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Sky Fires





I had planned on taking the Sylvaneth to the South Coast GT this year and doing a display board to compete against Mat Lyons and Stev Foote for the Coolest Army award. However a couple of things have scuppered that plan. Firstly my wife gave birth to our second child and, despite us purchasing a nice little SUV for transportation, there is no way that we can get a display board, two children, an army and and a pram. Therefore I decided I could do a new army! Its February right? SCGT isn't till April! Thats loads of time....


My list for the South Coast GT will hopefully be a Tzeentch army. I'm going to keep the exact build under wraps here for a bit (Sorry:ph34r:), but there were a few things I wanted to include. A lord of change is a must with the new model, and I also wanted to have some of the new Sky Fire models as everyone seems to be singing their praises. So I hopped onto the Element Games website and ordered a few boxes. 

Now for some advice - paint the discs in pieces before gluing them together! This would have been soooooooo much easier and would have given me a better  result. I'll know for next time if I decide to add some of the Tzangor Enlightened. The Tzangors themselves, although they look complicated, actually go together pretty well and paint up fairly easily. I kept all the gold parts straight gold to save time, and I also checked out Vince Venturella's speed painting guide for doing Tzangors (relatively) quickly

Here is the test model that I have done so far...


You'll notice that the disc is horrendously the wrong colour. I did the discs first and get the colour tone all wrong. These should have been much paler or a completely different colour all together. The purple and blue do not work complement each other at all. Otherwise I am a fan of what I have done so far and I'm looking at the getting the next two done this week at some point so keep your eyes peeled. 

Let me know what you think of them in the comments below. 


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Super jealous.  I haven't even started painted Tzaangor yet as I can't figure out a way to make it look as pretty as yours and the book's!

Even the basing looks cool.  Disc looks neat, what didn't you like about it?  I'm a big fan of the skin though - which for now is the hardest part for me to figure out.

Hope to see more!

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12 hours ago, Goodwin said:

Disc looks neat, what didn't you like about it?  I'm a big fan of the skin though - which for now is the hardest part for me to figure out.

The colour balance isn't right. The purple is the wrong colour. I could have got away with it if I had used a paler purple, but it would have been better if it was off white, or pale blue fr example. 

The skin on these was super simple. I sprayed it Macragge blue, then sprayed it again using a pale baby blue (zenithal highlight style) from above/45 degree sort of angle. The highlight was just a slightly watered down lutheran blue and a very final highlight of Blue Horror. I'm very sparse with my highlights these days. You don't need to highlight every little bit. I tend to do hands, faces and any prominent parts (on these I did the chest and top of the feet). 

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I may have to finally invest in an airbrush.  I was hoping I wouldn't have to, but I do enough stuff that its probably worth while.

Thanks for the rundown and good luck on the rest!

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14 minutes ago, Goodwin said:

I may have to finally invest in an airbrush.  I was hoping I wouldn't have to, but I do enough stuff that its probably worth while.

Thanks for the rundown and good luck on the rest!

I have an airbrush, but all the stuff I've done on the Tzeentch army has all been done with spray cans. 

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