to speak “master I-” Mannfred held up his hand “enough! Let’s take the sword and leave.” Mannfred reached for the blade lodged in the throne. He pulled, his features creased into confusion, Abasi watched him pull again. For some reason he stepped forward Abasi could clearly see something is amiss “is something wrong?” Mannfred stroked his chin ignoring him, he moved both hands to the blade and pulled. Abasi could see he is exuding a great amount of strength he raised his eyebrow “did you drive it too deep?” 

Mannfred removed his hands from the handle “well… this is different. Maybe it actually worked?” Abasi stared at Edric’s corpse, his face slack his body shifted to one side, fresh blood pooling at the throne. He could see the sword lodged in Edric’s heart, going by how far the blade is within the body and piercing the throne it looks to be the normal distance. Abasi narrowed his eyes until suddenly Edric sat upright, he released a long deathrattle, he looked up to Mannfred “Mannfred, princeling. My prodigal son.” His eyes glew with a sick purple light his voice distorted and bore the sound of wailing spirits.

Edric shouted “kneel!” The force of will in his voice Abasi quickly got to his knees. Abasi looked up to Mannfred who is rolling his eyes as he got to one knee. Edric effortlessly broke the bonds binding his hands, with a long rasp Edric said “I am here, be blessed supplicants as I sit before you… the work to unite these lands begins. It will take time, time that Neferata has wasted with her foolish games.” Mannfred looked up his face neutral “Great Nagash, tell me what do you aim to do now? Bless us with your wisdom.” 

Abasi began breathing rapidly Nagash is before them, his heart thundered. Abasi gulped as Nagash spoke “such arrogance…. as always princeling I know your mind that you do not speak in respect, but I shall give you my wisdom…. it will take time to prepare this one his spirit must be prepared before it’s fused to this body. Prepare for his awakening Mortarch this is my will.” Abasi watched the purple light drift from his eyes, Edric’s body fell slack. 

Mannfred swiftly rose clearly unconformable from kneeling even to the great necromancer, Abasi rose after him “master what do we do now?” His master spoke his face neutral his voice flat “we wait and prepare as Nagash said.” Abasi felt extremely anxious he wondered what Mannfred is now planning. 

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Chapter 7

You now squirm in fear, in terror… but you don’t need such emotions anymore… for you are now part of Nagash. You belong to me as is my right. Now in this state you will find purpose, my purpose… you will tear down all that is not of my image, you will march and bring these lands under my dominion again… such is the will of Nagash.....

He watched his master sitting on his basalt throne the deluge of spirits twisting around his frame frantically. Even so what held his gaze and drew his interest is the spirit his lord is twisting and pulling. What he noticed is that as the years go by he would put the soul aside and eventually return to it. His lord would then repeat the same actions again and again at times he would stare wondering what his Master is doing but it’s not his place to wonder and question but to obey. His lord looked down at him his skeletal face distorting into a grin his voice was like the wail of one thousand spirits “you are wondering what I am doing Arkhan?

Arkhan clutched his staff Khenash-an with his skeletal fingers he wondered should he divert his mind away but even so the curiosity played at him he could not help it. “Yes my lord, but you do not have to tell me I am but your humble servant in all things…” His master Nagash the undying king and lord of undeath held the soul in his talons squeezing it slightly the spirit winched and cried in pain “this one won’t remember this pain, this terror… I watched the realms… waiting for the right moment to unleash this one…hear my wisdom Mortarch...

Arkhan inclined his head to Nagash “yes master I am listening intently…” His lord nodded he lowered his arm slightly so he could see the soul more closely “he will unite the cities of Helopolis the surrounding cities were under the dominion of my chosen in the past. Helopolis used to be the centre something I hoped Neferata would change. I now grow tired of Neferata’s games of intrigue the great work is approaching and I need those cities. They are mine by right! Some have forgotten that... and others have forgotten Nagash, which is a crime that needs to be addressed...” he agreed wholeheartedly with his master since chaos invaded Shyish many mortal’s have forgotten the Great Necromancer and their duty to him which is something he cannot forgive. He also recalled that the lord of Helopolis had the fealty of the 4 surrounding cities in the north, east, south and west. Now some have forgotten their vows thinking themselves kings or queens of lands that truly do not belong to them. “Yes my Lord I understand, Neferata can take time with her tasks. Also the ones who forgot their oaths must also be punished...”

His master raised his arm holding the soul gazing at it “Indeed Arkhan, I thought of tearing this one’s memories to pieces to instill him with my fury and rancor… but…. I have decided otherwise… instead he will retain his memories… all of them.” Arkahn could not help but grow even more curious when many transition to a higher grade of undeath at times their memories are affected, this is to largely prevent insanity or to prevent them seeking out their old lives. He could see his lord now reading him like a book he could read all like a simple book such is his power and will. “Arkhan that will not happen for I chose him for a reason… he will be the perfect instrument… he will be my icy fury that will reach those who have forgotten their oaths…” Arkhan bowed slightly in response he wanted his bow to be clearly apologetic “apologies for thinking such thoughts my lord.”  Nagash shook his head in clear dissatisfaction “yet you are still curious or perhaps there is something more?”

Arkhan searched his thoughts he is curious of the spirit he is holding but the curiosity started when he learned who will be handling the one who will do the Great Necromancer’s work. Thinking of that traitorous and deceitful cur caused his mind to drift to worry. Nagash gave a chuckle the spirits behind his voice splintered and screamed “If you are so worried why not go? You are the most loyal after all. A starless gate leading out of stygxx is open at the moment it leads into the lands of the cities.” he looked at his staff Khenash-an the energies bouncing around it’s frame he could not leave such a delicate task to Mannfred he will try to distort it to his own ends. “Great Nagash may I leave to make sure the task you set out for your chosen is fulfilled?” He watched his lord release the spirit upwards into the darkness. “You may, you should move quickly I just released his spirit back to his body….

Arkhan bowed “thank you my lord.” he rose and turned away as he walked away from Nagash’s throne his dread abyssal Razarak, the doom of traitors coalesced from the shadows of stygxx. He prowled towards him eager and ready to set off, he lowered his skeletal frame so Arkhan can reach the saddle. As he mounted Razarak he released a shrill cry of rage, Arkhan could not help but agree with him. “So many traitors and oath-breakers that need to be dealt with.. Let us be off.” Razarak broke into a run as they made their way to one of the starless gate’s leading out of the underworld.  

Edric felt himself drifting upwards he felt so cold, he looked up he could see the light he frantically reached for it. He needed the warmth he wanted to escape from whatever hell he came from all he remembered is the skeletal face gazing at him. Speaking, telling him to reach back into the light.

He rushed upwards as the light touched his hand he opened his eyes. His instinct was to breathe but no air passed his nose and lips. He could not feel his fingers, his toes and for some reason he longer blinked. Edric looked around the dusty old hall he then looked down to himself he saw it the blade embedded in his heart. He remembered being stabbed the pain of the sword piercing his body and heart. He chittered his teeth releasing a wail of anguish and pain. He screamed he could not even feel his vocal cords straining anymore. When he realised such a fact he stopped screaming and the fact he is still alive with a sword lodged into his heart. He wondered if sigmar heard his prayer that possibly he somehow saved him.

He grimly nodded he reached for the sword handle to pull out the blade as his hands went for the handle his mouth hanged in utter horror. His hands are now skeletal, there was no meat on his hands. His hands drifted from the sword handle to his head he could not feel anything he could not tell if his face is actually there. He scratched his head it released a strange sound, as that sound entered his ears he shook his head in disbelief “no, it’s impossible! No! By sigmar no!” Hearing his voice it sounded distorted it reverberated slightly. Edric reached for his ears there was none there the only sound that emerged was the one when he scratched his head.

Frantically he looked around he needed to get off this throne he had to. He needed to see himself properly perhaps he is imagining what has happened to him. Edric reached for the sword handle again he tried to ignore his hands as he slowly pulled out the blade. Gripping the blade he rose as he tried to walk forward he tripped over something crashing to the ground with a thud he looked up to the throne to see strange offerings, meat, skulls, gems and other trinkets. He then bought his eyes to the side of the throne and sitting there to one side was a scabbard. Edric staggered to his feet he looked down to see a skeletal toe poking out one of the leather shoes. He tore his eyes away he focused on the scabbard while walking towards it.

He picked it up and then looked at the blade that the vampire stabbed him with. Edric recalled that he was kidnapped from Abasi’s home. It then dawned on him that Abasi might also be in trouble he faced the path they took he grimaced to see that it’s been blocked off. Looking a bit more to the right he spotted another makeshift tunnel. Edric clenched the scabbard and sword as he made his way to the tunnel. As Edric made his way he could tell right away it’s far more makeshift supported by wooden logs to hold the tunnel. He walked for what seemed like an age yet his feet did not tire nor did he feel weary from travel. Edric swore to himself he tried to block such thoughts from his mind. He is alive, sigmar saved him that is what he had to believe.

Finally he came to a somewhat open cavern space and in the middle he saw pale creatures tearing at a corpse. Taking a step forward they looked up at him meat falling from their mouths. Edric bought his eyes to the corpse and then to the creatures he knew of the stories traded by free guild members they are known as ghouls, carrions eaters and troglodytes who feed on the meat of corpses. Staring at them he expected to be horrified, scared even but at most he put up his guard with the blade readying himself for a possible attack. The ghouls stared at him in almost wonder which confused him somewhat a ghoul then started barking and growling at the others. He held a large bone and his face is scarred. He left the cadaver and jostled towards him he kneeled before him almost like a normal person. The other ghouls followed suit. Edric was not sure what to make of this he wondered should he kill them they are monstrous cannibals but such a fact did not exactly bother him for some reason. He slowly sheathed his blade and walked towards them. He bade the ghouls to rise the first ghoul that knelt stood upright he pulled at his robe pointing down the tunnel.

Edric spoke “does it lead to a way out?” the ghoul nodded he barked at the other kneeling ghouls they growled at each other in excitement. The leader began walking down the tunnel he grunted pointing down the tunnel again. “So you want me to follow?” The ghoul grinned showing gore stained teeth. He wondered what did he have to lose? They did not seem interested in eating him and for some reason he felt he could trust such abominations. He silently followed the ghouls down the tunnel. As they walked Edric picked up the sounds of growling and grunts he placed his hand on the handle of the blade just in case it might be a possible trap.

After what seemed like an hour of walking they came upon a huge cavern area it is circular in structure and across the whole cave were different elevations leading into other tunnels. In parts of the cave were hovels where he could see ghouls sleeping on dirty hay. As they reached the middle the ghoul leader gave out a shrill cry. Out of one of the caves a black shadow shot out and crashed before him. Edric instinctively covered his eyes as dust kicked up into the air. When the dust cleared he saw a pale and ghoulish creature riding a bat like monster. Edric got ready to unsheathe his blade the pale creature spoke his voice hoarse “my king you have finally awoken…”

Edric released his grip from his blade he shook his head in confusion “king? What on earth do you mean?” The pale creature hissed at the ghoul that led him “my man at arms did not brief you on the trip here!?” Edric scratched his head “no, for one I could not understand him.” The pale monster shook his head in clear confusion he started mumbling to himself “perhaps your long slumber addled your mind…?” he then nodded “very well my king let me introduce myself.” The creature bowed slightly “I am your lord crusader Valos Drakefang.” Edric imprinted that name within his mind he inclined his head back to Valos. “Valos, I am not sure where I am or what happened can you please tell me? Plus what do you mean by king? I am not anyone's king.” Valos growled at him his blood shot eyes widening which put Edric on edge. “Why can’t you remember!? I have been waiting for centuries! Preparing my armies! Striking against the heathens and heretics who have forgotten their oaths!?”

He swore to himself Valos thinks he is his king he should play along. “Apologies my lord crusader, My… long slumber has caused me to forget some things as you said” he watched as Valos calmed down slightly he flexed his talons. “I see my king… I shall try. The mortarch of night Mannfred von Carstein told me of your location I set my men at work to secure the area. I have waited  years for you to awaken when I saw that sword and your form on the throne I knew it was you…”

Edric looked down at the sword he nodded “I assume the Mortarch of night is a vampire? Crimson cape, black armour?” Valos bobbed his head “yes my king, now that you have awakened rest here. The delegate of the mortarch of night should arrive in a few days.” Edric recalled that the vampire Mannfred impaled him with the blade. His people kidnapped him.

Having this information in mind he bore his eyes into Valos. “Valos I assume you know a way out of here? I need to get out.. To… meet with some of my supporters! I will meet with Mannfred mid way.” Edric lied. Edric could see Valos’ brows furrowing for a moment he then smiled showing vampiric fangs “I see my lord if that’s is your will.” Edric clenched his hand he could not believe that worked. Valos looked down at the ghoul who led him “Goretooth!” The ghoul perked up, Valos gestured to a tunnel “lead our king to safety, he will gather supporters so we can take back our city from the hated blood queen!” Goretooth growled in acknowledgement. The ghoul known as Goretooth pointed at the tunnel growling for Edric to follow.

Before he left Edric inclined his head to valos “I thank you my lord crusader.” The ghoul king smiled “think nothing of it. Bring back an army so we can topple the usurpers!” Edric nodded he followed Goretooth down the tunnel. After a few minutes of walking he could see light at the end. He almost broke into a jog but he had to remember his “escort” so he decided otherwise. As they reached the light and stepped out he could see the vast plains stretching out to the horizon. For some reason he could not feel the breeze. He shook his head trying to push away that dangerous thought. He looked down to Goretooth “you are dismissed, give Valos my regards.” The ghoul nodded as he walked back into the tunnel.

As Goretooth disappeared into darkness Edric breathed out a sigh of relief and again his breath did not pass his lips. He cursed to himself for doing such a thing. Edric eyed the plains he wondered where should he go or what he should do. He decided the simple action would be is to find the road. As he walked out towards the plains he passed by the puddle he bought his eyes to it right away. To calm his fears to discard the thought of what he possibly is.

As he looked at the puddle he saw a skull, a dirty one at that and within the hollow sockets of its eyes he saw a soft glowing green light. Edric roared in anger “This is not me! This can’t be me! I am not dead! I am standing right here!” he bought up his now shaking skeletal hands. “Sigmar saved me! I am not one of the dead! I-I-” Edric dropped to his knees staring at the puddle again he released a wail of pure anguish.

The horse caravans progressed on the roads, they just left Helopolis after some trading and now they are on the outskirts at this point they have to be careful. She walked with the undead horses keeping an eye to the side roads for bandits or worse. She clutched her staff tightly she left the village with her supporters to prove him wrong to prove all of them wrong.But in the end they have been travelling to the cities for years and have found no way to awaken the king. She sighed “Jonathan is going to rub this in again if we cross paths…” She shook her head in annoyance he was chosen as the delegate. Something she aspired to, she could not accept it which played a part in her leaving.

Walking for a moment out of the bushes of dead grass people jumped out into the middle of road blocking it. Their topless frames looked bloodied, they wore icons to the ruinous powers. The caravan driver looked down at her “Kaphiri what do we do? There might be more..” Kaphiri frowned in response “no, this must be dregs who fled a real battle I can handle this.” She strode towards their would be ambushers, she pointed her staff at them the bells and skulls rattling on it. “Minions to the ruinous powers move or die.”

The one she assumed to be the leader came forward he thumped his chest while holding an axe in his other hand “I am chieftain Aldar of this bloodreaver tribe! We are hunting for food...which means you!” Kaphiri scoffed considering their state they must be the cowards for sure she pointed her staff at one of them and released a sickly bolt of purple energy at one. He screamed in agony as his skin was blasted apart. She tapped the haft of her staff on the ground “that was a warning, leave before I kill you and trust me your torment will not end in death..” Aldar laughed “you think we would not hunt prey before preparing?” Aldar whistled. Khaphiri heard the bushes next to her rustling then suddenly a bloodreaver shot out grabbing her tightly. She hissed “Damn you! Cowards!” Aldar gave a guttural laugh “says the witch! Now kill them! Take their skulls!”

She struggled in the grip of the bloodreaver, she could not concentrate. The bloodreaver laughed at her his gore stained breath crashed into her nose. She then heard another bush rustling and then from the other side another figure shot out and thrusted their blade into the one holding her. They twisted causing the bloodreaver to yelp as they crumpled to the ground. Aldar scowled “what trickery is this witch!?” Kaphiri looked up to her rescuer she saw a skeleton wearing dirty black robes. They charged at the bloodreavers several tried to gang up on him but he dispatched them with ease. His blade strikes removed heads, hands and even legs.

Kaphiri narrowed her eyes at Aldar who soon became focused on the skeleton warrior she gave a small chuckle “you should focus in front of you...” Aldar turned his head to her as she released another purple bolt she watched as his skin disintegrated leaving only a skeleton that fell to the floor.

Upon seeing their chieftain dying and the death of their fellows by the skeletal warrior the bloodreavers began backing away fleeing for their lives. The warrior lowered his bloodied blade he turned to face them. Kaphiri walked up to him at least she thought it’s a him. She wondered if he was a person killed on the road and is now hunting those who attacks travellers, Nagash is known in the scriptures to do such a thing. The skeletal warrior sheathed his blade his green eyes bore into her he spoke to her shock “are you alright?” Kaphiri blinked “a wight? Here!? Who do you serve!?” The skeleton shook his head “I serve no one.. I wandered and saw bloodbound following your caravans I could not allow them to harm you.” Kaphiri bit her lip they could use such a warrior if she could bind him.

She raised her staff it glew with a purple light “I thank you for your aid, you will be useful to us.” The light washed over the warrior slowly she tried to take hold of him but suddenly her vision went dark. A voice boomed in her mind. “You dare to take what belongs to Nagash? Such arrogance…” Kaphiri roared in pain she shut off her spell, the darkness receded her nose was now bleeding. She could see the skeleton warrior is now gripping the handle of his blade “what are you aiming to do witch!?” Kaphiri shook her head “I-I-w-what are you!?” The warrior hissed “I am dead that is what I am! by no choice of my own!” Kaphiri wiped the blood from her nose “I don’t know anyone who has such power to animate someone like you. You seem fully aware, speaking full sentences and your movements are like that of a human.” Kaphiri recalled the voice it made her shudder in terror she stared at the skeleton warrior the possibility that he was woven together by a god entered her mind. She needed such power. “I apologize for what I tried to do. Undead such as you are rare I wish to make a request.”

She could see his eyes glowing slightly brighter she could tell he is somewhat interested he relaxed his stance. “I the leader of these caravans we need more swords for protection and since it seems you have nowhere to go why don’t you travel with us?” Kaphiri reached out her hand. She could see the warrior staring at it and then he looked back up to her “you so easily join hands with the dead?” Kaphiri rolled her eyes “it’s shyish, undead are the norm here. I know plenty of places that live with them side by side without any problems.” The skeleton warrior slowly grasped her hand “Edric, my name is Edric.” Kaphiri smiled “Edric… so that is your name tell me why are you on the road?” Edric looked away in the distance “wandering, at first I thought of committing suicide but some reason I couldn’t then I realised that I was stronger compared to when I was human so I set on hunting the followers of chaos. Something I knew how to do in the past.” Edric released his hand he sighed in sadness and faced her “I have no direction… I do not know what to do.”

Kaphiri stroked her chin she then smiled “well you can stay with us how long you want. Trust me none of us will treat you any differently.” Edric’s eyes brightened even more “I see…. Thank you.”

She gestured “come I will introduce you to everyone.” As she walked to the caravans Edric followed behind her. Her heart swam with excitement securing such a prize.   

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Chapter 8

Edric sat in the caravan he is no longer wearing his robes which have been replaced with makeshift armour and a black cloak. He stared at Kaphiri her black hair braided to one side, her coppery skin. At the moment she is in discussion with another member of the caravan. When she caught him staring she raised her eyebrow “what is it Edric?” watching her mouth move he took special note of her facial movements including the person she spoke with. 

He missed that, having facial expressions he was not even sure how to talk with people considering he did not bare any expressions any more. “I feel envy Kaphiri…” Kaphiri frowned at his words “I don’t know how you can feel such a way considering you are now immortal.” Edric clenched his skeletal hands in annoyance he recalled that Kaphiri is of shyish many possibly view undeath as a higher state. Such thoughts he struggled with he had to admit he is now stronger but he missed the precious things from life. 

To eat, to laugh, to even feel since wandering and meeting the ghouls under Helopolis things that should bother him no longer do. Seeing twitching zombies hanging on nooses, ghouls devouring the dead and necromancers walking about with small shambling hordes. It’s clear enough Kaphiri is also a necromancer and he knows well enough that she tried to bind him. He heard that voice warning her, forcing her back. 

He guessed that she is trying to manipulate him to use him for whatever plan that is ringing in her head. The only reason why he accepted her offer is that he grew tired of wandering he wanted to surround himself with the living and even then it did not make him feel better like he thought. It just made him hate the state he is in. He eyed Kaphiri he wanted to distance himself from such thoughts. “So Kaphiri are you a trader?” Kaphiri tapped her chin thinking “In a manner of speaking. I am also looking for something.” Edric crossed his arms considering she is a deathmage whatever she is looking for must be magical in nature. “So what is it that you are looking for? A magical item?” Kaphiri shook her head “I am looking for our salvation.” 

Edric leaned back slightly in surprise “salvation?” Kaphiri cast her eyes down slightly “I am seeking to awaken or at least find the King of Helopolis you have seen the roving bands of chaos? Ever since Masika has been in charge it’s gotten worse the cities are not close to being united while the minions of the ruinous powers destroy the lands of Nagash.” Edric recalled that Valos called him his king he wondered is Valos looking for the same thing? He most likely thought that he was the king in his madness. Edric remembered Abasi’s story what he knows is that it’s clear that the old king was far more fair compared to the current rulers. “I see that is a big goal to seek but I wonder..” 

Kaphiri perked up “wonder what?” Edric shook his head “why not look to sigmar? You know cities are being established great cities with armies that defend the surrounding lands why not go there?” as he mentioned and spoke of sigmar Kaphiri's face distorted in disgust “I refuse to go baying at those who serve sigmar! Sigmar the coward! Sigmar the traitor! Edric! The people of Shyish refuse to bend for him! The only person who we look to is Nagash for he is all! He fought for us while sigmar fled!” 

He listened to her rant he should of guessed that would be her response but for some reason he pressed. “How sure are you that when you get what you seek that you won’t have another tyrant? What makes you so sure that this king still exists?” Kaphiri clutched her staff “I know he exists people have told me as such. We just had a disagreement on how to handle it.” Edric looked to his skeletal hand and then up to Kaphiri “such faith.. Despite your situation… when your faith is tested I wonder if you will be found wanting?” Kaphiri furrowed her brow “you must be really bitter about your situation. Considering your words I guess you were a sigmarite?” Edric slowly nodded the past few days he was finding it hard to keep faith in Sigmar. He lost all will to mutter even a small prayer. “Yes, I wonder how I became like this? I wonder what are the fates of my comrades... such ill fortune yet no signs. No aid, I know Sigmar is watching since he took away…” his voice trailed off he recalled Baldwin he hoped where ever that lightning has taken him to that he is safe. 

Edric watched Kaphiri play with her staff moving it slightly her dark brown eyes gazed into his own hollow sockets. “I wonder Edric considering your state, perhaps it was a different god that took interest in you.” he knew where she is going with this line of thought he hissed at her “but I don’t look to him! If he did have interest in me why did he reduce me to this!?” Kaphiri frowned in response “think a bit more Edric, you have all your faculties intact, you are strong and your will is there. The grade of undeath you bare could only be done by the greatest necromancer which is Nagash. Perhaps he has a plan for you?” Edric clenched his hands at the thought he prayed constantly for sigmar for help and salvation to keep his fellows safe but instead of the god he follows taking notice it’s the god of the dead. He is now dead and for whatever reason the god of death has a plan for him if he follows Kaphiri’s words he is not sure whether that is a good thing or not. 

Soon the caravan came to a halt, Kaphiri mumbled in frustration“why in the name of Nagash are we stopping!?” Kaphiri hopped out of the caravan, Edric followed her. As they stepped out of the back they walked up to the driver who pointed in the distance. “More followers of chaos! dammit it all!” Kaphiri looked into the distance, Edric also gazed forward he could see two armies of chaos clashing against each other. One is clearly bloodbound and the other is followers of the dark god of decay the rotbringers. The rotbringers obese forms can take mortal blows that would kill a normal man. 

Kaphiri shook her head in annoyance “we have to go around…” The caravan driver grimaced “off the road!? We could easily be ambushed by another roving warband!” Edric agreed with his assessment he spoke up “we should go back. There is no other way let them kill each other. We will come back later or find another road.” Kaphiri ground her teeth in frustration “no, we need to get to Morzzar we need the extra supplies!” The caravan driver again moved to protest “we ca-” Kaphiri hissed at him “Ingo! Enough! We need to get to Morzzar!” as soon as Kaphiri mentioned the name of the caravan driver he could see he relented almost instantly. Ingo sighed “very well, we will try and go around…” Ingo called out “pass the message down we are going off road!” Edric heard the various calls of acknowledgement down the road by caravan drivers. Ingo faced forward he raised his hand at the undead horses it glew with a small purple light. The horses gave a chilling cry as their hollow eyes blazed with a purple light. They began turning, Edric faced forward ready to walk with the horses just in case of an ambush. As he was about to step off road he heard a shrill cry from the sky. He stopped and looked towards the battle in the distance up in the sky is a figure riding a skeletal monster is diving towards the battle. 

He looked over to Kaphiri staring as well she looked up to Ingo “we are going towards the battle!” Ingo’s eyes went wide with worry “what!? That’s madness!” Kaphiri crossed her arms in annoyance “It could be him Ingo!” Ingo shook his head sighing he made another call to head back to the main road. Edric could now see Kaphiri grinning ear to ear in response Edric gripped the handle of his blade tightly as they began walking towards the battle. 

As they got closer the sounds of battle began ringing in his ears, Kaphiri stopped and looked up to Ingo “stay here, Edric and I will remain on the outskirts in hiding I don’t want to risk the caravans.” Ingo nodded “be careful Kaphiri.” Kaphiri smiled at Ingo “I would be more worried for the followers of chaos if he is there.” Kaphiri gestured “let’s go Edric.” 

