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Weekly Hobby Update : 6-7-17



Hey everyone!  It is Wednesday so it is time for my weekly hobby update.  My Hobby hasn't slowed down despite a lot of work travel lately, but the more hobby the better.  From Club Days to  Coalescence preparation, and even my Youtube Debut it has been frantic and fun.


I was lucky enough to be brought on as a guest on last weeks Warhammer Weekly Hosted by Vince and Tom.  We did a review on the "New" Stormcast book and I was honored to join them and hope to be back on in the future.  Check out the video here and be sure to catch his live talkss every Wednesday.


This past weekend my club held its second Barter/Buy day and lots of minis exchanged hands in a fun filled day.  Some of my gains can be seen below.


I was able to round out a full 2000pt Blades of Khorne list with a few recent additions.  It isn't my ideal list, but I can finally begin painting these guys soon and a new project is always an exciting feeling.


Also, I got my hands on an unwanted Unforgiven army.  I will be stripping it to ready it for a new paint job for my #New40k army.  I am currently debating on stripping my older Dark Angels for a fresh coat of paint as well, but time will tell with that endeavor.


Last on my table has been my final preparations for Coalescence this Saturday.  Packs are printed, the terrain is painted, and the players are excited so it will be a great event for everyone.  The prizes and awards will be fun to track and hand out.  I will be doing a follow up to my event next week as well.

As always feel free to follow me on Twitter to see what I am working on in more depth as well as letting me know what you have going on.  Until Friday, Happy Hobbying!

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I enjoyed the warhammmer weekly show. There were some fun insights especially as I don't play stormcast at all so it's nice to get some thoughts on particular units. 

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