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Gutbuster themed snacks


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I'm playing in a relaxed 1k tournament to end a learners league next week. Win loss does not decide the winner. You need to bring a snack to share with each of your opponents. At the end of the day, each player ranks their favorite opponents on a combination of sportsmanship and the snacks they brought (each player decides the ratio of the two).

I'm bringing two units of 6 Ogors, 6 leadbealchers, a butcher and a gorger.

I'm having a hard time thinking of snacks to bring that would tie into my army. Any ideas?



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On 27-7-2017 at 8:15 PM, Nogle said:

If I had the time to get a greasus goldtooth and paint him, I'd bring gold chocolate coins and little bottles of liquor for the bribes.

Haha Thats brilliant. On the same lines or you bringing a butcher? I'm about to get mine a bigger base to put a couldron on (instead of the insanely expensive real one). That is an easy conversion and opens a whole lot of options like stew, soup and gluhwein. 

Also isn't a gutbuster a horrendous shot? (As in alcohol mix)?

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Ha! What a strange win condition for an event, I love it!!

@Nogle - The Greasus Goldtooth bribe option would be super cool! Failing that I reckon beef jerky or something like that could work. I remember back in WFB 6th Edition Phil Manwaring playing Ogre Kingdoms and offering out jerky to his opponents.

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