Edric gave a curt nod in response he wondered who exactly Kaphiri is referring to in the end he focused on keeping her safe. She believes someone important is at the battle and if this is not the case he would need to get her out of there quickly. Kaphiri broke into a jog towards the battle, Edric followed. 

As they crept closer they hid at a nearby bush looking out in the distance, Edric searched the melee for the skeletal beast. Upon spotting it he could see that all the followers of chaos have stopped fighting they stared at this new enemy. Edric eyed the skeletal monster, glowing green skulls covered by a skeletal frame and it bore the head of a horned monster. The rider himself is a skeleton like him wearing elaborate dark blue armour. He held a strange staff that glowed with sickly purple energy. Edric looked to Kaphiri he whispered “is that the person you were expecting?” Kaphiri slowly shook her head “no… no it’s not but it’s a surprise to see him here.” He then asked “do you know who he is?” Kaphiri slowly nodded “yes according to… scriptures he is the Mortarch of Sacrament, Arkhan the Black. His mount is the dread abyssal Razarak, the doom of traitors.” he bought his green eyes to Arkhan saying “I see.” The person before him is a Mortarch like the one who killed him. Edric held his gaze at Arkhan who stared at the followers of chaos his green eyes seemed like he was not looking at people but refuse. Arkhan shouted “Followers of the ruinous powers you befoul his lands! I will end you!” Arkhan swept his staff out from the ground skeletal hands shot up. The hands clawed their way upwards revealing a horde of skeleton warriors. 

He watched as the skeleton warriors then began darting towards the followers of chaos in silence and the melee began anew. Arkhan with his mount Razarak got to work, Arkhan blasted the enemy with magical bolts while his mount devoured those who came close. Upon closer inspection Edric could see small wisp's entering the mouth of Razarak as he devoured the followers of chaos. 

The battle dragged on what is clear to Edric is that the followers of chaos are being pushed back which drew the attention of the leaders. The Bloodbound and Rotbringer leader came forward to attack Arkhan. Arkhan shook his head “you overestimate yourselves…” Arkhan casually pointed his staff at both leaders and released a deathly wave of energy as it crashed into them they froze in their tracks. Kaphiri gasped “such high grade magic… I…” Edric shook his head in confusion “I don’t see anything.” 

Kaphiri hissed “watch the leaders carefully!” Edric stared at the leaders they began coughing and after a few seconds they crumbled to dust. Edric slowly said “by the gods…” Arkhan began dancing through the enemy with his mount releasing the same energy. Many of the followers of chaos began crumbling into dust and those that remained were overwhelmed by the skeleton warriors. Once they were all dead and what remained of the enemy was now in the wind Arkhan looked directly at him. Edric swore “he saw us…” Kaphiri looked at him in surprise she whispered “how!? We are hiding in a bush!” Arkhan called out them “you are not rats! If you are loyal to Nagash you have nothing to fear from me!” Kaphiri gulped and stepped out, Edric followed they walked towards Arkhan. 

He looked down at them he looked at Kaphiri for a moment but he bore his eyes into him. For some reason he disliked it felt like he is reading him like a book. Arkhan spoke after a moment of staring “greetings king of Helopolis.” Kaphiri flicked towards him in surprise “what? You!? You are the king!?” Edric in instinct narrowed his eyes at the mortarch “I am the king of nothing. I have no idea what you are talking about. ” Arkhan pointed a skeletal finger at him “it doesn't matter what you think. What matters is that the undying king has decided that you are the one.” Edric hissed “I never wanted this!? Why me!? All I was is a simple soldier from a poor family!” Upon mentioning his family he recalled that his mother and siblings are waiting at home but what does it matter now? He is undead. 

Arkhan pointed his staff at him “why does the gods choose anyone? Perhaps our master see’s something you don’t realise yet? The fact you are not insane shows your strong mind. All you require is direction.” Edric turned away “I don’t require direction, I don’t want to be a king.” Kaphiri walked in front of him “Edric, you have to do this. Think of this battle! You could change it so the lands no longer have to suffer such things again!” Edric looked at the corpses and dust he faced Arkhan “what can I do? I am not powerful how could I unite these lands?” 

Kaphiri rubbed her neck “I.. might know someone would could help.” Edric turned his head slightly to her “you do?” Arkhan then spoke up his voice firm “you don’t need that person she is referring to I am here.” Edric looked up to Arkhan “what do you mean?” Arkhan nodded “As I said I am here. I am here to ensure you fulfill your destiny. If you want to unite these lands you need to be taught and gather allies. I know of a possible ally.” Kaphiri took a step forward in surprise “you do? Who?” Arkhan pointed towards the south “The city of Dolthremar the great prison which holds the souls of heinous criminals of the realms. It is watched over by the head warden Eredas Soulreaper. Kaphiri’s eyes went wide “we can’t go there! Peo-” Arkhan cut her off and continued “I will be there and you have the king out of everyone in these lands Eredas has not forgotten his oaths. The reason why everyone who goes that way dies is because in his eyes everyone else are traitors. Criminals.” Edric stroked his chin “I see, if I rule I could make these lands better for people?” Arkhan inclined his head “if you do the will of Nagash you can rule as you wish.” 

His mind then raced he imagined that the roving bands of chaos have ruined the lives for many he has been put in the position to change it. He was still apprehensive about this but what choice did he have? He can’t spend his immortality simply wandering. “Very well Arkhan.” Kaphiri gripped his shoulder suddenly “I am coming with you. I have to.” Edric shook his head “you might die the warden would look to kill you.” Kaphiri puffed out her chest she got to one knee “I solemnly swear to serve the king of helopolis in all things. As your retainer and as a guardian.” Edric grumbled in annoyance “what are you doing!?” Arkhan leapt of his mount and walked towards him “your first subject, if she swears fealty to you she is not a traitor technically since she is following the true king.” 

Edric was not comfortable with what is happening he sighed “I accept your oath Kaphiri.” Kaphiri stood up “good I am sure the rest of the caravan would do the same!” Edric scratched his head to Kaphiri this must be the discovery of the century to her he is salvation. The answer to her prayers. 

Arkhan then eyed him “Edric can you unsheathe your sword?” Edric in confusion unsheathed his weapon and bought it up. “Is something wrong?” Arkhan looked at his weapon in silence he then sighed after a moment “you have no faith. In the end this is not surprising.” Edric clutched his weapon “so something is wrong with my weapon?” Arkhan opened his hand “hand me the blade.” 

He gave Arkhan the weapon he pointed it upwards slightly, after a second of gripping it a great inferno erupted from the blade, the crying of spirits can also be heard from the weapon. Sickly blue and green flame covered the whole blade, searching his memories he recalled Mannfred when holding the weapon it bore the same flames. The only difference is that the flame is far larger while Arkhan is gripping the blade. “Edric, Nagash forged this blade for the old king compared to others that ruled the lands of shyish he was pious, a zealot a prospect that pleased our master. So he gifted him a weapon that matched it, since you have no faith this weapon is simply a normal sword in your hands.” Arkhan turned the blade to the other side he opened his palm slightly “take your weapon, but I shall tell you if you don’t find faith you will fail.” Edric gripped the handle of the weapon as he took it back the flames immediately died. “I see…. when Mannfred killed me even in his hands the sword bore flames.” 

Arkhan spoke surprise clearly in his voice “the sword actually worked in his hands? I find that surprising.” Kaphiri frowned “why? All the mortarch’s are the closest servants of nagash how could you be such a thing without having some measure of faith in him?” Arkhan tapped his staff on the ground “you speak correctly but Mannfred is a deceitful cur who would seek to twist Edric for his own ends. He also has no respect for our master.” Upon Arkhan uttering those words he could see Kaphiri wincing slightly she shook her head “well.. Let’s get going for Dolthremar time is wasting.” Kaphiri turned and began walking back. 

Arkhan looked over to him “she is correct the followers of the ruinous powers have been purged we can talk more on the way there.” Arkhan stared at the wandering skeletons he tapped the haft of his staff on the ground, Edric watched the skeletons crumbled to pieces like mere objects. Arkhan then went back to his mount and began walking with it towards the caravan. Edric bought his eyes away from the skeletons and stared at his sword again he wondered how exactly could he find faith in someone who ruined his life? Why should he believe in such a god? He sheathed his blade as he also started to make his way back. 

Edric walked with Arkhan at the side of the first caravan his beast at times would stare at him hungrily, what put him off even more is that Razerak would not make even a sound. Kaphiri seems to be avoiding Arkhan during the trip, she isolated herself with her fellows at the back of the caravan to his confusion. The only reason why he is talking with Arkahn is to understand his situation. “So you are saying that Nagash plotted this soon as I stepped into Shyish?” Arkhan held the reins of Razerak as he walked he slowly nodded “perhaps even before that.” Edric shook his head in disbelief “there is no w-” Arkhan stared at him his green eyes were disecting what he was thinking or what he was about to say. “The undying has great foresight and patience something that you need to understand Edric.” 

Edric crossed his bony arms he ground his teeth “I still don’t know what he sees in me. I was not a leader, or a great warrior either.” Arkhan shook his head at his words “Nagash does not require a warrior or a leader but a king. One that will not fail like the last one.” Edric perked up if he had brows they would be furrowed at the moment “what do you mean fail? What happened to the old king?” Arkhan clutched his staff his green eyes dimed “you don’t need to know. He has been punished accordingly focus on the task given to you by our master.” Edric clenched his hands slightly he disliked being kept in the dark in such a fashion and the fact Arkhan states Nagash is their master. 

Not once in his life has he looked to Nagash and now that he blasted away his life Arkhan just expects him to accept him? “I-” Arkhan pointed his staff at him it glew slightly “He is our master Edric you should accept it and obey his wishes. Obey and you won’t fail.” Edric lowered his arms he closed his mouth sighing in annoyance. He looked up to the caravan wondering why Kaphiri seems to be avoiding Arkhan she seemed fine at the meeting. Arkhan also looked at the caravan “she fears me for good reason. She is cut from the same cloth as her master.” Edric scratched his head “is who she serves a problem?” Arkhan flicked his head towards him his eyes flashed with anger yet for some reason he spoke in a calm manner which unnerved him. “I rather not speak his name but I warn you don’t trust her. She is a manipulator a liar. Just like the cur she bows to.” Arkhan faced the road “listen to me Edric and the will of Nagash and you shall prosper.” 

He wondered if he should believe Arkhan in the short time he has known him he is rather straightforward. More than anything he already knows that Kaphiri is trying to manipulate him the only thing is that he doesn't care even if Arkhan does. Edric then focused on the road as they walked instead of plains and dead grass lining the side roads they entered what seemed like a forest. The tree’s bore no leaves and there is a silent scream on the wind. Arkhan nodded “we have entered the lands of Dolthremar. There is a town on the outskirts of Dolthremar we will stop there and asses the situation of the land before progressing to the prison.” Edric slowly nodded “very well. Do you know what reception we will get from the town?” Arkhan tightened his grip on his staff Razerak gave a shrill cry “it’s simple if they do not aid us they are traitors and will be dealt with accordingly.” Edric did not exactly like the sound of that, he shook his head disagreement. “We can’t murder them just because they may not aid us there might circumstances surrounding why they might not be able to do so.” Arkhan sighed heavily “you are to be king if your subjects do no obey they have to be dealt with. To defy you is to defy Nagash and that in itself is a crime that should be dealt with harshly.” 

Edric clutched the handle of his blade in annoyance the words just spilled from his mouth “so why not kill me Arkhan!? I don’t believe in Nagash I am not exactly fond with him considering what he has done to me!” Arkhan stopped walking, Edric faced him waiting for his answer as Arkhan spoke his voice began heavily distorting. “Hence why I said you will require direction…. Falsehoods have been pounded within your mind that will be corrected in time.” In that single moment when Arkhan said those words he had a feeling he could not trust him. 

It’s clear he just merely wants to turn him into and instrument of Nagash not even considering what he thinks of the situation. All he could do is sigh as he continued walking without another word Arkhan quickly caught up to him. The journey continued without another word passing between them. 

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One thing I am hoping is that I have captured Arkhan's character correctly. Since I feel Arkhan in general needs more books... 

Also I am quite excited to write about Dolthremar, oh and I want to add the story is pretty much a... road trip sort of story in a sense. 

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Chapter 9

He gasped he looked around wondering where he was as he slowly got up he tried to remember what happened he recalled the gang war weapons were drawn over control of an area in the cinderfall district. A rival gang tried to move unto a place that belonged to them. He recalled he moved to attack someone, He traced his hand around his neck an aelf split his neck open. He shook his head “that can’t be right?”

He looked around again he is in a cell perhaps he was bleeding out and the free guild guards grabbed him and nursed him back to health? Yet he has been in a Hammerhal prison before both ghyra and aqsha and they are nothing like this. The walls are made from finely made black stone and on the walls were torches that burned with a ghostly light. The only similar thing is the bars he walked to them and stared out he saw great buildings of stone across every face he saw cell bars. On the building themselves he also spotted statues that have leering skulls looking down towards the ground or skeleton statues holding hands in their faces weeping. In the centre of the prison he could see a spire emitting strange energy but what frightened him out of everything he were the screams coming from other bars on the buildings. He looked further out  in the distance he saw a small town surronded by dead trees along with an unnatural mist he gulped. “Where am I?”

He then heard the door opening he turned standing at the door he saw a black cloth floating in mid-air under the cloth he saw a ghostly face and hands. He yelped “b-by sigmar! What is going on!? Where am I!?” The ghost moved his hand to its face like it’s fixing it’s spectacles even if they did not wear any.  A ghostly parchment then materialised in their hand it stared at the parchment and spoke their voice echoing at the same time it sounded male. “Lukas Vondos of Hammerhal Aqsha, aged 24 winters and born to a low class family. Your crimes are murder, theft, arson, blasphemy against the gods and finally…. The crime of not bowing to the undying king.”

Lukas then remembered his name he blinked at the ghost he shouted “why am I here!? What is going on!?” The ghost looked up from the parchment he saw a fanged skeletal grin “why dear Lukas you are now dead.” Lukas looked down to himself his form is just like the ghost save he is wearing the clothes he went to the gang war in. Lukas shook his head “no! No! It can’t be true! You are lying!” The ghost shrugged “It does not matter what you think. You are being punished, Nagash’s justice is being dealt upon you. Now… I am your warden Tomathon or Tom for short.” Lukas watched the ghost pull out a large scythe from it’s cloak he wondered where on earth it came from. “Just wait! What of sigmar I-”

The ghost known as Tomathon shook his head “he has no power over the dead. Nagash does, now as your warden I will visit you daily for your execution each getting worse as the days go on. The first execution that new inmates receive is decapitation but do not worry by the will of Nagash you will be “well” again by the morrow.” Lukas watched the ghost float into the cell as he entered the door snapped shut behind him.

The ghost raised his scythe, Lukas screamed.

Edric stared at the poor wooden gates of the town the caravan stopped, Kaphiri hopped out shaking her head “I hate this place.” Edric turned around “why? You have nothing to worry about.” Kaphiri frowned while walking forward “I can hear the spirits pressing at my mind Edric… they ask why are we here they are warning us to turn back.” Edric scratched his head “I don’t hear anything…” Kaphiri was about to speak until Arkhan came forward with his mount “the spirit’s don’t know what to make of you. You are an anomaly they sense familiarity since you are the new king but as the same time you are a different person.” Edric nodded “I see.” he looked around the general area since entering the lands of Dolthremar there is a strange mist gripping the area.

The wind also bare’s howls and like before none of the tree’s have any leaves. He then turned to the gate “how about we go inside?” Kaphiri nodded “r-right I am eager to leave this place quickly.” Arkhan did not say a word in response. He walked up to the gate he yelled “are there any guards manning the gate!?” From the right of the gate entrance a head popped up his face is fair skinned and ruddy. “Who are you!?” The guard looked at Edric he then looked at Arkhan and his mount and yelped “L-lord Arkhan w-what brings you h-here?” Arkhan spoke his voice flat “open the gate.”

The guard nodded “right away!” Edric watched his head vanish, he then faced Arkhan “you know these people Arkhan?” Arkhan stroked his chin “I purged the town once with Eredas during the age of chaos. It seems that event has stayed with the town centuries later.” Kaphiri shook her head “you must of been thorough if people remembered that centuries later.” in response Arkhan clutched his staff “Eredas made them remember he is such a person that ensures transgressions are forever etched in people’s minds.” Hearing Arkhan speak of Eredas Edric wondered if the rulers of the other cities are like Eredas he wondered how he could rule such a people if he ever actually became king. Edric sighed he looked up to the gates as they slowly opened. As the gates opened full way the guard stood at the side of the gate he bowed “welcome to Dolthremar Mortarch of Sacrament!” Edric folded his arms “I thought the prison is Dolthremar?” Kaphiri gestured the caravans in “The Town is a part of Dolthremar, Eredas rules the prison and the town.” As the last caravan entered the town Arkhan came forward “she is correct. The mortals of the town serve the wardens and those that serve well when they pass become wardens themselves such is the will of Nagash. The wardens carry the responsibility of looking after this underworld.”

Edric stared into the town “this is an underworld?” Arkhan began walking into the town as he spoke “yes where else would souls go save the realm of death? Nagash takes and shapes the underworlds as his right as the god of death.” Edric nodded “I see.” he followed Arkhan into the city, Kaphiri stood close by his side. As Edric entered the town he could see the caravans parked near the stables being tended by Ingo. Kaphiri smiled “don’t worry things will be fine in Ingo’s hands let’s go deeper into the town.” Edric bobbed his head “right.” walking forward he stared at the buildings they are made of wood the houses and establishments were crudely built but what stood out most of all is the actual prison in the distance. A large building baring skeletal statues and stretching from the centre is a black spire emitting ghostly waves of energy.

Kaphiri grasped his shoulder “Arkhan is leaving us behind he is walking to the town centre let’s up our pace!” Edric perked up “Oh yes, I was distracted sorry.” he upped his pace he wanted to catch up with Arkhan as they made their way to the town centre he could see him in discussion with an elderly man who bore fair skin and a long grey beard. Edric ran up to Arkhan with Kaphiri. Edric stared at the elderly man trembling in Arkhan’s presence, most of the townspeople have now entered their houses. Arkhan raised his hand “I am not here to purge you I have come here on business.” The elderly man sighed in relief “thank you Lord Arkhan... how can I Canto, elder of this small town aid you?” Arkhan inclined his head “Elder Canto I wish to see Lord Eredas is the way to the prison open?”

Edric watched Canto cast his eyes down slightly he spoke his mouth trembling “no one has been near the prison in years.” Kaphiri raised her eyebrow “how? You are the wardens helpers you aid them in ensuring the buildings are maintained and raise the chosen spirits from the dead by Eredas’ decree” Canto gave a weak smile “you are a smart lass, you are correct but you see Eredas has barred us from approaching the prison. Any that cross or attempt to are killed by him their spirits torn from their bodies leaving them a husk. We have to obey his decree.” Edric crossed his arms “have you done something to cause him to do this?” Arkhan nodded in agreement “yes Eredas would not do something like this unless something has triggered him.” Arkhan leaned down towards the Eldar in response Razerak gave a angry cry “Have you done something Elder Canto?” Canto looked away “I-I…”

Canto clenched his eyes shut “Masika’s knights have been here…” Kaphiri shook her head “you just let them in?” Canto pleaded “we rejected them! The meeting was years ago! Yet since then we are not allowed anywhere near the prison!” Arkhan leaned back he quieted Razerak with a gesture “I see, it’s a surprise you are not dead but what has most likely happened is that he no longer considers you worthy. Knowing him in time when he needs people he will kill those he deems guilty.”

Edric shook his head hearing Arkhan “how does he know who is guilty or not?” Arkhan pointed at the black spire in the distance “he can tell, such is the gift Nagash gave him to deal out his justice. He is like our master, unrelenting, ruthless, cold and unforgiving.” Arkhan lowered his hand “I will approach the prison my-” Edric could see Arkhan was about to speak he is now looking out into the distance without another word. In confusion Edric approached Arkhan who flicked to attention his eyes bore into him “I am leaving.”

In response Edric's eyes lit up like candles “what do you mean you are leaving!? After taking us here you are just going to leave!?” Kaphiri folded her arms “he has to go he has no choice.” Arkhan looked at Kaphiri “she is correct I have other duties.” Edric wanted to protest more but Arkhan simply mounted Razerak in silence he looked down at him “before I leave be aware of those who will seek to mislead you, remember my words do not let our lord down.” Arkhan pulled the reins slightly his mount leapt into the air and flew back the way they came. Edric watched him slowly vanish into the distance the mist soon consuming him.

Kaphiri breathed out a sigh of relief “thank goodness he is gone.” Edric turned “may I ask why?” he knew Kaphiri is trying to use him for her own ends but for some reason he felt the need to ask. Kaphiri frowned “I want what you want Edric. I will aid you however I can.” Edric folded his arms “so what are you getting out this? I know you are not doing this completely out of the good of your own heart.”

She gave a thin smile in response “perhaps but don’t worry I won’t betray you. I have a vested interest in your success. I had to be careful around Arkhan he would not hesitate to kill people if he views them as a “traitor.”” Kaphiri turned to Canto “I am quite sure you were not telling us the whole truth were you?” Edric faced Canto who shook his head “I-I… I am not sure..” Kaphiri smiled “trust me we won’t do anything we just want to help.” Canto nodded slowly “when Maskia first came into power Eredas killed anyone that approached the town. Years later he stopped according to the stories and the fact warbands are harrying us proves this to be true. The issue is without the wraiths of the prison defending us warbands of chaos have been making off with our supplies.”

Edric stroked his chin listening to Canto’s story he has a good idea where it’s heading. Canto continued he almost sounded like he wanted to weep. “Then Maskia’s knights came a few years back they were so grandiose… powerful they offered their hand stating if we swore fealty to the Lady of Helopolis they would deal with the chaos threat. So we accepted and they kept their end of the deal for a time they drove the marauders off but soon afterwards they took some of our people demanding payment.”

Edric hissed in disgust “did they continue to protect you after they took your people!?” Canto shook his head slowly “they just left… the marauders soon came back the supplies we now have is meager if your horses were still living we would not even be able to feed them. When we tried to approach the prison and beg Eredas for forgiveness he would just kill anyone who attempted to pass the gate leading to the prison. This situation is our punishment we will slowly die for our transgressions….” Edric reached for Canto’s shoulder “I see are the marauders still about now?” Canto nodded slowly “yes they will be coming soon in a few days.”

He gripped the handle of his blade he looked at Kaphiri “then we will prepare.” Canto’s eyes shot wide “w-what why? Who are you people? Do you serve Lord Arkhan?” Kaphiri rubbed her nose “you are looking at the King of Helopolis chosen by Nagash.” Canto looked at him his eyes were almost brought to tears “y-you lie it can’t be true Maskia rules I-I thought you were owned by either the girl or Lord Arkhan.” Edric shook his head he faced Canto he could see in his eyes were not hope but certainty Canto felt assured by his presence. Edric said “I do not have any master. I have my own mind and body.”

Canto grasped his bony hand “you will kill them all? The followers of chaos? Can you also end Eredas’ seclusion?” The elder gripping his hand he now felt strange for some reason how the elder spoke and looked at him. Soon enough people started to leave their homes looking at him they most likely saw the whole conversation or heard parts of it. These people are not looking for hope but certainty. If Nagash or Sigmar will not give the downtrodden certainty he will do it. “Yes I will do it.” said Edric.

Ivar looked at his horde they make out a small living raiding the surrounding villages his warriors did not even bare a scar. In this land, in this dead forest there are only weaklings and fools. His second is Alva a strong warrior of the gods and he is the chieftain the leader of the mistvale tribe. He looked down to his axe as his warriors ate the scraps of their latest gatherings. He grunted “we need to do more than this… far more..” Ivar sighed he then sat on a nearby rock and began sharpening his axe.

He spotted Alva walking towards him she held her sword and shield always at the ready. Her pale skin bore scars, her red hair swept in the unnatural winds. She stood before him her blue eyes boring into him “we should sacrifice the town to the gods.” Ivar stopped “then where else would we get food? Outside of the forest great warbands roam we will be killed.”

She then pointed at him “those leeches killed many of us in the past our parents bore the brunt of it. We sho-” Ivar looked up “choose a patron?” Alva nodded “you are our chieftain yet you do not walk the path of glory. If you choose we will follow let that town be the sacrifice!” Ivar shook his head “you have seen that monstrous prison in the distance? I am sure you got a bad feeling coming from it.”Alva walked closer “yet nothing has come from it. Nagash is dead the blessed Marshal saw to it.”

In that moment when Alva uttered his name he heard a scream he stared at his axe sighing “so who should we devote our sacrifice to? Khorne the god of blood? Tzeentch the God of change? Nurgle the God of Decay? Or the missing god slaanesh?” Alva shrugged “I am sure the tribe would not mind who you choose as long as you do. I sense they grow restless with these meager raids.”

He stopped sharpening his axe he nodded “very well. We shall do it get everyone ready.” Alva smiled “I am sure the gods will smile on us Ivar.” Ivar smiled back “Indeed, to be honest I grow tired of this. I seek more. I want more glory let that town be the start.” Alva turned away she walked to the crowd and began barking orders. Ivar stood up right “we shall offer their lives to the gods…” He grinned while holding his axe tightly.

Edric stared at Kaphiri conjuring the dead purple energy danced around her form,  he thought watching such a practice would bother him but it did not. The living is at risk and the dead can do what the living cannot. He eyed her he watched the skeletons burst forth from the ground one by one. Edric shook his head “this is not enough, Arkhan summoned far more by just sweeping out his staff.” Kaphiri hissed at him “I am doing the best I can Edric!”

He scratched his head “sorry, but I do not wish to risk the militia they will be our last line of defence since they are with the townspeople. Canto said the horde is not that big we have a watcher at the gate on look out so we will be prepared.” Kaphiri released her spell the purple energy dissipated “that’s all I can do Edric.” Edric cursed he looked at the group of skeleton warriors holding crude spears and shields. The amount of skeleton warriors they have cannot match a warband. Edric sighed while bringing his gaze to Kaphiri “thank you Kaphiri we will do what we can. What of Ingo and the others? Can they aid us?” Kaphiri shook her head “they are essentially novices still they won’t be much help. I had them move to the edge of the town along with townspeople. I pressed them not to pass the gate going towards the prison.” Edric inclined his head to Kaphiri “good that should do.”

