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So I looked on the photos and fall in to depression, models I painted and was ok once you look on them on the table in the cruel but honest eye of camera are  well not that good. I know what I am doing bad, the transition of paints is bad. I am thinking of trying different mechanics for orruk skin first paint them bright green (with yellow) and then delude warbooss green with lamia to make a shade.

Any way here are my Brutes, I am not fully happy with boss back I think I over did it with blades on his back. P1000688.JPG.a2feb1ca070bd78779f9dea46022d4bd.JPGP1000689.JPG.85c136d8a251bb7fc9c4c521bacce935.JPGP1000690.JPG.10e249ac40304de1e20dce1b17a86567.JPGP1000691.JPG.8bee77fc0ef4c4e3f451385e7485a94c.JPGP1000692.JPG.5c619ebbc95a3ba3410e673b8d218bc8.JPGP1000693.JPG.34eb7c97a93513434d00fadba275e9b6.JPGP1000694.JPG.d015e325b7a947b50f3216e93fff4405.JPGP1000695.JPG.3d0246344377297633410a7b14daebee.JPGP1000696.JPG.f75e19d155deb0b5b950b257eb0ea11b.JPGP1000697.JPG.7a93520dd2e07fc4724e52a84b0a83bc.JPGP1000698.JPG.27d9853c1734bc7cbc77c83ed7ec0cb5.JPGP1000699.JPG.06ce18af1edf1f0d597af7d4552d3f7e.JPGP1000699.JPG.06ce18af1edf1f0d597af7d4552d3f7e.JPGP1000700.JPG.a70106110399e4f9475e63c072e0a549.JPGP1000697.JPG.7a93520dd2e07fc4724e52a84b0a83bc.JPGP1000701.JPG.c31d930fe7fb87746ad2d185ed3e4204.JPGP1000702.JPG.17ec6d214a2256fc38d582e0ce93804d.JPGP1000703.JPG.bde06b69ba4e9eb8a72c43c847cf0b2f.JPG


Comments and advises are welcome


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Your light box is clearly working well. The pictures are  good quality. 

I have a couple of things that you might want to think about. Firstly the Add Boy with the black on it doesn't really go with the Brutes. The Brutes have not got any of the black on them, and I would say they have too much red on them. I'd have been inclined to go in with more of the black on the armor. 

Also are the weapons supposed to have blood on them? At the moment they look like red painted weapons. If they are blood I would have slightly less on them. 

Keep working on the army though - it will serve you well, and keep posting pictures too!  

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Thx for the comment, I know they have different painting color schemes, at that point I had some idae behind that and now I do not know what. Perhaps it started as the ardd boys being black coz back then they were black Orcs and after Ironjawz I wanted to have them in a color. Now I have no idea why. Perhaps I will repaint the brutes but it will not be in a near furute. 

The weapons were to be painted red with scratches on them as on the rest of the metal.

Any way on to the arrdboys

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