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Clan Moulder Progress



The last time I posted things were very different.  I'd started to paint some clanrats for my mostly Moulder list.  I was planning (as I'm traditionally a slow painter) to paint the army over a period of months.  I'd even written a month by month plan - of an unambitious 'one unit per month'.  Then, on a whim, I finally decided to bite the bullet and go to my first tournament.  I bought tickets to Blood and Glory!  My army painting time had been cut from seven months to less than two!

It has proven the motivation I needed!

Three weeks to go and I'm well on the way.  The rat ogors and the abomination are only at the basecoat and shade stage, but I'm getting there.  It's a chilly outside so I won't be venturing down to the shed to get pictures, but please enjoy what I have on my phone.


I'm pretty proud of my rat ogors thus far.  I've never really done any green stuff work before and, whilst I was planning to spend on months on these, I think they look reasonably coherent considering I've had to slap them together in a week.  I have sixteen in the list and they hit like a train.  If I do make any changes to my list, it'll probably be to add even more!


I'm mighty pleased so far.  The skin on the rat ogors and hellpit needs lots of work but I'm comfortably ahead of my pre Blood and Glory schedule!

I think I'll put this whole army in this thread and only open a new on for my next project.  Comments more than welcome.

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Things have lept forward (racing to get ready for Blood and Glory has helped!). 

There's loads I still want to do but they're very much tournament ready. Can't wait! 20161124_213515.jpg

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