Kaphiri gave him a thin smile “right so now we wait.” Edric disliked waiting for the enemy but this is all they could do. He then heard shouting at the gate, Kaphiri looked at him “you should check it out.” he stroked his chin “yes I should, I will see you in a bit.” Edric ran towards the wooden gate on the stand he could see a militia man gesturing him up the ladder.

Making his way up the ladder the militia man pointed “they are coming!” Edric looked into the mist he could see black forms moving eventually the mist parted revealing a horde. “By the gods…” said Edric. The warband barely wore any armour save chainmail and pelts that had chaos icons attached to them. The issue is their numbers it’s far greater than Canto described, even their physiques were greater than normal men and women.

As they came to the gate he saw a young man holding an axe his skin is pale baring scars and he had black hair. He shouted “I Ivar of the Mistvale tribe will offer your life to the gods! Fear us! For you will be sent to the realm of the gods!” Edric looked down at the leader he shouted back “you will not leave this place alive follower of the dark gods! Your menace ends here!” Ivar looked at him and laughed his tribe laughed with him even the woman who stood at his side. “So this pathetic town are sending bones our way!? You will be crushed into dust! Axes! Tear down the gates!” Large burly men came forward with axes and began hacking the the wooden gate tearing chunks away from the old wood.

Edric looked to the Militia man “get to the townspeople I will take it from here.” The milita man nodded “may Nagash be with you. For all are one in him.” he did not know what to say at such words he merely nodded to the milita man as he made his way down the stand. Edric took one last look before going back to the undead line. “I will win. I can’t let them down.”

He stood with Kaphiri waiting for the charge, in the distance he could see the gate buckling and holes are starting to appear. The only advantage they have is the entrance of the town is like a corridor to the centre. Kaphiri has the skeletons in a standard spear wall if they can hold then they might have a chance.  

Edric waited for what seemed like age until finally the gate door came down. The horde stared at them a deathly silence gripped the whole town it was broken as a marauder yelled and spat praises to the dark gods and charged. Like a surge they came down the street, Kaphiri raised her staff and bought the skeletons to attention. Edric drew his blade he would kill any that get past the line.

He stared at the marauders he thought he would feel fear but for some reason he felt none, no adrenaline, his mind did not rush with what to do. He thought he would be used to it by now but for some reason it felt odd. All he could think of is seeing the success of the plan and returning the people of Dolthremar’s faith in him. The marauders yelped and screamed as they crashed on the spear line in silence the skeletons pushed and kicked dead bodies off the rusted and crude spears. A marauder squeezed through the gap and went straight for Kaphiri, Edric moved in the way. The marauder bought his blade down, Edric easily parried the strike and with one blow he cut him down. Edric looked at the crowd of marauders dying on the skeleton line but many of the skeleton warriors were being dragged down and crushed.

He could see in the distance the leader Ivar striding forward next to a woman Edric then bought his eyes to the skeleton warriors. They were getting battered the numbers are too much he cursed.  Edric took a quick glance up to the prison then it dawned on him. He looked to Kaphiri who is struggling to maintain the warriors he shouted over the din of battle “we are falling back!” Kaphiri looked at him in surprise “what!? Are you mad!? They will break through!”

He gave a dark chuckle “trust me… I have a plan. Now start running!” Kaphiri wiped sweat from her brow she released a surge of energy at the skeletons they began fighting more furiously “that should buy us some time.” Kaphiri then broke into a run Edric followed. As they ran the marauders shouted and screamed “cowards! Weaklings!” Kaphiri looked to him “so what’s the plan?”

He pointed to the central spire of the prison “that is my plan. Let us get to the townspeople.”  Edric could see Kaphiri was about to protest again he then spoke firmly “trust me you will see.” Kaphiri sighed “very well.”  

Ivar closed into the skeleton line with Alva they both dodged their crude spears with ease he began hacking the crude skeletons apart. He scoffed “they flee like the cowards they are…” Alva bought her weapon down on the head of another skeleton “I told you Ivar. We are the chosen people. Their lives will be offered up to the gods.” Ivar gave a grin as he decapitated another skeleton “Indeed then my path to glory will begin..”

Edric spotted the gate leading to the prison the caravans and the townspeople along with the militamen are there looking at them in confusion. Canto came forward “something happened hasn’t it?” Edic nodded “Indeed elder their numbers were great.” Ingo walked forward “so what do we do?” Kaphiri folded her arms “yes Edric what is your plan?”  

He looked to Canto he pointed at the gate “so anyone who passes that gate are killed by Eredas correct?” Canto inclined his head “this is the case. Why?” Edric gave a chuckle for some reason the humans flinched “he views all of you as traitors… that will soon change.” Edric pointed his blade at everyone “I am your king all of you will swear fealty to me. On your knees now!” Canto looked at him in confusion “w-what?” Kaphiri hissed “just do it! We don’t have any time!” Canto gestured for all the towns people to kneel many looked confused or worried while they held their children in time all of them got to their knees. Edric sighed “right. All of you will swear yourselves to me as my subjects you will forsake any oath to Maskia. Since I am….. Chosen by Nagash decreed to be the king of these lands this you will solemnly swear in the name of Nagash!” All the towns people intoned “we swear in the Name of Nagash.” Edric nodded “since all of you are my subjects I absolve you of all crimes you have committed so far in these lands in the name of Nagash!”

The townspeople looked at each they nodded, Edric tightened his grip on his blade, Kaphiri looked back “they are coming Edric!” Edric could hear the shouts and screams for the dark gods. Edric ordered the townspeople “rise everyone! Cross the gate now!” Everyone got to their feet and started to make their way through the gate. Edric gestured to Kaphiri “let us go! Quickly!” Edric followed the townspeople with Kaphiri jogging behind him.

Ivar scowled “cowards!” he roared in anger they fled they did not stay and fight he watched them crossing the gate towards the prison. Alva hissed “they will die no matter how far they run!” Ivar shouted “come brothers and sisters! We will offer up their lives!” His tribe all made praises to the dark gods as they charged after them beyond the gate.

Edric looked around everyone has passed the gate now they just have to…. he then heard a voice it bellowed within in mind. The humans held their heads in pain “WHO DARES TO BREAK THE DECREE?” Edric looked up to the spire as a giant black cloth mixed with chains shot up into the sky moving through the air like a predator it landed in front of him. The cloth then formed a robe with an open chest the chains then wrapped around the waist of the robe. He stared at the thing before him it towered over everyone.

At the feet of the robe ghostly energy surged out staring at this figure he saw flashes of a ghostly skeleton. As it spoke he heard the rattling of chains “I ASK AGAIN WHO BREAKS THE DECREE?” The towns people slowly got to their knees, Edric hissed “You do not bow before him!” the towns people looked up towards him they stood upright. The wraith cocked his head to one side “WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER THEM?” Edric took a step forward “I am your king. I assume you are Eredas the Head Warden of the great prison of Dolthremar?”

Eredas shot forward Edric saw ghostly hand moving towards him it faded in and out as the hand grabbed his skeletal neck lifting him up. The ghostly skull leered at him the head warden roared in his face the sound of the rattling of chains reverberating in his mind. He then stopped suddenly and slowly put him down he bowed after a moment. “MY KING, IT’S BEEN TOO LONG.” Eredas then bought his eyes to the town people staring at them they flinched. “AND YOUR SUBJECTS. I SENSE NO SINS FROM THEM.” Eredas rose “WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE ME DO? MY KING?” Edric pointed at the gate “they are the ones breaking your decree my head warden. They also followers of the dark gods!” The great wraith flicked towards the gate at this moment the marauders are coming forth their charge died upon seeing Eredas. Eredas roared “THE FILTH OF CHAOS POLLUTES THE SOIL OF NAGASH.” Edric watched as a great scythe formed in his hands. Considering Eredas’ form fades in and out to Edric it looks like the weapon is floating in midair. The marauders took a step back Edric could see the leader Ivar standing with his second without fear he pointed his weapon at Eredas. “Don’t fea-” Eredas swept out his scythe as the scythe cut through the air Edric could hear the wailing of spirits. He cleaved Ivar in half with a single blow.

The head warden reached out with his hand grabbing Ivar’s upper half, Edric watched as a tiny wisp was dragged from it. Eredas threw the wisp back it was sent flying towards one of the cells at the prison. Eredas spoke as he casually dropped Ivar’s body “ALL OF YOU WILL BE PUNISHED FOR ETERNITY. YOU WILL BE CRUSHED UNDER THE THE JUSTICE OF NAGASH.” Eredas shot forward and began scything away at the marauders as he killed out of the mist wraiths and disembodied spirits surged out.  

The wraiths began Scything away at the enemy along with the spirits spectrals hands reaching out and draining the life from the living marauders. Edric watched the Marauders break trying to run back to the gate. Eredas tapped the haft of his scythe on the ground balefire erupted at the gate blocking their path. “NONE CAN ESCAPE THE JUSTICE OF NAGASH.” The spirits fell upon the marauders cutting them to pieces. Eredas directed their spirits to the prison he then turned looking upon the final follower of chaos the female, Edric knew he would not want to be her at this moment.

Eredas reached out with his hand and grabbed the female she struggled in his grip roaring in anger. “SO MANY SINS. SO MANY TRANSGRESSIONS COMMITTED UPON THE UNDYING KING.” A part of Edric was pleased and what was just about to happen he did not know why. He watched the female as she was drained of all her life essence her body slowly turning to a prune. The great wraith dropped her corpse to the floor he hovered his hand over her and drew up her spirit and sent it hurtling towards the prison.

Silence then greeted them, no more screams for the dark gods, no more yelps. The spirits departed dissipating into the mist. Eredas turned he looked down at him “MY KING YOU WILL STAY HERE.” Kaphiri looked to protest, Edric held up his hand. “I cannot stay here I must… see more of my land.” Edric looked over to the people who were looking at him in a mix of shock and awe. He did not know why they looked at him such a way when Eredas did all the work. “I have so many things to learn and do. For their sake.”

Eredas protested “YOU WILL STAY I SHALL TEACH YOU. YOU MUST NOT REPEAT HIS FAILURE.” Edric pointed at Eredas “I don’t care for what the old king did. I will not stay! I can’t stay! I won’t be molded by you or Arkhan!” he stared at Eredas waiting for his answer he began hovering in the air. “VERY WELL MY KING…..” Eredas shot up into the sky towards the black spire. Kaphiri breathed out a small sigh of relief “I am glad you convinced him after what we just saw...” Edric crossed his arms “what did he mean by repeating his failure?” Kaphiri shrugged “I don’t know. No one knows what happened to the old king save he died or vanished.” Edric shook his head he turned to face the townspeople “I imagine the prison is open to you again. If anyone attacks again I expect this time Eredas will do his duty.”

The elder came forward he grasped his bony hands “thank you my king. You gave our lives back we no longer have to live in fear…if you ever need anything our gates are open to you. As is your right..”Canto moved his hands away he gestured to the townspeople to re-enter the town. As they passed many bowed.

Kaphiri grinned “see Edric? Perhaps Nagash chose you for a reason?” Edric looked at his blade for a moment he thought he saw a small flame. “Perhaps… he has.” Kaphiri nodded in response “right let’s go to the caravans and make our way to Morzzar!” Kaphiri began walking towards Ingo.

He looked at his sword for a moment more he sheathed it as he made his way to the caravan. “All are one in nagash…. Hmm perhaps…” Edric became lost in thought pondering Nagash and his nature.      

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Chapter 10

Edric sat in the caravan as it moved he looked over his blade they have left Dolthremar and are now making their way to Morzzar towards the east. What puzzled him is that Kaphiri seemed desperate to get there for some reason. He scratched his head “she talks of supplies but it must be something more…” he knew she is a smart woman something precious is drawing her to the city.

He sheathed his blade he popped his head out to see Kaphiri walking with the caravan humming. Edric nodded he made his way out of the caravan, luckily it’s moving slow enough that he does not need to worry for his footing. As he stepped out Kaphiri looked at him smiling “what is it?” Edric approached her crossing his arms “so what is drawing you to Morzzar Kaphiri?” Kaphiri looked away for a moment she then faced him. “I have… an ally there.” he titled his head slightly he would frowning if he could “an ally? Who is this ally?” Kaphiri scratched her head “to look after this many people we need money and supplies this ally provides a part of it for us.” Edric leaned forward he bore his eyes into her which set Kaphiri on edge “why are you being that way? What’s the matter?” Edric spoke firmly “what does this ally get in return? I assume he does not give you such supplies for free?” Kaphiri looked into his green eyes as she said “all he wants is some blood that’s it…”

As she mentioned blood he grunted in annoyance “a vampire I should of guessed.” he said in disgust. Kaphiri folded her arms and furrowed her brow “and? Right now considering our working relationship he is going to give us something that would set us up for life!” Edric did not believe it. What could a vampire possibly possess that would set someone for life? “So tell me what does this leech have that would have you so riled up?” said Edric.

Kaphiri gave a grin she gestured to the land, “the land of Morzzar is special Edric, for it is another underworld in a sense.” Edric looked to where she is gesturing all he can see is plains and dead grass. “What are you gesturing to? Also Morzzar is another underworld?” Kaphiri nodded “indeed Edric! What is special about these lands is that special coins can be found!” Edric stroked his chin in response as he said “special coins? I assume this relates to the underworld?”

Kaphiri licked her lips “indeed! They are called soulvars, the souls of the greediest people of the realms are imprisoned within them. They are then scattered in the lands of Morzzar many of the noble houses spend a great amount of their wealth to secure them. With one you can buy several of the biggest mansions!” He could see Kaphiri sounds so entrapped by soulvars but to him they sound too good to be true. “So this ally will give you something so valuable? Why?” Kaphiri frowned at him “we have been working together for a long time! Think of it this way, you are the king he might support your cause.” Edric sighed he tried to keep the fact that he is a vampire out of his mind “so is he the lord of the city then? How much support can he give if he decides to give it?” Kaphiri tapped her chin “well.. Morzzar does not have a king or lord only noble houses. The more Soulvars you have the more power you have in the city. At the moment the largest house is house Calvon a great supporter of Lady Masika the head of the house is also a vampire. Sired by Masika.”

Edric clenched his hands hearing her name “I see.. So what of your benefactor? Where does he stand?” Kaphiri eyed him she began thinking for a moment “His name is Niclas Idelson of house Idelson he is on… the fence so to speak. He does hold a great amount of influence though.” He nodded he had a name but he had another question. “So… who turned him into a vampire?”

Kaphiri then fell silent she faced the road without another word. In that moment he did not need to hear anything Niclas has most likely been turned by Masika. Thinking of such a fact he knew Niclas could not be trusted. He watched Kaphiri walk in silence he guessed that she shared his thoughts in some measure but the prospect of acquiring a soulvar is too enticing. They walked the roads without a word passing between them it was odd he was about to strike up a conversation until Ingo called out. “Horses incoming!” Kaphiri cursed “dammit all!” She strode to the front, Edric followed. They could see in the distance dark figures mounted on horses are galloping towards them.

Edric could tell right away they were not followers of chaos the horses bore no ruinous icons. Ingo had all the caravans stop he shook his head “it can’t be them…” Edric watched Kaphiri bite her lip almost drawing blood “dammit all! He is coming!?” Edric crossed his arms in response to Kaphiri’s words. “Are they an enemy Kaphiri?” Kaphiri flicked her head towards him “No… no they are not an enemy but…” The horses got closer and closer their gallop slowed down as they finally stood a few paces away. At head of them was a figure wearing black and gold armour he lifted the visor of their helmet showing a pale face and yellow eyes. He gave a smile clearly showing his fangs “Kaphiri… it’s been awhile..”

Kaphiri hissed back “Jonathan! What do you want!?” Edric placed his hand to the handle of his blade the horsemen before him are clearly vampires he must remain on guard. Jonathan chuckled “I see you got a skeletal companion does he do any tricks? Considering your power he must be a mere puppet...” he hissed at the vampire “shut up leech! Why are you bothering us!?”

Edric watched his eyes turn red for a moment he moved his hand to his blade but stopped his eyes slowly returned to normal. He could now see surprise lining the leech's face“a wight? How interesting… tell me Kaphiri how did one such as you get your hands on such a thing?”  

Kaphiri looked to him frowning and then back to Jonathan “what does it matter? What I want to know is why you are coming here to gloat?” Jonathan sighed in response “right, if you must know the king has gone missing from his throne. Have you seen him? Our master is quite eager to find him.”

Kaphiri shrugged she tried not to make eye contact “that was your job as delegate with our master. No I haven’t seen the king.” Edric wondered why she is lying he wanted to ask until he heard a shrill cry from the sky a black shadow shot down and landed in front of them whatever landed has kicked up a large host of dust. Edric in instinct covered his eyes but realised there is no reason to he looked forward trying to discern what is now before them. As the dust began to settle and the figure slowly came in to view Kaphiri began shaking with fear and Ingo began sweating bullets.

He stared at both of them and then the figure he roared in anger “You!” Edric drew his blade and charged. Kaphiri called out “no Edric stop!” he did not care he saw the vampire in black ridged armour, the one with the crimson cape the vampire that killed him Mannfred von Carstein. Edric raged as he closed in he could see the mount Mannfred rode looked similar to Arkhan’s but the skulls were gold and the skeleton was black and the head of the beast looked more bat-like.

Mannfred chuckled “very few people would charge at me with such ferocity…” Mannfred gestured his mount roared and simply smacked him aside with one if it’s paws. He was went flying and crashed to the ground with a thud. Kaphiri ran over “stop Edric please!” Edric hissed “so he is your master!?”

He got up from the ground “I knew it! You wanted to deliver me to him!?” Kaphiri looked away and that said everything.  Edric ground his teeth in frustration. The fact he kept it in his mind that she is manipulating him caused this revelation to sting less but he still can’t help but feel greatly annoyed. Edric pushed past Kaphiri he readied himself to charge again but Mannfred simply hopped of his mount. He casually walked up to him his hand resting on the pommel of his blade. “Put the sword away I merely wish to speak with you.”

He ignored his words and held his gripped tightly he recalled that Arkhan said Mannfred is deceitful and traitorous. He eyed Kaphiri and Ingo they stared at him chowing clearly worry, Edric sighed looking around he is surrounded by enemies he relented and slowly sheathed his blade but remained on guard. Mannfred nodded “good we will walk with you for a time.” Kaphiri looked to Mannfred and then to him. “W-what? You are going to travel with us master?” Mannfred regarded her for a moment “yes, do I need to repeat myself?”

Kaphiri bowed “no master you do not.” Edric shook his head hearing her be so meek “where has your fire gone Kaphiri?” Kaphiri rose and hissed “be quiet Edric!” Edric folded his arms “why he clearly prefers the one riding on the horse why show him so much respect?” Mannfred turned and looked at him for a moment. At most Edric could tell he is somewhat surprised. He then turned away and walked to the caravans as he said “we will keep moving let’s go.” Kaphiri looked to be on edge while she made her way to the caravans with Mannfred. Edric merely grumbled he then sighed in annoyance a part of him regrets he did not try harder to stick with Arkhan as he also made his way to the caravans.

He walked with Mannfred his mount seemed far more quiet compared to Razerak like it was waiting for him to make a false move before pouncing. Mannfred smiled “Ashigoroth does not devour anyone unless I tell him to so relax.” Edric eyed the vampire “why are you speaking in such a friendly manner?” Mannfred held his grin “why not? We will be working together. As decreed by Nagash.”

Edric turned his head back slightly to see Kaphiri meekly looking down walking behind them the blood knights lead by Jonathan are on their horses surrounding the caravans. Edric faced Mannfred as he said “it seems like we are your hostages.” Mannfred gave a casual shrug “if you want to see it that way be my guest. When Valos told me you left to find supporters I wanted to kill him for falling for such a pathetic lie.”

Edric chuckled “well I have in a sense I got Eredas’ support.” Mannfred frowned “tell me who guided you there? A certain Liche most likely has stuck his hand in a place he does not belong." In this moment Edric would be frowning in return as he said “he did and he had a few interesting things to say about you…” Mannfred raised his eyebrow “let me guess? I am not trustworthy? I will distort you?”  

Edric inclined his head “you are doing a great job of proving him right.” Edric watched Mannfred hold his chin for a moment thinking. He then nodded. “Very well… so let me say this. What do you think of Arkhan? I gather he has said your thoughts don’t matter, you don’t need to think all you need to worry about is obeying Nagash correct?” Edric gave a curt nod “yes but I did not agree with him.” Mannfred tapped Ashigoroth’s neck he gave a shrill cry “well at least we have something in common. Think about it Edric, Nagash is a god yet he chose me to usher you in as King. If he wanted Arkhan to guide you he would of let him handle the task. He merely put you on the path to start. I will be helping you through the journey.”

He ooked down to his sword it seemed odd how Arkhan simply left when they arrived in Dolthremar in a manner of speaking Mannfred is telling the truth. If Nagash wanted Arkhan to “aid” him he would of been the one to kill him and what he knows of Arkhan he would do it without a second thought. Mannfred could see even if he did not bare expressions he knows that he agrees with him. Edric sighed “right I agree with you in that aspect but how can you exactly help me?” Mannfred smiled “that’s it! Now let’s deal with something simple. Your sword from our… encounter I can clearly see that you can’t use it properly?” Edric nodded “yes when Arkhan held it the sword blazed like a raging inferno. He said that the reason why the sword bares no flames is because I lack faith. Yet I can’t think like Arkhan. I just can’t.”

Mannfred gave a whimsical smile  “well yes you are correct if Nagash wanted an unthinking automaton he would of torn apart your mind. Yet from what I have seen you bare all you memories and the core of who you are. I will say this Edric if Nagash just wanted unthinking subjects there would be no intelligent undead. He has need of yes-men and those who think outside of the box, Like us.”

Edric perked up in surprise “like us?” Mannfred nodded “I have been to Dolthremar I heard from the elder how you pushed back the horde. That was quick thinking but let me remain on point I shall ask you what is Nagash to you?” Edric fell silent hearing Mannfred’s question he did not know what to exactly think he is starting to think he chose him for a reason but he finds it difficult to accept him as his god.

Mannfred grinned “see it’s difficult considering your position but let me tell you. I hate Nagash but he is still… a god and my master.” Edric looked at Mannfred he recalled the sword still burned when he held it before his death. Edric stroked his bony chin “so I merely have to find my own approach to Nagash?” Mannfred inclined his head “indeed, the thing you have to remember Nagash does not care how he is worshipped as long that he is.”

Edric gripped his blade “I see… but I want to ask something I hear people say that Nagash is all and all are one in Nagash. What do people mean by that?” Mannfred stared at him he spoke flatly “well… the meaning is right there. Nagash is within everyone all that bow to him.” Edric shook his head “that’s impossible…”

Mannfred gave in small chuckle in response “in a manner of speaking it’s true. Since we are dead Nagash could be subtly controlling our actions and we would have no idea. We would think that we are moving by our own will but… we are not. Think on it Edric you so easily accepted the idea of being king even though your life was torn away. Was that your decision or Nagash’s?”

Edric was not sure how to answer that question he accepted because he had the chance to change things and make the land better for those suffering at the hands of chaos. But thinking on it again. He accepted it far too quickly he barely thought about it. “So.. accepting to be king was not my decision..” Mannfred suddenly wagged his finger “no Edric it may have not been your decision. Pay attention to may.” Edric titled his head slightly thinking on what Mannfred just said he is telling him that he has his own agency but then he says that his decisions might not be his own at all. Mannfred sensed his confusion as he said “such a conundrum isn’t it? To ease your mind Nagash care’s not what you do as long as you complete your task and move when he asks. Sometimes he does not ask at all.”

He sighed slightly he did not know what to make of Mannfred he seemed so carefree and relaxed. Arkhan has said to be careful maybe this friendly exterior is a trick to lure him in. To let down his guard. Edric spoke plainly “so tell me Mannfred are you acting this way to manipulate me?” Mannfred laughed in response, Edric wanted to frown if he could he did not understand what Mannfred found so funny. He stopped laughing after a few moments as he said “Tell me Edric what do you think? You are a smart person aren’t you?”

He crossed his arms what has just said shows that he is freely admitting that he is attempting to manipulate him. What bothered him is why he is admitting it. “So you are manipulating me, what do you hope to gain then?” Mannfred looked ahead staring into the distance “you should never give you trust to easily but what you can trust is that we want the same thing. You need to unite the lands and I will aid you in that.”

Edric listened to Mannfred’s answer he then chittered his teeth while chuckling “let me guess if we fail Nagash will move correct? Your heart is black like the void you care nothing for me. Since Nagash made you do this you must succeed no? Nagash has sent his mortarch to personally intervene so he is certain you will succeed.” Mannfred gave a smile at his words as he said “I think working with you is going to be quite interesting at least you are not fool.”

Edric lowered his arms he clenched his hands in frustration “the only fools are the ones who allow chaos to rampage across the land taking away people’s certainty!” Mannfred raised his eyebrow “certainty?” Edric inclined his head “I looked into the eyes of those who live in Dolthremar they know nothing of hope. I doubt it registers on their mind all they desire is certainty. The certainty that chaos will be driven away that the lands will become as they were before…”  Mannfred clasped his shoulder Edric looked down at his pale hand “what?” Mannfred gave a curt nod “so that’s your resolve eh? Interesting…” Mannfred’s words entered his mind that he has found his resolve. Edric opened and closed his bony hand thinking on it it’s nice to have certainty to know your god is actually watching. To know that someone will do his decree to ensure things are kept in order.

Mannfred then removed his hand he called Jonathon over who rode to the front he give a small bow “yes master?” Mannfred gave a small smile “hand Edric the paper.” Jonathan looked unsure for a moment but did as he bade he went to his pouch and pulled out a small bound scroll. He handed it to Mannfred who then gave it to him. Edric looked at it in confusion “what is this?” Mannfred stopped walking the caravans also came to halt along with the blood knights. Mannfred faced him and said “it will prove useful in Morzzar don’t open it unless you truly need it.”

