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Difference in Khorne Battletomes?

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So, Khorne (and I guess SEs) have two battletomes while some factions still have none. That's fine and all, but is it really worth the extra dosh to get the new battletome or will the older one suffice? What was updated so much after the first book that a whole new one was commissioned? Are the warscrolls in the first book good enough to get by or have the warscrolls been updated online.

Note: I only have Khorne models from the AoS starter and don't expect to add to this force at all.

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As mentioned, I only have Bloodbound units from the AoS starter and no interest in expanding into Khorne demons. Can I get by with the first battletome or do I need the updated units/cost/values/etc in the new book?

Also, for the record, we've been using the Khorne stats from the original AoS starter box....so I guess we've been already playing with outdated stat lines...

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49 minutes ago, Mr. White said:

As mentioned, I only have Bloodbound units from the AoS starter and no interest in expanding into Khorne demons. Can I get by with the first battletome or do I need the updated units/cost/values/etc in the new book?

Also, for the record, we've been using the Khorne stats from the original AoS starter box....so I guess we've been already playing with outdated stat lines...

Technically, you can get by without any of the books.  The app will give you updated stats and the Warscroll Builder will give you points.  However, you wouldn't have allegiance abilities, artifacts, or battalion abilities.  If you are going to get a book, I recommend the Blades of Khorne for the reasons Auticus stated.  You also get some great art and stories.  Finally, you never know when that Bloodthirster is going to call you.

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Blades of Khorne is a pretty worthwhile upgrade if you're running any kind of Khorne force.  As @Auticus says it contains updated points, units, artefacts and prayers.  There are also a load of new Khorne battalions which I'd say make a massive difference for a Bloodbound army.

The choice is yours though, if you've the first book and happy to run using the points from the first Generals Handbook then that's fine.  What  I would be cautious about is mixing new (downloaded) warscrolls with the old ones.  The Mighty Lord, Bloodsecrator, Khorgorath, Bloodreavers (plus a few others) have received updated warscrolls so you risk confusing your opponent if you mix and match them.

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Personally the biggest reason for me to buy the BoK book is because it's a complete book with true army content. I don't like the Bloodbound Battletome too much because well, it doesn't feel like the type of force that could stand up against Stormcasts all by itself. With this I dont mean that Bloodbound sucks, it just means that I feel that without the Khorne Daemons I cannot personally envision the army doing what they did in the lore.

To me BoK is an upgrade in lore, fleshed out rules, fleshed out army and typical vision of Khorne in Age of Sigmar that isn't completely revolved around cannibals and headchoppers because if you got a pound for every time that's mentioned in the Bloodbound Battletome you'd got an army box for free with it.

So aside from all the rules Blades of Khorne gives you I like it because it makes Khorne's army a complete process. From Bloodthirster to Scyla. Its an awesome piece of work visually and in terms of narrative. If I had to grade it it would be a 8/10, with the only things missing being Forge World's Khorne designs (or at least mentioning them) and Slaves to Darkness units. 

My vision is biased. I like complete works to be in one bundle instead of many. It's one of the reasons why to date I can't stand the fact that Battletome Everchosen doesn't include Slaves to Darkness units while Everchosen's lore confirms this is what their armies are made up from.


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I solely play bloodbound and I highly recommend the new book, for the reasons everyone stated. The way the meta currently is, a pure melee army needs ways to counteract that. The new tome gives you access to things like blood tithe, new battalions and artefacts that give options to do that. Things like longer pile ins and charges/attacks/blood tithe in the hero phase.

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The Khorne Bloodbound book only has fluff, old Warscrolls and a few scenarios. The Blades of Khorne book includes more fluff, updated Warscrolls, same scenarios (I think, honestly haven't checked), demons, abilities, artifacts, prayers and points. In other words if you're going to buy a Khorne book buy the new one. 

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The old tome doesn't use the "keyword bold" to clarify for Warscroll Battalions if it is a name or a keyword for an acceptable model type.


The new tome fixes that.


Battleplans are different:

Old tome:

Relentless Assault

Clash of Heroes

Reclaim the Fallen



Gathering Bloodstorm

Skulls for the Skullthrone


Old Battalions missing in the new book:

Goreblade Warband (Starter Set)

Bloodstorm (3 Wrathmongers)


There may be others, but the old book doesn't have synergy with Daemons, and no daemonic warscrolls/Battalions.


The new book is a much better option than the old book (overall).




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