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"Creatures of the Night" Themed 2k List


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So I was sifting through some of my older collection yesterday and realized I had a ton of the old style dire wolves. (The ones that were basically just normal wolves with a metal head replacement for the leader) along with a decent number of fel bats and bat swarms and I got to thinking that an alternate list themed around classic "creatures of the night" might be fun. (Though not overly competitive). Its a bummer that Dire Wolves aren't battleline so I had to squeeze some skeletons in but this is what I came up with:


Neferata Mortarch Of Blood (440) - General (Mannfred would fit better thematically, but I built mine as Neferata and am not planning to buy another ;))

Varghulf Courtier (160) - Artefact: Cursed Book - Basically a big giant bat. :) Also Cursed book + Neferata command ability + his healing makes for an incredibly tough 160pt monster

Heinrich Kemmler, The Lichemaster (160) - Just feels "right", is an old school classic guy that I could see summoning this sort of army, Plus his spell is good for keeping all the bats alive.

Necromancer (120) - Can't leave home without one. ;)

3 x Fell Bats (80)

3 x Fell Bats (80)

2 x Bat Swarms (80)

2 x Bat Swarms (80)

2 x Bat Swarms (80)

2 x Bat Swarms (80)

10 x Dire Wolves (120)

10 x Dire Wolves (120)

20 x Skeleton Warriors (160) 

20 x Skeleton Warriors (160) 

10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)


Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas? I figure this list would do quite well against any shooting focused army as it gets in your face pretty fast while stacking -1 to hit bonuses thanks to Neferata and the Swarms. Where it will struggle I feel is against lists that are more resilient such as BCR or armies that have big mobs of infantry. 

I'd like to summon some of the bat swarms but since the summoning spell gives you 3 bases of them that doesn't work very well considering their minimum unit size is 2 so I'd have to "pay" for 4 when I summon them.

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