He silently put the bound scroll inside his pouch he nodded “very well…” Mannfred then looked up to his mount and leaped upon it. He then inclined his head “this is where we will part ways for now. Jonathan will wait here at the outskirts for you. Until you are done with Morzzar, He will travel with you for then on. I also recommend for you to head to Garthex afterwards I think the trip to that city will be healthy for you….” Mannfred then tapped the neck of Ashigoroth he gave a angry cry and leapt into the air.

Edric watched Mannfred vanish into the distance, Kaphiri walked up to him she hissed “Edric you need to be more respectful!” Edric faced Kaphiri who seemed to be slowly easing up. He could see she was sweating quite heavily before hand. Edric shook his head “I barely know him. I am not going to give him my respect so easily but he is an interesting vampire to say the least. Any-”

Jonathan gave a cough interrupting him he began speaking with authority “hurry up and go to Morzzar we are not going to wait around forever!” Kaphiri clenched her fists in anger “our master is gone now stow the arrogance!” Jonathan shrugged “who is the one blessed with undeath Kaphiri? You or me?” Edric started to get annoyed with this banter he began walking “enough talking let’s just finish our business with Morzzar and head to Garthex.” Kaphiri was about to speak again but she turned to Ingo “get the caravans moving!” Ingo nodded and gave the call the caravans soon trudged on after a few moments walking Edric looked back to see Jonathan waiting in the distance. he looked over to Kaphiri “why must he wait on the outskirts?”

Kaphiri frowned “we are heading to a city that is full of those loyal to Masika I guess Mannfred does not want to give a hint that he is prowling around.” Edric gave a curt nod “I see. Such a decision makes sense.” As they walked he could see Kaphiri wanted to say something more she went into her robe pocket and pulled out a book and offered it to him. “I could not help but listen to your conversation. I think this might help you awaken your sword.” Edric was slightly apprehensive about taking the book he slowly reached out and grasped it. He took the book slowly from her hands he then looked the book over.

The cover of the leather bound book bore skulls molded and cut from the leather and in the middle it bared the face of the skull he saw in his dreams when he was alive. He even recognised the crown. Edric fastened the book to his belt he gave Kaphiri a look “I thank you for the gift but I must ask…” Kahpiri gave a small frown “why I serve Mannfred? In a manner of speaking Mannfred is our rescuer he left us at a village when were children. The village is hidden and guarded by elders who are necromancers. They told us that our parents worked hard to ensure we live freely. To see a land that’s not ravaged by chaos.” Edric could understand that but it still bugged him “but why him? I am sure..” Kaphiri gave a sad smile “Arkhan right? At times I thought the same thing to be honest but… I gather Arkhan doesn’t leave much room to interpret how to view Nagash right? Mannfred largely does not care what we do in our free time or when he is not ordering us around. I prefer that kind of freedom Edric.”  

He stroked his chin thinking he gathered that once he rises it will likely be the same for him. What disturbs him is Mannfred’s friendly exterior just talking to him it’s like he is considering his situation but at the same time it’s clear he wants to use him for his own ends. Edric sighed and shook his head. “I seem to understand what you mean Kaphiri for now let’s focus on finishing your business in Morzzar.” Kaphiri nodded her usual smile returned to her face “yes! Edric if we get that soulvar..!”

Edric groaned in annoyance as Kaphiri went into another long spiel about the currency.

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Chapter 11

Standing in the mansion hall annoyed him he watched the servants do their work as they waited for the lord of the mansion. The servants were at work cleaning the walls they wore black leather chokers to most likely cover the bite scars. He guessed that the nobles of Morzzar now burn through servants quickly since Garthex has almost broken all contact. To obtain good blood in Morzzar has become difficult since if you were not part of a house or owned a soulvar you live outside in the destitute hamlets and villages. Plus the added fact that’s where all the servants are drawn from. Even his lady missed sampling the vintage produced by the city.  

As the servants cleaned he bought his eyes to the paintings that lined the walls. Each was an extravagant painting of some part of shyish. He recognised one it’s a painting of the forest of Ballax towards the north. They say that the very trees hold the souls of those who enter the five sister’s abode in anger they curse those who tread upon their grounds. Thinking of such a story aggravates him the lands belong to his mistress how many think themselves petty lords and kings is dividing them considering chaos is roaming the lands in impunity.

A part of him did desire to gather the armies and force obedience but his lady does not desire that and it’s not his place to question his lady. She has given him a task and he will see it fulfilled. With this task completed, Morzzar will be fully within his mistresses grasp, Leonard held the sealed letter in his gauntlet he was charged with delivering this to the lord of House Idelson. Lady Masika want’s the loyalty of Niclas Idelson, saying that name to himself he kissed his teeth in annoyance “she has gifted him immortality yet he still has not given his loyalty…” He placed his gaze on the small number of blood knights he leads as the years went on Jarrick has been grooming him for leadership.

Perhaps he saw a time when he would become a kastellan when such a possibility was hinted by Jarrick his relationship with Aten soured greatly. At all turns he tries to subtly mock or deride him. More than anything Aten acting that way proves why he can’t be trusted with anything important. Leonard bought his gaze to his fellows in the mission his second is his vampiric sister Sofia Keller. Her hand is resting on the pommel of her sword when their eyes met he could clearly see she wanted this task completed quickly so they could do something more important.

Sofia strode up to him her red armour glistening slightly, her black hair tied in a bun bounced slightly as she walked “he is making us wait.” Leonard eyed the doors of the hall in annoyance “I know, but we have a task so we wait.” Hearing Sofia say that if she was in charge she would simply stride up to Niclas and force the letter in his hands and leave. The issue with that is in order to realise their lady’s wish they have to present themselves well. They are knights not warriors.

Leonard looked down at the letter “whatever is in here will ensure he supports the mistress properly once that is done we can focus on the other cities.” Sofia sighed slightly “I hope so I dislike the nobles of Morzzar. Still there is one thing I would like to mention when it comes to the other cities.” Leonard bought his eyes up from the letter “what is it?” Sofia stroked her chin “have you heard the rumours about Dolthremar?” when Sofia mentioned Dolthremar he recalled in the past Aten and some of the blood knights were said to have gained the fealty of the city. He did report on his way back that Eredas was silent during the time he did his work there. Leonard raised his eyebrow “what rumors have you heard dear sister?”

Sofia leaned in slightly she whispered “they say Eredas has awoken and swore fealty to the King. I heard Jarrick and Lady Masika in discussion dealing with the city I only got a few fragments of the conversation.” Soon as he heard the mention of a king Leonard’s rage built within his chest he said firmly in a hushed tone “they are just rumours there is no king of this land only a queen Sofia. Be careful with your words!” Sofia leaned back slightly sighing again “you are so serious Leonard, perhaps that’s why you are rising so quickly… but if you don’t want to fall you should do well to listen to whispers. Not everyone wants you to gain new leadership prospects...” Leonard hissed back “then they are weak! Now enough! Focus on the task!”

Sofia gave a shrug and walked back to her original spot tapping her feet. At most the rest of the blood knights gave a look wondering what they were talking about but soon went back to eyeing the servants due to the prospect of fresh blood. After a few minutes more of waiting the doors of the hall opened the servants got to their knees as a pale faced figure walked in. Leonard looked at the lord of house Idelson he wore an elaborate black jacket with shining interwoven gold thread lining it his long white hair swayed as his walked. Examining the jacket more closely the thread is stitched to display skulls leering at each other. His leather boots clanked on the wooden floor as he approached he held a smile that showed he seemed to be in utter control of the situation. Staring at the master of this house annoyed him greatly he thought he is more than he actually is. Leonard strode towards him “Greetings, I thank you for seeing us.” Niclas held his smile “think nothing of it. Considering the mistress of Helopolis sent her knights to see me shows she has something important to say.” Leonard inclined his head to the lord of the house. “Indeed she does we have come bearing a message for you.” he handed the letter to Niclas he looked at it for a moment and slowly grabbed it.

The master of the house broke the seal, Leonard stared at him gauging his reaction and for a moment he saw his eyes flash red with anger and his smile turned to a slight frown. He knows of the political plays and que’s when it comes to noble houses he has seen much of it during his mortal life what he found odd that those times are vivid in his memory. Yet if he tries to think of the people surrounding those events it comes as a slight haze.  

He waited for Niclas to finish he slowly lowered the letter and the demeanor he displayed upon entering the hall returned. Niclas folded the letter and slipped it into his pocket. “Tell the Lady of Helopolis that she has my support. I will also pen my response right away and have it delivered.” Leonard inclined his head “Lady Masika will be pleased with your response Lord Niclas.” he watched Niclas incline his head back he gestured to the servants in the room. “Before you leave you may take sample of what I have here I am sure you are tired from your long journey.”

In response Leonard tried not to frown they are dead they don’t tire. Still he had to keep up appearances.“I thank you for your offer I am sure my fellows are more than happy to sample what you have.” Niclas smile wided “please do help yourself.” he then briskly turned and walked away before he left he shut the doors behind him. Leonard eyed the servants who are now getting to their feet he could see their fear. Sofia walked up to him. “Can we real-” Leonard gestured with his hand to interrupt Sofia “the lord of the house offered his servants to us as he said help yourself. I for one will not be partaking I am not thirsty at the moment.” Sofia gave him a devilish smile while showing a slight hint of her fangs, she turned and walked to the servants chuckling to herself.

Leonard faced the door thinking of what exactly was in the letter to get Niclas to change is tune. As his thoughts drifted he then began to hear the screaming of the servants behind him.

They walked through the hamlets and villages that surrounded Morzzar. What dismayed Edric is that the condition of the villages and hamlets is even worse than the cinderfall district in Hammerhal Aqsha. The buildings are almost literally falling apart, people are crying on street corners holding children and the roads are lettered with beggers. He faced Kaphiri who seemed to be ignoring everything around her. “Kaphiri why are the hamlets in such poor condition?” Kaphiri faced him “well… the nobles of the city don’t largely care. Unless you have connections with one of the houses you are not allowed in. Which in turn allows chaos to rampage around the edges of the hamlets and villages with impunity. The forces of chaos also steal people away either to enslave them or worse.”

Edric ground his teeth hearing this for some reason he felt a cold fury building in his bones. “Can the elders and leaders at least petition the nobles or rulers?” Kaphiri chuckled “if they have a soulvar they gain one but what would most likely happen is that they would be killed and the soulvar taken from them.” As Kaphiri said those words Edric looked down to the prayer book given to Kaphiri he has started to work through it compared to the book of lightning the prayers are…. Dark. But at the same time he likes a few of them especially the one about bringing Nagash’s judgement.

The nobles of Morzzar need to be judged for allowing their realm to fall to such a state the issue is with that is who would do it? He lacks the power to do anything still. He looked at his bony hands. “Perhaps that’s why Nagash made me like this…” Ingo looked down at him “what are you thinking about Edric?” Edric looked up at the lead caravan driver “thinking that the nobles of this city need to be judged.” Kaphiri gave a hard laugh “judged!? Who is going to do that!? Edric they are extremely powerful perhaps one day if you take the throne.”

Ingo frowned “but I agree with him Kaphiri, sometimes I wonder what these lands were like in the past. Perhaps if Edric get’s the throne he could change it.” Edric nodded in agreement “if one does not seek to change it then these lands will forever be ruined and damaged.” Kaphiri sighed “I understand what both of you are saying but all the nobles would resist it with all their might. Better to get their support and change it slowly once you knock Masika off your throne.” She tapped her staff on the ground “now enough of that we are almost to the city.”

Looking into the distance he saw it the city of Morzzar on the side paths were merchants peddling strange and exotic trinkets. Or even selling maps yelling out that they held the locations of soulvars. What surprised him as the caravans moved towards the city gates is that it seemed so normal compared to everything he has seen so far in shyish. Edric looked up towards the city there were many large buildings built from black stone which he guessed to be mansions.

The biggest one is in the distance and around the house there were swirling black dots circling the house. He pointed at it “what is that? The dots circling the largest house in the distance?” Kaphiri looked up “that’s the mansion of House Calvon. The swirling dots are soulvars they use magic to make them float like that since spirits are still held within them. To them using it in such a fashion is a display of power, the coins can be manipulated like any other undead. I have even heard some nobles melt them down to make into statues they say you can hear thousands of people weeping from it.”

Edric lowered his hands sighing “of course they would use them in such a fashion. Why are they using a thing of punishment as a currency? Its….” Kaphiri shrugged “not our place to question. Nagash’s judgement has not fallen upon the city so I assume he is fine with it. Anyway….” she then giggled. “We might have one and then we will be rich!”

Edric sighed heavily in response to her words he could also see Ingo shaking his head. Walking up to the city entrance he could see the black gates are closed. The guards stopped them. They were pale and they wore dark blue armour. A guard approached “what are you rabble doing at the gates of Morzzar? Go back to the village!” Edric was about to say something back to the leech, Kaphiri walked up to the guard she went into her pocket and pulled out a medallion.

The guard snatched it from her hand “where did you get this!?” Kaphiri grinned at the guard “I am a friend of house Idelson that medallion is Niclas Idelson seal granting me access to the city!” The gate guard grunted he handed the medallion back. “The gates will open don’t cause any trouble or House Calvon will deal with you…” Kaphiri inclined her head to the guard “don’t worry we won’t…” The guard then yelled “open the gate!”   

As the black gate moved a screeching sound that sounded like a wail of souls came from the gate. Ingo winced and Kaphiri’s brow furrowed slightly at most Edric just wanted the annoying sound to end. When the gate fully opened Kaphiri called out “get the caravans inside! We will place them at the stables!” They walked into the city looking up at the gates Edric said “what are the gates made out of?” Kaphiri perked up at his question “they are made out of soulvar’s Edric.” He held his gaze on the gate, the sound they heard before makes sense. The gate is essentially made out of people’s souls.

Making their way into the city Edric could see almost everyone looked like a noble of some sort. Compared to them they were the odd one out like a mis-colour in a wonderful painting. The caravans were set up in the stables now would come the part he is dreading. Edric watched as almost all the female members of the caravan went into the back to him they looked to be changing their clothes.  Kaphiri turned to him “no looking Edric. I am warning you.” Edric grunted in annoyance “that is the last thing on my mind Kaphiri. Plus I am a skeleton.” Kaphiri still frowned as she stepped onto the back of the caravan and brought down the cover obscuring the entrance.

Ingo came over sighing “I have my concerns also Edric trust me but… he is a good “friend” to Kaphiri.” Edric stared at Ingo “so I am not the only person who has sense around here? We can’t trust the vampire.” Ingo shook his head slowly “it’s a little complicated do you want to know how this partnership started in the first place?” He looked at the cover shifting slightly as Kaphiri got changed. “Yes tell me I want to know.” Ingo scratched the back of his head. “Well you see we met Niclas Idelson on the outskirts he was beset by a warband his guards were doing well but they were outnumbered. Kaphiri jumped in to help without a thought as always I was chasing after her. Soon enough with the added support of the undead the warband was driven away. Niclas took a liking to Kaphiri and so the partnership started back then I wasn’t worried but now?” Edric held the handle of his blade tightly “it’s because he is now a vampire?” Ingo slowly nodded “yes, sometimes… I worry that she won’t come back but at least when she does come here she is only gone for a hour or two at best.”

Hearing Ingo say that did not calm his concerns. “I understand why she does not seem worried but my concerns have not faded. I will watch after her Ingo.” Ingo smiled at him. “I know you will funny enough since you started travelling with us Kaphiri has been smiling more often.” he scratched his bony chin at such a fact his presence has caused Kaphiri to be more happy? “Really? That is a surprise…” Ingo chuckled “indeed it is because we all left the village to find some means to awaken you in the first place. The fact that you are here perhaps it’s caused Kaphiri to feel that this long journey and hardship has been worth it. So let me just say this because I know she won’t. I thank you for travelling with us and we will support you all the way.”

Edric tried to smile at least he thinks he would be at this moment. “I see… despite the situation with Mannfred being with all of you has been… enjoyable.” Ingo smiled at him “glad you are enjoying it I do feel you would make a good king.” Edric chuckled “I have to get my throne first…” after a moment the cover parted and Kaphiri hopped out she wore a black gown with two gold armbands. All the female caravan members wore similar clothing.

He stared at Kaphiri who gave a twirl “so what do you think?” Edric looked at the dress and then Kaphiri herself. “It looks fine I guess...” Ingo shook his head slowly as he spoke, Kaphiri walked up to him and poked him in the chest. “That’s it!? Seriously!? I payed a lot of money for this dress!” Edric grumbled “it looks good on you.” Her smile soon came back “thank you Edric.”

He could see Ingo trying to hold back laughing, Edric looked at the caravans members who are going to visit Niclas. “I am going with you.” Kaphiri wagged her finger at him “no you are not. You are staying with Ingo and the caravans.” He gripped the handle of his blade in annoyance. “May I ask why? I just want to keep all of you safe.” Kaphiri scoffed and folded her arms. “Safe? I bet one false move from Niclas you would want to cut his head off.” Edric bore his eyes into Kaphiri “if he does seek to harm you I will cut the leech’s head off.” she then pointed at him when he said those words. “See that’s why I don’t want you to come. You are really aggressive and defensive when it comes to vampires.” He did not want to relent he will come he has a bad feeling about all of this. “I will escort you to the gates at least. Will you allow me that?” Kaphiri stared at him for a moment “fine… only to the gates! That’s it!”

Edric gave a curt nod “very well, lead the way.” Kaphiri briskly walked past him with the caravan members Edric walked beside her. He could then hear Ingo calling out “be safe!” Edric clenched his hands, he will keep her safe. That he promises.

As they walked he could see not a single beggar on the streets which surprised him to no end. Everyone in the city is well off. Walking down the street towards Niclas’ mansion he could see a group of blood knights walking towards them. As they passed he stared and went on guard that guard soon slipped when he saw the face of the one leading them. Edric blurted out “general Leonard….?” saying those words out loud. Leonard stopped he stared at him for a moment and continued walking.

Kaphiri looked up at him “is something wrong?” Edirc shook his head “i-it’s nothing.” he focused on the current task. He thought he would feel something considering he has been changed by the vampires. Yet he felt nothing, no remorse, no pity, all he felt was a slight surprise and that was it.

They continued to the mansion gates the gates themselves were giant and it bore bat motif’s in its design. Two vampiric guards wearing dark purple armour stood at attention. Upon seeing Kaphiri one of them approached. “Lord Idelson has been expecting you Kaphiri…” Kaphiri smiled “it’s been some time since I last came here. Is he busy?” The guard shook his head “no his guests have just left. For now let me let you in.”

The guard walked to the gate and unlocked it as he pushed it open Edric could see the mansion in full view a great house built with black stone. He could see the house had multiple floors. The house bore two things of interest to Edric the first is that he saw coins circling in the house it is far lesser in number compared to the one belonging to Calvon that he could clearly see. The second point of interest is that the front garden looked like a gravesite where he could see dirty people working at the graves.

Kaphiri took a deep breath “well this is where we part ways for now..” she then stared at him “I know what you are thinking. I will only be gone for an hour or two relax.” He sighed hearing that he could not relax he could see in her eyes she is not certain. If she is not certain why won’t she relent and ask him to come? “Kaphiri… do you believe in me?” he could see his question has taken Kaphiri completely off guard. She kissed her teeth slightly as she looked away “it’s because I believe in you that I don’t want you to come with me. So please just do as I ask.” Edric ground his teeth as he said “very well…”

Kaphiri nodded she gestured for the caravan members to follow her to the mansion doors. As they walked in a guard then escorted them to the door to let them into the mansion. He watched the gate’s slowly close as they vanished into the mansion. Edric turned away without another word he still felt apprehensive about the situation all he could do is trust that Kaphiri knows what she is doing.

She stared at the guard escorting her she took several small breath's she went over a few quick spells beforehand just in case something happens. She shook her head in annoyance Edric’s words has thrown her off. She can’t concentrate properly. Kaphiri eyed the paintings “he still loves paintings…” To make sure he has not changed when she visits is to make sure the paintings are still there. He spends a great amount of his wealth to acquire paintings some she even found beautiful and he is respectful enough to only draw blood from the wrist.

The guard escorted them to a door he gestured “Lord Niclas will wait for you in here.” Kaphiri inclined her head to the guard. “Thank you. I am quite eager to see how my friend is doing.” The guard smiled showing his fangs “yes Lady Kaphiri I am quite sure he is eager to meet you also.” The guard opened the door to let them in as they walked into the hall she caught a faint smell of blood.

It was faint but if you breathe in deeply you can detect it.  The doors slowly closed behind her all the caravan members she bought with her began talking she could see they are nervous. Staring at the room Kaphiri spotted more paintings, the one that stood out is a painting of a forest. If you look carefully you can see the trees bare faces and in the corners of the painting you could see unknown figures. “The forest of Ballax… it’s a death sentence going there.” Her master told her that the five sisters dislike those who tread upon their grounds.

She stared at the painting for a few moments more until she heard the doors opening. She turned to see Niclas standing at the doors while  pale nobles strode into the hall.  Looking at the number of vampiric nobles she could see this is a far greater amount than the last time, in the past at most the the mansion guards were given blood along with the lord of the house.

Niclas strode up to her his white hair swaying with each motion. He smiled “it’s been some time Kaphiri…” Kaphiri folded her arms in annoyance “this is too much.” Niclas shrugged “I am low on servants at the moment. I had to entertain guests I apologize…” She looked at the vampires talking with her fellows, the vampires were male and female she could see they are from different houses going by the colour of their garments or symbols they wore.

She looked at the lord of the house her old friend now immortal “none of them should come to harm Niclas..” Niclas shook his head “I am afraid… that is not possible..” Kaphiri raised her eyebrow “may I ask why?” Niclas flicked his hair slightly “you see Kaphiri I just received an interesting letter. That you have connections to rebel movements you have been seen at Helopolis “trading” plus your visit to Dolthremar has caused Lady Masika to raise her eyebrow. Now considering your ties to me that… makes things difficult. If you are not taken care of  Lady Masika will leak important information that could destroy everything I built.”

Kaphiri hissed “dammit Niclas! She is using you!”  Niclas shrugged “it’s your fault but.. I have figured out a way that you could stay with me. I shall make you my wife once you are disciplined I shall gift you the soulblight. Under me the threat will end and Masika will be satisfied.” Kaphiri’s narrowed her eyes at him she began chanting a spell, purple flames consumed her arms. “I won’t be taken by you….” said Kaphiri.

Her ex-friend shook his head slowly he gazed into her eyes. His eyes flashed red for a moment and that is all he needed since for some reason her spell died her mind began wander and her vision began blurring. Kaphiri also felt her body weakening she could not stand upright she felt herself falling to the ground and then being caught in someone’s arms.

She tried to speak but no words would come. After a moment she felt a sharp pain on her neck and in the background she heard screams. Kaphiri felt her eyes fluttering as darkness consumed her vision.

Edric stood with the caravans reading his prayer book he read a passage out loud “Nagash is all and all are one in Nagash. He is the land, the mountains and within all that bow to him… praise him for he is all knowing and forever watching.” he wondered if Nagash is watching right now at this moment the book actively details in many of the scriptures that Nagash is always there. Always aware and ready to strike those who wrong him or break his laws. Compared to the book of lightning sigmar is not described as one who actively takes part in anything or is a part of those who worship him.

He closed his prayer book and looked up he could see many of the male members of the caravan are out trading or gathering supplies he could see Ingo pacing frantically. He approached him “is something wrong?” Ingo looked up at him “she has been gone too long it’s almost night time.” Edric crossed his arms “we should go and check on her.”

Ingo bit his thumb slightly “that’s if the guards let us in…” Edric clutched the handle of his blade “I don’t care if they have done something to her…” Ingo lowered his thumb from his mouth he slowly nodded “yes we should go check on her.” Edric looked down the street he remembered the way he gestured to Ingo “let’s go we can’t waste time.”

They both broke into a run towards the mansion, as they ran Edric ground his teeth he knew something bad would happen. He knew that he could not trust the vampire. Making their way to house Idelson they approached the gates. Ingo faced him “let me talk to them they might let us in.” Ingo walked towards the guard he coughed slightly “we are friend to Kaphiri we are worried for her is it possible you could let us in?” The vampire guard looked down at Ingo “go away vagrant if you don’t leave now I will make you my meal.” Ingo pleaded “b-but she doesn’t take this long! Please just let me know whether she is okay or not!”

The second guard walked up to Ingo he backhanded him Ingo crashed to the ground. “You were given a warning. Now-” Edric instantly drew his blade “damn vampire!” He charged at the guards who drew their weapons in turn he clashed with them. Soon as the fight started he was put on guard right away their sword strikes were too quick. Their parries also matched that speed. Ingo looked up “they are vampires Edric! You can’t take them on!” Edric barked “they hold our people! They threaten them! I know it!” Edric bought down his blade on one of the guards again he parried the strike. The vampire used the opening to punch him in the face. Edric felt himself flying across the street he crashed to the ground.

He blinked rapidly one of his eyes are gone he could only see out of one eye. He reached for the side of his head a part of his skull is missing. Edric staggered up from the ground he heard Ingo yelping in pain. He faced the vampires to see one of them stepping on Ingo’s head the guard pushed his head down with his foot. “Once we kill your skeleton you will be a fine meal. Everyone inside is enjoying themselves while we are stuck out here…”

Soon as he heard that Edric roared in anger he charged again, the one that punched him stood in front of him. Edric frantically tried to strike the vampire yet he can’t get through his defences the vampire snickered “you are a mere skeleton. We bare the blood of one that serves Nagash.” The guard parried him again and this time he bought his sword down through his chest splintering his rib cage.

The vampire then kicked him shattering it and sent him hurtling to the ground. Edric tried to get up but his body felt so weak. He cried out in frustration after a few moments he heard Ingo screaming. Edric swore “I have to rise! They need me!” His memories came flooding back the battle that got him enslaved in the first place. The thought that someone was coming to save them. The thought that sigmar was watching and Baldwin’s disappearance the hope that he was coming to save him. But… “he abandoned us! He left us!”

Edric tried to will his body to rise he roared in anger “I am not him! I will not leave them! I-” the words died before they passed his mouth he felt an unnatural chill “we will not abandon them for we are not him…for you are mine as they are...they are oathbreakers... they are our enemy...” Edric steadied himself with the blade as he staggered up he chuckled “they are our enemies…. Oathbreakers! Traitors!” He could see the guards are ignoring him they were holding Ingo down and baring their fangs.

Edric sheathed his blade he gripped the handle he spoke firmly “he is the judge, he is the shadow upon everyone’s soul…” He then began shouting “He watches all his gaze unblinking! Unending! Before me now are traitors and oathbreakers! I am his will made manifest!” Edric slowly unsheathed his blade he held the blade upwards towards his face. “I will kill them all… Nagash wills it!” ghostly flame erupted from his blade.

He could hear the roaring of spirits at the back of his mind the weariness he felt in his bones vanished his vision returned. He could see the vampires are now staring at him in utter shock and diverted their attention away from Ingo. Looking at them now all he feels is pure fury, an icy fury that wishes to see them eradicated and sent to stygxx. He rushed towards the vampires the one that sent him to the ground readied his guard.

Edric bought his blade down breaking right through it the fire from his blade went to work consuming the vampire. His screams reverberated in his skull he could feel his spirit being torn away portions being devoured and the rest sent to stygxx. He bought his gaze to the second vampire who is taking a few steps back. Edric bound towards him the vampire tried to strike him with his blade he batted away his strike with his sheath and removed his head in one slice.

The flames from weapon devoured the body and head leaving a charred corpse. He looked down to Ingo “they will die Ingo…” Ingo sat up blood dribbling down his nose and mouth “please if they harmed them…” Edric looked at his blade “do not worry calm your fears. I will retrieve them.” He looked at the gate he made an incision to create his own door. His blade is easily melting through the metal he worked on the gate for a few moments once satisfied he kicked it. Pushing the piece of metal forward.

Walking into the gravesite he felt strange he felt something moving underneath the ground. He heard voices asking for orders hundreds of voices of them all echoing the words. “What is your will my king?” Edric gripped his blade tightly he shouted “kill all the vampires in this mansion! Slay them! Butcher them! They are traitors!” The voices came back “very well..”

Out of the ground skeletal hands burst forth he watched armoured skeletons pulling themselves out of the ground. The swords they held glew with a baleful light all the skeletons looked at him they saluted him in silence. Edric pointed at the mansion with his blade the spirits roaring with his voice “Nagash wants them dead… kill them all….”

In a single motion they locked towards the doors and charged in a relentless wave of bone hacking the windows and  front door apart. They surged into the mansion after a few seconds he could hear the screams. Edric walked towards the door he spoke firmly. “I will reward her faith… I will reward her belief…”

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Chapter 12

She awoke, her head ringing in pain, staggering up she looked around what greeted her is a dark cell. Kaphiri can see her fellows huddling in corners whimpering, then it all came flooding back. Niclas turned against her and he mentioned something that disgusted her. “I am not going to be his wife!” she hissed. Thinking of that caused her to rub her neck it felt sore, Kaphiri moved her hand away. Her mind then drifted to escape, walking over to the bars she gripped them and chanted a spell purple fire gripped her arms.

If she focused she could rust away the bars to nothing, all it will take is time. Kaphiri concentrated running the words over in her mind. Then she heard a scream breaking it, and then another. Narrowing her eyes she could see steps leading upwards, listening carefully she could also hear the breaking of objects and the smashing of tables. The door at the top of the steps opened and the person who came down was someone who made her blood boil. “Niclas! You dare!” the vampire looked at her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. He stormed towards the bars. “What have you done!? What spell have you woven!?” Kaphiri shook her head “wha-” Niclas’ eyes flashed red “speak! There is a horde of grave guard slaughtering their way through my mansion! They are being lead by a talking wight!”

Soon as she heard wight, she knew right away who it was, but what confused her is that Edric does not know how to raise or control the dead. “For one it’s not me! I don’t have the power to summon a horde of grave guard! The talking skeleton? I don’t know anything about that!” As she denied any connection to Edric she tried to control her heartbeat, vampires can pick up on that. She steadied her breathing and looked in Niclas’ red eyes. He hissed baring his fangs at her like a predator he then turned and there he was. Kaphiri had no idea how he entered the room without being noticed. Even her ex-friend was surprised.

Edric held a flaming sword his green eyes fixated upon Niclas staring at him in silence. “You dare harm them leech…?” Niclas drew his blade “you are just dust and bones you can-” Kaphiri watched Edric’s blade quickly sweep out taking the head clean of Niclas before he could get another word. She watched his head roll to the ground.

Kaphiri smiled “Edric I…” her companion ignored her and worked his blade on the door, his sword easily melting through the metal. He then kicked the door down the caravan members streamed towards Edric he gestured “come we are leaving.” Kaphiri frowned slightly she walked out of the cell with her caravan members. Once out of the cell Edric walked to the steps “we must move quickly. The city guards will be arriving soon.” Kaphiri strode to Edric in annoyance. “Is that all you say!? W-” her skeletal friend turned to her. “Say what? That I was right? That you were wrong? All I care about at the moment is getting everyone to safety. We can talk later.” she bit back her response a part of her knew Edric is right, this was a mistake and they almost died for it. “Right lead the way.”

Edric gave a curt nod he led them up the stairs into the mansion and what greeted her chilled her to the bone. Grave guard hacking away at servants and vampires gore matting their old crude armour. He barely gave a glance as he made his way to the entrance, she could see her fellows staring in shock she shouted at them. “Enough gawking get moving! Now!” All of them nodded they followed Edric out to the front garden.

Ingo ran up to them worry creasing his features. “Y-you saved them?” Ingo then looked to her. “A-are you well?” Kaphiri tried to smile to allay his worry “I am fine Ingo.” she puffed out her chest “Edric slaughtered the entire household!” Ingo blinked “I-I see, but we have to get moving! House Calvon is most likely coming to investigate!” Edric strolled towards the mansion gate. “It’s too late they are here.” Kaphiri shook her head “dammit! They will clamp us in irons or worse!”

She walked up to Edric “how can you be so calm about this?” her companion looked down at her “because I have nothing to fear. Come.” Sighing she gestured to everyone “on Edric! Get moving people!” All of them followed him out of the gate, Kaphiri hoped whatever he is planning gets them out of this situation.

He walked out of the gate, Kaphiri and Ingo with the caravan members followed behind him. What greeted him are mounted blood knights wearing dark blue armour at the head of them is a noble wearing a dark blue jacket. His long black hair flowed down his back, Edric could see the leech does not have a care in the world. Not caring is the reason why Nagash’s lands are in this state. He knows of nobles not caring the misery they can cause.

The vampire strode forward on the his horse “I am Vars Calvon, Head of the Calvon household. A great amount of magic was detected in this area and since it dealt with the head of a house I have come here with my knights to investigate. So tell me… you just left Niclas Idelson’s premises I ask do you have any idea of what has occured? I can see his mansion has been greatly damaged.” Edirc watched Ingo and Kaphiri stare at him, Kaphiri was about to speak but he stepped forward. “I killed him. I killed him and his guests.”  Kaphiri roared in anger “Edric what are you doing!?” The vampires eyes flashed red “I see… so tell me vagrants what gives you the right to slaughter a noble of the city? The very fact you admitted it?” Vars shook his head “take them. I wish to question them further.”

The blood knights hopped off their horses and made their way to them. He looked down to his skeletal form, he looked at the pouch he placed the scroll in and pulled it out. For some reason he felt if he opened it he would be fine. Things will turn out okay. Edric cracked the seal on the scroll it unfurled in his hands looking at the piece of paper there was no writing on it. Gripping the paper it suddenly burst into green flames.

The lord of house Calvon tutted “what are you trying to do?” Edric for some reason looked up “calling help.” Out of the skies two winged shadows shot down crashing in front of them. Staring at the angelic colossuses of bone they wielded halberds that thrummed with spiritual energy. Upon seeing them Vars hissed “stop! Don’t advance on them!” Kaphiri gasped “Morghasts….?” Edric looked back at Kaphiri “so that’s what they are called?” she nodded in response “yes… they move by the will of Nagash. They are his angels of vengeance and destruction…” Edric bought his hollow eyes to the Morghast and the to Vars. “You will let us pass. I imagine you don’t wish to strike the very will of Nagash itself?” Vars hissed in annoyance “I don’t know who you are...or where you come from… but watch yourself from now on….” The lord gestured to his blood knights who slowly got to their horses and road away with him.

The morghast looked down at him in silence, what is before him now is Nagash’s will made manifest. They crossed their halberds as they began moving down the street. Edirc turned to everyone “they are escorting us out let’s leave while we can.” Everyone nodded as they began following the angels of vengeance out of the city.   

He looked out into the distance due to his immortal state he has far greater vision than a  mortal but the wait annoyed him. Jonathan looked over to his knights all of them were from the village just like him each of them chosen to be the mortarch’s of night instrument. Perhaps if he completes his task and makes Edric king he might finely earn the name Von Carstein and gain a full place in the legion of night. Such a prospect bought a thin smile to his lips. “All I have to do is babysit a skeleton, how hard could that be?” In the distance he saw someone approaching.

Narrowing his eyes he saw that it is them but something has happened. He cursed he knew this trip to this pathetic city would not go without any problems. He guessed that is the reason why Mannfred had him give up his scroll to call his master’s Morghast. As they came over the hill with the caravans he rode up to them. “So I take it something happened?” The skeleton looked up at him “yes I killed a noble. I used the scroll, which allowed the Morghast to escort us to the outskirts. Soon as we got here they flew off. I recommend we keep moving I think the lord of House Calvon is planning something.”

Jonathan looked down at Kaphiri he spat “you allowed him to kill a noble and cross one of the most powerful lords in this province!? What were you doing!?” The upstart pointed at him. “Back off! He did nothing wrong…” she looked away and that told him everything. She always makes that face when she has done something wrong. Sighing he looked down to his charge “so I assume we are heading to Garthex?” The skeleton stroked his bony chin “yes, Mannfred said that it would be good for me to go there.” Jonathan narrowed his eyes at the skeleton “you do well to remember he is our master Edric…” Edric looked up at him “I haven’t given my fealty to him. Nor to his rival Arkhan. I have… a lot to think about…”

He kissed his teeth, no matter what it takes he can’t let him consider Arkhan an option. Just hearing their conversation before he feared given the right circumstances he could possibly join Arkhan’s legion. As delegate a title granted by his lord he has to guide him well. “I am sure you do. But do remember our lord grants a great amount of autonomy to his subjects…Arkhan would not give you any breathing room. Do well to remember that…” His charge bore his green eyes into him. “I know that. Kaphiri has told me as such already. Now let’s go to Garthex.” Jonathan looked at Kaphiri for a moment and then back to Edric. “I see… very well it will take more than a week to cross to Garthex. Let us go.”    

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Chapter 13

He looked upon the lands of Garthex, the devoted of sigmar have been steadily consecrating the area around the city. Standing on the roads day by day the amount of undead carcasses that littered the roads lessened which swelled his heart.

In the past Garthex was held under the grip of cruel Sanguinarch’s that manipulated families noble and peasant in order to gain vintage blood. They used their faith in Nagash to manipulate marriages and move the politics of the city. Yet one noble house held fast in faith to sigmar even if they worshipped in secret. They called out with all their might and were heard and so his warrior chamber the Steelhearts of the hallowed knights were sent down in holy lightning to free the city. Since then they have been reinforced by the free guild claws of sigmar.

He looked over to the lord Relictor Vizira Darksoul her sliver sigmarite warplate is covered in icons of death and the storm. She walked over holding her staff. “Balder another patrol is completed. General Adela will be returning soon.” Balder gave a curt nod “right, we make our way back to Garthex. The Arch lector will most likely be elated that nothing has occurred. We always must be ready for a possible assault by the forces of death. All these omens that are own the wind… I have a bad feeling about them.”

Vizira nodded “I know, livestock dying, the plague that is sweeping through the city… something is in the air…” listening to his lord relictor she is the one that normally reels him at times he forgets the bigger picture and tells him off whenever he calls out sigmar’s name in vain, something which aggravates her to no end. “If something happens we will deal with it. The order of Ayzr is already looking into the plague. Let us hope it’s not connected to the great enemy or some hidden cult belonging to Nagash.” Since taking the city, upon seeing their might casting down the Sangurinarch’s many took to worshipping sigmar and many a peasant has come to him telling him how better life is now under their watch.

At this moment duardin work gangs are steadily working on their storm keep. Slowly but surely sigmar’s light will come to this land. Thinking on such a prospect he then heard galloping his judicators and Liberators fell into formation he gestured. “Calm yourself it’s our allies.” He turned and down the road came General Adela and her second Aldwin mounted on their horses marched down the road with their troops made up of freeguild crossbowmen and guard. Adela approached and removed her helmet she gave a slight bow while sitting on her horse “Lord Baldwin- I mean Balder..” Balder chuckled since meeting her she accidentally calls him by his old name. His old life was a blur of sorts but meeting Adela and Aldwin caused fragments to return perhaps them joining together was a part of sigmar’s plan? It seems too convenient. “Do not worry General Adela you may speak on casual terms with me. We did know each other in my old life.” He smiled behind his helmet. Adela returned his smile “I know, I just came to report our road is clear.”

He nodded and looked over to Aldwin “how was your road?” Aldwin saluted “we haven’t found anything. Thank sigmar peace is held for another day!” Balder inclined his head to the captain “good let us pray to sigmar it stays that way. Now let’s make our way back to Garthex.” The captain and General gave a salute, Adela began barking orders to her soldiers as they prepared to march back to Garthex.

Vizira strode up to him “don’t get too close to them Lord Celestant.” Balder frowned “we are all warriors of sigmar mortal or not Vizira.” The lord relictor inclined her head “I understand but we are not like them. I just pray that your closeness and mortal history does not affect your decisions.” he narrowed his eyes “by sigmar’s beard Vizira will you relax? I know I understand. I have seen so many comrades mortal and immortal alike pass. I know what is at stake and I know hard decisions will come.” Vizira sighed “at least you understand but I doubt I will be ever able to fix how you speak about our lord sigmar.”

Balder laughed “well! One aspect stayed with me despite the reforging! Now let us move..” he gestured to his chamber “form up! We are marching back!” The liberators and judicators formed into marching blocks as they began traveling the road with the claws of sigmar. While walking he stared at General Adela and Captain Aldwin. Both of them revived the free guild name in hopes of finding their lost brother in shyish, perhaps this is why they chose this post in this province. When they described him, their brother Edric Castelov a sense of unease grips him and his heart feels weighed guilt. He wondered if it was guilt that kept him close with their allies?

Balder sighed he closed his eyes for a moment and muttered a prayer to sigmar he must remain focused on his task. Secure this land for the god-king and ensure the prosperity of Garthex. He slowly opened his eyes and focused on the road.

Walking the roads to Garthex he wondered what kind of city it was Jonathan and Kaphiri seemed to not want to talk about it but what does notice is both of them argue like children. He bought his eyes to them Jonathan is on his dark steed looking down at Kaphiri, they barked at each other arguing about another trivial subject.  He looked up to Ingo “are they always like this?” Ingo chuckled slightly “yes, you would think they are related.” Edric crossed his arms “so Ingo can you tell me anything about Garthex?” Ingo stroked his chin “I can actually. They were known for piety and faith in Nagash. The city is ruled by a priesthood made up of Sanginarch’s that believed in brewing the blood of the subjects of the city to spread out to the vampires of the province. To them it was a holy task.” Hearing that Garthex is ruled by vampires annoyed him “ah so the whole city is made up of cattle then? Just like Helopolis save it’s the whole city?” Ingo shook his head “not exactly you see no one dies. Since the Sanginarch’s believed that brutalising them would ruin their blood. Even peasants lived somewhat pleasant lives all they had to give is a holy blood tithe.”

Hearing that part subsided his annoyance somewhat but it’s clear enough the sanginarch’s are not altruistic by any means. Edric nodded “right, so has anything changed?” Ingo lowered his hand “well… there are rumours. But it’s not really talked about...” He pressed Ingo “rumours? Tell me.” Ingo rubbed his neck “well.. They say that the city has been taken by sigmarites and defended by silver knights…”  Hearing that information perked his curiosity “sigmarites? Sliver knights? I see…” he wondered if it might just be possible… he then heard shouting down the road. They crossed paths with an army.

Jonathan is galloping back with his blood knights, kaphiri jogged back. Panting Kaphiri said “we have to find another way around.” Jonathan nodded “agreed we can’t cross that army no matter the cost.” Edric looked at both them “we are pressing forward. Ingo told me the city has been taken by sigmarites we might be able to talk with them. Plus if those silver knights are who I think they are. They will be open to discussion.”  Kaphiri hissed at Ingo “you told him!?” Jonathan shook his head “you are a fool do you know that?”

Edric sighed hearing that both of them have kept this information a secret he looked down the road “it seems the army is approaching us anyway.” Jonathan cursed “we have to go back! We don’t know how they will react!” as Jonathan uttered those words he heard a female voice calling out “Hold still in the name of sigmar!” Kaphiri gave a large frown “well it looks like we have to hold.” Jonathan sighed heavily “let us hope they don’t burn us at the stake…”

The army slowly approached he saw a mortal army of free-guild but what drew his interest is the iconography. “The claws of sigmar….?” said Edric. They were accompanied by towering warriors wearing warplate of brilliant sliver. As they marched towards them he could see a female riding a horse wearing blue uniform with a breast plate and griffon helmet and a male riding to her side who wore similar armour.

Edric bought his eyes to the large warriors, the stormcast eternals when he was human seeing them at a distance in the past took his breath away but now? For some reason that emotion did not grip him. The sense of excitement, the motion to making the holy sign of the hammer. Now? In this moment he just stood in place crossing his arms waiting for them to approach. They stopped a few paces away. The stormcast leader stepped forward his helmet hid his expression which threw Edric off. He stood with another stormcast who wore armor covered with bones and icons of sigmar, they also wore a skull helmet. As the stormcast leader spoke Edric could tell right away his voice held power. “I see you are walking to towards the city of Garthex. In  company with the dead…” Edric stepped towards the stormcast as he walked the army readied their weapons. The leader of the stormcast host pointed his blade at him he spoke in some measure of disgust  “Hold your undead cadaver back vampire!” Jonathan chuckled “sorry stormcast but all of us technically work for our skeleton friend over there.”

He turned his head back slightly to Jonathan he could see he is picking his words carefully he would never admit outright he works for him. Edric looked up to the stormcast “In a manner of speaking he is correct. I am essentially their leader.” The stormcast wearing the skull helmet scowled “it does not matter who is the leader! We warn you now leave these lands!” He bought his hollow eyes to the stormcast in surprise he did not realise the stormcast is female. The leader gestured to her “enough. Let’s remain civil who are you?”

Edric nodded “My name is Edric Castelov.” soon as he mentioned his name all of the forces of sigmar eyes lit up in shock. The female general came forward with her horse “you lie! Who are you really!?” Edric scratched his bony head “I am not lying. That is my name.” The male on the horse trotted forward “Adela… Balder is speaking…”  

Soon as he heard that name he took a step back he spoke under his breath “Adela…? What? No… you were…” The general known as Adela narrowed her eyes at him “where are you from!? Speak undead!” Edric bought his eyes to the stormcast who also said. “Yes please do answer the general’s question.” he shook his head the answers for some reason spilled from his mouth. “My name is Edric Castelov, born in Hammerhal Aqsha. My father died to a plague I joined the free guild due to the aid of Baldwin. My friend and benefactor I hoped to use that money to support my family.” he pointed at the general “So your name is Adela?” he the bought his bony finger to the male soldier “Are you… Aldwin?”

Edric clasped his skull “but you… are all….. Grown….” Edric released a roar of anger of frustration and rage “why!? When!?” The soldiers the front went to attention at his outburst  he looked up at Adela her face is the same but far more matured. The same with Aldwin. Kaphiri ran over grabbing his shoulder “Edric calm down!” In reaction Adela drew her sword and pointed it Kaphiri “you must've done something! You reduced him to this! I-” The stormcast leader gestured “enough!” he bellowed.

Edric shook his head he now wonders how long he has been dead for. How long was he seated on that throne for. The stormcast leader called out “Edric.” He looked up slowly, lowering his hands from his head “yes?” The stormcast leader removed his helm showing a somewhat aged face, fair skin and a bald head. But the moustache he recognised it right away. “Baldwin…..? You?” Baldwin nodded “indeed I was chosen by sigmar and reforged. I am no longer Baldwin. I am Lord Celestant Balder Steelheart I lead this warrior chamber with my Lord Relictor Vizira Darksoul. I-”

Hearing that, seeing Baldwin now as a stormcast he thought he would be happy he thought he would feel awe. Instead a cold fury built into his bones he strode to the celestant all moved their hands to their weapons. He pointed his bony figure in his silver plate he roared in anger. “You left me behind!” Vizira hissed “Bac-” Baldwin gestured to quieten her. “I had no choice in the matter I wa-” Edric hissed “do you think even think about us when you were taken!? I held on that hope that you were coming back! That… that….” Edric looked down at himself.

He thought he found certainty but now he is unsure again he was unsure about everything. “I was turned into this!? Our fellows devoured by vampires! Do you know what even happened to our general!?” Baldwin frowned “yes I recall General Leonard… I assume he is… dead?” Edric shouted “No! He is a vampire! A vampire that now serves the ruler of this land! So tell me!? Have you told his mother that he is a blood sucking monster!? Have you even visited her!?” He could see Baldwin is conflicted going by his face and that’s all he needed. He did not even think about it. Baldwin spoke back firmly “I understand your frustration… your anger but...it was necessary. Now that I know I will visit his mother personally once I have the time. But I was not the one who turned you into this… whoever did this to you is the one to blame.”

Edric looked down at his bony hands “it was Nagash… he did this to me… he…” Baldwin’s brows furrowed “the god of the dead? But why?” he looked up “he..” Kaphiri called out “Edric! Think of what you are about to say!” Vizira barked at Kaphiri “be silent witch! I can smell the stink of death about you!” Kaphiri bit her lip she gazed at him pleading not to speak further.

He faced Baldwin “from what I understand Nagash made me like this because I am meant to be king of this province. The lord of this land.” his old benefactor shook his head “what? He reduced you to this state for that?” Baldwin stroked his chin “come with us to the city.” Vizira shook her head “that is not a good idea lord celestant.”

Baldwin narrowed his eyes at her “I have a responsibility to Edric Vizira! Just maybe! Sigmar placed us here for a reason! All of us are together again! Think of it just may-” Vizira spoke firmly “remember the tale of Tarsus Bullheart, recall how he became lost to us. I don’t want that happening to you.” Edric watched Baldwin place his helmet on “fine they will stay outside the city. No matter what you say I am taking them perhaps they might be a way to fix this just… maybe.” Edric looked up “how can you fix someone who is dead? What can you do?”

Baldwin grasped his shoulder “have faith in sigmar Edric. I know a flicker is still there. Please come with us to the city.” he looked back at Kaphiri, Jonathan and Ingo. Just by their facial expression they want him to say no. He bought his face back to Baldwin “we will come with you. Take us to Garthex.” for some reason he thought Baldwin is smiling under his helmet. “Good it’s not far just an hours march we should reach the gates of the city.”

Baldwin turned away and ordered everyone to form up into marching formation. Edric looked at his brother and sister. Just by their eyes he could see they were not sure what to make of him they rode to their free-guild and began ordering them to march. In silence he walked back to the caravan with Kaphiri who said. “What are you thinking!?” she whispered. Edric faced her “I don’t know… perhaps…” Kaphiri gripped his hand “there is nothing wrong with you! Nothing at all! Don’t let them cloud your judgement!” As they reached the caravans Jonathan looked down at him. “Are you okay with my decision?” asked Edric.

Jonathan shrugged “our lord told us to come here for a reason. I am still wondering why to be honest but I will say this. They are not your family anymore. They are no longer your friends either. How long do you think they will tolerate you for?” Edric clutched the handle of his weapon “I just… want to try. Let’s get the caravans moving.” He could see Ingo is concerned as well but he made the call to follow the army to Garthex.

As they walked through the villages leading up to the city he could see people were outside waiting to see the army. But Edric could see the confusion they mainly stared at them. The villagers are most likely wondering why Sigmar’s holy warriors and a free-guild are in company with a skeleton and vampiric knights. He could hear the whispers, some even called him and Jonathan abominations.

Edric looked up as they closed upon the city gates the walls are made of stone and a great statue of sigmar loomed which almost reached the skies. He wondered how such a thing was built he saw villagers who lived near the gates going about their business with happy faces it was a stark contrast compared to what he has seen of the other cities controlled by the dead. Kaphiri curled her lip in disgust “look at all them. The traitors…” Edric faced her “traitors? Why?”

Kaphiri looked at him shocked “they forsook nagash.” then whispered “for the enemy. Once he turns his eye to the city his judgement will be great…perhaps he sees it now that you have come here...” Edric looked at the villagers “so Nagash wishes to ruin their happy lives? To take away their smiles?” He could see that Kaphiri does not want to argue so she stopped. “For now let’s get to the city gates.”

As they got close to the city gates he saw a priest holding a two handed warhammer, wearing elaborate gold armour baring iconography of the storm and sigmar. Prayer parchment is also trailing from his armour. His entourage wore similar armour and held warhammer’s and prayer books in hand. Edric could see that he is smiling as they came to the gates upon seeing him. His skeletal form and Jonathan along with the undead horses he frowned. “Greetings Lord Celestant I assume there was no trouble?” Edric watched Baldwin walk up to the priest “Greetings Arch lector Alfred. I have come with guests…”

Edric could not help but shake his head hearing Baldwin say that, the Arch lector stared at him in clear disgust as he said “I see...are these “guests” staying long?” Baldwin then looked over at him. “He is the king of Helopolis chosen by Nagash himself.” The arch lector’s eyes went wide with worry “N-Nagash? R-really?”

Baldwin nodded “calm your gears Arch-lector for now the caravans will stay outside the city. I wish to make an ally of him. Plus he is an old friend who needs help. Sigmar does not turn away those in need.” To Edric it looked like Alfred wanted to protest but relented considering this information is coming from a chosen of sigmar. “Very well… they will stay outside of the city. I imagine you wish to discuss the recent patrols?” Baldwin  folded his arms “yes I wish to speak with you about it. Also inform the nobles of our guests I don’t want any of their personal guards causing problems.” Baldwin then turned and pointed “the stables are over there. I imagine your companions are weary and require rest. I will see you on the morrow so we can talk further.”

Edric nodded and called out “okay! We will see you soon!” The army with the Arch lector  then walked into the city he could see his siblings still giving him looks as they walked in. As the gates closed behind them. As they vanished into the city all the villagers then stared at them with accusing looks. Many even jeered and shouted “we don’t need your kind here!” someone even called for sigmar to strike him down. “May holy sigmar smite with you his lightning!”

Kaphiri whispered to him “such happy villagers aren’t they?” Edric hissed back “considering what the dead do to them are you surprised!?” Kaphiri sighed “let’s just go the stables and rest already. I am tired of these villagers.” Edric gestured to Ingo he nodded as the caravans moved to the stables near the gate, Kaphiri followed after them.

As the caravans made their way to the stables, Jonathan rode forward with his knights he looked down at him. “Tell me Edric can you use your sword yet?” Edric nodded “I can. See look here.” he unsheathed his blade but there was no flames like before. He shook his head “there was flames on the weapon when I…” Jonathan chuckled “seems someone has been taken in by the words of the stormcast. Does his words radiate through your skull Edric? You have a duty not to them but to..” Edric barked at the vampire “I owe him nothing! He was the one who tore my life to pieces! I don’t know what your master is playing at but know this! I will not bow to him!”

The vampire shook his head “do remember it’s the great necromancer that ordered him to kill you Edric. So if you blame him you blame Nagash. Do well to remember that…” Jonathan then rode towards the stables with his knights. Edric looked down at his weapon which is now a normal sword again. He felt conflicted, now that he has found his family again perhaps there is another option? Perhaps they could free these lands from chaos?

Sighing he sheathed his blade and made his way to the stables.  

It’s been a day since Lord Celestant Balder invited his “guests” he has several witch hunters watching them from a distance for any signs of treachery or duplicity. This city has a painful history dealing with the god of death and he will not let it revert back to those days. Alfred paced the grand cathedral the statue of sigmar looking down upon him, parchments containing text from the book of lighting trailing down every wall. Alfred waiting for the three heads of the noble houses that sided with the rebellion. House Dols, Koch and Vogel. Dols was a fence sitter but joined at a crucial moment, Koch threw a great amount of their wealth into the rebellion and Vogel is the most zealous out of the houses.  

After a few minutes waiting the doors of his Cathedral opened, The heads came forward clearly concerned with why they have been called. All three of them stood before him. The head of house Dols Eckard Dols bore a rather sickly disposition ironically his house is trying hard and working with the colligiate to find a possible cure. Eckard bore and ashen face with greasy brown hair, Alfred looked to Leon Koch the wealthiest noble family. He looked well groomed with blonde hair and blue eyes. Even to this day he is using his wealth to aid in building more temples and churches for the city and the outlying towns.

Finally there is Frieda Vogel, her black hair is tied in a bun and her features looked hawkish. She wore armour almost all the time along with prayer parchment trailing from her armour. Alfred gestured hands out “lords and ladies I thank you for coming on such short notice. I wish to discuss something with all you.” Eckard grumbled “we already know about it. The villagers are screaming to high heaven fearing for their children.” Frieda gave him a sharp glare “the war for this city only ended a few years ago! Yet we allow the dead to our gates! They should be purged!” Aflred sighed “I know, I was there back then I was a humble priest merely carrying out secret services but Lord Celestant Baldwin desire’s his presence.”

Leon shrugged “we can’t gainsay one of sigmar’s chosen not after all they have done for us.” Frieda hissed “perhaps the undead lied to him! His soul his pure and he always seeks to help those in need! Those undead could be connected with the plague!” Alfred pointed at Frieda “we don’t know that yet!  Let’s not jump to conclusions!” Eckard shook his head “she might have a point it’s been a day since they came to our gates and people are dying and deteriorating rapidly and even more people are catching it. This happened in one whole day of the dead arriving at our gates. This… plague causes people to cough black phlegm which then leads to them vomiting blood. This in turn leads to death. The colligate assures me this is not the work of the great enemy. So it might be them or they could be working hand in hand.”

He creased his brow the fear mongering has already started “I have witch hunters watching them. If they cause any trouble I will know. If they are connected to the plague they will deal with it harshly. I place the safety and sanctity of this city above all. Even if the Lord Celestant will hate me for it.” It seems this information has satisfied Frieda and Eckard they both slowly nodded. “Now I told you this because Balder trusts all of you please… do not break it…” All the lords gave a curt nod. Frieda folded her arms “anyway if they try anything or reveal their intentions? The faithful will end it…. That I can assure you...” Frieda walked away without another word. Eckard merely bowed before making his way out. Alfred was left alone with Leon who is shaking his head. “They see enemies around every corner….” he bought his eyes to to the head of house Koch. “They worry for good reason as I do. For now they are outside the city. I am content with that both Frieda and Eckard suffered greatly in the face of the forces of death.” Leon gave a small sigh “yes, Eckard lost his wife all of her blood drained away due to her… “vintage.” and Frieda? Her own brother joined the vampires in their debauchery and became a creature of the night.” Alfred inclinde his head “hence why I cannot dismiss their concerns. I hear your mother caught the plague Leon is she well?” Leon frowned slightly “she has been quarantined within one of our many housing estates. I am doing all I can…” Alfred smiled “sigmar willing she will be well again.” Leon returned his smile “sigmar willing… now I have things to do. Thank you for the information Arch lector.”

He watched Leon leave the cathedral, he then looked up to the statue of sigmar and prayed that all will be well.


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Chapter 14

The next day Baldwin returned as he promised along with the army. Edric folded his arms in a long time some sense of happiness was returning for some reason. He got the feeling things would be better. Baldwin approached “I want you to come on patrol with me. By sigmar’s grace if nothing happens we can talk.” Edric nodded “very well. I will come with you.” He looked up to Jonathan and Kaphiri. Kaphiri rolled her eyes while she held her staff and Jonathan just gave a chuckle. He faced Baldwin “Kaphiri and Jonathan will be coming with us.”

Baldwin smiled his moustache pinching, he remembered that facial expression his smile always eased him. “Very well. I assume them being out and about would ease the people’s fears.” he scratched his bony head “I can see why. The villagers have been giving us looks all day. So are setting off now?” Baldwin placed his helmet on “yes. We are patrolling a road I expect nothing will occur but we can never be too careful.” Baldwin gestured his stormcasts forces fell into marching formation.

His sister also barked an order as the free guild got into formation. Baldwin pointed at him “you will be with me at the front.” Kaphiri mumbled “so he can keep an eye on us…” Edric eyed Kaphiri “enough. Let’s go.” Kaphiri sighed “right.” she turned to Ingo “watch the caravans and don’t wander far. Keep everyone together.” Ingo smiled “don’t worry I know.”

Edirc knew he could trust Ingo he has a head on his shoulders he began walking with Baldwin to the front of the formation. “Let’s go I assume Ingo can handle himself.” Jonathan and Kaphiri nodded as they walked with him to the front with Baldwin. When they got into position they began their march.

Walking the roads she stared at the thing that calls itself her brother. Adela hissed under breath “that is not him…” Aldwin looked over to her “it is why don’t you want to talk to him? Why are you keeping me from talking to him?” Adela looked over to her twin brother. “It’s a trick and think of your reputation! If you get chummy with it people are going to start looking at you! Garthex has a bad history with undead!” Aldwin pressed “but he is our brother! It’s why we formed this free-guild company in the first place! Maybe, just maybe sigmar brought us together for a reason?”  

Adela gripped the reins of her horse “we swore to our mother on her deathbed that we would find him! What are we meant to say to her gave? That our brother is now a shambling corpse? One that accompanies vampires and necromancers!?” She glared at Aldwin “Our brother is dead! Gone! Perhaps sigmar put him in our path to test our faith? That skeleton is merely an echo copying our brother’s words and mannerisms! I won’t believe that disembodied voice for a second!” Aldwin sighed heavily “p-perhaps you are right. The Edric we knew would never make company with the dead…” Adela nodded “exactly! Now you are thinking correctly! Now… focus on the patrol we could be ambushed.”

Her brother gave a curt nod “yes I will remain alert.” Adela smiled at him she then trotted across their lines ensuring that everything is in order. She tried hard not to stare at the walking skeleton that is now mimicking her dead brother.

Balder looked down at Edric he walked silently with them on the road watching for any possible enemies. He tried to strike a conversation “I.. hope you did not suffer too much.” His heart ached when he saw the anger erupting from him asking why he left him. He could not exactly answer. Edric looked up at him. “It was hard… getting used to this. Yet travelling with Kaphiri and the caravans made it bearable…” said Edric. Balder did not know what to make of the necromancer. He has a feeling she does not have his best interests in mind. She does not want to help him but use him. “I see. Do you trust her?” he watched Edric look down slightly “I-I don’t know.”

Balder placed his hand on Edric’s shoulder “anyway do not worry you can stay at Garthex as long as you need to.” even in this state he could see that Edric does trust him as he said “thank you..” Balder smiled “Edric I don’t know why the god of death made you like this. But know this I will help you figure out why or at least find a way to reverse it.” looking at him in such a state right away he feels like an old friend in need of aid. Balder shook his head thinking such a thing. He is an old friend in need of aid and perhaps he has come here for a reason. They crossed paths for a reason he had to believe that. Edric sighed “Nagash wants me to be king of these lands. I was seriously considering it due to the fact chaos rampages with impunity across the lands of the other cities. But… here seems... peaceful.” he nodded to his old friend “all of us worked hard to purge the warbands from these lands. Perhaps you still could be king and in turn potential allies.” Edric’s green eyes lit up slightly “allies? Really?” he inclined his head to him. “Yes I believe sigmar has brought us together. All the pain, hardship and separation must of happened for a reason Edric. I believed that with my whole heart.” His old friend shook his head “yet I had all the suffering heaped upon me…”

Balder tightened his grip “yet it’s through the great suffering that faith can shine. My stormhost has a saying it’s the first canticle of the Hallowed knights. Much is demanded of those to whom much is given. Yes you are a king you carry a heavy burden and your current state. But I feel if we join hands we can bring happiness back to these lands. Just because you are dead does not mean your faith in sigmar has to die with it”

His friend brought up his bony hand “perhaps… perhaps you are right..”Balder smiled under his helm. He could feel a small spark of faith a small ember that can light up into a inferno. They continued to talk, Edric reminding him of old times that he has forgotten as they progressed on the patrol.

Kaphiri hissed under her breath she walked with Jonathan as he slowly trotted with his steed. “He is whispering poison into his mind…” she watched Jonathan look over “perhaps… he is taking his words rather well.” Kaphiri pointed at him and whispered “you are the delegate! The sigmarites are going to snatch him away from us!” Jonathan shook his head “I… don’t think that will happen.” Kaphiri frowned “why do you think that?”

She eyed jonathan waiting for an answer he spoke after a moment stroking his chin. “You see Kaphiri the only one who accepts our skeletal friend is the lord celestant… looking at the faces of everyone else here save the male human they are wondering what he is doing. Just going by the stormcasts body movements they are waiting for Edric to make a false move before caving in his skull. I imagine if the lord celestant was not so taken with Edric they would make attempts to burn the both of us at the stake.” Kaphiri gulped “really?” Jonathan shrugged “it’s just a guess but what I know of sigmarites they will slip up and Edric will come right back into our arms.”

Kaphiri sighed “that’s if we can leave these lands alive...” she looked at Edric she could see how taken in he is by his old friend she wondered what exactly the sigmarites will do in order for them to “slip up” according to Jonathan’s words.

Ingo made sure all the supplies are in order with the other caravan members, he then heard a voice behind him. A voice of a little girl. He turned unsure of what to do. Their clothes are dirty and they looked to be at least ten winters. “So… your friend is walking skeleton?” Ingo looked around “where is your parents?” The girl smiled her face beaming “I snuck away from ma. She said not to talk to you said you were heretics and monsters that spread the nasty disease.” The little girl scratched her head. “But I don’t think you are bad people. Sigmar’s angels like you so you can’t be monsters? Right?” Ingo could not help but smile slightly the innocence of a child. “There are lots of monsters in the realms but my friend seeks to end it.” The girl blinked “so you are not bad guys? My name is… is.. Elly! My name is Elly!”  

Ingo nodded “my name is Ingo. Now Elly you should go back to your parents before you get in trouble.” Ingo shook his head he does not want to cause any trouble so he thought it was prudent to look for a guard to take her away. Suddenly Elly began coughing she dropped to her knees. Ingo rushed over he knelt down. “Are you okay!? What’s wrong!?” The girl hackled “my chest hurts!” the little girl coughed again “black phlegm fell to the floor.” Elly coughed again blood splattered to the ground. Ingo felt slightly apprehensive he grasped her shoulder “Elly can you look up?” Elly slowly nodded she looked up.

Ingo’s hand began glowing with a soft purple light he placed it on her chest. Right away he felt it. The worming disease that now gripped the child all he to do- “get away! Get away corpse worshipper!” A woman came along with a man. Ingo guessed that they are Elly’s parents. The person he assumed to be the husband pushed him back. “What have you done!? If you….!” Elly’s mother scooped her into her arms. Elly cried out “Ma! My chest hurts!”

The mother stared at him full of venom “I saw his hand glowing! Get the guards! They cursed my baby!” The child tried to speak “Ma, wa-” She quieted the child “ssssh. Enough..they will be dealt with.” The mother screamed out again “they are witches! Cursing our children!” The scene caused people to stop their work. Villagers, even guards began to approach him. A crowd gathered around the caravans which caused his fellows to leave their work.

Ingo looked around trying to calm the crowd “Listen! Sh-” a villager cried out “shut up heretic! We know your kind!” Out of the crowd several men pushed through they wore featured hats and leather coats. One of them came forward “I know death magic when I see it. You also touched her chest.” Ingo tried to to answer this accusation “wait! I-”

A stone came flying forward and cracked into the heads of one of his fellows they fell to the ground. Ingo rushed over to them blood streaming from their head. One of the caravan members readied their magic. Ingo called out “wait stop!” A villager cried out “look! They are witches! Warlocks that practice dark magic! They are spreading the disease!” The mother of Elly shouted “my daughter was fine before she met you! It must them!”

The witch hunter that spoke before shook his head “we have one punishment for people like you. We have multiple witnesses for what you did.” He gestured to another witch hunter “go inform the arch lector we will hold them here and they will be punished. It seems sigmar’s chosen can be wrong at times.” Ingo took a step back in fear, the caravan member looked at him “they want to kill us Ingo! We have to!” The witch hunter then pulled out a pistol and shot the member in the leg. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground.

Ingo looked down he wondered how did this happen. Why did this happen? He prayed that Edric and Kaphiri find some reason not to come back. He closed his eyes as the witch hunters piled unto him.

Edric felt slightly jubilant nothing has occured on the patrol and Baldwin has been speaking to him of the prospects of an alliance. They could work together for a common goal a land free from chaos.  He wondered if Nagash approves of this as well? He recalls Mannfred said that Nagash could dominate their actions. If he was doing something wrong he would of expected to deny Baldwin’s words. But he found himself agreeing with everything he said.

They made their way back to Garthex as they reached the village just before the city. Jonathan rode to the front “the air has changed Edric.” he looked up to Jonathan “how so?” Jonathan smiled his eyes flashed red for a moment he breathed in the air. “I smell blood near the gates of the city.” Baldwin shook his head “blood? What are you smelling vampire?” Vizira scoffed “you better not try anything….”

Jonathan began laughing, almost hysterically. Edric wondered what he found so funny he crossed his arms. “Jonathan what is so funny?” Kaphiri strode to the front frowning “yes please do tell us. What is so funny?” Jonathan looked at Kaphiri and merely kept laughing. Kaphiri shook her head “leave him. Perhaps what he is smelling is addeling his mind.” Edric shrugged “perhaps. Let’s make our way to Garthex.” They walked the road leading to the city what Edric found odd is that village is actually somewhat empty.

As they edged closer to the gate he began to hear shouting and jeering. He looked up to Jonathan who is still smirking for some reason. Scratching his head he turned to Baldwin who fell oddly silent edging closer to the gate Edric spotted a crowd of villagers shouting. Baldwin cursed “they wouldn’t have….” Walking towards the gates the crowd turned.

He could see their eyes boring into him in hatred the crowd parted revealing the Arch lector from before with several witch hunters. Baldwin roared in anger “what have you done Alfred!?” Alfred raised his hands “why don’t you ask your “guests” lord celestant? The witch hunters have seen them cursing people.” A mother came forward who is holding her sick child tears in her eyes. Her child has blood and phlegm lining her lips. “My child is sick...It’s their fault! She was fine the day before! She was fine when she went out to play! Soon as she approached them..!”

Edric shook his head in confusion “what is she talking about?” Baldwin took a step forward and spoke firmly “tell me Alfred have they been judged already?” The arch lector nodded “they have. I recommend the rest be taken into custody and executed.” Kaphiri shouted “executed!? For what!? Also… where is Ingo!?” Baldwin bought his eyes to the the warrior-priest “yes where are the rest of my “guests” arch lector?” The arch lector sighed “I hate to agree with Freida but these dead were misusing your pure heart. We have dealt with the situation.” Baldwin pressed “you haven’t answered the question!” his voice boomed like thunder. Alfred gestured “they are just beyond the crowd. They have been judged.” Edric took a step forward watching all of this unfold. “Judged…. What does he mean Baldwin? What does he mean judged?” He could see Baldwin clenching his fists. Baldwin roared “out of the way! Make way this instance!” The crowd parted in fear as his voice boomed across the village. The arch lector’s and witch hunters held their place.

As the crowd moved aside Edric saw it. The jubilant feeling he felt before fell to ashes he did not know what to think. He slowly walked forward and he saw it all the caravan members tied to poles. All of them stoned to death. Ingo’s face and body was a ruined mess you could barely recognise him. Kaphiri cried out “Ingo!” she ran over to him tears pouring down her face. She held his face trying to awaken him “Ingo! Wake up! Please!”

Edric looked at this scene everything Baldwin said before came crashing down. He bought his eyes to Baldwin who faced him “Edric.. I…” Edric hissed “explain!? That this is a mistake!? That perhaps….it's necessary!?” he then recalled the conversation with Abasi. Gods are not exactly good or evil they just have their agenda’s nothing more, nothing less. Edric looked at his bony hands he wondered how Baldwin is going to try and justify it so he asked. “If this is a mistake why did sigmar not stop this? I have seen him take you away. So I know he is watching. Tell me Baldwin as chosen of sigmar if this is a mistake…. Why…?” His old friend looked away for a moment he then faced him sighing. “Lord Sigmar is consumed with his battle against chaos.. He can’t…” Edric roared at him “but he is a god! I heard Nagash speak in my very skull! So a god can’t even spare a few words!?”

Baldwin removed his helm he could see the clear sadness “he could but perhaps he has a reason not to? Perhaps he hopes you would understand this is…” Edric sighed heavily. “Do you know what Baldwin?” I look at Kaphiri crying over Ingo. Do you know what I see in my hollow eyes? Evil. That’s all it is. Evil and neglect.”

Vizira pointed her staff at him it began charging with lightning “watch what you say corpse! After what Nagash has done to the faithful! You dare!” Edric shouted at the stormcast “Of course I dare! All the gods do evil! In the name of their crusades! In the name of their agenda’s! Yet they all do good…. But what I have learned… understood in this very moment….” He pointed at the corpses of the caravan members “what happened here is Evil. But you see stormcast? Evil is evil greater, middling and even lesser. But what I see here also bare’s the stink of righteousness! I know….I know! No one will be punished! All these villagers are going to go back to their homes! Thinking they killed a heathen! That they smote the evil undead worshippers! They can think that, that’s good for them but I know sigmar watched it happen. Sigmar watches as his cities turn into a slums! The very people who survived under the yoke of chaos mistreated and abused! But you will say! They must rise above it! They must understand why!?”

Edric felt frustrated seeing this he understood fully why Mannfred told him to come here. He learned an important lesson but at the same time he knew he will never bow to Mannfred. He cost him Ingo. He will never forgive that. Vizira lowered her staff she looked over to Baldwin “they can’t leave. We have to at least interrogate them. Even if this might be a possible mistake they might know of the plague.” Edric laughed “I see how it is! There it is! The righteousness! I get what Jonathan is laughing about! I get it!” He looked up to Jonathan who is now only smirking he laughed hard. “This is funny isn’t it!?” Jonathan gave a curt nod “indeed it is. The issue is now how are we going to leave.”

Edric looked over to Kaphiri he called out “come over quickly!” Kaphiri wiped her face she ran past Baldwin who stood like a stone. As she approached Kaphiri sniffed “I told you! I tried to say it!” he shook his head seeing her in such a state he bought his eyes to Baldwin. “Prove me wrong Baldwin. Or prove me right. What is your decision? Will you detain us?” Baldwin slowly placed his helmet on. He spoke slowly “Edric. You must stay we can talk and sort this out.. W-” Edric shook his head “so you are proving me right then…” he bought his green eyes to Kaphiri “get to a horse now.”  Kaphiri ran over to one of the blood knights he helped her up.

Edric reached up his hand towards Jonathan. He pulled him up to his saddle. Baldwin took a step forward “don’t run Edric! It will just confirm your guilt in their eyes! Stay we can sort this out!” He looked at his old friend he spoke firmly “I am already guilty in their eyes.” He tapped Jonathan’s shoulder “go. As fast as you can.”

Jonathan nodded “of course” he called out “blood knights move!” The horses broke into a gallop as they rode away crossbow bolts and lighting bolts began trailing through the air. He could hear the jeers and shouts of the crowd as they galloped through the village heading towards the outskirts he knew that they will not be able to chase them. The dark steeds of the blood knights do not tire like normal horses. They can run for an age if they wanted to.

After almost an hour of galloping they now left the lands of Garthex Jonathan looked back “so where do you want to go next?” Edric shook his head “I don’t know…” he looked at Kaphiri who is still weeping. Edric unsheathed his blade, it held no flames. He sighed in annoyance he thought he found his resolve his purpose but the whole event shook him to the core. He sheathed his blade wondering what he should do.

As they walked the path in silence a shadow shot down and landed on the path. Edric hissed “Mannfred!?” The mortarch of night smiled “so tell me Edric how was Garthex?” Edric hopped off Jonathan’s horse he strode towards the vampire. “You knew this would happen! You…” Mannfred sighed “I knew something was going to happen. You now know that no matter what you do the sigmarite’s will view you as an enemy. You are the other… now. Now I have a suggestion.” He clenched his hands in annoyance. “Another suggestion after you got majority of my companions killed!?” The mortarch pointed at him. “You got the caravan members killed. Your decision to be drawn in by your old ties. So let their death’s be a lesson watching from a distance you have much to learn. So I have decided you will come with me to Carstinia. There you will learn the art of rule and how to control the dead. N-” Before he could finish he heard another shrill cry from the air.

Edric recognised that sound another shadow crashed to the ground. “The traitorous cur is correct you need to be taught. I tried to warn you…” The Mortarch of Sacrament Arkhan the Black came forward mounted on his steed Razerak. “You let him draw you in. Now it cost you your companions.” Mannfred hissed at Arkhan “I am in charge of him! He belongs to me liche!” Arkhan shook his head “it seems you are doing a poor job of directing the young king Mannfred.” The vampire spat back “oh after you just left for that place? Without even a word?”

He took a step forward when he heard that “what place? Where did Arkhan go?” Mannfred tutted in annoyance, to Edric it looked like he said something he shouldn't have. The mortarch of sacrament bore his green eyes into him. “I went to Nagashizzar. Our lord has reclaimed his place of power and  he needed me hence why I left. At the time of my leaving I was confident that you could handle Dolthremar and I was right. Now come with me Edric I will finish your education.” Mannfred hissed at the liche “He needs to be a king! Not hunting for artifacts! I can give him what he needs!” Arkhan sighed “so you can coerce him into your legion? It’s clear as day what you are doing vampire.” Mannfred shouted back “you are doing the same thing! Under the veneer that it’s for his own “good”!.”

Edric watched the two Mortarch’s argue he unsheathed his weapon and looked at his sword. He understood both Mannfred’s and Arkhan’s points but he could not agree with either of them. He stared at Kaphiri her eyes are extremely fatigued after crying. He then looked over to Arkhan “I have a request.” Mannfred’s eyes flashed red “you are choosing him!? Y-” Edric shook his head “No. I am not.” the vampire’s eyes calmed slightly “I see... so what do you wish to ask him?” Arkhan echoed Mannfred’s words “I am also quite curious what you want to ask young king.” He nodded “Arkhan, can you take me to Nagashizzar? Perhaps if I go there I would understand why Nagash chose me.” Mannfred began laughing at his request “Nagash will destroy you! Don’t be a fool!" Edric ignored Mannfred he levelled his hollow eyes at Arkhan who is just staring at him in silence. After a moment he nodded “very well. Perhaps this trip will be what you need.”

Mannfred moved in his way “I won’t allow it. Not after everything I worked for to bring you to this point!” Edric walked towards Arkhan “for some reason I get the feeling you won’t stop me Mannfred.” the vampires eyes turned a deep crimson “you don’t think I will?” he placed his hand to his blade. Edric gave Kaphiri one last look “I am sorry for Ingo. Do not worry they will be punished in time.” Kaphiri looked away from him not uttering a single word. Sighing he continued walking Mannfred stood like a stone hissing and baring his fangs. He wrenched his eyes away as he approached Arkhan. Edric stood before Arkhan “so you will take me?” The mortarch inclined his head “yes. But I do not know the mood our master will be in upon our arrival.” he walked up to Arkhan’s mount. Arkhan reached down with his bony hand. Edric grasped it as Arkhan pulled him up with ease. Edric grabbed his shoulders as he sat behind him. “Perhaps we will learn why Nagash allowed you to bare all your memories intact.” said Arkhan. Edric titled his head to the side slightly “what? What do you mean?” the mortarch stroked his chin “maybe he needed you as you are? Or perhaps he foresaw this?”  

The liche ignored his question he flicked the reins of his mount. Razerak gave a shrill cry as he bound forward and leaped into the air. He looked behind him to see Mannfred, Kaphiri and Jonathan vanishing into the distance. A part of him hoped he made the right decision.  


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Part 1 Epilogue

As they flew in-land towards shyish he felt strange. A sense of vigour gripped his bones he looked down he could see strange pyramids are in the process of being built and a long line of skeletons and hooded people walking towards a huge fortress city in the distance.  Arkhan pointed “we are approaching Nagashizzar the seat of our lord’s power.” Staring at the fortress city black spires reaching the gloomy skies, great cathedrals made out of bone dotted the city. In the centre was a tower leading upwards the top of vista obscured by a great purple cloud and wailing spirits.

Edric found his teeth chittering for some reason “so he is there?” The mortarch nodded “yes mind your words and be respectful. If not…” Edric creased his brow “as Mannfred said I will be destroyed?” The liche did not say anything further as that’s all he needed to confirm it. Approaching the walls of the city he saw humanoid figures staked to the walls of the city. He could see them howling in torment. “Who are they?” asked Edric.

Arkhan bought his eyes to the people nailed to the walls “they are followers of chaos do not concern yourself with them.” he looked at them one more time and within his mind he said to himself that they deserved it. Whatever unspeakable horror or agony is being visited upon them they deserve it. They flew onward towards the centre spire and landed.  

He hopped off Razerak and looked up the stairs wondering how many there were. Arkhan also hopped off as he said. “There are ninety-nine stairs, come let us go.” Arkhan began walking up the steps with his steed Edric followed. As they slowly walked up each step seemed heavy for some reason like a part of him did not want to see what is at the top of those steps. To walk further he would lose all that he is but a greater part of him had to be certain. He can’t forgive what happened to Ingo. Jonathan’s laughter made so much sense and he got it as well. He understood but at the same time he was also laughing at himself for being drawn in. He should of known better, Baldwin might of accepted him but no one else did.

They reached the ninety-eighth step one more and they will enter the purple nimbus. He looked at Arkhan who took the next step without hesitation. Edric clenched his hands and ascended the ninety-ninth step, stepping through the cloud he bought his vision to Arkhan who is now removing his helm. He got to one knee, seeing this he quickly followed suit.

Head cast down Arkhan said “My liege the king of Helopolis wanted to see you.” Edric then heard a voice cascading through his skull, the voice sounded like a thousand screaming spirits wailing in agony. “I KNOW HE WANTED TO SEE ME. I KNEW BEFORE HE UTTERED THE WORDS TO COME HERE.” Edric found his teeth chittering again loudly. He did not know what to say or to do. “YOU DO NOT NEED TO SAY ANYTHING FOR I KNOW YOUR MIND. FOR I AM YOU. LOOK UP AND SEE ORDER. CERTAINTY. THE FRUITLESSNESS OF LIFE ITSELF.”  for some reason did as he bade he slowly bought his head upwards. What greeted him is a colossal skeletal figure wearing an elaborate crown. Dark ridged armour covered his form along with wailing spirits dancing around his frame. Staring at Nagash everything he knew started to crumble. Whatever Baldwin is doing is fruitless and will soon turn to dust with all those that worship sigmar. Staring at the lord of the dead for some reason he could sense displeasure at the state of Helopolis and the surrounding lands. “I AM DISPLEASED THE GREAT WORK IS IN IT’S BEGINNING STAGES. ALL WITHIN SHYISH NEEDS TO BE ALIGNED TO MY WILL. TELL ME WHY ARE YOU NOT DOING MY WILL?

He wondered why Nagash asked such a question it’s clear he knows why he is here. But for some reason he felt terrified to say it. Fear has been a rare partner since he became undead but at this moment he feels it within his bones. He cast his head down thinking of the state of Helopoils, the vampires misusing the land, ignoring chaos, his own companions being stoned to death. Compared to all of that thinking of it in its entirety he is powerless to stop it. He is powerless to end it. “YOU FELT SUCH A WAY YET MY MORTARCH’S OFFERED THEIR HANDS TO AID YOU. YET YOU REJECTED THEM. TO REJECT THEM IS TO REJECT NAGASH.”  As he spoke, he felt his mind buckling for some reason twisting and breaking, Edric looked up Nagash’s hand is glowing. Staring at that light, his mind began crumbling away.


Arkhan suddenly spoke “my liege…” Nagash boomed “SPEAK FAVOURED SERVANT.” the mortarch of sacrament looked up. “We both offered our hands but after speaking with the young king he see’s merits in both of us. Yet he cannot swing towards one way he understands the words and ways of the mortarch of night and yet  he understands loyalty, order and commitment. Suc-” Nagash interrupted Arkhan “I SEE VERY WELL.” Edric wondered what just happened for the god of the dead to cut Arkhan off. Nagash then pointed his skeletal talon at him. “YOU WILL JOIN MY GRAND HOST. YOU WILL BE A LORD OF NAGASHIZZAR, CHAMPION OF MY ORDER. MY MAILED FIST OF HATE AND FURY.” Before Edric could say anything a stream of purple energy surged out of his talon and crashed into his skeletal frame. He roared in agony, he felt a part of himself dying, turning cold and dead. The energy subsided he gasped he felt different but he could not understand why. “YOU WILL STAY HERE FOR A TIME AND LEARN, DRINK FROM THE WELLS OF KNOWLEDGE OF THIS CITY. THEN YOU WILL LEAVE AND DO MY WILL. NOW LEAVE.” Arkhan rose and placed his helm on. Edric stared at Arkhan for some reason he could see a strange flame. Before he could get lost in it he rose and followed him back down the stairs.

As they walked he stopped “Arkhan.” hearing his own voice it’s far more disembodied than it was before, the liche stopped he stared at him. “Tell me Arkhan why do I feel so empty?” The mortarch faced the stairs “for you are now empty inside just like our liege. Just like us. Come young king you have much to learn.” He followed Arkhan he searched himself wondering what he exactly he lost.       


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Chapter 15

He sat on his bed sorting through the medical supplies it’s been hard since the years have been catching up on him. Studying magic and the art of death has given him some measure of vigour at least, he wondered how long has it been since Mannfred has last contacted him? Even when visiting the meeting spot he does not answer his calls either. Abasi closed the lid grimacing “many have lost faith and now blame me for their missing children…” he shook his head sadly. He even has lost a measure of faith he is not certain of the future anymore at most he is just awaiting his eventual death.He at least hoped when he dies he can be at peace and if he is raised as one of the dead he no longer needs to think, to worry.

Placing the medical supplies to one side he heard his lock moving. Abasi rose readying his magic his weary bones creaking in the motion. What caused him to worry even more is instead of the lock being destroyed it merely just crumbled to the dust. The door slowly moved forward revealing a cloaked and hooded figure. He could feel that whatever being is in front of him is steeped in a great amount of death magic. A strange chill gripped his house as they slowly walked into his house and closed the door behind them.

The intruder looked around and picked up the stool next to the door and bought it over towards him. Abasi found his breathing turning hoarse he knew if he attacked he would die. This person before him will kill him without hesitation. He gulped “what do you want?” The figure merely set the stool near the bed and sat down he gestured to the bed. Abasi stared at the armoured hand he could see the metal is of the darkest midnight but also bore a slight purple glint. He sighed lowering his hands, the magic subsiding. It seems that whoever this is does not want to kill him. He sat on his bed and stared at them. “I ask again what do you want?” The intruder looked around the house as he said “how long have you been waiting?” his voice was cold like the grave itself. Not even baring a hint of emotion it chilled him but at the same time it felt familiar.

Abasi’s mouth felt dry “I don’t know what you are talking about…” the figure spoke again “has Mannfred come to see you? Knowing him I guess not… he was surprised to see Nagash did not destroy me…” he raised his eyebrow hearing that. “Who are you?” The intruder finally lowered his hood revealing a skull and two piercing green eyes. Staring at them his mind turned blank it was like his death was staring at him. “It’s not a surprise you don’t remember. Perhaps it was the hardship, but for now it will end. Abasi your wait is over come with me.” The wight rose from his seat and offered his hand. “Nagash’s judgement will fall upon this city. Since you have laboured for the great necromancer you have the right to see it.” He looked at the hand, all the drive and certainty that kept him going started to ebb back. That perhaps there was a reason for all of this he slowly grasped the wight’s hand.  

He stood on the float moving through the Noble district his lady is throwing a parade in order to show her power and solidifying a full alliance with Morzzar. There is even word that people can pass through the forest of Ballex leading towards the north and his Lady’s agents and diplomats are at work in engaging with the savages to the north. Leonard smiled he stood on the float at her side with Jarrick, Sofia and Aten and a host of blood knights marching on foot. The float itself is made of obsidian lifted by enslaved souls of those they feasted upon.

He looked over to Sofia who looked clearly bored. Leonard hissed whispering “be at attention! We are in her presence!” Sofia jumped slightly and sighed she gave a curt nod. Lady Masika chuckled “also so dutiful Leonard…” Leonard gave a small bow “thank you my lady I only wish to serve.” Jarrick smiled in approval to his words he watched Aten rolling his eyes in annoyance. Masika looked forward “once an accord has been met with the tribals of Boliszar I will gather the heads and then we can discuss Garthex…” Leonard’s eyes lit up “you mean war my lady?” a smile tugged at his mistresses lips “what else? We can’t allow the minions of sigmar to expand their reach plus engaging with them might bring the wrath of Nagash upon our heads.”

Jarrick suddenly gripped the handle of his weapon “what of the rumors my Lady?” Masika raised her eyebrow “the “king?” With the Morghast spotted five years ago? I have been on the lookout. Perhaps the reason why we can pass through the forest of Ballex was his doing? We have to remember he might not be a king at all and is merely serving the rivals of our Queen. If he is sighted kill him. I don’t want the province being destabilized and descending into open warfare since many would seek to exploit him.” Jarrick inclined his head “I see my queen.” Leonard watched his lady smile. “Now enough politics smile for my people!” Masika gave a small wave to the nobles. He also tried to smile but for some reason he heard a ringing sound at the back of his head. He shook his head “focus on the defense of the mistress and smile for the people…”

He gave a small wave a noble child pointed at him tugging the dress of his mother jumping with jubilation. Seeing such a sight shows him he is fighting for the right reasons. Eventually all the cities will be like this.

He watched the parade from within the crowd he wore a cloak and hood he hissed in annoyance. “My master gave me this task to watch…but I have been here for years!?” Jonathan whispered silently to himself. He gazed at the blood knights on the float and those marching in front of it. A part of him guessed that his lord posted him here because he might still be annoyed with Edric’s decision. As delegate it was a failure on his part in not guiding him correctly, perhaps he should of pushed harder in keeping him away from the sigmarites? He soon thought on the state of his vampiric sister and her small and pointless crusade against Garthex. At most Mannfred is using her to distract and probe the defences of Garthex but nothing more than that.

He held his gaze on the road for a moment more until a figure walked on the road. At once the blood knights placed hands on weapons. Jonathan chuckled watching this he wondered what sort of fool would step onto the road. He shrugged “he has a death wish…” Jonathan watched a blood knight stride to the idiot. The vampire called out “get back into the crowd!”

The figure stood there like a stone, the blood knight unsheathed his blade and simply went to killing the fool. The blade moved towards the hooded figure until like lightning his blade flicked out and was planted in the throat of the knight. A surge of balefire erupted from the sword burning the vampire to a crisp. Jonathan’s mouth hanged upon seeing such a spectacle but what shocked him more is the sword itself. He recognised it. “There is no way…” the cloaked attacker then twisted the familiar blade taking the head off the blood knight.

As the head rolled on the floor a silence gripped the whole upper level. Jonathan looked around “if it’s really that bone-headed idiot…” the hooded figure unclipped their cloak as it fell to the ground his eyes went wide. He saw Edric wearing dark armour with a purple glint, around his neck dangling on his breastplate is a small hourglass that contains strange sand. His old charge pointed his blade at the blood knights. “He knows and he sees for he is eternal. Unending. You parade and laugh while the lands are still broken. These lands do not feed Nagash’s glory or his will…..” Jonathan stared at Edric wondering what on earth he is planning.

Seeing this spectacle Masika simply laughed “who are you to speak for Nagash!? My knights remove this fool from my sight. He is spoiling my mood.” his old charge lowered his sword and raised his other hand to the sky. “So you are truly blind then….” his hand then turned into his a fist. “If that’s the case Nagash’s judgement will fall…” Jonathan watched a purple light build in his fist and then suddenly dissipate.

After a moment he heard an intense ringing within his mind. He wondered what it was then he looked up to the crystals that were now shaking. The ringing turned louder and louder until it stopped. All colour drained from the two colossal crystals as a deluge of spirits poured down upon them.” everyone stared at the spirits falling towards them in silence but as a hexwraith galloping in the air holding it’s scythe slashed upon the throat of a noble panic reigned. He watched Edric charge at the blood knights as he began cutting them down with ease. The spirits around him roared in agony as they killed all they came into contact with them. Jonathan stood wondering why this is happening, how this could happen. He then smiled knowing this could be an opportunity he could see that the spirits were not actually killing everyone. They only aimed to kill certain people.

He bought his vision to himself he could see that the spirits were ignoring him. He moved to the side street to lay low he will make his move once the time is right.

Leonard watched the chaos that consumed the streets he wondered how did he use the crystals above the city. He looked down to his Lady who is shaking her head in disbelief “i-it’s impossible… it can’t be…” The wight jumped on the float and began walking towards them. Jarrick nodded to both him and Sofia “protect Lady Masika! Come Aten!” Aten smiled “a dusty old skeleton thinks he is equal to us?” Both of them charged and engaged the wight.

He then moved to his mistress and called out “we have to move now!” Maskia merely shook her head “there is no point...we...are…” Leonard then heard a scream, he turned behind him to see that Aten’s head is now missing from his shoulders. Jarrick roared as he attacked the wight like a mad animal. The attacker merely parried the blows while his other hand snapped around Jarrick’s neck. “You fight for a false cause vampire. Nagash has allowed me to show some of you clemency. Take it and be spared or die and be forgotten.” Jarrick hissed back “silence! I se-” Leonard watched a strange hourglass charm glow with a sickly purple light. Jarrick screamed as he suddenly burst into dust.

The carnage that is happening around them, Jarrick dying so easily he felt strange. He felt… fear. He was terrified. The wight strode over the dust towards them his emotionless voice speaking in a calm manner. “What is your choice? Oblivion or service?” Leonard looked around the side streets, nobles, guards and even the young are being torn apart by the spirits. He then bought his vision to Sofia their eyes met. Sofia instantly dropped to his knees. “I see Nagash’s will and obey.” Leonard shook his head seeing this “sofia… why?” She simply kneeled head cast down in silence. He looked over to his lady who seemed so reserved and yet shocked. The wight then looked up at him. “Don’t not make me repeat myself. What is your answer?” His grip on his blade trembled for some reason his mind raged to fight or die. To do his du-he thought of duty.

When that word entered his mind he found himself slowly dropping to his knee. He stammered “I-I obey…” The skeleton silently walked over to Masika who sat shaking her head. She looked up to the wight “what did I do wrong?” The wight drew his blade back “everything.” He  then stabbed his mistress who cried in pain, balefire consumed her form. The attacker then shoved her body aside and sat on her throne. “Also you were in my chair” he intoned.

Leonard looked up “yo-” The skeleton bought his deathly gaze at him “it’s my king or my lord. As decreed by our lord and master. Now rise.” Leonard did as he bade so did Sofia. His new lord then looked over to the side street. “Jonathan come here.” Leonard turned to where the new king was looking then of the side street a cloaked figure came out shaking his head. He could see some measure of surprise under the hood, They walked to the float and hopped on. “Edric I-” hearing the name Leonard looked at the one sitting on the throne.

The one he bowed to is Edric. His new king pointed at the cloaked figure named Jonathan “Kneel. I offer you the same choice Oblivion or Service.” Jonathan shook his head “don’t I already serve you? I w-” Edric cut him off. “You serve Mannfred. Kneel or face death.” he said flatly Leonard blinked wandering what he was to the wight. Plus the fact he served the mortarch of night. He sighed at the fact that such a spy was in the city.

Jonathan removed his hood, Leonard could see he seemed apprehensive and slowly got to his knee. The wight then spoke “good, you are now part of his grand host. Rise Jonathan.” The vampire rose frowning.  His new lord then said “Abasi! The table!” To the side of the float an old wreckled man walked to the side and held up a small table. His lord then looked at him “take the table from him.” when he heard the order it seemed he was in limbo for some reason. He stood like a stone until Sofia went over to the side of the float and grabbed the table and bought it over. She placed it in front of him. “The table my lord.” Edric inclined his head to sofia.

He then bought his vision to Jonathan. “You have a map of the province?” silently Jonathan reached into his cloak and pulled out a map and placed it on the table. Leonard looked at the wight “what is this for…m-my lord.” His new king pointed to each of the cities apart from Dolthremar. “We are planning for war.” Leonard’s eyes bulged “b-but we have peace! If we ju-” The skeleton hissed at him “false peace for cowards! Peace for fools! Peace for traitors and oathbreakers allowing the great enemy to roam unchecked! No…. they shall be judged...” he pulled out a dagger from his belt and stabbed into the location of Morzzar. “My judgement for Morzzar… all the nobles will be purged for mishandling the underworld. The soulvars will be gang pressed into our armies. They may serve in repentance for their greed or rot within their confines. The outlying hamlets and villages shall be left alone. They have committed no crime...” Hearing this he just shook his head in disbelief.

He could see Jonathan is also shocked at his words. His lord then bought up another knife and stabbed into the location of Boliszar. “The hard people of the north have finally joined the rest of the province after I made contact with the five sisters! Yet they have taken fancy with the maidens sent by the false queen! They will be judged harshly!” His king then pulled out one more knife and stabbed it into Garthex. “The people of Garthex has committed the highest crime of all! Bowing to sigmar the soul-thief! Crying praise to Sigmar Barbarian! Sigmar the traitor! Who almost cost the Undying king his kingdom! Their punishment will not just end in death! Every torment will visited upon their souls as their carcasses are added to Nagash’s host!” Leonard stared at the map a part of him wondered if he should of chosen oblivion. This new king is driving them to all out war.

He looked over to Sofia who is smiling ear to ear after what she just heard. The wight then looked up to him. “You are unsure? Why? You are part of Nagash’s grand host!? Why are you uncertain!?” Leonard looked around him “my lord the city is in chaos and you wish to talk of war!?” Jonathan also came forward “the blood knight is correct my king. Let’s secure ourselves then prepare…” Edric then raised his blade it thrummed with green and blue fire that began shooting towards the bodies of the dead. After a few moments they began to twitch and rise as shambling deadwalkers. The spirits that attacked everyone began flying up to the crystals returning the shimmering purple colour. “We are preparing for war now. The spirits have systematically annihilated majority of the upper and lower district. The survivors are the ones who held true to Nagash. Now the “poor” district is fully intact I will have the dead intone my words to them. Eredas is already Marshalling his host.”  

Leonard almost raised his voice “we can’t trust them!? They are slaves! Cattle! Plus Eredas has been silent for years!” the skeleton then pointed his blade at him. “Don’t you dare insult the head warden’s loyalty! Plus if you were not so busy eating the people of the “poor” district you would have grand coven’s of death mages that have been waiting for this very moment! The ones I cannot trust are those who have ruined Nagash’s lands! So don’t speak of trust to me!” He then lowered his blade and raised his other hand, purple mist began trailing to the dead. “Take my words to the faithful… the city is now ruled by a Lord of Nagashizzar. Those who bend knee and serve will have the right to earn new living prospects in order to shape these lands into a new image…” His king then looked up at him. “Also a blood tithe and new laws ensuring the continued wellbeing of the mortal population will be drafted..” the deadwalkers began shambling away mimicking his words, their voices distorting heavily as they spoke.     

Leonard curled his lip in annoyance “blood tithe…?” Jonathan raised his eyebrow “don’t you do that? Such rules are often used in lands ruled by Von Carsteins or do you just drain any humans you can get your hands on?” Leonard hissed at the get of Mannfred. “Silence yo-” Edric then spoke firmly “enough. Both of you prepare to move the throne to the castle.” He then stood up right. Leonard’s eyes met with Jonathan they hissed at each other as they made to the throne to lift it up. As his hands grasped the throne he realised in that moment his mistresses dream is truly dead uniting the land without brutal war…. He will also never meet the blood queen since in her eyes he is most likely a traitor.      

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Chapter 16

He sat in the throne room gazing at the surviving nobles all of them vampires. To him they looked pathetic they would not survive a day in Nagashizzar. Their faces clearly show a mixture of disdain and fear for they know within their dead hearts that he has been sent by Nagash. He looked up to Jonathan who is now no longer wearing a cloak. His short black hair and chiselled face held a grin. The sort of grin that thinks he is in control.

He thought on Sofia and Leonard who are out maintaining “order”, it’s not necessary since the crystals were used. All know the stories, all know the legends for he can easily kill and raise those who seek to disrupt Nagash’s order. He began thinking of them specifically Sofia merely seeks war. Under the false queen she was languishing hence she readily gave her loyalty. Leonard was the oddity he expected for him to choose oblivion but duty is at the core of who he is. When it came between choosing his mistress next to a god there is not much choice there. A vampiric noble came forward breaking his concentration “you killed all my living family members! Wha-”

Edric pointed at the vampire he activated the gift given to him by the undying king, the vampire suddenly burst into dust. “So I have. Now you are dead.” he lowered his hand that display caused the rest of the nobles to fall in line. Jonathan is merely raising his eyebrow “was that necessary?” he looked up to him “yes it was. Masika encouraged weakness and debauchery. I will not tolerate such things. Mannfred wouldn't, neither would Arkahn.” He watched Jonathan fidget slightly as he mentioned the mortarch’s. The doors to the hall then opened several dark robed people walked into the room at the head of Abasi. The nobles at most curled their lips in disgust as they came forward and knelt before him. Abasi looked up “my lord all the covens in the… poorest districts have given their support. They are now raising the dead from their private tombs.” he then gestured to the other cowled deathmages “these are their representatives.” Edric looked at the deathmages kneeling “as I have said you serve well in the army you gain better housing and status. A time will come when you will be given that opportunity. In the next three weeks I wish to march on Garthex.”  

Everyone in the hall looked at him in surprise, Jonathan looked down at him “that’s not… enough time…” he looked up at his “delegate” “if Kaphiri joins us our forces should be enough. Along with Eredas’ cohorts. I will have the castle smith prepare the wargear of the grave guard of the city.” Jonathan shook his head “since you left… things have been complicated…”

He rested his head on his fist. “It does not matter if it’s complicated or not. I know she is living in a nearby forest terrorising the villages. What I will offer she will get what she wants. She won’t refuse.” Jonathan sighed “if you say so…” he rose from his throne he could see Abasi shifting due to their conversation. “Abasi you will be with me when we visit Kaphiri. I am quite sure you are eager to see her…” the old man looked up his eyes welling up he then lowered them. “Thank you my lord.”

He swept out his hand “all of you are dismissed! Prepare for war!” all the nobles and deathmages gave a small bow before leaving the hall. Once he was left alone with Jonathan he asked “how do you want me to prepare?” Edric looked at the vampire “gather your blood knights. I want them ready and marshalled.” Jonathan gave a small bow “what of you my king?” he stroked his chin “I am going to visit the castle blacksmith…”

She sat in the carriage she stole from nobles that wandered too close to her forest. The driver she devoured and to this day drives the carriage by her will. At the moment it’s moving through her woods, she likes to go on these drives to contemplate how to exactly proceed in her revenge. She does not merely want to kill those who bow to sigmar but to torment them. Kaphiri started at her two handmaidens village girls that wandered into her forest. The first is Victoria Brecht, she wore a dark black gown her stark blonde hair at odds with her pale features and the second is Katrin Rosen. Her gown is white and her long hair is braided in a ponytail. Katrin looked at her “I am hungry…” Victoria also echoed “yes mother when can we eat? Many do not wander into the forests...”

Kaphiri flicked her now white stark hair, she looked down to her black dress. She then bought her eyes upward “perhaps we will visit a village tonight? Some people might end up vanishing in the night today?” Both her vampiric children beamed at the prospect of terror and fresh blood. The carriage suddenly ground to a halt. She smiled “perhaps dinner is coming to us?” Kaphiri stood up and opened the door to her carriage. Standing on the steps with her bare feet she looked at the ones who stopped them.

She could see a group of bandits are now standing before her gazing at her deathly beauty like gawking fools. She eyed the ten of them wearing makeshift armour, she guessed they were another group of criminals running from the authorities. Being a criminal is hard in Garthex considering the iron-grip of the stormcasts and the free guild. The bandit leader strode towards her grinning “hey lass do you have room for all of us on your carriage? Pretty cold in these woods…” the leader then climbed the steps of the carriage. “How about w-” Kaphiri readied her talons and in a swift motion cut open the throat of the leader.

Blood sprayed as he collapsed backward onto the ground all the bandits in reflex got weapons ready. She slowly stepped down the steps of the carriage holding her skirt slightly. Kaphiri looked down to the leader “Like I would allow myself to be touched by a disgusting cur like you!” She then bought her eyes to the rest who are now terrified. “You thought you found pretty maidens to use? Unfortunately you walked into your deaths...” as she spoke Katrin leaped out of the carriage and fell upon the bandit leader. She guzzled at the blood leaking from his throat.

Victoria poked her head out “you can’t have all of it Katrin!” Katrin ignored her sibling and continued draining the remaining lifeblood. Kaphiri turned her head slightly to Victoria “don’t worry I will make more…” She flicked her hand, skeletal hands shot up from the ground and grabbed the legs of bandits. The dead rose and latched upon the remaining humans, she then faced them and spread out her hands “there is more than enough to go around…” She strode to one, she grabbed him and sank her fangs into their neck. She drank deeply of the crimson fluid until the human jerked in her arms and sagged. The skeletons dropped the human once she was done.

Victoria was now already picking out her meal, Katrin is already tearing out the throat of another bandit. Kaphiri licked her lips, they made their way one by one until eventually only one remained. Victoria and Katrin clearly wanted the last one but she bared her fangs at them “enough! The last is mine back to the carriage!” Both of them tutted while wiping their faces. They steadily walked back to the carriage pouting and hissing.  

She bought her eyes to the last victim who is shaking in fear, she stared at his face he seemed young, fresh even. The young man spoke “p-please.. S-spare m-me my lady…” She narrowed her eyes at him, his fair skin, black hair and brown eyes. The young man reminded her of someone she lost. Thinking of the one that caused his death fills her with a cold rage she stared at the young man her icy rage began slowly melting. “Tell me what’s your name?” The young man blinked “w-what?” She spoke firmly “I asked for your name.” after prodding slightly harder he stammered out. J-Joshua V-Voit…” She gave Joshua a soft smile “do you want to come with me Joshua?”

Tears began welling up in his eyes “I don’t understand…. What do you want!?” Kaphiri wanted this young man by her side. She needed him. Kaphiri gently embraced him affectionately, she bade the skeletons let go. Joshua began struggling in her grip as she sank her fangs into his neck. Slowly he turned slack in her arms. She bought her fangs back she could see Joshua’s eyes dilating. She bit into her wrist drawing blood and forced it onto Joshua’s mouth.

At first there was some small measure of resistance but soon enough he began greedily drinking from her wrist. Until he gasped, his head sagged back. Kaphiri then swept up Joshua’s now dying body and slowly walked to the carriage. As she stepped on Victoria and Katrin were staring as she sat. She played with Joshua’s hair slightly “I will make sure I will look after you this time…”

He opened the door leading to the castle smithery he sensed a powerful spirit dwelling within this room. The smithy bore a forge, the tools lined the table but what held his interest is that the room is half blown away revealing a clear view of the towering crystals. Edric walked to the middle of the room he called out. “Blacksmith! Attend to me!” the forge erupted with a blue fire the tools lining the table began hovering. As the phenomena gripped the room a ghostly form appeared before him, coalescing together to form a humanoid shape a black shroud covered the kneeling form. The head of the figure moved up slightly as a disembodied voice emerged from the hood. “My king what do you require of me?” Edric looked upon the blacksmith “I require arms and armour for the grave guard. I wish to march upon Garthex in three weeks.” The ghost inclined his head downwards “It shall be done…”

He turned away from the smith to allow him to start his work but stopped upon the blacksmith speaking again. “My king a request…” Edric turned. “What is it?” The wraith bowed deeper “my name is Yarvick I tolled for the old king but he chained me to my smithy. I would serve willingly but my work can eclipse what I did for him if-” before the smith could finish he drew his blade. He could see the threads that hold the ghost to the smithy he simply passed his blade through the threads cutting them with eae. He then sheathed his blade. “I expect greatness from you. Don’t disappoint me.” said Edric.

Yarvick held his lowered head “thank you my king...I shall labour to give you what you need.” He looked upon the blacksmith one more time before leaving the room as the door closed he began to hear the hammering of metal. As the metal clanked with hammer he could tell the wraith was eager to work. He needs ones like him, those eager to serve Nagash’s will. He strode down the hall, now he has to visit every barrow and tomb in the city to rouse the grave guard that will make the bulk of his army.

Standing with Sofia in the now quiet noble district unnerved him he pressed his lord to at least use some of the dead to ensure there was some measure of order. In the end it was not needed. There was no one to rebel, all shut themselves in their homes not daring the wrath of the one who used the crystals. Leonard creased his brow “why did I bow? I-” Sofia tapped his shoulder “because you wanted war and you knew your true duty was not to Masika.” He bared his fangs at Sofia “but we were so close to uniting the land!? Then…” his fellow blood knight shook her head sighing. “Tell me how long would such an agreement last? They have forgotten the mailed fist of Nagash. They have forgotten his gaze, at most they would seek to benefit from the deals. While debauchery reins chaos will grow in the background. Trust me on this Leonard be glad Nagash sent a lord of Nagashizzar than the god himself turning up.” Hearing her reasoning he had to remember that she is older than him. “So what if Nagash turned up?” Sofia removed her hand from his shoulder. “He once made a desert out of people’s blood. Annihilated nations ens-” he raised his hand to stop her speaking. “I get your point. There is one more thing I am worried about. Is he a pa-” his vampiric sister flatly said “no he is not. He is not a pawn of the Mortarch of Night. He is part of Nagash’s grand cohorts they can’t exactly order him around for he is a lord of Nagashizzar. In a sense we are also part of the grand cohorts. We “lost” our place with the blood queen.” he stared at Sofia he could see she is clearly not broken up by such a fact.

He wiped his hands down his face sighing. “Does it not bother you? What would the blood queen say if we cross her?” she gave a casual shrug in response. “I was never the one for intrigue even if Masika pressed me towards it. Leonard you must remember that many vampires do not stay with their respective masters. Some go to bow to the feet of Nagash, others strike it on their own to create their own fiefdoms. There are even vampires who seek to learn at the feet of the Mortarch of Sacrament. The advantage of being in the grand host? We now have quite a large amount of autonomy from the mortarch’s. Perhaps one day the great necromancer may grace us with his presence.” Leonard shook his head “considering what you said the god of death can do I am not exactly eager to meet him.” Sofia gave a whimsical laugh. “Stop worrying dear Leonard just focus on the things we are good at...blood and war. Considering our king’s rage when announcing what he will do to Garthex I imagine we will get to cut loose.” he sighed and relented she had a point. A part of him always wanted to war. He was not one for politics either.

He looked down the empty road at most he could see hooded necromancers walking about with throngs of dead preparing for the coming conflict. A conflict that will see these lands drenched in blood.

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Had to make some edits in chapter 13 since I got a minor character's name wrong MULTIPLE times D: 

Chapter 17

It’s been two weeks since Edric’s announcement the whole city is gearing towards all out war. He looked back to his gathered blood knights when he told them that they are marching to war and Edric has returned it was met with shock. Jonathan shook his head. “They were more shocked that we are marching in three weeks.” he wondered when Mannfred will contact him again. Edric being on the throne is an opportunity they can’t waste. He then looked at the back of the formation. A knight was directing a cart holding three large coffins that are rattling heavily he had the extra “gift” prepared since he wants to remain in the good graces of the king.

He sent word for him to wait at the fountain at the foot of the steps leading to the upper district as they made their way to the centre of the city the wight stood there awaiting them. Jonathan rode towards Edric he smiled. “My lord I have gathered my forces.” Edric looked upon his knights. “I see. What is that behind you?” Jonathan gestured to the cart. “I decided to get you something extra my lord. I do hope it pleases you.” The cart came down the road and stopped several paces away from Edric. He could see his attention being brought to the coffins. “I wish to inspect the contents of the coffins.” Jonathan’s eyes went wide “I don’t think that is a good idea..” the wight bought his hollow eyes upon him. “Open the coffin now.” he said firmly. He sighed at the skeleton’s words he hopped off his horse and had several of his knights help take the coffins off the cart they were placed before his king.

He watched the wight place his hand on the coffin he chuckled. “Open it.” Jonathan looked down at the coffin. “Can you c-” Edric cut him off. “I said open the coffin not wander whether I can handle it or not.” the wight the took a step back and gazed at them waiting for his order to be done. He grit his teeth due to this whole situation, the skeleton has a death wish. Only vampires with strong wills can dominate what is within the coffins. He gestured to his knights to surround the coffin with weapons out. He went to work opening it soon as the locks were undone he took a step back and drew his sword. The lid of the coffin flicked open as a black shadow shot upwards it dove to the ground kicking up dust. Jonathan moved his hand to his eyes, he looked up to Edric who merely walked forward. As the dust cleared his “gift” is now in full view. A vargheist that is now snarling at them with stained fangs, red-dark fur lined it’s pale muscled back.

His king looked upon the beast he is casually walking towards it. Jonathan walked forward and grabbed his shoulder. “My lord let us handle the creature. We can control it.” Edric shoved his hand away and in silence moved towards it. The beast snarled at him and made its way to pounce upon the wight. Jonathan was about to call out to move upon the beast, but as it edged closer to Edric before it could make contact he punched the vargheist across the face sending the beast to ground.

It whimpered slightly as it got to its feet and made another snarl, his king walked up to the beast and punched it in the face again. He could not understand what is happening before him, His lord then cracked the beast across the face again. It began slinking back slightly. His King finally spoke “you work for me beast. You are mine to use if you do not do my will you will be punished are we clear?” the vargheist gave a low growl as it then circled Edric. It sniffed him before relaxing slightly. His lord then looked upon the other coffin. “Open it.”

Jonathan felt like he was in trance with what he is seeing his lord intoned again. “I said open the other casket Jonathan.” He shook his head as the order came to his ears again. He ordered the knights to open the coffin but this time he did not feel exactly worried. As the beast shot out he watched the same occur, his king disciplined the beast to get it to do exactly what he wanted. The same happened with the third, as the vargheists began trailing behind him he nodded to him “this gift will be used well Jonathan. Smart thinking, it’s good to get more air support.” He raised his eyebrow hearing such a statement. “More air support?” His lord pointed up “I have been keeping something special on the side just in case it’s needed. Pray I never need to call them to kill you.” Jonathan looked up “is it what I think it is?” his king gave a dark chuckle “indeed it is. Now we have much more to do almost all the grave guard have been raised from their barrows. Just one more week left remember?” As he walked away with his gift, the vargheists  followed like beaten dogs they snarled at each other as they followed the wight.

He stared at Edric walking up the steps he wondered what exactly has happened for him to change this much. He clenched the handle of his weapon. “He can be used...there is no way he could change in such a short time…” he sheathed his blade and began barking orders to his knights for them to get ready for the coming war. The march on Garthex will be the perfect opportunity to steer him to the mortarch of night’s ends and in turn he could win more favour with his true lord.

Kaphiri sat at the table within her manor, bats nest in every corner and the family and guards that used to own this manor as a holiday home now walk the halls as shambling skeletons. She made everything in these woods hers, her get were all drinking blood from goblets apart from one. She bought her gaze to him. “Joshua drink.” Joshua looked down at the cup of red fluid his lips slowly parted revealing his fangs. He instantly covered them and looked away.

She eyed the ex-bandit in annoyance. “Tell me you were a cutthroat what’s the problem? Why can’t you drink?” Joshua’s eyes flashed from grey to red as he tried to resist the beverage that is in front of him. He slowly moved his hand away from his mouth. “I only fell in with them due to the plague consuming my village…” As he mentioned plague she heard whispers of it in the night whenever she visits the surrounding villages. Victoria lowered her cup and wiped her mouth “it was that bad? In my village everyone caught the plague, they lynched my mother and father while chasing me out of the village as witch since we were not affected.” Kaphiri smiled “then I found you.” Victoria smiled back showing her fangs. “Indeed mistress.” Katrin drained the contents of her goblet “I wonder where the plague is coming from? No matter what the priests or colligate do no cure can be found.” Kaphiri pouted in annoyance. “They are more frightened from the disease than me… that’s a problem. I remembered the days when they whispered in fear of me. Calling me the lady of sorrow, the blood maiden…” Katrin dabbed her mouth with a cloth. “Then the witch hunters came so fanatical weren’t they?” She smiled in return to her vampiric daughter. “Indeed but now their carcasses are part of this forest and a part of my host.”

Slowly with time she is building an army, then she can get her revenge. She will spread her blood among the surrounding villages and march them up on Garthex. She bought her eyes to Joshua who still has not even taken a sip from his goblet. Sighing she got up from her seat and walked over to him. She looked down at his cup and nodded. Kaphiri placed her wrist over it and traced her talon across her wrist allowing a few droplets of her blood to mix into the red fluid.

As her blood trickled into the cup, Katrin and Victoria hissed in annoyance she could see both of them were clearly jealous. Once the wound healed she moved her wrist away from the cup and looked upon Joshua. She gestured to the cup. “Drink.” Joshua looked at the goblet he sniffed it his eyes turned red as he grabbed the cup and began drinking deeply. Kaphiri folded her arms “I won’t do this all the time so you better drink when you have the opportunity.” Joshua gasped as he placed the goblet down. He wiped his mouth. “Yes I understand.” he looked up at her as his red eyes drifted back to normal she can see the clear affection in his eyes. It reminded her of him so much. The memory comes surging back, seeing him tied to the pole in such a state.

In her grief she asked Mannfred for soulblight, back then she did not think he would give it to her but once she awoken in her new state she immediately set off for vengeance. What angers her even more that if a certain someone listened to her he would still be alive. If he accepted that the sigmarites are traitors and the great enemy,  He would be here with her. Ingo was the first to believe in her and agreed to set out into the province the only one to truly understand her frustration and drive to prove themselves to the mortarch of night. Kaphiri tried to calm herself, she had all the tools she needs to torment the mortals, she focused on that and smiled. “I have an eternity to get my revenge...I will draw out the mortal’s suffering…for what they have done..” she bought her eyes upon her get. These are just the first, the first of many that will wash over Garthex like a tide.

Edric stood at the entrance of Helopolis, great throngs of dead stretched across the fields, blood knights stood at attention all that he was waiting for is Eredas and his chorot. Jonathan looked down at him from his horse “my lord don’t you have a steed?” He looked up to the vampire “I do. My mount is  not exactly a “steed” the five sisters felt a skeletal horse would be too… mundane for me. So they gifted me this.” He raise his hand flicked it slightly ghostly fire surged out.

A great howl was heard as a ghostly wolf ran towards them, Jonathan’s eyes went wide “that’s… big.” Edric gestured to the wolf “this is Gerwine a great dire wolf from the forest of Ballax. She was a mother to a great many of the dire wolves of that forest. I suspect the wolves that roam this province share some connection with her.” He mounted the great wolf. She gave a howl as he seated himself on the saddle.

He could even see Leonard, Sofia and even Abasi staring at him in somewhat awe of his mount. He spoke firmly “focus all of you. Enough gawking.” All them went to attention. Jonathan rode up to him. “I don’t mean to be a bother my lord but who will defend the city while we are away?” Edric looked into the distance he saw a wave of spirits darting through the air. “My lord crusader will watch over the city while we are gone. Do not fret for he is loyal Jonathan.” his “delegate” frowned at him mentioning the ghoul king.  He held his gaze on the spirits coming towards them. “Now enough questions Eredas has arrived.”

The head warden flew towards them surrounded by a great host of disembodied spirits and cairn wraiths. Eredas landed before him and bowed. “MY KING I AM READY.” many within the army from blood knights, necromancers and even the nobles that decided to join the warhost looked in a mix of terror and awe upon the head warden. He guessed that it’s most likely been years since anyone has actually seen the head warden. Edric nodded he unsheathed his blade and pointed. “Now we march! We march to destroy the enemies of Nagash! Unto Garthex!”

All the vampires and deathmages gave words of assessment, the spirits held their silence. The grave guard merely gave a salute as they began marching towards Garthex.

Balder stood in the grand cathedral with Arch Lector Alfred and the heads of the three noble houses. They were deep in discussion about how to deal with the plague. Out of all the things that are stabbing them in the side it’s the plague. Crime is low, warbands barely come in the cities direction. Even the villages near the outskirts are safe. Frieda shook her head “perhaps all those afflicted is due to their lack of faith?” Balder leveled his eyes at her “I doubt the people have a lack of faith in sigmar Frieda. Do well to remember that.” She lowered her head in shame. “Apologies lord celestant.” Leon sighed “perhaps this might be the work of a death cult? Those vampires sure like to poke their noses where they don’t belong.” The Arch lector stroking his chin said. “No, my witch hunters assure me there are no cults they even searched for any cults belonging to the great enemy.” Balder frowned when Alfred said that. “So I take stoning those people to death did not work?” The arch lector clenched his hands. “That was over five years ago w-” Balder pointed at him. “Jumped to conclusions far too quickly. We will never win if we doubt everyone around us as an enemy.” Eckard coughed “lord celestant they were still a danger. Considering who they bow to.”

Frieda nodded in agreement. “I hear in other cities nagashites are allowed in that will only lead to trouble. Their loyalties is not to a realm free from chaos and evil but to a macabre god that seeks all to be under his thrall.” the protests of the nobles caused him to sigh. Balder knew more than anyone what sort of creature the lord of death is. His stormhost still talk’s of Tarsus Bullheart but he had to have faith that sigmar sought an alliance with nagash for a reason. According to history despite past actions Nagash was the first to join the pantheon and the last to leave. Edric could of been the possible bridge but that bridge has been burnt long ago.

All he could do now is focus on the issues in front of him. “At most we can quarantine the ill. While we study the plague and hopefully come up with a possible cure.” Leon nodded “indeed that’s all we can do for now.” Alfred then looked at everyone. “Right is there anything else we want to talk about?” Frieda raised her hand. “I wish to speak of the city defences. I feel they are not enough.” Balder crossed his arms “since the stormkeep has been established I have received reinforcements from a nearby realm gate. We have prosecutors among our number along with additional Judicators and Liberators.” Alfred inclined his head in agreement  “Also General Adela and Captain Aldwin have been quite aggressive with the defences. They have received additional funding and many among the populace wishes to join the claws of sigmar bolstering their numbers. Even the ironweld have set up a workshop within the city.”

Frieda gave a heavy sigh at all this information “I believe in sigmar with all my heart but when I was a child and forced to read the scriptures of bone. There were several warnings for people who stray in faith. To the god of the dead that is one of the highest crimes, they say his entire fury would pour upon those who stray. Now I would not normally believe it but you have to remember many locations within shyish were created due to the god of the dead’s wrath. His agents or even the god himself come to tear everything apart I feel we have to prepare for that. It could come without warning.”

He listened to Frieda’s words while stroking his chin. “You are scared aren’t you?” Frieda bit her lip “I am not scared but many on the outskirts are. Why do you think they keep turning away the devoted from consecrating the area? They wear the hammer around their necks but they keep the grounds around them untouched. The plains around their villages still hold the bones of the dead, the same bones that they say defended the outskirts against roving warbands of the great enemy during the age of chaos.” Eckard grumbled. “Perhaps it was just passing corpse worshipper using the bones as puppets?” Freida slowly shook her head. “I questioned the villagers according to them the bones acted by themselves. Many state their own ancestors are among them.”

Alfred sighed “they profess to believe in sigmar yet refuse the consecration their lands will never be safe if they refuse.” Leon shrugged “perhaps as the lord celestant said they are afraid. For now let’s focus on the plague and devote our resources for that.” Balder inclined his head to Leon. “Agreed, I still don’t want to dismiss Frieda’s concerns I will send out the prosecutors along with prosecutor-prime Gotthard to scout around the general area. If something comes our way we'll know.” Frieda smiled and gave him a small bow. “Thank you lord celestant.” He smiled back to her “think nothing of it. I also dream of a day to see the realm free of chaos and evil. It will take work but as long as we keep faith in sigmar it will happen.” The arch lector then clapped his hands together. “I assume with that the meeting is adjourned?”

Balder placed his helmet on. “Well I have orders to give. I wish you well.” All the nobles with the arch lector gave an acknowledgment as he left by making the sign of the hammer. Balder also made the sign as he walked away as he exited the grand cathedral he found it odd how some of the villages live in such fear despite how often he patrols with his chamber and the claws of sigmar.

The grand host marched towards Garthex they were about to hit the outskirts until he spotted a great forest in the distance to the side road. He ordered everyone to wait, Jonathan rode up to him. “She is there you know that don’t you?” He held his hollow gaze on the forest. “I know she is.” he called out “Abasi! To me!” the deathmage rode towards him on his skeletal horse. He then looked at Jonathan “keep the host here I will go to gain Kaphiri’s service.” Jonathan gave a heavy sigh “I should come with you as I said things are complicated…” he heard Jonathan's complaint and dismissed them in a fraction of a second. “It does not matter if it’s complicated or not she bent the knee to be my retainer and guardian. Keep the host here while I go to the forest with Abasi.” Jonathan merely gave a slight frown as he said “very well…” Edric nodded to Abasi “let’s go.” both of them rode onwards towards the forest the closer he got to it he could sense a great amount of death magic surrounding it. He chuckled “my haven’t you been busy these past few years?”

As they entered the woods itself Gerwine growled, the sort of growl to stir off a potential predator. The woods bore a similar feeling to the forest of Ballax up north save the trees don’t have any faces. Abasi looked up to him. “Is she… really here?” Edric nodded. “Yes Mannfred told me as such at Nagashizzar, also I can feel her presence.” He hopped off his ghostly wolf and took a step forward he called out. “Kaphiri! I am here! You gave me your oath of loyalty!” the leaves rustled with an unnatural scream. An unnatural darkness that thrummed like a beating heart coalesced in front of him a figure then shot forward a fist moving through the air like lightning. Edric caught the fist in his hand the impact of the strike echoing through the woods.

He looked upon the one who attacked him her now pale face, her eyes flashing red with anger, her bat like ears and her now white hair moved in the wind. She hissed at him “why are you here!? You dare!” Kaphiri pulled her hand away and went for a roundhouse kick. He easily caught her foot. She held the strike standing on one leg her black dress flowing unnaturally in the air as she twisted to strike with her bare foot he could see the back of the dress is cut away showing pale skin. He pushed her back she held her footing despite the force he put in the push. Edric rested his hand on the pommel of his blade. “Enough of your nonsense. Summon your dead and come with me.” he said flatly. Kaphiri hissed at him baring her fangs she bound towards him readying her talons.

He dodged each of her blows, he has trained with blood knights who have fought at the side of prince Vhordai. They are true warriors, their might and blade work peerless, compared to them Kaphiri is fighting like a mad beast. He snapped his hand around her wrist before her talons could reach his skull. “Why are you doing this Kaphiri?” she stopped her attack her face looks as though he asked a foolish question. She lowered her other hand she shook her head chuckling. “It’s your fault he is dead Edric….” Kaphiri called out “children to me!” dark forms darted through the forest. What soon stood before him are three vampires they look to be villagers at best. He bought his eyes to Kaphiri. “You are handing out the soulblight to commoners? I bet they have not even proved themselves worthy of it. Mannfred would be disappointed in you.” Kaphiri spat back. “Shut up! Kill them now!” the vampires bound towards him but before they could get close a line of purple fire separated them. Kaphiri looked up to Abasi. “Damn you!” she snarled and leapt upon him. Edric fell to the ground, Kaphiri assaulted him trying to claw apart his armour. They rolled on the ground as she tried to claw away at his body.

One of the vampiric females called out “Kill him mistress! We can take his skull home!” Edric had enough of this. He sent the call out and he felt them coming towards him. Kaphiri lay on top of him smiling readying her talons to tear apart his skull as her talons moved towards him. Two figures crashed at both her sides they held halberds to her neck ready to remove her head at a mere thought. He watched Kaphiri’s face ****** into frustration “you don’t care for Ingo do you!?”  he answered as he said flaty. “No I don’t. I came for your loyalty.”

He could see Kaphiri is genuinely hurt by his answer. What he has started to find annoying is that vampires are too passionate for undead creatures. Perhaps the great necromancer wants them that way since they make better predators. Kaphiri began banging his chest plate clearly not to kill but in pure sadness and frustration. “You should of been helping me! You should've accepted Mannfred’s offer!” When she said that he realised why she seems so upset. “So you think I abandoned you?” he tried not to sigh in annoyance at such a childish reaction but for some reason he could not be mad at her. She buried her face in his chestplate. “You did! You were so caught up in the traitors words! You would pick him over us! Ingo paid for your foolishness! You are equal in the blame!”

He found her whole tirade tiresome he then heard hooves galloping towards him. “It’s not his fault that he does not care.” Kaphiri looked up at Abasi. “Shut up necromancer! What do you know!” Abasi sighed “perhaps he does care for this Ingo in his own way.” Edric looked up to him. “Don’t speak for me Abasi. You know nothing.” The old man shook his head. “If you had no passion burning within your breast why did you bring me here?” he retorted back. “You would be useful to convince her nothing more. Nothing less.” He looked upwards to the skies of the forest. “She swore an oath to me and I need her for the assault.”

Kaphiri looked up in confusion “assault? What are you talking about?” Edric spoke firmly “I am marching to Garthex I require the dead of this forest for the war.” Her fury began to slowly bleed away. Her eyes turned from red to yellow. “Have you marched on any other city yet?” He shook his head in response “no I haven’t.” as he spoke those words something unexpected happened she hugged him tightly. Confused he asked “why are you hugging me? Are you going to come with me?”

She whispered to him “you bone-headed idiot you gave the rest of it up to become stronger didn’t you?” he had no idea what she meant but he agreed. “If that is what it will take for you to leave this forest yes I did.” Edric gestured with his head for the Morghast to leave they removed their halberds and flew up towards the skies. She sat upwards on top of him she smiled. Abasi lowered the flames, the vampires ran towards them. The male drew his weapon and pointed his blade at him. “Who are you! y-you!”

Kaphiri hissed at him “Joshua put the weapon away!” he flinched as he silently sheathed his blade. She hopped off his body, Edric slowly got to his feet. “Right summon your host and come with me.” The female with the blonde hair bared his fangs at him. “At least show some respect!” Edric looked at the vampire she slinked back slightly as he placed his green eyes on her. “Kaphiri you need to discipline them.” she shrugged “she belongs to me Edric I-” He retorted “whatever belongs to you also belongs to me. I am her king and she is my subject.”  Kaphiri sighed “let’s just summon my host and go.” she raised her hands and began chanting the incantation tons of skeletal hands began shooting out of the ground.

As the dead clawed themselves out of the ground Kaphiri puffed out her chest. “So what do you think?” he looked upon the gathered host of dead. “I expected more actually.” In reaction Kaphiri gripped his armour and began shaking him. “What do you mean you expected more! I have been gathering them for years!” after she finished with her tantrum she sighed. “You haven’t changed completely…” he shrugged in response. “Whatever you say…” he looked up to Abasi who is smiling for some reason. He then faced Kaphiri “I forgot to mention the necromancer I bought with me is you father. His name is Abasi.” Kaphiri’s eyes almost bulged out of her eyes. Abasi sighed heavily “my lord you have no tact do you?” Edric shrugged again “better to get it over with now so you can focus on the battle.” He gestured as he began walking out of the forest “right let’s get moving we can’t leave the army waiting forever.” Kaphiri still looked surprised the emotion slowly drifted away as she chuckled. “Perhaps you are still the same?” When he heard her say that he stopped just for a moment but continued to the exit and made his way out with Gerwine.

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